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Actions/trends that need to be retired immediately (2 Viewers)

I keep seeing the Pokémon Go thread on pg 1 of FFA. No way I'm going into that nerd fest, but if that is really still a thing grown men are doing....stop it. 

Using a basketball chest pass in these football throw competitions in to the large Dr. Pepper cans.  Throw the football like a man or GTFO.

They need to just change the rules.

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Maybe this belongs in the "idiot drivers" thread, but since it's a trend (from what I've seen)...

What the eff is up with people pulling out in front of you, whether it be to proceed the same way you're going (right turn out of a parking lot, for instance) or to head the opposite way (left turn out of a lot)..... when there is hardly any traffic and NO ONE behind the car you've pulled out in front of?  Hope I'm explaining this right.

Like today, on my way to work, on a street where the speed limit is 35 and I'm doing 35 right on the nose.  There's a small strip center on my right.  Dude pulls right out in front of me to make a left, causing me to brake.  Mind you, I didn't have to slam on the brakes but had I not braked it would have been real close to a t-bone.  There was NO ONE behind me.  No one traveling in the direction he ended up going either.  Basically saved himself 2-3 seconds max by pulling out when he did rather than wait for me to go by.  Had I been one of those losers that was constantly on their phones while driving that coulda been closer. 

Idiots!  :wall:

Maybe this belongs in the "idiot drivers" thread, but since it's a trend (from what I've seen)...

What the eff is up with people pulling out in front of you, whether it be to proceed the same way you're going (right turn out of a parking lot, for instance) or to head the opposite way (left turn out of a lot)..... when there is hardly any traffic and NO ONE behind the car you've pulled out in front of?  Hope I'm explaining this right.

Like today, on my way to work, on a street where the speed limit is 35 and I'm doing 35 right on the nose.  There's a small strip center on my right.  Dude pulls right out in front of me to make a left, causing me to brake.  Mind you, I didn't have to slam on the brakes but had I not braked it would have been real close to a t-bone.  There was NO ONE behind me.  No one traveling in the direction he ended up going either.  Basically saved himself 2-3 seconds max by pulling out when he did rather than wait for me to go by.  Had I been one of those losers that was constantly on their phones while driving that coulda been closer. 

Idiots!  :wall:
no gamble no future

At any social event (wedding, shower, work party, school event)..Holding up a "picture frame" big enough for 3-4 people and taking pictures with wacky disguises like a moustache or a silly hat.

In the same vein, events that have those backdrops to make it look like you're at some red carpet shin-dig.   Stop it. 

People emailing me to get my business on the front page of Google.  Here's one:


[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]My name is [/SIZE]Tory, I work as a Business Analyst and was doing research for another client when I came across your site.
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]As I was surfing through your website, I soon realized that although it has a nice design, it isn’t ranking high on the search engines for many keywords related to your business. The right solution would be to get your website Search Engine Optimized for there’s a simple equation that works in the online world:[/SIZE]

WTH is with all these "subscription services"?   Guess it's a product of our lazy, give-it-to-me-NOW society.

They should just start a service where it sends you everything you need for your week, from food to deodorant to socks, in a box every Monday.  Heck, you can even put the dirty socks, the apple cores and the used toothpaste tubes back in said box and ship it back.  That way you would barely even need to move from your couch, maximizing time spent on Instagram and more time for binge-watching.

Clothes in a box.

Food in a box.

Guess what people?  There are things called stores, you know, buildings where they have these products readily available. 

"But these food delivery services... they pre-portion everything and send you recipes".  :lol:   Is it really difficult to figure out how much protein/veggies/carbs you want for a meal?  You need someone to not only tell you but actually DO it for you... and deliver it to your doorstep?  I have a grocery store around the corner.  They have the same food there.  :shrug:

I can only imagine the markup on these services.  Have no desire to even look because I'm sure it's outrageous.  (OK, I looked... about $9/meal  :eek: )

A buddy of mine was incredulous a few weeks back when I told him I was wrapping up my Christmas shopping that day.  He asked "why not just get everything on Amazon?".  We use Amazon Prime all the time - love it - but for certain things it's just as easy (and perhaps even more rewarding and successful) to go into a store to buy it.

