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Can we discuss pet peeves here? (2 Viewers)

People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?
Yeah this is a little extreme to get peeved about. It’s just a text, he’s not calling you. If you wanna sleep in DND or silence your phone til you wake up

Can't, see explanation.
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?
Yeah this is a little extreme to get peeved about. It’s just a text, he’s not calling you. If you wanna sleep in DND or silence your phone til you wake up

Can't, see explanation.
Do it before you fall asleep the night before you want to sleep in. :shrug:
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
You can set numbers to break through dnd
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
Hi gm big fan.

My DND automatically turns on at 10pm and off at 730am. You can set favorite contacts, that can text or call. You can allow alarms. You can allow calendar events. You can limit to just calls. There are plenty of options
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
You can set numbers to break through dnd
You just blew my mind. I'm old.
I have DND on both of my phones and it's great! Goes into quiet mode at 10pm and ends at 8am. No Slack notifications, no email notifications, only text/phone alerts are from people in the "list". Now I just need to teach my wife the same. :cautious:
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
You can set numbers to break through dnd
You just blew my mind. I'm old.

Me too. :bag:
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?
What? They don't get notified
Door to door salesmen have probably been covered, but my god how annoying. Get a knock on our door right as we're sitting down for dinner. I tell ,my wife not to open but she does anyway and gets treated to a ten minute pitch on how we need to spray for spiders around our house (even though I've maybe seen 3 spiders in my house in the 4 years we've lived here). The guy wouldn't STFU even after my wife said multiple times we aren't interested. I almost got up to put the guy in his place.

I would like to extend this to ALL people who try to sell me stuff unsolicited. I am not interested and most likely will never be interested. If I were I would've done research and went with who I wanted for it.
She does know that she can just shut the door, right?

She's too nice. Even considering this, after her second or third "Sorry we're not interested" she finally came out with "I'm going to have to cut this short" at which point the guy said have a nice day and walked away. I wouldn't mind it so much if they would stop and leave the first time we say we're not interested, but to keep on going, is just flat out rude.

Is this really an effective sales tactic? Do people really cave in after being hounded and badgered by these people?
I can't imagine it being effective, but then again, I can't imagine people being talked into sending gift cards to someone from an "emergency" phone call and apparently that works.

I shouldn't exactly talk, because I did buy some overpriced generic cleaning spray off some guy who came to my door years ago. But he was hilarious and seriously entertaining, and I never got to the point where I said no thanks and asked him to leave, plus he cleaned like half front steps with the stuff to show it worked (and at least wasn't completely worthless). By the end I figured he earned the sale.

But now, unsolicited doorbells/knocks just get treated like unknown callers. Sebastian Maniscalco tells it like it is, lol.
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?

Not willing to find out tbh
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?
What? They don't get notified
With iPhones at least, you can see something along the lines of “GM has messages silenced” when texting someone on DND.
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?

Not willing to find out tbh
That sounds terrible.
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?

Not willing to find out tbh
That sounds terrible.

Eh, it's a tiny company but money never sleeps and I get paid well to "be there" when needed. :shrug:

I also work like 5 hours a day max, so....
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?
What? They don't get notified
With iPhones at least, you can see something along the lines of “GM has messages silenced” when texting someone on DND.
Not if you turn off focus.

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Go to Settings > Focus.
Tap Focus Status.
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Last edited:
Door to door salesmen have probably been covered, but my god how annoying. Get a knock on our door right as we're sitting down for dinner. I tell ,my wife not to open but she does anyway and gets treated to a ten minute pitch on how we need to spray for spiders around our house (even though I've maybe seen 3 spiders in my house in the 4 years we've lived here). The guy wouldn't STFU even after my wife said multiple times we aren't interested. I almost got up to put the guy in his place.

I would like to extend this to ALL people who try to sell me stuff unsolicited. I am not interested and most likely will never be interested. If I were I would've done research and went with who I wanted for it.

