I'm going to post it since others won't fess up to this, I had no idea it goes the way some of you have informed us and I'm being brutally honest. I thought you got the vaccine and that was that, "It is what it is"
Think of vaccines as kind of like the stereotypical 98-lb weakling that starts hitting the weights and taking Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Before weights and BJJ, the jock prigs would pants the weakling every morning and take his lunch money. The weakling couldn't do jack about it ... he'd get pants, his money taken, and then he'd have to sit there and take it because he didn't have the ability or wherewithal to fight back.
The weight regimen and BJJ lessons will become his 'vaccination' against bullies.
Will getting swole and learning BJJ keep the jocks from catching the former weakling by surprise? Maybe getting in a quick pantsing from behind, or a sucker-slap to the back of the head? No, a bully "infection" is still possible -- they can still walk up behind you and catch you by surprise.
But now, the newly-buff BJJ guy can do something about it. After shrugging off the head slap, BJJ guy sprains one jocks elbow Steven-Seagal style while throat-punching two of his buddies. The jocks are sent running from the cafeteria like the little Bs they really are. That overwhelming response to bully BS was like "antibodies" coming to the fore ... all thanks to the "vaccination" the former weakling took by hitting the weights and practicing martial arts.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus can still infect a vaccinated person. That is, the viruses can still be breathed into your nasal passages, can land on your
olfactory epithelium, and start invading the nearest cell membranes.
For a little while.
However, the payoff of the vaccination soon kicks in. Your body is now primed to produce SARS-CoV-2 antibodies from jump. Essentially, antibodies start jumping down from the rafters and laying a can of whoop-arsze on the offending virions before they can multiply in significant numbers. Before long, it starts looking like the UFC All-Stars vs.
the Lambdas having a bar fight. The virions get thrown out of the bar room that is your nasal passages in short order.
Before you know it ... you've recovered from your COVID infection! And you probably didn't feel a thing.