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2nd Official Free For All Chess Tournament- Green & Gold= Champion (1 Viewer)

Round 5- All players listed FIRST are white:

Green and Gold (4) vs. timschochet (3.5)

Joffer (3) vs. Wdcrop (3)

Sand (3) vs. Pizzatyme (3)

Brownsfan (3) vs. Nysfl2 (3)

Steve Tasker (2.5) vs. Rascal (2.5)

Mister CIA (2.5) vs. Otello (2.5)

Psychopav (2) vs. Ray Karpis (2)

spOOfy (2) vs. Joe T (2)

Kutta (2) vs, AcerFC (2)

BoomBoom (2) vs. Jamny (2)

Unialias (2) vs. Bogart (1.5)

Shader (1) vs. Witz (1)

Rajincajun (1) vs. Timmypg (.5)

Bye: Abraham (1)

Tim - if we still have an odd number at the end of this round, I can drop out. I was hoping work wouldn't pick up til closer to the end of the month, but I really won't have enough time to really devote to this going forward.
Hate to see that, but it's your call.
Going forward, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that I'll only be able to make 1-2 moves between the hours of like midnight and 9 PM. That's really not fair to my opponent or the rest of the people in the tournament, I don't think. What do you think?
I live in Oklahoma (CST) and I'm usually up till midnight, so playing late each night shouldn't be a problem.

Tim - if we still have an odd number at the end of this round, I can drop out. I was hoping work wouldn't pick up til closer to the end of the month, but I really won't have enough time to really devote to this going forward.
Hate to see that, but it's your call.
Going forward, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that I'll only be able to make 1-2 moves between the hours of like midnight and 9 PM. That's really not fair to my opponent or the rest of the people in the tournament, I don't think. What do you think?
I live in Oklahoma (CST) and I'm usually up till midnight, so playing late each night shouldn't be a problem.
I should be ok through the rest of the week, sending invite now.

Uni and I underway.

Seeing as we play each other almost daily, there should be no surprises in this one.

(He probably wins)

in progress with psychopav...I'm tied up with work stuff and will have a little slow day or two, but should be able to keep it going, albeit a little slow

Green and Gold defeats timschochet (1-0). It was a good sharp game, but I made a foolish sacrifice (though I was in poor shape anyhow.) Well done, G&G.

With this victory, Green and Gold clinches at least a tie for first place in the tournament. 5 games, 5 wins. Outstanding job and congratulations.

Thanks, Tim, very gg. Tommorrow when I get to a computer I would like to post the game. I think there were some interesting lines in there on both sides and wouldn't mind some kibitzing.

Thanks, Tim, very gg. Tommorrow when I get to a computer I would like to post the game. I think there were some interesting lines in there on both sides and wouldn't mind s ome kibitzing.
Of course. I think I'm going to be depressed though.

I think the rook sac was correct, but should have been made a lot earlier. Before you wasted away my pawn structure. I just couldn't figure out how to make it work.

timschochet said:
Round 5- All players listed FIRST are white:

Green and Gold (4) vs. timschochet (3.5)

Joffer (3) vs. Wdcrop (3)

Sand (3) vs. Pizzatyme (3)

Brownsfan (3) vs. Nysfl2 (3)

Steve Tasker (2.5) vs. Rascal (2.5)

Mister CIA (2.5) vs. Otello (2.5)

Psychopav (2) vs. Ray Karpis (2)

spOOfy (2) vs. Joe T (2)

Kutta (2) vs, AcerFC (2)

BoomBoom (2) vs. Jamny (2)

Unialias (2) vs. Bogart (1.5)

Shader (1) vs. Witz (1)

Rajincajun (1) vs. Timmypg (.5)

Bye: Abraham (1)
A bye? Well then...

My other problem came earlier in the game- after you played g3 blunting my initial attack. Because I've played blitz for so many years, I've got a blitz mentality. After g3 I shouldn't push my g pawn- I should be patient, leave the position alone, and try to improve my position on the queenside instead. Impatience is my major weakness in chess (along with poor tactical skills.)

timschochet said:
Round 5- All players listed FIRST are white:

Green and Gold (4) vs. timschochet (3.5)

Joffer (3) vs. Wdcrop (3)

Sand (3) vs. Pizzatyme (3)

Brownsfan (3) vs. Nysfl2 (3)

Steve Tasker (2.5) vs. Rascal (2.5)

Mister CIA (2.5) vs. Otello (2.5)

Psychopav (2) vs. Ray Karpis (2)

spOOfy (2) vs. Joe T (2)

Kutta (2) vs, AcerFC (2)

BoomBoom (2) vs. Jamny (2)

Unialias (2) vs. Bogart (1.5)

Shader (1) vs. Witz (1)

Rajincajun (1) vs. Timmypg (.5)

Bye: Abraham (1)
A bye? Well then...
Don't go anywhere please. A few of the games haven't started, and somebody may have quit...