Almost got in a fight with a guy about 5 years ago because he wouldn't leave my property. We're on our township's no soliciting list and these people are supposed to get a copy before they do it. This guy completely lied to me about it, wouldn't leave, and was acting like I was the world's biggest dumbass because I wasn't interested in the great deal he was trying to offer me.
Quite a few years back we were eating dinner at my mom’s out at the picnic table. She’s got a decent sized lot at the end of the street across from the woods. So no No Soliciting signs but guy comes up with so spiel (cable tv maybe) anyway has to tell him like 3 times not interested (literally in the middle of eating). Finally he left. In hindsight I wanted to say let me know what time you eat dinner and I’ll stop by to hear about it

Had another guy when we first moved in (so like late 2000s). Wife was home and said something like come back when my husband gets home
So he comes back saying he’s here to do a quote. I was like no thanks and he’s like your wife said to come back. I said not interested and he starting going on about how he drove over an hour in rush hour and I just said buddy I never called you out here and shut the door
Door to door salesmen have probably been covered, but my god how annoying. Get a knock on our door right as we're sitting down for dinner. I tell ,my wife not to open but she does anyway and gets treated to a ten minute pitch on how we need to spray for spiders around our house (even though I've maybe seen 3 spiders in my house in the 4 years we've lived here). The guy wouldn't STFU even after my wife said multiple times we aren't interested. I almost got up to put the guy in his place.

I would like to extend this to ALL people who try to sell me stuff unsolicited. I am not interested and most likely will never be interested. If I were I would've done research and went with who I wanted for it.

Almost got in a fight with a guy about 5 years ago because he wouldn't leave my property. We're on our township's no soliciting list and these people are supposed to get a copy before they do it. This guy completely lied to me about it, wouldn't leave, and was acting like I was the world's biggest dumbass because I wasn't interested in the great deal he was trying to offer me.
In hindsight I wanted to say let me know what time you eat dinner and I’ll stop by to hear about it
one of my favorite seinfeld scenes
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?
What? They don't get notified
With iPhones at least, you can see something along the lines of “GM has messages silenced” when texting someone on DND.
Not if you turn off focus.

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Go to Settings > Focus.
Tap Focus Status.
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Select which Focus options can share that you have notifications silenced.

I’m not trying to hide my DND status :shrug:

On the contrary, I’d like people to know when I’m unavailable, including my boss.
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?
What? They don't get notified
With iPhones at least, you can see something along the lines of “GM has messages silenced” when texting someone on DND.
Not if you turn off focus.

Share your Focus status

Go to Settings > Focus.
Tap Focus Status.
Turn OFF Share Focus Status.
Select which Focus options can share that you have notifications silenced.

I’m not trying to hide my DND status :shrug:

On the contrary, I’d like people to know when I’m unavailable, including my boss.
I also work like 5 hours a day max, so....
I would hope all of us would gladly welcome a few late night texts/emails from the boss that we gotta reply to if the tradeoff is a 5 hour day
Not me. Effectively, he’s taking call indefinitely. That sucks, and fractured sleep is terribly unhealthy.

If his services are valuable, I have no doubt he could find a comparable position without the nonsense.

FTR, I work a little over 900 hours a year, with defined 10 hour shifts, and nobody hassling me at 4 in the morning.
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?
What? They don't get notified
With iPhones at least, you can see something along the lines of “GM has messages silenced” when texting someone on DND.
Not if you turn off focus.

Share your Focus status

Go to Settings > Focus.
Tap Focus Status.
Turn OFF Share Focus Status.
Select which Focus options can share that you have notifications silenced.

I’m not trying to hide my DND status :shrug:

On the contrary, I’d like people to know when I’m unavailable, including my boss.
It’s not *LOOK AT ME*…it’s letting people know not to expect a prompt response.
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
How would your boss respond to a do not disturb notification?

Not willing to find out tbh
That sounds terrible.

Eh, it's a tiny company but money never sleeps and I get paid well to "be there" when needed. :shrug:

I also work like 5 hours a day max, so....
I probably only do 10 hours of actual work a week
Not me. Effectively, he’s taking call indefinitely. That sucks, and fractured sleep is terribly unhealthy.
Doubtful. I am sure his boss isn't calling/texting him consistently. If he was, than yea, the tradeoff may not be worth it.

I send random, well sort of random emails and texts and reply to ones at odd hours mostly so it appears that I am "always on". Makes up for my 930-300 days with an hour chill lunch
Why does the pump in my shampoo bottle not reach all the way to the bottom of the container? There's no way to get all the shampoo out of the thing. Since the top doesn't open, I can't just pour it out. Drives me bananas.
Why does the pump in my shampoo bottle not reach all the way to the bottom of the container? There's no way to get all the shampoo out of the thing. Since the top doesn't open, I can't just pour it out. Drives me bananas.
Thats annoying.

