I bought a Joe Blow pump for $15 on Craigslist. After I rolled up to his place on my Lemond, winded and sweaty from the hills, the seller decided to give me a small toolkit pouch with tube and tools. Suddenly I felt guilty about having negotiated the pump down from $20, which was already a fair price, but I've always been a generous Craigslist seller/gifter so karma is balanced.
Upon removing the Canyon bike from the box, I saw there was a minor complication. Maybe because it is a 2XL frame, they removed the rear wheel to ship. All the videos I can find and my limited past experience is with assembling bikes that have the rear wheel already attached. Plus, one axle poked through the box during shipping and a few threads were slightly scratched.
Upon removing the Canyon bike from the box, I saw there was a minor complication. Maybe because it is a 2XL frame, they removed the rear wheel to ship. All the videos I can find and my limited past experience is with assembling bikes that have the rear wheel already attached. Plus, one axle poked through the box during shipping and a few threads were slightly scratched.