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Congrats to Cecil, Maurile and David (1 Viewer)


We give these guys a ton of grief for any bad advice sometimes but it's only fair to mention that all of these guys had top 10 weeks among the "experts" on FantasyPros this past week. It was a bloody week that's for sure but kudos for the good week for 3 of the staff members.

To piggyback on this, congrats are in order (as I understand it) to Joe Bryant for nomination to the Fantasy Sports Hall of Fame. Long overdue.

To piggyback on this, congrats are in order (as I understand it) to Joe Bryant for nomination to the Fantasy Sports Hall of Fame. Long overdue.
I named myself king of the cubicle this morning.

Is the fantasy sports hall of fame really a thing?

If so, congrats Joe. Definitely deserved.


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