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Amy Klobuchar for President 2020 (2 Viewers)


It's obviously early and I obviously haven't decided who I'm gonna support yet, but I like what I see and I figure if I start the thread and she wins I look like a genius :D

I think everyone who wants to take down Trump in two years owes it to themselves to take a good long luck at this womanHere's another profile from a few years back.

She's smart and experienced (Yale and U of Chicago educated, about to start her third term in the US Senate).  She can bring together centrists and progressives. She's tough (former Hennepin County prosecutor) but funny and universally liked. She appeals to white suburban and rural voters. And in the immortal words of DJ Khaled, all she does is win.  She won her first Minnesota Senate election by 20 points, her second by 35 and then won yesterday in 34 in a state that Clinton only won by 1.5 (also there was another Senate race in her state Tuesday, the Dem won that one by 10).  To put it in perspective, she outperforms the partisan lean by her state by the same margin as Dem centrist miracle-workers in deep red states like Manchin and Tester even though her state already leans slightly blue.

She's incredibly productive, supposedly having passed more legislation than any other Senator according to a govtrack link on that Wikipedia page.  She'll inspire all those suburban moms who are trending Dem because she's one of them, and because she famously absorbed Kavanaugh's worst hissy fit (of many) with dignity.  She's mostly been left alone by the conservative media and is scandal-free, so the Fox News hate machine won't have nearly as much success with their usual hate-mongering smear campaign.

Give her a minority running mate like Julian Castro and I don't see a weakness.

Fox will get the country all riled up that Minnesota is made up of no good Scandinavian socialists. 

I prefer candidates with more substantial executive experience, though leading a D.A.'s office is certainly much more executive experience than none.  That said executive experience has certainly been no panacea.

I know her somewhat and her family a bit more.  It would be weird to see her as President.  Of course I felt the same way about Mary Burke when she ran in Wisconsin.

Whether its her...or one of the other newer faces...the democrats need to unite and not have a huge primary fight where they pick each other apart.

Whether its her...or one of the other newer faces...the democrats need to unite and not have a huge primary fight where they pick each other apart.
I think we need a tough primary though to make sure we can get someone who will not come unraveled with Trump's lies and lame personal insults. 

I think we need a tough primary though to make sure we can get someone who will not come unraveled with Trump's lies and lame personal insults. 
Yeah...I think there needs to be "thorough vetting" and not seen as some hand picked "rigged" puppet.  But not down and dirty as some have been.

Let anyone who may challenge Trump do that dirty work on that side...no need to give him more ammo.

I like her a lot. Is she even interested? Not sure she has that “star power” though. 
She seems to be.  The oddsmakers all list her and apparently she's made a couple Iowa trips.

Yeah the "star power" thing might be a concern, but I think she's up for it.  If you're running for president against Donald Trump everyone in America will know her name, and the fact that she massively outperforms expectations in every election suggests that ones people know her they really like her. I also think her genial midwestern likability works well against Trump.  I'm sure he'll come up with some juvenile way to attack her and make up some dumb nicknames, but they likely won't stick as well as they do for Clinton (and Warren, and Biden, and whatever he's got cooked up for Sanders).

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In that goat rodeo of a confirmation hearing, she did stand out to me as one of the few adults in the room.  Wondering if she has a list of things most important to her...might be a bit too early.  She certainly passes the "any functional adult" bar I have set for the next election cycle.  So she'd at least pass that hurdle, which is a leg up on 45 right out of the gate :thumbup:  

Klobuchar is awesome. I voted for her proudly. She is a rockstar.  She is squeaky clean AFAIK. She BETTER damn well like the gjallarhorn.

That said, I'm not sure the name recognition is there.  Whether that's good or bad is debatable. 

Klobuchar is awesome. I voted for her proudly. She is a rockstar.  She is squeaky clean AFAIK. She BETTER damn well like the gjallarhorn.

That said, I'm not sure the name recognition is there.  Whether that's good or bad is debatable. 
I honestly don't think it is as important in a general presidential race. But for the primary, I agree, so we have work to do ? 

She seems to be.  The oddsmakers all list her and apparently she's made a couple Iowa trips.
538 had a good article on this. Who's Behaving Like A 2020 Presidential Candidate

They look at Seven Signs That Someone Might Be Running For President. Visiting Iowa, New Hampshire, or South Carolina. Interview for a feature story in a national magazine. A campaign appearance fora senator/governor outside those three states. Release a book before the midterms. Be included in a national poll.

