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AFC East in 2006 (1 Viewer)


In my opinion the Dolphins have a very good chance to take the AFC east next season, simply because they have improved the most in comparison with the other three teams. To add to the new All-Pro quarterback that Nick Saban has in Daunte Culpepper and the consistantly strong Will Allen to replace the aging Sam Madison, the Dolphins have also improved on their offensive line, the weak point last season. The draft should also add some depth.

In terms of the other teams in that division, it should be interesting seeing how the Patriots deal with losing many of their productive players to other teams this season. I would like to see how the front office deals with the draft, and I am sure that the players drafted this year by the Patriots will be the next David Givens and Adam Vintieri in five years.

And come on, if you seriously think that the Jets are going to be winning this division you are severly wrong. We are talking about a team that does not have a proven quarterback, seeing as Patrick Ramsey couldn't even beat out Mark Brunell for the starting spot on the Redskins, and Chad Pennington can't even stay healthy for a single quarter. The lack of a quarterback and a passing game should put pressure on Curtis Martin again, and he will choke, just like last year. The blame should not be on Martin though, it should be on the lack of an offensive line, which will just get worse considering they lost one of the best centers in the league in Kevin Mawae. In addition to the lack of an offensive line, the Jets have very predictable playcalling tendencies and should be stopped in a division with strong defenses.

The Bills can't be considered to win a division as long as JP Losman is alive.

Please respond with your opinions on who will win

Before you write your responses to my criticism please realize that the Dolphins went 9-7 last sesason with Gus Frerotte as their quarterback.

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I think it'll be as followed:





Which means, this will really happen:





It's tough as heck to predict Wins/Losses in the NFL nowadays.

I've been on record (and I know I'm in the minority) in stating that Miami is still a year away from making the leap to playoff contender. They still have a mediocre O line and a defense that is aging at some key spots. They'll play teams tough this year but I still see a decent gap between them and the Pats. In last years finale Miami's starters only beat the Pats second and third teamers by two points. The Pats have suffered some key losses but they still have 10/11 offensive starters returning (I don't include Ashworth because Kaczur had replaced him) as well as young talent on defense in Seymour, Warren, Wilfork, Green, Hobbs, Samuel, Gay and Wilson as well as high quality veterans like Colvin, Vrabel, Bruschi and Harrison (all signs are very positive right now).

The Pats were absolutely devastated by injuries (Light, Koppen, Gay, Harrison, Dillon, Seymour, Bruschi, Faulk etc.) last year and still won the AFC East pretty easily. If they can remain even reasonably healthy I think they are still the class of the AFC East. People forget Brady is just entering his prime as is Seymour. Those two combined with BB's coaching give the Pats an unequaled 1-2-3 punch. They also have extra picks (an extra #3, #4, and two extra #6's) and they have been drafting very well of late. Add in some solid cap space which will add more depth and I think stories of the Pats demise will be proven wrong. Obviously the losses of Willie, AV and Givens will sting but this team has lost players like Woody, Milloy, Andruzzi and Ty Law and have survived and I see no reason why that won't continue.

One other note...the Pats schedule (at least on paper) looks to be much more favorable than last year...especially that early stretch last year that coincided with all their injuries and had them very vulnerable.

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Dolphins 11-5- Harrington revives his career and helps the Dolphins get off to the bes start in years. The one two punch of Ricky and Ronnie becomes unstoppable. Chris Chambers becomes the top 5 receiver that he should be with Booker holding his own as well. The defense plays beyond itself.

Pats 9-7- Dillon doesn't finish the season. Team is good but not great and misses the playoffs by one game. Brady finishes strong but comes up short.

Bills 5-11- This team is a train wreck. No one will be happy and everyone will want out of there by the end of the season. Countdown to Jauron being the scapegoat.....

Jets 3-13- Will wish they were the Bills.......The jets are in the rebuilding mold and will continue to be there for a couple of seasons.

