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2nd Official Free For All Chess Tournament- Green & Gold= Champion (1 Viewer)

Bogart said:
timschochet said:
OK. Bogart plays Ray Karpis. bogart is white. AAA and Otis are out. I will change the OP later but you guys can start.
Invite sent.
Very sorry guys - forgot to check in. With my performance in my first two games it probably worked out.

Joffer def. Steve Tasker 1-0

Great game, but I won't drag it out any longer. 2 major errors and you never gave me a chance to recover. I made a move for the attack too early with Qa5 and paid dearly...managed to get out without losing material but was reduced to total passivity against the massive queenside pawn attack. SacBob>see, I told you my flaw is that I try to attack too early. I had started to get some confidence back, even thought a draw might be possible till I threw away that pawn and wrecked my entire kingside. Not more than like 30 minutes after he made his "interesting" post, lol.

I cannot ####### believe I played 29. ... h5. I dearly wanted to play Rc6 but was terrified of Ne5+ leading to wild complications and possibly losing the h-pawn. I thought I could play h5 as a waiting move before Rc6 to preserve the pawn and realized it as soon as I hit the move button that it was over. Absolutely no way I could come back from that.

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. c4 Bg7 4. Nc3 d6 5. Bf4 O-O 6. h3 Nbd7 7. e3 c6 8. Be2
Re8 9. O-O Qa5 10. a3 c5 11. Nb5 a6 12. b4 Qd8 13. Nc3 cxd4 14. exd4 Nb6 15. Rc1
Bf5 16. Bd3 Qd7 17. Re1 Rac8 18. Ne2 Rc7 19. Ng3 Bxd3 20. Qxd3 Rec8 21. c5 Nbd5
22. Bg5 h6 23. Bd2 Qb5 24. Qxb5 axb5 25. Ne4 Nxe4 26. Rxe4 f5 27. Re6 Kf7 28.
Rce1 dxc5 29. dxc5 h5 30. Ng5+ Kf8 31. Rxg6 Rc6 32. Ne6+ Rxe6 33. Rgxe6 Kf7 34.
Bg5 Rc6 35. R6e2 e6 36. h4 Bf6 37. Bxf6 Kxf6 38. Rd2 b6 39. Rc1 Ke5 40. Rdc2 Kd4
41. cxb6 Rxb6 42. Rc6 Kd3 43. Rxb6 Nxb6 44. Rc6 1-0
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timschochet (2) vs. Brownsfan (2) (1-0)
Joffer (2) vs. Steve Tasker (2) (1-0)
Joe T (2) vs. Green and Gold (2) (0-1)
Boomboom (2) vs. Sand (1.5) (0-1)
Wdcrop (1.5) vs. Otello (1) (.5-.5)
Kutta (1) vs. Witz (1) (1-0)
Shader (1) vs. Unialias (1) (0-1)
Cheese (1) vs. Pizzatyme (1) (0-1)
Rajincajun (1) vs. Mister CIA (1) (0-1)
nysfl2 (1) vs. Abraham (1) (1-0)
spOOfy (1) vs. Psychopav (1) (0-1)
Bogart (.5) vs. Ray Karpis in progress
TimmyPG (.5) vs. Rascal (.5) (0-1)
Jamny vs. Shotsup (1-0)
AcerFC vs. timschochet2 (1-0)

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Joffer def. Steve Tasker 1-0

Great game, but I won't drag it out any longer. 2 major errors and you never gave me a chance to recover. I made a move for the attack too early with Qa5 and paid dearly...managed to get out without losing material but was reduced to total passivity against the massive queenside pawn attack. SacBob>see, I told you my flaw is that I try to attack too early. I had started to get some confidence back, even thought a draw might be possible till I threw away that pawn and wrecked my entire kingside. Not more than like 30 minutes after he made his "interesting" post, lol.

I cannot ####### believe I played 29. ... h5. I dearly wanted to play Rc6 but was terrified of Ne5+ leading to wild complications and possibly losing the h-pawn. I thought I could play h5 as a waiting move before Rc6 to preserve the pawn and realized it as soon as I hit the move button that it was over. Absolutely no way I could come back from that.

