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5th Annual FBG Chess Tournament- Congratulations to Otello, 1st place with 5.5 points! (5 wins, one draw) (1 Viewer)


Round 6

Otello (4.5) vs. Juxtat (3.5) (1-0)

kutta (4) vs. Sackyourpieces (4)

AAABatteries (3) vs. andyjayhawker (3.5)

chasec (3) vs. timschochet (3) (0-1)

scoobus (3) vs. Aerial Assault (2.5) (1-0)

need2know (2.5) vs. Psychopav (2) (1-0)

brojimluv (2.5) vs. Trogg78 (2) (1-0)

Shuke (2) vs. Nysfl2 (2)

ragincajun (1) vs. Sand101 (1)

shader (1) vs. Nick Vermeil (1-0)

Round 5

Sackyourpieces (3.5) vs. Juxtat (3) (1/2-1/2)

Otello (3.5) vs. AAABatteries (3) (1-0)

chasec (3) vs. kutta (3) (0-1)

andyjayhawker (2.5) vs. Aerial Assault (2.5) (1-0)

timschochet (2) vs. Psychopav (2) (1-0)

Trogg78 (2) vs. Scoobus (2) (0-1)

shuke (2) vs. need2know (1.5) (0-1)

brojimluv (1.5) vs. sand101 (1) (1-0)

nysfl2 (1) vs. Nick Vermeil (1-0)

ragincajun (1) vs. shader (0-1)

Round Four

Sackyourpieces (3) vs. Otello (3) (1/2-1/2)

juxtat (2.5) vs. andjayhawker (2) (1/2-1/2)

kutta (2) vs. timschochet (2) (1-0)

AAAbatteries (2) vs. Trogg78 (2) (1-0)

need2know (1.5) vs. chasec (2) (0-1)

Aerial Assault (1.5) vs. brojimluv (1.5) (1-0)

Psychopav (1) vs. sand101 (1) (1-0)

scoobus (1) vs. nysfl2 (1) (1-0)

shuke (1) vs. shader (1-0)

ragincajun vs. Nick Vermiel (1-0)

Round Three

andyjayhawker (2) vs. Otello (2) (0-1)

timschochet (2) vs. SackYourPieces (2) (0-1)

juxtat (1.5) vs. need2know (1.5) (1-0)

kutta (1) vs. Aerial Assault (1.5) (1-0)

Sand101 (1) vs. AAABatteries (1) (0-1)

Psychopav (1) vs. Trogg78 (1) (0-1)

chasec (1) vs. scoobus (1) (1-0)

 shader vs. brojimluv (.5) (0-1)

Nick Vermiel vs. shuke (0-1)

Nysfl2 vs. ragincajun (1-0)

Round Two

Otello (1) vs. kutta (1) (1-0)

sand101 (1) vs. SackYourPieces (1) (0-1)

Juxtat (1) vs. Aerial Assault (1) (1/2-1/2)

trogg78 (1) vs. timschochet (1) (0-1)

Nick Vermiell) vs. need2know (1/2) (0-1)

brojmluv (1/2) vs. andyjayhawker (1) (0-1)

AAABatteries vs. nysfl2 (1-0)

scoobus vs. Shuke (1-0)

ragincajun vs. Psychopav (0-1)

shader vs. chasec (0-1)

Round One (Left side= White)

SackYourPieces vs. Shuke (1-0)

andyjayhawker vs. Nick Vermeil (1-0)

chasec vs. trogg78 (0-1)

need2know vs. brojimluv (1/2-1/2)

Psychopav vs. Juxtat (0-1)

nysfl2 vs. Otello (0-1)

sand101 vs. scoobus (1-0)

timschochet vs. shader (1-0)

kutta vs. AAABatteries (1-0)

Aerial Assault vs. ragincajun (1-0)



Juxtatarot  (Juxtat)


SacramentoBob (SackYourPieces)








brotherjim (brojimluv)


Sand (sand101)

UniAlias (chasec)


Nick Vermeil

Aerial Assault


Last edited by a moderator:
Conference next week, so no way I could do this starting off.  But if you need a replacement after that Tim let me know.

In.  Psychopav.

Hey Tim, could you list the Chess Time user names next to the FBG user names in the first post?  TIA.

I also vote to start at the end of next week, if Sand could make it work that way.

AAABatteries said:
Can I request to not play kutta - guys a jerk.
The way it's been going lately you should be begging to play me. You have a win and a draw in our last three games...

would like to play.   So just download the chesstime app to my iTunes account & then set up an account name there?   is that correct?   I'm a dufess regarding apps & such.

I would play but appears chesstime is an app for a phone.  If it went to my computer I could use it.  I don't use my cell hardly at all but if you email me your move I can respond immediately.  If that's a pain I understand.  No big deal either way.   I do the training puzzles on lichess but haven't played anyone in years.  For the puzzle rating I'm 1522, whatever that means. 

I would play but appears chesstime is an app for a phone.  If it went to my computer I could use it.  I don't use my cell hardly at all but if you email me your move I can respond immediately.  If that's a pain I understand.  No big deal either way.   I do the training puzzles on lichess but haven't played anyone in years.  For the puzzle rating I'm 1522, whatever that means. 
Android emulator?  Simple to download and then you can get Chess Time and Angry Birds and Temple Run and play to your heart's content. :)

Because I'm mostly disliked around here. Figured it might be like school where I was the only kid not allowed on the field trips.

Not that I want to play....just wanted to know if I could.
Your last sentence might be the reason for your first sentence. 

Update: 13 in so far:



Juxtatarot  (Juxtat)


SacramentoBob (SackYourPieces)








brotherjim (brojimluv)

Someone should pm the guys who haven't checked in yet but post in the Chess thread.

I mean, not me.  I'm far too lazy.  But someone should.


How many moves are expected a day?  How often during a work day?  Every 4 hours? Every hour?  Every 15 minutes?

How many moves are expected a day?  How often during a work day?  Every 4 hours? Every hour?  Every 15 minutes?
Shuke it doesn't work that way. All  I can say is that most rounds take 2-3 days, sometimes 3-4 days. If all games in a round except one is completed, and that one game is still in it's beginning or middle stages, then it's unfair to everybody else. So just like driving you have to stay with the flow of traffic. If you're uncomfortable with that, or if you can't commit to speeding up your game once most people are finished in a round, then this tournament is not for you. Otherwise you're very welcome. 

As far as the speed of games, one thing that can help is to use the app's chat feature and communicate.  If a game is going slowly, telling your opponent, for example, "I'm going to be busy in a meeting all afternoon but I will be free to make several moves tonight."


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