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Dolphins 11-5

Pats 9-7

Bills 5-11

Jets 3-13
Pats 11-5Miami 9-7

Jets 8-8

Buffalo 7-9

Jets won 4 game last year with 8 different QBs and Bollinger in the mix with the OL depleted and Horrendous coaching.... Dropping down to 3 wins would mean some sort of catastrophic disaster.... But, honestly, as a Jets fan, like Saban said last year, it's are building year and if the Jets only win 3 games yet build the foundation of a real good OL and possibly find a QB and make steps in the right direction, I'm happy with another big draft.... Hopefully add a top line RB next year. The defense isn't that bad and has been holding whateber they have had together including being a kick away from the Championship game the year before last without Abraham... That was all Defense and I think they'll have more talent and better coaching especially if they get Super Mario.

This draft is Huge for the Jets. If they swing and miss it could be a long road. I'm looking for Mario Williams and a lot of OL help.

Dolphins 11-5

Pats 9-7

Bills 5-11

Jets 3-13
Pats 11-5Miami 9-7

Jets 8-8

Buffalo 7-9

Jets won 4 game last year with 8 different QBs and Bollinger in the mix with the OL depleted and Horrendous coaching.... Dropping down to 3 wins would mean some sort of catastrophic disaster.... But, honestly, as a Jets fan, like Saban said last year, it's are building year and if the Jets only win 3 games yet build the foundation of a real good OL and possibly find a QB and make steps in the right direction, I'm happy with another big draft.... Hopefully add a top line RB next year. The defense isn't that bad and has been holding whateber they have had together including being a kick away from the Championship game the year before last without Abraham... That was all Defense and I think they'll have more talent and better coaching especially if they get Super Mario.

This draft is Huge for the Jets. If they swing and miss it could be a long road. I'm looking for Mario Williams and a lot of OL help.
I think part of the problem will lie in the division. the Dolphins are a year ahead of the Jets, the Pats are much better and the Bills are a little further along than the Jets.
[QUOTE=']In addition to the lack of an offensive line, the Jets have very predictable playcalling tendencies and should be stopped in a division with strong defenses.
[/QUOTE]Really? I was under the impression that they had a new head coach and a new offensive coordinator. Thanks for clearing that up.
I'll withhold my entire thoughts at this time because I want to see how the draft goes.

New England has slipped, losing some WR's and depth, and that I think the Pats need a new RB. Dillon might be done, but even if he has a year left in him, they need to draft a RB on Day 1.

As for Miami, I think right now too many people think Dante will be 100% healthy for Week 1. I don't think so. It's on record that his personal rehab was, jogging in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart. Considering the extent of his injury, (just look up some old boards on Willis McGahee), why should we believe that he'll be able to go right away in camp and be healthy enough to do all the things he did in Minny? He's got a new system to learn as well as new teammates.

As for Buffalo and NY, both will probably be happy if they win more than 5 games. I'd think Buffalo will finish 3rd though.

Dolphins are heading in the right direction and will be much better as the years go on. With that being said, even with the Patriots losses this offseason they are still a better team the the fins.

I'm not sure I will be saying the same thing next off season though. In addition, I hope the patriots play the fins twice early in the season, because I think they will end up being a much better team at the end of the season then at the start (in contrast to how the fins usually get worse when the weather gets cold).

The Dolphins will be the surprise story from the AFC this season, possibly only rivaled by improvements in Cleveland and Houston.

The AFC East has a cushy schedule (Miami and NE mostly) with playing the NFC North and the AFC South.

The two non-common games for each team:

Miami - Home against Kansas City, Away against Pittsburgh

NE - Home against Denver, Away against Cincinnati

Buffalo - Home against San Diego, Away against Baltimore

NYJets - Home against Oakland, Away against Cleveland

The Pats have two tough games, whereas the KC game in Miami should be a bit easier.

Miami and NE could both go 5-1 in the division, but 4-2 seems more reasonable. Beating up on Houston (which will be tougher this year), Green Bay, and Detroit gets them in playoff striking distance.

I can see Miami and NE both with 10+ wins, trailed by a struggling Buffalo and a lifeless NY Jet team.

if a 3-13 jets season gives us brady quinn at QB, im all for it.

