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BP's list of 100 good or decent fantasy movies: we done (2 Viewers)

91. Free Guy

BP says: I really enjoyed this one and Ryan Renolds is great. It helps that I am a video game nerd and so I think the concept of a self aware npc is great to me.
I really enjoyed this movie also.
Isn't this more sci-fi?
no. IMDB lists it as Action/Comedy/fantasy/sci-fi. They even play Fantasy by Mariah Carey as a wink wink nudge nudge. It's fantasy because the majority of the movie takes place in a fictionalized world. Technology doesn't play a huge role in the movie and it's not advanced or speculative.
84. Van Helsing

BP says: Back in the day when I had cable this movie came on a ton since you know tv stations replay the same movies ad nauseam because people like me will rewatch them. I don't think I'd argue that this is the best movie ever but I think it's something fun and enjoyable that you can relax with.
84. Van Helsing

BP says: Back in the day when I had cable this movie came on a ton since you know tv stations replay the same movies ad nauseam because people like me will rewatch them. I don't think I'd argue that this is the best movie ever but I think it's something fun and enjoyable that you can relax with.
I’d say this is more horror/action (and unintentional comedy) than fantasy.
Every time I see this thread...I see BGP and not BP.

So where is my place in society? What is my purpose here? It was in the investment world that I found my place. Here, the rules are different. You don't want to follow the crowd. When you follow the crowd you are, in fact, prey. What I discovered was that my purpose, my function, was to be a predator. Not a pack animal like a wolf, either. No, imagine me as the Lion, or the Tyrannosaurus Rex. In Jurassic Park when all the vegetarian dinos are flocking in the meadow and then the T-Rex swoops in and kills one, that's me. All of you who follow the crowd are those veggie-eaters. You've never tasted the flesh. You think you're safe as you run in the crowd and act like everyone else, but I'm just waiting to pick you off one-by-one. You flock to the tech sector, I'm there waiting for you. You run to pharmaceuticals, I'm laying in the weeds. You run to gold, I've cornered you again. I know your habits, and your tendencies. I know how you think. You may fear me, hate me, misunderstand me, or appreciate what I do but I'm prepared to fulfill my function just as you serve your place in the herd.
In what is very likely sacrilege.....

75. The Dark Crystal

BP says: I don't really get it. This is my first time seeing it and I was expecting great things but I just felt like it was very basic and bare bones. My wife said it was cute and I definitely don't think it's the worst movie out there. The whole time I was watching it I thought that it would have been much better with live action. One thing that I thought was very cool was that the Landstrider was the inspiration/intellectual theft for the Silt Strider from Morrowind.

You may admonish me now
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72. Ladyhawke

BP says: A movie I watched for this list and it's not bad but I don't think it's great either. You get a few of those same Ferris Bueller wall breaks and I do like Mathew Broderick. The story is hauntingly sweet. I
Admiring this effort, but yeah some of these movies are why I combined fantasy with sci-fi.
it gets better! Well maybe
Well at least you haven't posted any Woody Allen movies yet.

Sleeper would be scifi, not fantasy.
He has a movie that would be considered “fantasy”.

The one where he's a 60 year old sportswriter and married to Helena Bonham Carter?
Well, he’s not actually in the one I was thinking of - just the director.
Why yes, I did like

70. Midnight in Paris

BP says: I'm well aware of the Allen hate on this site and I don't think I've ever watched any other Woody Allen film but I watched this and just thought it was a pleasant little film. I liked Owen Wilson.
68. Labyrinth

BP says: This is either my first time watching this or I've seen it before and didn't remember. Going in I expected it to be more like Dark Crystal but I felt like the tone was a little different. If you read my blurb about The Dark Crystal you'd see that one of my...not criticism exactly maybe laments? was that it might have been better with a live action presence so 4 years after Dark Crystal and later movies do have that live action presence and I think it makes it a better movie.
66. Fire and Ice

BP says: I thought it was a little ridiculous that they had Teegra running around half naked (I wonder what demographic they were targeting?) but I liked it and found it more believable than something like Krull.
65. Treasure Planet

BP says: Back when I was a kid I loooooovvvvveeeeedddd Treasure Island and pirates. As an adult, I loved me some Black Sails. So when I heard about it from some random youtube list of underrated movies I really wanted to see this. Well, a few years ago I finally got around to seeing it. I remember being a little let down and there's the possibility that this is somewhat highish on my list simply because of my biasness but I look at my list and I think I'm being pretty fair and balanced.
one other thing about that film, I've just been linking to the imdb page and you can go read if you want instead of me just posting some neat little triva fact but that movie took 10 years to make. Holy ****, man!
83. The Golden Compass

BP says: Very enjoyable movie for me. Good acting.
There’s a reason they never did the rest of the series :lol:
Not trying to be argumentative or anything but It did make a nice chunk of change overseas and got a reboot on HBO. There have been plenty of box office bombs that are considered "good" movies. Not saying that this one of them just that money earned=/=quality. It's something I watched years ago so it's possible that I might not like it as much as I remember liking it but it's fairly low on my list so I don't get the ridicule and scorn.

Maybe if I said it was top 30 then yeah call the cops so they can do a wellness check.
83. The Golden Compass

BP says: Very enjoyable movie for me. Good acting.
There’s a reason they never did the rest of the series :lol:
Not trying to be argumentative or anything but It did make a nice chunk of change overseas and got a reboot on HBO. There have been plenty of box office bombs that are considered "good" movies. Not saying that this one of them just that money earned=/=quality. It's something I watched years ago so it's possible that I might not like it as much as I remember liking it but it's fairly low on my list so I don't get the ridicule and scorn.

Maybe if I said it was top 30 then yeah call the cops so they can do a wellness check.
For me, I went to the theater expecting a really good movie/book adaptation. It made a good box office return worldwide. With the stars in this movie, I thought it would be a lot better. The dialog/acting seemed disjointed and the movie just doesn’t flow right. I’m glad they rebooted it as a series as this one is truly worthy of a reboot imo. It went 3 seasons so it sounds successful (haven’t seen any of it).

I think the value for any film is our memories of it. There are classics, rewatchables, and the rest. Two of my childhood favorite movies are The Black Hole and Tron. Neither movie is that good tbh (technological advances aside for Tron), but to me, they are pieces of my childhood and will watch them any time today.
You are right to like Treasure Planet. At the very least it LOOKS fantastic. I think it failed because we're treated to the whole Martin Short experience. It wasn't long after Jar Jar Binks burst in the scene and audiences just couldn't take another annoying character like that.

Golden Compass is as bland as Melba toast.
67. Dark City

BP says: I think this is a "good" movie. I think noir, not that this is listed as noir but I think it's very noirish, just comes off very sophisticated but I don't think it's a film that I'd really want to watch again.
It’s more sci-fi noir.
I think you are probably right. IMDB gave it the cyberpunk, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi and thriller tags. If you go down to the genres section its
I had wanted to watch it after seeing it on scoresmans list but I think you are correct here.
67. Dark City

BP says: I think this is a "good" movie. I think noir, not that this is listed as noir but I think it's very noirish, just comes off very sophisticated but I don't think it's a film that I'd really want to watch again.
It’s more sci-fi noir.
I think you are probably right. IMDB gave it the cyberpunk, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi and thriller tags. If you go down to the genres section its
I had wanted to watch it after seeing it on scoresmans list but I think you are correct here.
No big deal of course - but I believe the premise was Aliens rearranging the city (but maybe they never specified what those guys were - it’s been a long time)

I do remember liking it a lot and will try and watch again.

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