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. c4 Bg7 4. Nc3 d6 5. Bf4 O-O 6. h3 Nbd7 7. e3 c6 8. Be2

Re8 9. O-O Qa5 10. a3 c5 11. Nb5 a6 12. b4 Qd8 13. Nc3 cxd4 14. exd4 Nb6 15. Rc1

Bf5 16. Bd3 Qd7 17. Re1 Rac8 18. Ne2 Rc7 19. Ng3 Bxd3 20. Qxd3 Rec8 21. c5 Nbd5

22. Bg5 h6 23. Bd2 Qb5 24. Qxb5 axb5 25. Ne4 Nxe4 26. Rxe4 f5 27. Re6 Kf7 28.

Rce1 dxc5 29. dxc5 h5 30. Ng5+ Kf8 31. Rxg6 Rc6 32. Ne6+ Rxe6 33. Rgxe6 Kf7 34.

Bg5 Rc6 35. R6e2 e6 36. h4 Bf6 37. Bxf6 Kxf6 38. Rd2 b6 39. Rc1 Ke5 40. Rdc2 Kd4

41. cxb6 Rxb6 42. Rc6 Kd3 43. Rxb6 Nxb6 44. Rc6 1-0
Good game. I didn't think bringing your queen out early hurt you. I thought move 23 was a mistake when you decided to trade queens, and then move 30 was it.
Good game. I didn't think bringing your queen out early hurt you. I thought move 23 was a mistake when you decided to trade queens, and then move 30 was it.
I was really worried about some sort of sacrifice attack with you following up with the queen. I had no way to dislodge the queen without the trade. But once the queen was off the board, I had a lot more room to work with. The doubled pawns were going to be a problem in endgame, but I was willing to take the risk cause I was in a weak position anyway.


Joe T 0
Good game, Joe T. Up until the end sequence it was a very even game. I thought I won a pawn on move 11, or given you tripled pawns at best, but that was a clever queen check intermezzo move to keep it even. I think pushing the doubled f pawn made it too good of a target, and defending it opened up one too many holes to cover. I'll post the game here:

[Event "Playing on Chess Time"]

[site "ChessTime"]

[Date "2014.02.03"]

[Round "1"]

[White "Joe_T"]

[black "g&g"]

[Result "0-1"]

1. d4 d5

2. c4 e6

3. Nc3 Be7

4. Nf3 Nf6

5. Bf4 O-O

6. Rc1 Nc6

7. e3 Nh5

8. cxd5 exd5

9. Bd3 Nxf4

10. exf4 Bg4

11. O-O Nxd4

12. Bxh7+ Kxh7

13. Qd3+ Kg8

14. Nxd4 c6

15. Nf5 Bxf5

16. Qxf5 Re8

17. Rf1e1 Qb6

18. Re2 Bc5

19. Qc2 Rxe2

20. Qxe2 Bd6

21. f5 Qd4

22. Qe3 Qf6

23. Qd3 Qh6

24. Re1 Qxh2+

25. Kf1 Qh1+

26. Ke2 Re8+

27. Kf3 Qh5+ 0-1
Something that came up in my recent game.

Would you sacrifice a knight (while capturing a pawn) to prevent your opponent from castling?

Something that came up in my recent game.

Would you sacrifice a knight (while capturing a pawn) to prevent your opponent from castling?
JUST to do that? No. If you have superior development and can lock him in the center and open lines to his king, then yes. There are openings that are dedicated to that very theme, like the Fried Liver Attack in the Two Knights Defense.

1. e4 e5

2. Nf3 Nc6

3. Bc4 Nf6 (Two Knights Defense)

4. Ng5 d5

5. exd5 Nxd5

6. Nxf7! Kxf7 (Fried Liver Attack)

7. Qf3+ Kd6

Now the Black's king is in the center of the board, his d5 Knight is pinned to his king and White can very quickly get his pieces out and attack.

What's your plan after Nxf7 Kxf7? What's the next 2-3 moves for both sides?
Fortunately, for me, my opponent blundered and castled. I never got to really see how it would play out. That's why I'm curious if it's a good move.

1. d4 Nf6

2. Nc3 d5

3. Nf3 Bf5

4. e3 c6

5. Bd3 Ne4

6. O-O e6

7. Ne5 Bb4

8. Nxf7 O-O

9. Nxd8 Rxd8

10. a3 Nxc3

11. bxc3 Bxc3

12. Rb1 Na6

13. Qh5 Rf8

14. Rxb7 Kh8

15. Qg5 Kg8

16. Qxg7# 1-0
I would probably not sacrifice the knight in that position.
Agreed. I think nxn, bxn, bxn, pxn is much better for white. Now black had double e pawns, and he might have to mess up his kingside anyway defending the pawn on e4.
1. Nxe4 dxe4

2. Be2 Nd7 to exchange or chase off the e5 Knight looks good to me. Black has ideas like c5 and Nf6 to break up and get control over the center.