I pick the pats to win the division until they prove me wrong. I dont think they are a SB contender anymore, but i think the dolphins will have to wait till 07-08 to topple them.

edit:i dont think the jets will be that bad though. They obviously arent a a playoff team, but ill be pretty surprised if they finish worse than 6-10. Now, thats bad, but not embrasssing. Assuming they use their first 3 picks on mario williams, Nick Mangold and an OT (2.3 i think) they will have filled most of their gaping holes. The new coaching staff will takes its lumps, and the QB position is up in the air, but i hardly expect the jets to roll over for the dolphins.

That being said, id still prefer 3-13 and brady quinn over 6-10 and a lower draft pick.

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if a 3-13 jets season gives us brady quinn at QB, im all for it.

I pick the pats to win the division until they prove me wrong. I dont think they are a SB contender anymore, but i think the dolphins will have to wait till 07-08 to topple them.
Hmmm . . .If Brady cashes in for a TD the pass that Champ Bailey returned 100 yards, IMO the Pats win that game and would have played the Steelers in New England to go to the Super Bowl. That in a season where the Pats had like 10 key guys go on IR or miss a fair amount of the season.

I personally don't see why they would not be considered a contender anymore, but maybe that's just me.

As for the MIA and NE debate, for all intents and purposes the unofficial standings last year would show the Pats went 11-5 and the Fins 8-8. (And please let's not debate the actual records. No way would the Dolphins have won the last game in NE in Week 17. Miami was playing the Patriots 3rd and 4th stringers and won by 2 points.)

Even with the players they've lost, I don't see the Patriots getting less than 11 wins unless they catch the injury bug again. And I don't see the Dolphins winning 11 games next year.

The Dolphins have made great strides and are a team on the rise, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. They'll challenge for a Wild Card, not the division. Not this year.

New England: 12-4

Miami: 10-6, 9-7

Buffalo: 6-10

NY Jets: 5-11

Have to see how things gel in Miami and what happens with Rasta, but if things come together they may be able to overtake the Pats, who again lost some key pieces. It is definately a 2 horse race IMO.

I'm a little nervous about the OC change from Linehan to Mularkey. I was happy Mularkey left Pittsburgh for Buffalo, and we saw how well his HC stint went.

I think Dillon is on the decline for the Pats and that will hurt them control the clock.

I think CPep will be healthy enough early in the year. He does not have to make super hard cuts like a RB on every play, as long as he has stability he can drop back and pass.

As for the new O for CPep, IF they keep what Linehan left installed - he is very familiar with that system as they worked together in Minny. CPep had big numbers in this system and I'm salivating at seeing it work.

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I can't see Miami unseating NE this year either. They have too many pieces that need to come together, whereas NE has done a pretty good job of keeping their core intact.

This is obviously a 2-team division and I can see Miami maybe challenging for a wild card, but they're a year off from contending for the division IMO.

if a 3-13 jets season gives us brady quinn at QB, im all for it.

I pick the pats to win the division until they prove me wrong. I dont think they are a SB contender anymore, but i think the dolphins will have to wait till 07-08 to topple them.
Hmmm . . .If Brady cashes in for a TD the pass that Champ Bailey returned 100 yards, IMO the Pats win that game and would have played the Steelers in New England to go to the Super Bowl. That in a season where the Pats had like 10 key guys go on IR or miss a fair amount of the season.

I personally don't see why they would not be considered a contender anymore, but maybe that's just me.

As for the MIA and NE debate, for all intents and purposes the unofficial standings last year would show the Pats went 11-5 and the Fins 8-8. (And please let's not debate the actual records. No way would the Dolphins have won the last game in NE in Week 17. Miami was playing the Patriots 3rd and 4th stringers and won by 2 points.)

