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Arrest warrant issued for Brian Laundrie: *** Official manhunt time *** (1 Viewer)

Another unpopular take - if they really did find human remains and they're Brian Laundrie, then he did the authorities a favor. 

Sure, they could convict him on credit fraud charges but IMO I think he might have skated on murder charges(barring a confession).

The only murder weapon was somebody's hands. She might have had his DNA under her fingernails but could he pass that off as rough sex? Any defensive wounds he had would have probably healed.

Yes, he killed her but could you prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
Is it confirmed that she died via hand strangulation and not by some other form of strangulation (neck tie, belt, etc)?

Based on this post and a few others [culdeus] made in thread, I see you really the parents are being treated unfairly in all of this. 
Not addressed to me, but I wanted to speak up and say that culdeus is not alone in his take.

I might be the one that's off kilter here ... but I don't think that when Brian returned without Gabby, that his parents' were somehow bound to leap straight to presumption of foul play. I believe that there were a few possible feasible explanations he could have told to his sympathetic parents (that of course wouldn't have flown with investigators) that bought him that first week or so.

I don't think Brian ever confessed to his parents -- or else if he did, it was sometime after the "talk to our lawyer" police visit. I also find it reasonable that the parents bought Brian's explanations until Gabby's parents started calling the Laundrie household. THAT'S when wheels probably started spinning for real in parents' heads, and when Brian realized he had no more outs to play.

I also agree with JaxBill that Brian could have plausibly escaped conviction -- a one in a thousand shot, but a shot nonetheless. That goes triple for before her body was found -- Brian probably tricked himself into feeling relatively "safe" until then.

I'll actually go a step past JaxBill -- I still think there is a very, very thin chance that Brian Laundrie didn't, in fact, kill Gabby Petito. Call it one in a hundred from my POV. I think someone in his position who finds her body and recalls the police stop and the events at the Mexican restaurant ... I can see someone in that position assuming they'll take the fall with investigators eager to close the case and events looking terrible on him. I can also see an innocent, but deeply panicked, person responding pretty much like Brian has done in real life. I can envision the entire "truth is stranger than fiction" scenario. One in hundred, yes ... but I can't say "no way".

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I don't think there's a jury out there that wouldn't find him guilty, IMO. History of abuse in the relationship (maybe from both parties), his sketchy behavior, lawyering up, going on the run,, etc...just the whole story screams he did it, and I doubt they could convince a jury that he didnt.
Personal experience on a jury, with only circumstantial evidence, it would be very hard to get a unanimous decision out of a jury. You are given clear instructions on all of it, it would be a very difficult case to prove IMO.

So the conspiracy is that he told his parents where he was going to go kill himself, and they were to stay silent for a certain period of time before leading them to his body?  Major waste of public resources that they may eventually pay for, plus obstruction of justice when it all comes out.

So the conspiracy is that he told his parents where he was going to go kill himself, and they were to stay silent for a certain period of time before leading them to his body?  Major waste of public resources that they may eventually pay for, plus obstruction of justice when it all comes out.
yeah cause if i was a parent that’s what i’d do :rolleyes:  this conspiracy people really don’t live in the real world 

I'd love to hear from the parents what Brian told them upon returning without her in her van.  She lived with them for two years.

Lawyered up and wouldn't respond to Petito's family after he got back.   They knew.

Gekko must have theorized on this right? He goes into the woods, drops some personal stuff there to throw everyone off, meanwhile he is in San Diego surfing or some ####

Body found 900 feet from his parked car, nearly exactly the distance GP body was found from the parked van (in video).

Nice searching everyone.  

Top Golf told me I hit a Tee Shot that far today.  

Gekko must have theorized on this right? He goes into the woods, drops some personal stuff there to throw everyone off, meanwhile he is in San Diego surfing or some ####
And then made a space lazer that could start forest fires in order to cover up any evidence left behind in her murder. He never got a chance to use the space lazer . . . . . yet

Was the notebook in a waterproof backpack or something? Trying to figure out a headline I read that a notebook that was found led to murder charges.

Was the notebook in a waterproof backpack or something? Trying to figure out a headline I read that a notebook that was found led to murder charges.

Charges against who?

Dead people don't face charges.  But the notebook could have had a confession, and thus some closure.   :shrug:

Was the notebook in a waterproof backpack or something? Trying to figure out a headline I read that a notebook that was found led to murder charges.
This point is not clear in most media reports so far, but: There was apparently both a "dry bag" and a backpack found. Two separate items:

"As they went further in, [Chris Laundrie, Brian's father] ventured off the trail into the woods. He was zigzagging in different areas, law enforcement was doing the same thing. And Roberta Laundrie was walking down the trail," Bertolino said. "At some point, Chris locates what's called a dry bag (example link - db). The dry bag is a white bag, laying in the woods, say 20 feet or so off the trail."

Bertolino said, according to Chris Laundrie, the dry bag was in some brambles and he didn't want to pick up the bag, because he wanted his law enforcement to see it. However, Bertolino said Laundrie "couldn't find the law enforcement," because they were then out of sight and didn't want to leave the bag there with a news reporter standing nearby, so he picked it up.

"He did meet up shortly with law enforcement, they looked at the contents of the bag. At that time, law enforcement officers showed him a picture on the phone of a backpack that law enforcement had located also nearby and also some distance off the trail," Bertolino told CNN.

"At that point, the Laundries were notified there was also remains near the backpack, and they were asked to leave the preserve."
What's not yet clear to me is whether not the notebook was found in the dry bag or in the backpack. 

So the parents call the authorities and say they wanna help search, then they go directly to an area and "find" personal items, and those items are near remains.

This case is just the craziest case ever.

Sinn Fein said:
Charges against who?

Dead people don't face charges.  But the notebook could have had a confession, and thus some closure.   :shrug:
Good question, I couldn’t make sense of the headline and what I read of the article.

Wingnut said:
So the parents call the authorities and say they wanna help search, then they go directly to an area and "find" personal items, and those items are near remains.

This case is just the craziest case ever.
Haven't they helped a few times and led the police to various areas he frequented?

Wingnut said:
So the parents call the authorities and say they wanna help search, then they go directly to an area and "find" personal items, and those items are near remains.

This case is just the craziest case ever.

I mean that's the "hang the parents" narrative, but the real story seems like they said

>Look there

>Police> Bruh but it's wet there and we only search on dry ground because gators are scary and it's not my job.

>Look there, it's now dry.


>Ok we will, here's the stuff.  

Doug B said:
"As they went further in, [Chris Laundrie, Brian's father] ventured off the trail into the woods. He was zigzagging in different areas, law enforcement was doing the same thing. And Roberta Laundrie was walking down the trail," Bertolino said. "At some point, Chris locates what's called a dry bag (example link - db). The dry bag is a white bag, laying in the woods, say 20 feet or so off the trail."

Bertolino said, according to Chris Laundrie, the dry bag was in some brambles and he didn't want to pick up the bag, because he wanted his law enforcement to see it. However, Bertolino said Laundrie "couldn't find the law enforcement," because they were then out of sight and didn't want to leave the bag there with a news reporter standing nearby, so he picked it up.
How many people are in this search party? His dad, just happens to be the one who finds the bag?

Sad business all around though if this is him. 

Really hoping theres info in the notebook or elsewhere that explains everything.

My wife's narrative is that the remains aren't his, it's someone else he knocked off, and this guy is a serial killer. I mean, why not?

Sinn Fein said:
Family probably killed some homeless person, dumped his body where it would decompose quickly, sprinkled a few personal effects around, waited a few weeks...

Take that to the laundry, bromigos!

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