I know, I know... get off my lawn.  Damn millennials.  Thanks Obama. 

Amazon is awesome for Christmas shopping! Well, until three different people want to return gifts because the kids already have them or got them from someone else. And despite the fact that you included a gift receipt, they decide it is just easier for YOU to return it so you can get a replacement gift. So I think you meant "Damn lazy millennials."

Amazon is awesome for Christmas shopping! Well, until three different people want to return gifts because the kids already have them or got them from someone else. And despite the fact that you included a gift receipt, they decide it is just easier for YOU to return it so you can get a replacement gift. So I think you meant "Damn lazy millennials."

Don't you have to return it to Amazon?  ...or at least make all the arrangements.  

It's where expecting couples have a party to reveal the gender of the unborn baby.  I saw one recently where the had a Guns/Glitter theme, and then revealed the sex of the baby using various props....just stop....
Wow.  I have been spared from this. Sounds awful.

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It's where expecting couples have a party to reveal the gender of the unborn baby.  I saw one recently where the had a Guns/Glitter theme, and then revealed the sex of the baby using various props....just stop....
to be fair, these are just lame examples of how people can't just have a #######ed party.  Skip the theme...or make the theme "Booze"

Intentionally dropping microphones.  Just seeing too much of that.
Was going to say this. Think I saw a dozen Verizon commercials recently featuring that, and a freaking Sprint commercial spoofing the Verizon commercials. When multiple animated movies feature this joke in their trailers/commercials, its time to put it out to pasture.

Amazon is awesome for Christmas shopping! Well, until three different people want to return gifts because the kids already have them or got them from someone else. And despite the fact that you included a gift receipt, they decide it is just easier for YOU to return it so you can get a replacement gift. So I think you meant "Damn lazy millennials."
my response to that would be "lol, no"

Is that a common thing for people to do? I've never been asked to return a present I purchased for someone

Look, if you want to give me a list of the awesome concerts that you've been to in your life, I'd be happy to read it, maybe even comment.  Especially if you can make your post interesting.  But please don't make me look at ten and pick the one you didn't go to.  Please, I don't want to be part of your interactive game.  And, if you are posting the same thing that 40 other people are posting, maybe think twice before you do it, because it's not interesting anymore.  I don't care that you went to RATT and the Bangles in the same year.  Really, really, really don't care. JFC.

Look, if you want to give me a list of the awesome concerts that you've been to in your life, I'd be happy to read it, maybe even comment.  Especially if you can make your post interesting.  But please don't make me look at ten and pick the one you didn't go to.  Please, I don't want to be part of your interactive game.  And, if you are posting the same thing that 40 other people are posting, maybe think twice before you do it, because it's not interesting anymore.  I don't care that you went to RATT and the Bangles in the same year.  Really, really, really don't care. JFC.
:goodposting: x 100

Look, if you want to give me a list of the awesome concerts that you've been to in your life, I'd be happy to read it, maybe even comment.  Especially if you can make your post interesting.  But please don't make me look at ten and pick the one you didn't go to.  Please, I don't want to be part of your interactive game.  And, if you are posting the same thing that 40 other people are posting, maybe think twice before you do it, because it's not interesting anymore.  I don't care that you went to RATT and the Bangles in the same year.  Really, really, really don't care. JFC.

That's beautiful work.

Asking someone "how are you today" when you are pissed off about something and knowing that they will reply, "fine, how are you" only so you can reply "Well, I'm pretty bad thanks to blah, blah, blah...."

Just get to the point you passive aggressive ###hole. Im not really in the mood for the stupid games.  :rant:


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