Even with the players they've lost, I don't see the Patriots getting less than 11 wins unless they catch the injury bug again. And I don't see the Dolphins winning 11 games next year.
Hard to knock the Pats, but their OL is something that should concern them and they seem to be losing their edge a little. Maybe the aging LB's and RB's? The Dolphins won their final 7 games of the year (even if a gift at the end) and that was with Gus Frerrotte. The OL under Hudson Houck got better as the year went on and Ronnie Brown will be a year older. Say what you will about Culpy, but he is a HUGE upgrade for the Dolphins. The secondary is the one area they could be in some trouble, but that is supposed to be Saban's specialty? I am a Dolphin fan, but I think they win the division this year and I haven't said that since a few years before Marino retired.
As for the Pats aging LB corps

Vrabel 30

Bruschi 32

Beisel 27

Colvin 28

Izzo 31

Davis 33

Banta-Cain 25

Alexander 24

Claridge 24

And they will likely draft another LB.

I don't think that that makes them ancient at LB.

As for losing their edge, IMO that stemmed from excessive injuries and having to try to plug and play different lineups the first half of the season.

if a 3-13 jets season gives us brady quinn at QB, im all for it.

I pick the pats to win the division until they prove me wrong. I dont think they are a SB contender anymore, but i think the dolphins will have to wait till 07-08 to topple them.
Hmmm . . .If Brady cashes in for a TD the pass that Champ Bailey returned 100 yards, IMO the Pats win that game and would have played the Steelers in New England to go to the Super Bowl. That in a season where the Pats had like 10 key guys go on IR or miss a fair amount of the season.

I personally don't see why they would not be considered a contender anymore, but maybe that's just me.

As for the MIA and NE debate, for all intents and purposes the unofficial standings last year would show the Pats went 11-5 and the Fins 8-8. (And please let's not debate the actual records. No way would the Dolphins have won the last game in NE in Week 17. Miami was playing the Patriots 3rd and 4th stringers and won by 2 points.)

Even with the players they've lost, I don't see the Patriots getting less than 11 wins unless they catch the injury bug again. And I don't see the Dolphins winning 11 games next year.
Hard to knock the Pats, but their OL is something that should concern them and they seem to be losing their edge a little. Maybe the aging LB's and RB's? The Dolphins won their final 7 games of the year (even if a gift at the end) and that was with Gus Frerrotte. The OL under Hudson Houck got better as the year went on and Ronnie Brown will be a year older. Say what you will about Culpy, but he is a HUGE upgrade for the Dolphins. The secondary is the one area they could be in some trouble, but that is supposed to be Saban's specialty? I am a Dolphin fan, but I think they win the division this year and I haven't said that since a few years before Marino retired.
Actually their O line should be a strength this year. Mankins and Kazcur have a year under their belt, Koppen and Light will be back from injuries and Neal has resigned. If the Pats extend Koppen this unit will be under contract for quite sometime. It will have the ability to be one of the better lines in the league as all the players are either young or just entering their prime. On the bench they have a very versatile and solid Hochstein as well as a decent player in Gorin. They also have some other players like Tucker who may or may not pan out. I wouldn't be surprised to see more depth added either thru the draft or free agency. In all honesty this is one area of the team that doesn't concern me at all.

The Pats are still the team to beat, but need a young RB. 10-6

Miami is the sexy pick this year, but I'm not sure they're ready. Lots of people thought Arizona was ready to make the jump last year too. I think they need a year with C-pep to gain chemistry, 7-9.

As long as Losman is NOT the starting QB, & the Bills draft OL help, they will contend for a wildcard. 9-7 with Holcomb, 6-10 with Losman.

The Jets will suck unless they trade up for Bush & Pennington is back to 2002 form. 5-11

Miami will challenge for the division if Culpepper is receovered. Since I don't expect him to be healthy, I think Phins fans are going to be disappointed. Nevertheless, Miami is headed in the right direction offensively, but an aging defense is a concern.

The Jets will do better than 3-13. If Pennington is healthy and strong, and the o-line improves, this team will sruprise. Of course, with most everyone projecting them to finish at the absolute bottom of the league, it won't tqake much for them to surprise.

This is a 2 horse race with Miami and New England.

The Pats know who they are and can certainly have a great year. Maybe another young RB through the draft and they are right where they need to be. Another WR somewhere would help Brady out too.

