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Democratic Debate (1 Viewer)

Hilary would be wise not to bring up the whole Sanders DNC thing. She should concentrate on attacking Republicans, especially Trump and Cruz, and leave Bernie alone.

deray mckesson ✔ @deray
Bernie comes off as having incredible integrity with his statements and apology re: the data breach. #DemDebate

Hillary's "three step" plan to defeat Isis is ludicrous, almost infantile:

1. Defeat Isis....

So her plan to defeat Isis is..... to defeat Isis. Great. Do the two after that even matter?

Hillary's "three step" plan to defeat Isis is ludicrous, almost infantile:

1. Defeat Isis....

So her plan to defeat Isis is..... to defeat Isis. Great. Do the two after that even matter?
You're right. She is extremely vague about how to defeat ISIS.

In fairness to her, nobody else is specific either. Not on either side. But that doesn't excuse her...

Interesting. O'Malley attacking Sanders.
He attacked Sanders and Clinton. He is trying to make a name for himself - which ABC is making difficult - but I think he just wants to be heard and stand out in some way.

I know people have mentioned him as a VP candidate - but I don't see it for either Clinton or Sanders.

O'Malley is feisty tonight. He's got nothing to lose, so he's throwing bombs.

But they're wasting their time talking about this issue.

At first I thought it was a mistake for Bernie to switch to the 1% right then but he kind of made it work.

However, Hillary just sounds so Presidential. So much more than any other candidate from either party.

OK, Hillary, but aren't we alienating potential allies in the region by fighting Assad at the same time as we are fighting ISIS? I wish somebody would ask her that.

"That's what I'm focused on, that's what I've outlined, and that's what I'd do as President."

She has great rhythm in her speaking. I'm wondering a speechwriter wrote that for her.

Sanders plan isn't very coherent either.

Nobody seems to know how to deal with ISIS
I don't think Sanders thinks ISIS is a threat. He's more likely to provide a plan on confronting climate change (which would hurt/destroy ISIS in the process according to the thought process).

Wait- what does a "no fly" zone mean if you won't commit to shooting down planes in the no fly zone???

At least Christie was clear in his answer (as terrible as it was.) This is like Cruz's specific carpet bombing.

Hillary's "three step" plan to defeat Isis is ludicrous, almost infantile:

1. Defeat Isis....

So her plan to defeat Isis is..... to defeat Isis. Great. Do the two after that even matter?
You're right. She is extremely vague about how to defeat ISIS.

In fairness to her, nobody else is specific either. Not on either side. But that doesn't excuse her...
Nobody is very specific, and committing ground troops to the cause is pretty much forbidden (a few Republican's have made this suggestion, but the majority haven't). Overall, I don't think the political parties are super far apart on it, and Obama it getting criticized more for his lack of passion about ISIS and for making dumb comments about them. Republicans want to increase the urgency, and Democrats are now joining that.

As for Clinton herself, there is not much substance there. She wants to destroy, not just contain them. Pretty safe comments.

Sanders plan isn't very coherent either.

Nobody seems to know how to deal with ISIS
I don't think Sanders thinks ISIS is a threat. He's more likely to provide a plan on confronting climate change (which would hurt/destroy ISIS in the process according to the thought process).
They are a threat that we can't really control. People can say that we can but I don't believe that. Bernie is focusing on things we can control which is an intelligent way to run a county (or anything really) imo.
The debate between Bernie and Hillary on this issue is very substantive. I honestly don't know which one is right, but Bernie sounds more convincing.

But it's such a complicated issue...

I think O'Malley has a bright future with the party. He needs a little polish, but he's got some nads and is pretty bright.

Hillary has now brought up the Security Council resolution at least 5 times. But I'm still not sure what she's talking about.

In her last statement, Hillary made the best argument yet that I have heard for continuing to try to take out Assad at the same time that we are fighting ISIS: because Assad is creating terrorists through his assault on the Syrian people, and because if the United States doesn't lead, there is a vacuum. I can get behind that. But I'm still not sure it's the best policy. Very confusing.


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