Standard fbg response: why dont you go buy a sawzall so you can cut the top off and drain the shampoo then you surely wont be annoyed.

Retort: wouldnt that put little pieces of plastic in my shampoo?

Fbg response: here, buy this filter i just googled and am now an expert on.
@General Malaise uncle texts him early in the morning. He is understandably annoyed by this.

Instead of accepting that annoyance, fbgs suggest becoming more dependent on technology and see no reason for people to be respectful of long established time windows.
In my defense I was just replying to GM how he replied to us complaining about solicitors..... ;)
Not me. Effectively, he’s taking call indefinitely. That sucks, and fractured sleep is terribly unhealthy.
Doubtful. I am sure his boss isn't calling/texting him consistently. If he was, than yea, the tradeoff may not be worth it.

I send random, well sort of random emails and texts and reply to ones at odd hours mostly so it appears that I am "always on". Makes up for my 930-300 days with an hour chill lunch

Very infrequent but it does happen. Small firm. Money never sleeps, pal.
@General Malaise uncle texts him early in the morning. He is understandably annoyed by this.

Instead of accepting that annoyance, fbgs suggest becoming more dependent on technology and see no reason for people to be respectful of long established time windows.

Yeah, I really stepped in this one. :lmao:

oh well. I'm going to make up for it by pre-ordering all my restaurant meals in advance of sitting down and inhaling it like Joey Chestnut once it arrives.
Why does the pump in my shampoo bottle not reach all the way to the bottom of the container? There's no way to get all the shampoo out of the thing. Since the top doesn't open, I can't just pour it out. Drives me bananas.
Thats annoying.

Standard fbg response: why dont you go buy a sawzall so you can cut the top off and drain the shampoo then you surely wont be annoyed.

Retort: wouldnt that put little pieces of plastic in my shampoo?

Fbg response: here, buy this filter i just googled and am now an expert on.
Sawzall seems overkill. I'd suggest this instead. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cDiVhUc93dQ
Why does the pump in my shampoo bottle not reach all the way to the bottom of the container? There's no way to get all the shampoo out of the thing. Since the top doesn't open, I can't just pour it out. Drives me bananas.

You'll also notice that the pump in any standard spray bottle is curved to point to the back, so it "runs out" more quickly if you tend to tilt it forward when spraying.
Why does the pump in my shampoo bottle not reach all the way to the bottom of the container? There's no way to get all the shampoo out of the thing. Since the top doesn't open, I can't just pour it out. Drives me bananas.

You'll also notice that the pump in any standard spray bottle is curved to point to the back, so it "runs out" more quickly if you tend to tilt it forward when spraying.
Yep. But if you check Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo, you'll see it goes to the top of the pontil and then stops. Wankers.
Why does the pump in my shampoo bottle not reach all the way to the bottom of the container? There's no way to get all the shampoo out of the thing. Since the top doesn't open, I can't just pour it out. Drives me bananas.
I'm like three weeks into my project of extending the life of my conditioner bottle as long as humanly possible, with probably another week or two to go. I turn it upside down, tap the bottom, dump a huge dollop into my hands and then try to put 3/4 of it back in the bottle. I really should just give it up but I paid for that conditioner and I'm getting my money's worth, dammit!

All of which is to say, yes, it should be easier to empty those bottles completely without contortions
Every single company that offers cloud storage:

"You're approaching your limit. Would you like to buy additional storage that will lock you into a monthly payment for the rest of your life? Oh, instead you'd like to delete some files to free up some space? OK, fine, here is a 20-step process that will free up a total of 3MB. Or ... you could just buy more storage! What's that? You'd like steps that could make it easier to delete the largest files, like eliminating duplicates or removing the attachments from emails while preserving the text? I guess we could do that, but have we mentioned that you could buy more storage?"

Google used to have much better tools (they also used to offer unlimited storage for Gmail), but now they're just as bad as Apple and the rest.

I guess the bright side is that, as a Miami resident, this is preparing me for the next couple decades. I can do all I can to stem the rising tide, but eventually, I will be underwater
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
Hi gm big fan.