JoeT defeats spoofy. Pissed I lost this one. Had the advantage, rushed a bad move and joe pounced. No coming back.

Here is my game with Tim

[Event "Playing on Chess Time"]
[site "ChessTime"]
[Date "2014.02.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "g&g"]
[black "timschochet"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. c4 e6
2. Nc3 d5
3. e3 f5
4. Nf3 c6
5. d4 Bd6
6. Bd3 Nf6
7. O-O Ne4
8. Qc2 Nd7
9. b3 O-O
10. Bb2 Qf6
11. Ra1c1 g5
12. g3 g4
13. Nh4 Qh6
14. Nxe4 f5xe4
15. Be2 Be7
16. Ng2 Nf6
17. Nf4 Bd6
18. c5 Bc7
19. a4 Qg5
20. Rb1 e5
21. dxe5 Bxe5
22. b4 Re8
23. b5 Nd7
24. a5 Bxb2
25. Rxb2 Ne5
26. a6 Nf3+
27. Bxf3 g4xf3
28. Rf1b1 Rf8
29. Qa4 Qh6
30. h4 Qf6
31. axb7 Bxb7
32. bxc6 Bxc6
33. Qa6 Kh8
34. Rd2 Qc3
35. Rb1d1 Rf6
36. Qa2 Rxf4
37. e3xf4 e3
38. fxe3 Qxe3+
39. Rf2 Rg8
40. Qb2+ Rg7
41. Qb8+ Rg8
42. Qe5+ Qxe5
43. fxe5 Rxg3+
44. Kh2 Rg4
45. Rxf3 Rxh4+

46. Kg3 Re4
47. Rf6 1-0
I was discussing this with Tim, but I just wanted to put it out there that using the analysis tool within the app has significantly improved my play. It even helps my positional game, not just my tactical game. I find myself playing out positions 5-10 moves ahead until I understand the position much better than if I was just staring at pieces over the board. I do a much better job of thinking from my opponent's point of view, too.

I kind of don't know how to feel about all that. It is great in correspondence chess, as I play better games, but I know as soon as I sit down irl I won't be as good. Of course, I haven't played live chess more than once or twice in the last 10 years, so I guess the point is moot.

Here is my game with Tim

[Event "Playing on Chess Time"]

[site "ChessTime"]

[Date "2014.02.13"]

[Round "1"]

[White "g&g"]

[black "timschochet"]

[Result "1-0"]

1. c4 e6

2. Nc3 d5

3. e3 f5

4. Nf3 c6

5. d4 Bd6

6. Bd3 Nf6

7. O-O Ne4

8. Qc2 Nd7

9. b3 O-O

10. Bb2 Qf6

11. Ra1c1 g5

12. g3 g4

13. Nh4 Qh6

14. Nxe4 f5xe4

15. Be2 Be7

16. Ng2 Nf6

17. Nf4 Bd6

18. c5 Bc7

19. a4 Qg5

20. Rb1 e5

21. dxe5 Bxe5

22. b4 Re8

23. b5 Nd7

24. a5 Bxb2

25. Rxb2 Ne5

26. a6 Nf3+

27. Bxf3 g4xf3

28. Rf1b1 Rf8

29. Qa4 Qh6

30. h4 Qf6

31. axb7 Bxb7

32. bxc6 Bxc6

33. Qa6 Kh8

34. Rd2 Qc3

35. Rb1d1 Rf6

36. Qa2 Rxf4

37. e3xf4 e3

38. fxe3 Qxe3+

39. Rf2 Rg8

40. Qb2+ Rg7

41. Qb8+ Rg8

42. Qe5+ Qxe5

43. fxe5 Rxg3+

44. Kh2 Rg4

45. Rxf3 Rxh4+

46. Kg3 Re4

47. Rf6 1-0
Quoting myself to comment on the game.

My Ra1c1 wasn't good, I sort of moved it thinking the c file might open up, but then i push c5 to take away that possibility.

I didn't have the guts to play 35. Nxd5, but man did it look interesting. I sac the rook in exchange for a bishop and pawn (via Qa1 and knight fork), and grab that massive long diagonal for a really nice threat on black's king.

I looked at black's rook sac for awhile after the game, and I couldn't see a good continuation. I looked at it earlier in the game as well, but Kh1 followed by Rg1 seemed to thwart any mate threat.