Joe T 0
Good game, Joe T. Up until the end sequence it was a very even game. I thought I won a pawn on move 11, or given you tripled pawns at best, but that was a clever queen check intermezzo move to keep it even. I think pushing the doubled f pawn made it too good of a target, and defending it opened up one too many holes to cover. I'll post the game here:

[Event "Playing on Chess Time"]

[site "ChessTime"]

[Date "2014.02.03"]

[Round "1"]

[White "Joe_T"]

[black "g&g"]

[Result "0-1"]

1. d4 d5

2. c4 e6

3. Nc3 Be7

4. Nf3 Nf6

5. Bf4 O-O

6. Rc1 Nc6

7. e3 Nh5

8. cxd5 exd5

9. Bd3 Nxf4

10. exf4 Bg4

11. O-O Nxd4

12. Bxh7+ Kxh7

13. Qd3+ Kg8

14. Nxd4 c6

15. Nf5 Bxf5

16. Qxf5 Re8

17. Rf1e1 Qb6

18. Re2 Bc5

19. Qc2 Rxe2

20. Qxe2 Bd6

21. f5 Qd4

22. Qe3 Qf6

23. Qd3 Qh6

24. Re1 Qxh2+

25. Kf1 Qh1+

26. Ke2 Re8+

27. Kf3 Qh5+ 0-1
Agree. Good game. I wish I played a bit better to bring you a better match. My decision not to just exchange black square bishops early ended up costing me the whole game. I probably wouldn't have won even if I did that, but the game would have been more interesting.

You kept pressure on the entire game. I never got away from it.

Gotta get in on the next tourney. It has been a long while since I've played (last FBG go round, actually).
I can let you in on this one with 1.5 points going into round 4. Let me know ASAP.
Leaving the country in 4 days & going unplugged for a week, so won't really be able to be in touch. Thanks for the opportunity tho.
We don't need dancing bones in this one. If I remember correctly, he's pretty damn good.
Tim, next tourney, a week per round. If the game is not completed, deem it a draw. It should work out.

Gotta get in on the next tourney. It has been a long while since I've played (last FBG go round, actually).
I can let you in on this one with 1.5 points going into round 4. Let me know ASAP.
Leaving the country in 4 days & going unplugged for a week, so won't really be able to be in touch. Thanks for the opportunity tho.
We don't need dancing bones in this one. If I remember correctly, he's pretty damn good.
You're too kind, my friend.

Ray Karpis said:
Sand said:
Bogart (.5) vs. Ray Karpis in progress
Progress? We need some :football: :ninja: :shark: here.

Oh, and good thing my first game with boomboom counts. He's making my life very hard in our second fun match.
We're at move 17. Pretty even...I'm currently up a pawn.
Ray should have me beat soon. I have picked the wrong time to play like garbage.
Ray takes the win.

Round 4- All Players listed FIRST are white:

Joffer (3) vs. Green & Gold (3)

Sand (2.5) vs. timschochet (3)

Brownsfan (2) vs. Psychopav (2)

Steve Tasker (2) vs. Mister CIA (2)

JoeT (2) vs. nysfl2 (2)

Pizzatyme (2) vs. BoomBoom (2)

Unialias (2) vs. wdcrop (2)

Otello (1.5) vs. kutta (2)

rascal (1.5) vs. witz (1)

shotsup (1) vs. shader (1)

cheese (1) vs. AcerFC (1)

Ray Karpis (1) vs. rajincajun (1)

spOOfy (1) vs. Abraham (1)

Bogart (.5) vs. timmypg (.5)

timschochet2 vs.Jamny

Round 4- All Players listed FIRST are white:

Joffer (3) vs. Green & Gold (3)

Sand (2.5) vs. timschochet (3)

Brownsfan (2) vs. Psychopav (2)

Steve Tasker (2) vs. Mister CIA (2)

JoeT (2) vs. nysfl2 (2)

Pizzatyme (2) vs. BoomBoom (2)

Unialias (2) vs. wdcrop (2)

Otello (1.5) vs. kutta (2)

rascal (1.5) vs. witz (1)

shotsup (1) vs. shader (1)

cheese (1) vs. AcerFC (1)

Ray Karpis (1) vs. rajincajun (1)

spOOfy (1) vs. Abraham (1)

Bogart (.5) vs. timmypg (.5)

timschochet2 vs.Jamny
Beer me!


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