Klobuchar does not fare well in this - only scoring 3 points - having visited Iowa (might be that she visited cause it borders MN), is included in a poll, and has campaigned for other candidates.

However, there are folks who are for sure running, Bernie, Boden, Harris, Warren, etc. that fall over that scale, so who the hell knows

Klobuchar is awesome. I voted for her proudly. She is a rockstar.  She is squeaky clean AFAIK. She BETTER damn well like the gjallarhorn.

That said, I'm not sure the name recognition is there.  Whether that's good or bad is debatable. 
I still have a buddy from 30 years ago and my days in Minnesota who will call me after an important Viking win, or any Viking win against the Packers, play the gjallarhorn sound, and then hang up with nothing else said.  I admire his tenacity.  he has kept up that troll for 31 years now.

She seems to be.  The oddsmakers all list her and apparently she's made a couple Iowa trips.

Yeah the "star power" thing might be a concern, but I think she's up for it.  If you're running for president against Donald Trump everyone in America will know her name, and the fact that she massively outperforms expectations in every election suggests that ones people know her they really like her. I also think her genial midwestern likability works well against Trump.  I'm sure he'll come up with some juvenile way to attack her and make up some dumb nicknames, but they likely won't stick as well as they do for Clinton (and Warren, and Biden, and whatever he's got cooked up for Sanders).
She should be making trips to the South. She can probably coast to a win in Iowa . It needs to be followed up with a solid showing in the South post New Hampshire. It's what doomed Bernie. He put all the eggs in one basket(and he had to with limited resources) - doing well in Iowa and NH but the narrative turned once it got down South to SC, Georgia, etc. primaries where he got nothing. If he could have campaigned in the South he would have won the nomination - voters down here didn't know him so they cast votes for Hillary in default. Booker has been down here in Georgia and in Alabama a lot - going to churches, campaigning in the cities of ATL and Birmingham with the locals, with Stacey Abrams. He's set up well right now.

 I also think her genial midwestern likability works well against Trump.  I'm sure he'll come up with some juvenile way to attack her and make up some dumb nicknames, but they likely won't stick as well as they do for Clinton (and Warren, and Biden, and whatever he's got cooked up for Sanders).
:goodposting:   The article (Elle magazine) you posted in the OP makes me think she'd be a great antidote and perfect foil to Trump.  Her type of Midwestern likability and affability would make Trump's NYC brashness  play poorly in key areas of the country.

I like it.  I'm on board...hope she runs as a few other likely Dem nominees are a bit off-putting and I worry how they'd play in 2020.

She should be making trips to the South. She can probably coast to a win in Iowa . It needs to be followed up with a solid showing in the South post New Hampshire. It's what doomed Bernie. He put all the eggs in one basket(and he had to with limited resources) - doing well in Iowa and NH but the narrative turned once it got down South to SC, Georgia, etc. primaries where he got nothing. If he could have campaigned in the South he would have won the nomination - voters down here didn't know him so they cast votes for Hillary in default. Booker has been down here in Georgia and in Alabama a lot - going to churches, campaigning in the cities of ATL and Birmingham with the locals, with Stacey Abrams. He's set up well right now.
Good thoughts.  There's time for that; I mostly just wanted to plant the flag and get people talking about her.

In. I've said in other threads that I prefer a wonky, drama-free President next time around who will pledge a return to normalcy (without Teapot Dome).  I think she would fit that bill.  

How is her accent?

If she has that annoying Minnesotian accent...I don't know if I could vote for her.

By the way, do you know what state has the smallest beverages?


I've been shouting this from the rooftops.

She won her Senate race three times - with 58%, 65%, and 60% of the vote.  She's a winner.  She's got a sharp legal mind.  She's measured when she's on camera.  And she'd carry the Midwest, which is the great difference maker.

Beto as VP.

How is her accent?

If she has that annoying Minnesotian accent...I don't know if I could vote for her.

By the way, do you know what state has the smallest beverages?

Little to no "ya yooBETcha" type of accent. Also, we drink for size up here in da great white nort'.  Nun a doze liddle pansy drinks upyear doncha know.

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Sure, throw her in the migrant caravan with the other non-leaders & ambitionheads.