My DND automatically turns on at 10pm and off at 730am. You can set favorite contacts, that can text or call. You can allow alarms. You can allow calendar events. You can limit to just calls. There are plenty of options
For all the old people. It's easier if you just leave your phone in the den way far away from your bedroom. Then you don't have to figure out how to do the DND setting and you won't be disturbed. Best of both worlds.
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
Hi gm big fan.

My DND automatically turns on at 10pm and off at 730am. You can set favorite contacts, that can text or call. You can allow alarms. You can allow calendar events. You can limit to just calls. There are plenty of options
For all the old people. It's easier if you just leave your phone in the den way far away from your bedroom. Then you don't have to figure out how to do the DND setting and you won't be disturbed. Best of both worlds.

I like the rain app on my phone for sleeping. :bag:
@General Malaise uncle texts him early in the morning. He is understandably annoyed by this.

Instead of accepting that annoyance, fbgs suggest becoming more dependent on technology and see no reason for people to be respectful of long established time windows.
In my defense I was just replying to GM how he replied to us complaining about solicitors..... ;)
That was him? Carry on then.
No Soliciting signs down?

@General Malaise uncle texts him early in the morning. He is understandably annoyed by this.

Instead of accepting that annoyance, fbgs suggest becoming more dependent on technology and see no reason for people to be respectful of long established time windows.
In my defense I was just replying to GM how he replied to us complaining about solicitors..... ;)
That was him? Carry on then.
:gang2: petty peeve grudge:
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
Hi gm big fan.

My DND automatically turns on at 10pm and off at 730am. You can set favorite contacts, that can text or call. You can allow alarms. You can allow calendar events. You can limit to just calls. There are plenty of options
For all the old people. It's easier if you just leave your phone in the den way far away from your bedroom. Then you don't have to figure out how to do the DND setting and you won't be disturbed. Best of both worlds.

I like the rain app on my phone for sleeping. :bag:
You can set a timer on that :hophead: .........
People who don't understand how timezones work. You don't need a complex degree in mathematics to understand that if you live on the east coast and feel it necessary to send a text to somebody on the west coast that there is a 3 hour time difference and maybe just MAYBE 9:30am  your time isn't an appropriate time to launch that text on a Saturday. Right, Uncle Dawson? :hot:
DND down?

For me? Yes. 80 year old dad, need to be available to him 24/7. Also, neurotic boss in the office at 420am. Need to be available to him too.
Hi gm big fan.

My DND automatically turns on at 10pm and off at 730am. You can set favorite contacts, that can text or call. You can allow alarms. You can allow calendar events. You can limit to just calls. There are plenty of options
For all the old people. It's easier if you just leave your phone in the den way far away from your bedroom. Then you don't have to figure out how to do the DND setting and you won't be disturbed. Best of both worlds.

I like the rain app on my phone for sleeping. :bag:
I use green noise on my echo echo echo
When we're going somewhere as a family and Mrs. Reilly is driving her car, she insists on pressing the unlock button on her key fob once, getting into the car while the rest of us wait outside, and then pressing the unlock button on the door. I guess she hasn't figured out yet that you can press the button twice to unlock the car for everyone. Which makes sense, since that's only been standard SINCE THE INVENTION OF KEY FOBS 40 YEARS AGO!!
When we're going somewhere as a family and Mrs. Reilly is driving her car, she insists on pressing the unlock button on her key fob once, getting into the car while the rest of us wait outside, and then pressing the unlock button on the door. I guess she hasn't figured out yet that you can press the button twice to unlock the car for everyone. Which makes sense, since that's only been standard SINCE THE INVENTION OF KEY FOBS 40 YEARS AGO!!
Maybe she doesn't want to wear the fob batteries out.
When we're going somewhere as a family and Mrs. Reilly is driving her car, she insists on pressing the unlock button on her key fob once, getting into the car while the rest of us wait outside, and then pressing the unlock button on the door. I guess she hasn't figured out yet that you can press the button twice to unlock the car for everyone. Which makes sense, since that's only been standard SINCE THE INVENTION OF KEY FOBS 40 YEARS AGO!!
But does she understand the concept of Auto climate control - this has escaped my wife her entire adult life

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