The Miami Dolphins are exciting but this team is still finding itself. We have not seen the real Ronnie Brown yet. Will CPepp be ready on time? What if he isn't? Can Chambers do even better with a better QB...logic says yes. Can the defense start to rebuild itself in the secondary that once housed Patrick Surtain, Sam Madison, Sammy Knight, and Brock Marion...I don't know too much about the current structure in place.

Miami has a lot of questions and I wouldn't be surprised if they went 8-8 or 9-7 again and found a few holes that will be fixed in the off season. I am excited about what Saban is doing but they need a few more play makers on defense and I am not sure he will find that in the draft where Miami has almost no picks.

if a 3-13 jets season gives us brady quinn at QB, im all for it.

I pick the pats to win the division until they prove me wrong. I dont think they are a SB contender anymore, but i think the dolphins will have to wait till 07-08 to topple them.

edit:i dont think the jets will be that bad though. They obviously arent a a playoff team, but ill be pretty surprised if they finish worse than 6-10. Now, thats bad, but not embrasssing. Assuming they use their first 3 picks on mario williams, Nick Mangold and an OT (2.3 i think) they will have filled most of their gaping holes. The new coaching staff will takes its lumps, and the QB position is up in the air, but i hardly expect the jets to roll over for the dolphins.

That being said, id still prefer 3-13 and brady quinn over 6-10 and a lower draft pick.
Never underestimate being a playoff team in the NFL. 2 years ago my Chargers had the first pick in the draft after finishing 4-12. The following fall they went 12-4. Teams can turn around fast. Last season I think the Bears came from basically left field. Why not the Jets too? Too early to throw in the towel man.
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if a 3-13 jets season gives us brady quinn at QB, im all for it.

I pick the pats to win the division until they prove me wrong. I dont think they are a SB contender anymore, but i think the dolphins will have to wait till 07-08 to topple them.

edit:i dont think the jets will be that bad though. They obviously arent a a playoff team, but ill be pretty surprised if they finish worse than 6-10. Now, thats bad, but not embrasssing. Assuming they use their first 3 picks on mario williams, Nick Mangold and an OT (2.3 i think) they will have filled most of their gaping holes. The new coaching staff will takes its lumps, and the QB position is up in the air, but i hardly expect the jets to roll over for the dolphins.

That being said, id still prefer 3-13 and brady quinn over 6-10 and a lower draft pick.
Never underestimate being a playoff team in the NFL. 2 years ago my Chargers had the first pick in the draft after finishing 4-12. The following fall they went 12-4. Teams can turn around fast. Last season I think the Bears came from basically left field. Why not the Jets too? Too early to throw in the towel man.
On this year it is - a .500 record is something to shoot for but, really THIS is or should be the Jets bottoming out year - Last year really wasn't it since they were a preseason Playoff pick by most then were killed with injuries.... This is the year they are changing the roster a bit and changing systems with new coaches - Like Miami last year and as Saban basically said about W/L meaning very little... I'm not really looking for anything record wise and a lot more Team wise - building a foundation, installing systems, building an OL and maybe finding a QB. It's the year for this staff to decide who fits and who doesn't and then to gut and plug those holes next year.
The Jets a "lifeless franchise"? LOL. Stupid comment.

The team is in rebuild mode, no doubt, but there is plenty of excitement after getting rid of Edwards and revamping the FO. Plenty of draft picks (5 in the first 97) and some real coaches..... it's a very optomistic time for Jets fans. It's a two year rebuild for sure, but things are looking up.

I think the Pats will take the division, but it might only take 10 wins to do it.... and that might be all they get. If Culpepper was healthy, I'd give the nod to Miami, but they have some questions on defense too. With a real shortage of picks, it may take them another year or two to challenge.

I think the Bills could surprise, and win 8 or 9 games. They have problems on the line on both sides of the ball, but if Nall or Holcombe play well, they are tough to beat at home.

NE- 11-5 (10-6)

Miami- 9-7

Bills- 8-8

Jets- 4-12


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