Last edited by a moderator:
Hey Shader - send an invite so we can get this thing started. I'm around tonight if you are.

Yesterday apparently Rascal's kid got a hold of his phone and gifted me a knight. Then I got really drunk on Valentines Day and made a few moves and gifted him a rook for a bishop.

It's pretty much Carlsen vs Anand Part 2 over here.

Yesterday apparently Rascal's kid got a hold of his phone and gifted me a knight. Then I got really drunk on Valentines Day and made a few moves and gifted him a rook for a bishop.

It's pretty much Carlsen vs Anand Part 2 over here.

Although these days you might have a shot against Anand. Carlsen really messed him up.

Yesterday apparently Rascal's kid got a hold of his phone and gifted me a knight. Then I got really drunk on Valentines Day and made a few moves and gifted him a rook for a bishop.

It's pretty much Carlsen vs Anand Part 2 over here.

Although these days you might have a shot against Anand. Carlsen really messed him up.
Let me check with my people to see if I can finagle a way into the 2014 Candidates.

Yesterday apparently Rascal's kid got a hold of his phone and gifted me a knight. Then I got really drunk on Valentines Day and made a few moves and gifted him a rook for a bishop.

It's pretty much Carlsen vs Anand Part 2 over here.
Yeah. I had to go to work for a bit on Friday and my kid asked if he could go with me. I thought it was a bad idea, but he really wanted so I caved. Of course he was bored within 5 minutes of being there and asked to play on my phone. Next thing I know I hear him say, "that's how you move that guy"

I think my knight gift was worse as at least you killed my bishop. You killed my knight, ####ed his wife, and pissed on his corpse.

Green and Gold (4) vs. timschochet (3.5) (1-0)

Joffer (3) vs. Wdcrop (3) in progress

Sand (3) vs. Pizzatyme (3) in progress

Brownsfan (3) vs. Nysfl2 (3)

Steve Tasker (2.5) vs. Rascal (2.5) in progress

Mister CIA (2.5) vs. Otello (2.5)

Psychopav (2) vs. Ray Karpis (2) in progress

spOOfy (2) vs. Joe T (2) (0-1)

Kutta (2) vs, AcerFC (2) (1-0)

BoomBoom (2) vs. Jamny (2) in progress

Unialias (2) vs. Bogart (1.5) in progress

Shader (1) vs. Witz (1)

Rajincajun (1) vs. Timmypg (.5) (1-0)

Please let me know ASAP if the bolded games have started, thanks.

Green and Gold (4) vs. timschochet (3.5) (1-0)

Joffer (3) vs. Wdcrop (3) in progress

Sand (3) vs. Pizzatyme (3) in progress

Brownsfan (3) vs. Nysfl2 (3)

Steve Tasker (2.5) vs. Rascal (2.5) in progress

Mister CIA (2.5) vs. Otello (2.5)

Psychopav (2) vs. Ray Karpis (2) in progress

spOOfy (2) vs. Joe T (2) (0-1)

Kutta (2) vs, AcerFC (2) (1-0)

BoomBoom (2) vs. Jamny (2) in progress

Unialias (2) vs. Bogart (1.5) in progress

Shader (1) vs. Witz (1)

Rajincajun (1) vs. Timmypg (.5) (1-0)

Please let me know ASAP if the bolded games have started, thanks.
Haven't heard from Shader - our game has not begun

Green and Gold (4) vs. timschochet (3.5) (1-0)

Joffer (3) vs. Wdcrop (3) in progress

Sand (3) vs. Pizzatyme (3) in progress

Brownsfan (3) vs. Nysfl2 (3)

Steve Tasker (2.5) vs. Rascal (2.5) in progress

Mister CIA (2.5) vs. Otello (2.5)

Psychopav (2) vs. Ray Karpis (2) in progress

spOOfy (2) vs. Joe T (2) (0-1)

Kutta (2) vs, AcerFC (2) (1-0)

BoomBoom (2) vs. Jamny (2) in progress

Unialias (2) vs. Bogart (1.5) in progress

Shader (1) vs. Witz (1)

Rajincajun (1) vs. Timmypg (.5) (1-0)

Please let me know ASAP if the bolded games have started, thanks.
Haven't heard from Shader - our game has not begun
OK. Let's see if Brownsfan/Nysfl2 has started, and then I'll decide what to do.

We've started, and are making good progress. My kids were both gone for sleepovers last night, and took their ipods with them. While good for other reasons, it's slowed my chess playing considerably.

OK. Shader is out, or if he returns, he gets a bye this round. Witz, you're white against Abraham. Please send him an invite, thanks.


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