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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (3 Viewers)

Mueller, She Wrote Podcast


The brief is filed! Any subpoenas already issued & indictments already charged under seal or not can’t be blocked by Whitaker. Further, Mueller states he has the full authority of a US Attorney- which would allow him to unseal any indictments without Whitaker’s permission. BOOM


Mueller Says He Still Exercises the Full Authority of a US Attorney (link: https://www.emptywheel.net/2018/11/19/mueller-says-he-still-exercises-the-full-authority-of-a-us-attorney/) emptywheel.net/2018/11/19/mue…
Let's see what the opposing brief says, and who wrote it.

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SaintsInDome2006 said:
We have what a month or two while this can have effect? Even so I’m not sure he can stop judicial nominees from getting out of Committee and he needs one more GOP Senator for a block on the floor and I doubt that happens.
11 Republicans on the committee, 10 Democrats. So theoretically if he votes with the Democrats he can stop anything he wants. 

(Of course this is theoretical. You know that in the end he’ll find a way to reluctantly vote with the Republicans.) 

I had a weird dream last night that Donald Trump was being offered immunity in return for his testimony against the ultimate target: Sam Nunberg.

I don't get why the Mueller/Whittaker thing is wringing such hands amongst the Democrats.  Trump has nothing to hide.  He's innocent.  Mueller coming out on record and saying there's nothing there is the ULTIMATE ownage of the libs.  Trump won't get that if he shuts down this witchunt, leading nowhere investigation. 

I don't get why the Mueller/Whittaker thing is wringing such hands amongst the Democrats.  Trump has nothing to hide.  He's innocent.  Mueller coming out on record and saying there's nothing there is the ULTIMATE ownage of the libs.  Trump won't get that if he shuts down this witchunt, leading nowhere investigation. 
That's how they lull you into a false sense of security.  Then WHAM! Perjury trap.

If anyone wants a review of all the things in public view pertaining to the russia investigation, I recommend:

Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America

By Seth Abramson

Warning: It will make you angry.

Kyle Griffin‏Verified account @kylegriffin1

In the three years after he arrived in Washington in 2014, Matthew Whitaker received more than $1,200,000 as the leader of a conservative nonprofit with obscure roots, no other employees, and undisclosed funders, WaPo reports.

Kyle Griffin‏Verified account @kylegriffin1

In the three years after he arrived in Washington in 2014, Matthew Whitaker received more than $1,200,000 as the leader of a conservative nonprofit with obscure roots, no other employees, and undisclosed funders, WaPo reports.
The best grifters people

Kyle Griffin‏Verified account @kylegriffin1

"Whitaker's 2017 pay from the charity — more than $500,000 for the first nine months, or half the charity's receipts for the year, according to tax filings — and the group's earlier, dormant incarnation have not been previously reported by media."

5 times in 2 weeks??

Jim Sciutto‏Verified account @jimsciutto

Breaking: Acting AG Whitaker financial disclosure forms reveal more than $1 million in payments from dark money group. Whitaker corrected his financial forms five times since being appointed earlier this month, according to the forms, CNN reporting.

2:16 PM - 20 Nov 2018

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5 times in 2 weeks??

Jim Sciutto‏Verified account @jimsciutto

Breaking: Acting AG Whitaker financial disclosure forms reveal more than $1 million in payments from dark money group. Whitaker corrected his financial forms five times since being appointed earlier this month, according to the forms, CNN reporting.

2:16 PM - 20 Nov 2018
Doesn't look shady at all.  Remember when all of those Democrats and Independents had this problem though? 

Whittaker stuff reminds of Kwame Kilpatrick. Actually all of this administration is just classic political machine ####. Fake charities, selling access, etc,

Banger said:
5 times in 2 weeks??

Jim Sciutto‏Verified account @jimsciutto

Breaking: Acting AG Whitaker financial disclosure forms reveal more than $1 million in payments from dark money group. Whitaker corrected his financial forms five times since being appointed earlier this month, according to the forms, CNN reporting.

2:16 PM - 20 Nov 2018

"So, what's your job in the administration?"

"Oh, all I do is just constantly correct my own financial disclosures.  It's a full time job."

File this under - What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

It is unclear whether Mr. Trump read Mr. McGahn’s memo or whether he pursued the prosecutions further. But the president has continued to privately discuss the matter, including the possible appointment of a second special counsel to investigate both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey, according to two people who have spoken to Mr. Trump about the issue. He has also repeatedly expressed disappointment in the F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray, for failing to more aggressively investigate Mrs. Clinton, calling him weak, one of the people said.

A White House spokesman declined to comment. A spokeswoman for the F.B.I. declined to comment on the president’s criticism of Mr. Wray, whom he appointed last year after firing Mr. Comey.

“Mr. McGahn will not comment on his legal advice to the president,” said Mr. McGahn’s lawyer, William A. Burck. “Like any client, the president is entitled to confidentiality. Mr. McGahn would point out, though, that the president never, to his knowledge, ordered that anyone prosecute Hillary Clinton or James Comey.”

It is not clear which accusations Mr. Trump wanted prosecutors to pursue. He has accused Mr. Comey, without evidence, of illegally having classified information shared with The New York Times in a memo that Mr. Comey wrote about his interactions with the president. The document contained no classified information.

Mr. Trump’s lawyers also privately asked the Justice Department last year to investigate Mr. Comey for mishandling sensitive government information and for his role in the Clinton email investigation. Law enforcement officials declined their requests. Mr. Comey is a witness against the president in the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

At this point I'm not really shocked anymore. I think that ended when it came out that Trump wanted to give Gulen to the Turks so they'd be quiet about the Saudi assassination. 