This reminds me of the one nominational race i covered - the Dems in '76. McGovern had got whooped so bad in '72 that the midwest liberal populist wing of McG, Clean Gene McCarthy & Harold Hughes was dead'n'dead and no one had figured out the political cynicism that Watergate had laid upon governance so we had like 13 candidates of all different kinds. The Hillary of the race was Scoop Jackson, a straight unionist lion who everyone conceded but nobody liked. You had a buncha "Senators are cool, eh" sideburn-sportin' squareheads, Teddy Kennedy swooping in every now & then with his bright notions & bad hair then deciding he didnt wanna run again, then the weirdos - Governor Moonbeam (Jerry Brown), environment wonk Mo Udall, meta racist George Wallace, the perfectly-wonderful & genuine homespun liberal Fred Harris (whose Native American wife LaDonna was smarter than all the other candidates combined and ran for high-office in several fringe parties for decades - and who both became friends of mine when we moved to Albq about the same time) and this Governor of PA, Milton Schapp who had the freshest ideas but could not make a speech without charts & graphs & venn diagrams on an easel which always fell over & always provided an awkward moment of him wanting to help his aides pick everything up but fearing that would make him look unpresidential.

And they were all blown away by Captain Morality. I got to know James Earl Carter quite well because he had started campaigning in NH months & months ahead of everyone else and i was campaigning for the full-time news job at the radio station i was working at so i kept going to these coffee klatches in Nashua & Keene where he talked for hours to ladies' societies and living room clubs. He had iron cojones but a soft manner, no ideas but a strict, strong & clear vision for how the world should conduct itself. When i heard during his Presidency that the whole Iran thing got started because he refused to continue bribing mullahs to keep the peace (as America had since they propped up the Shah) because Men of God should not take bribes, i was absolutely unsurprised.

I don't know if that's a cautionary tale but, if i was a betting man, i'd look for the most morally-centered candidate amongst what's sure to be a madding crowd.

ETA: All i know is that the Dems gotta start working NOW on talking Liz Warren out of running if they are to have any real chance. I was witness to her first campaign in MA and she woulda lost easy if she werent a Democrat in Massachusetts. There is so deep a crevasse between what she believes (which is great & i admire) and what she thinks we should hear that she can be sent scrambling by the tiniest idiocies & ambiguities, which is Fearless Leader's wheelhouse.

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Great choice.  MN has one of the highest percentage on allowing both legal and illegal immigration of any state.  The number of Somali’s that have moved to St Cloud is staggering.  I think she would do a great job in opening the doors for immigration.

MN has a history of strong taxation of the people, I think she would bring this to the presidency and work to increase taxes for all classes of the United States, which is badly needed to reduce the mounting debt that we have.

i think she would increase social programs for the poor, welfare etc., which is needed.

i would support her, it would be a breath of fresh air from what we have now.

Great choice.  MN has one of the highest percentage on allowing both legal and illegal immigration of any state.  The number of Somali’s that have moved to St Cloud is staggering.  I think she would do a great job in opening the doors for immigration.

MN has a history of strong taxation of the people, I think she would bring this to the presidency and work to increase taxes for all classes of the United States, which is badly needed to reduce the mounting debt that we have.

i think she would increase social programs for the poor, welfare etc., which is needed.

i would support her, it would be a breath of fresh air from what we have now.
you understand who determines a state’s laws right?

Great choice.  MN has one of the highest percentage on allowing both legal and illegal immigration of any state.  The number of Somali’s that have moved to St Cloud is staggering.  I think she would do a great job in opening the doors for immigration.

MN has a history of strong taxation of the people, I think she would bring this to the presidency and work to increase taxes for all classes of the United States, which is badly needed to reduce the mounting debt that we have.

i think she would increase social programs for the poor, welfare etc., which is needed.

i would support her, it would be a breath of fresh air from what we have now.
As of 2014 estimates, Minnesota has 100,000 (or 1.9% of population, 3.8% of the labor force) undocumented immigrants, or approximately 23% of its immigrant population of just over 400,000 immigrants (or around 8% of their population) a negligable increase from 2009.

Those numbers place Minnesota well below the national averages in every category.

As of 2014 estimates, Minnesota has 100,000 (or 1.9% of population, 3.8% of the labor force) undocumented immigrants, or approximately 23% of its immigrant population of just over 400,000 immigrants (or around 8% of their population) a negligable increase from 2009.

Those numbers place Minnesota well below the national averages in every category.
4 years ago is really outdated huge increase past four years

She's on my shortlist for support in 2020.  Fatguy makes a great point though - is she a dynamic and captivating speaker?  I hate that we've trended this way as a country, but star power > wonkiness at this point at the ballot box.  


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