The next time this administration does something right and/or ethical THEN I'll be shocked. It's really pathetic.
He is solving the wildfires with aggressive raking so we don’t have to worry about those anymore.

House Intelligence Panel Hiring Money-Laundering Sleuths

This seems like trouble for Trump.  Mueller is a pro, but the scope of his mission is limited by the appointment letter and how its interpreted by his superiors as well as the applicable statute and regs and DOJ guidelines. He's also not partisan.  Schiff and the Dems, on the other hand, can take this thing anywhere they want to take it and publish anything they find that they want the public to know. They do face a time crunch before the 2020 election however, assuming they're starting from scratch after Nunes neutered the committee.

House Intelligence Panel Hiring Money-Laundering Sleuths

This seems like trouble for Trump.  Mueller is a pro, but the scope of his mission is limited by the appointment letter and how its interpreted by his superiors as well as the applicable statute and regs and DOJ guidelines. He's also not partisan.  Schiff and the Dems, on the other hand, can take this thing anywhere they want to take it and publish anything they find that they want the public to know. They do face a time crunch before the 2020 election however, assuming they're starting from scratch after Nunes neutered the committee.
What if Trump orders the classification of whole caches of documents?

What if Trump orders the classification of whole caches of documents?
I've been trying to point this out about Trump's (illegal) demands for prosecuting, not prosecuting, classifying or declassifying - Trump doesn't realize that there are rules and procedures for this. He can't just snap his fingers, order it made so, and then presto. No there are career professionals who look over this stuff, there are firewalls and procedures and they can personally get in trouble if they do what the president asks, and even if one person does do it, others will have to be signing off. It's extremely difficult to overcome such hurdles.

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House Intelligence Panel Hiring Money-Laundering Sleuths

This seems like trouble for Trump.  Mueller is a pro, but the scope of his mission is limited by the appointment letter and how its interpreted by his superiors as well as the applicable statute and regs and DOJ guidelines. He's also not partisan.  Schiff and the Dems, on the other hand, can take this thing anywhere they want to take it and publish anything they find that they want the public to know. They do face a time crunch before the 2020 election however, assuming they're starting from scratch after Nunes neutered the committee.
We are so far down the rabbit hole I can't imagine it will matter any more. 

We are so far down the rabbit hole I can't imagine it will matter any more. 
It won't matter in terms of impeaching him, or the party/base turning against him, of course. 

But we're now more than halfway to the 2020 election, and everything matters for that.  Believe it or not there are still voters out there who don't know if they'll vote for him or his opponent or maybe for a third party. There are people who don't know if they'll vote at all. If the committee turns up clear evidence that, say, the Trump Org laundered money for Russian oligarchs at his direction, it would cost him a decent number of votes.

It won't matter in terms of impeaching him, or the party/base turning against him, of course. 

But we're now more than halfway to the 2020 election, and everything matters for that.  Believe it or not there are still voters out there who don't know if they'll vote for him or his opponent or maybe for a third party. There are people who don't know if they'll vote at all. If the committee turns up clear evidence that, say, the Trump Org laundered money for Russian oligarchs at his direction, it would cost him a decent number of votes.
Hm. Maybe

Hm. Maybe

Set aside the possibility of a decent number of 2016 Trump voters voting Dem in 2020.  That still leaves the following possibilities who could be affected by clear evidence that the President of the United States is a felon beholden to Russian oligarchs:

- People who stayed home in 2016 but would vote Dem just to make sure the US doesn't have an obvious felon for a president.

- People who voted third party in 2016 but would vote Dem just to make sure the US doesn't have an obvious felon for a president.

- Infrequent voters who voted Trump in 2016 because they liked his message and his Apprentice-burnished reputation but would revert to their previous pattern upon learning that the guy that motivated them to vote is actually a felon.

That's potentially a lot of people.  Clinton lost by 80,000 votes spread across three states.

I understand feeling like nothing mattered for the first two years, because they didn't.  But at least now we know our elections are (mostly) intact and can make a difference.

I've been trying to point this out about Trump's (illegal) demands for prosecuting, not prosecuting, classifying or declassifying - Trump doesn't realize that there are rules and procedures for this. He can't just snap his fingers, order it made so, and then presto. No there are career professionals who look over this stuff, there are firewalls and procedures and they can personally get in trouble if they do what the president asks, and even if one person does do it, others will have to be signing off. It's extremely difficult to overcome such hurdles.
But people would essentially have to be willing to get fired because proper procedures weren't followed.  Maybe there are safeguards against getting summarily dismissed for not following the President's orders, but I could see Trump pushing that limit.

Not sure what you mean, but the members of the Select Committees on Intelligence are authorized to see all kinds of classified stuff anyway.
These are classified documents. Double secret classified. The most classified documents in history. They are so classified, we’re going to need a whole new level of government employee to redact them. Actually not a government official but a private business employee. Maybe Eric Prince knows a guy. 

I've been trying to point this out about Trump's (illegal) demands for prosecuting, not prosecuting, classifying or declassifying - Trump doesn't realize that there are rules and procedures for this. He can't just snap his fingers, order it made so, and then presto. No there are career professionals who look over this stuff, there are firewalls and procedures and they can personally get in trouble if they do what the president asks, and even if one person does do it, others will have to be signing off. It's extremely difficult to overcome such hurdles.
You call them hurdles, I call them Freedom bumps


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