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Desert Island Album Draft - 15th Anniversary Edition - 50 Rounds in the books, sign up now for KP's listening program (2 Viewers)

Dammit x 2
:D I'd toss these back and pick others if I knew people were taking them. I figured solo El-P from 2012 might just fly under the radar, but you did pick RJD2 and often participate in all sorts of ways in the hip hop thread and know more than I do, frankly. But long story short: lots of albums worthy of the island over here. 

I have no idea what I'm gonna take. My mind has been racing down memory lane since Rufus, and I'd like to take some jazz at some point since I've loved it for so long, but I'll take that at the end so not to add those songs to the mix. I think I'll take some Jimmy.

:D I'd toss these back and pick others if I knew people were taking them. I figured solo El-P from 2012 might just fly under the radar, but you did pick RJD2 and often participate in all sorts of ways in the hip hop thread and know more than I do, frankly. But long story short: lots of albums worthy of the island over here. 
It’s fine.  I just happened to be listening to that yesterday and thinking about it.

considering preemptively selecting RTJ4

26.28 (happy, krista?!)



E.S. Posthumus was an independent musicgroup that produced a form of 21st-century classical music/epic music that intertwined popular style drum rhythms with orchestral and electronic sounds. Their music is inspired by the Pythagorean philosophy which states that "music is the harmonization of opposites; the conciliation of warring elements". The E.S. is an acronym for "Experimental Sounds" while Posthumus (Latin: posthumus, meaning "after death"; pronounced the same as Latin postumus (no 'h'), meaning "last") is a word that is meant to represent "all things past", suggesting the music was inspired by things that have ended, some time after they ended.

In keeping with the theme of "all things past", each of the thirteen tracks on the album is named after an ancient and abandoned or destroyed city.

i first became aware of these guys because I was wondering how snowgoons developed these rich majestic beats and came to learn that snowgoons was sampling a lot of esp’s stuff.  Then I heard one of their tracks as nfl bumper music and later learned that they did a fair amount of tv scoring.

anyway, sadly enough, one half of the duo died in 2010, but they made some pretty cool stuff in their time.









"Lepcis Magna"





26.28 (happy, krista?!)



E.S. Posthumus was an independent musicgroup that produced a form of 21st-century classical music/epic music that intertwined popular style drum rhythms with orchestral and electronic sounds. Their music is inspired by the Pythagorean philosophy which states that "music is the harmonization of opposites; the conciliation of warring elements". The E.S. is an acronym for "Experimental Sounds" while Posthumus (Latin: posthumus, meaning "after death"; pronounced the same as Latin postumus (no 'h'), meaning "last") is a word that is meant to represent "all things past", suggesting the music was inspired by things that have ended, some time after they ended.

In keeping with the theme of "all things past", each of the thirteen tracks on the album is named after an ancient and abandoned or destroyed city.

i first became aware of these guys because I was wondering how snowgoons developed these rich majestic beats and came to learn that snowgoons was sampling a lot of esp’s stuff.  Then I heard one of their tracks as nfl bumper music and later learned that they did a fair amount of tv scoring.

anyway, sadly enough, one half of the duo died in 2010, but they made some pretty cool stuff in their time.









"Lepcis Magna"




Whoa, this just blew my mind. 

I'm going to sign off for the night in order to do my Sunday NYT crossword on my phone.  That's how exciting my Saturday nights are these days.

Skip me if I'm up in the morning.

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Hey,  his "you had to be there" is in what you got going on.
Big sigh. Lemme explain. Understand the edible was chased with the last Fat Tire and I seek a wine to pair with it. Lotsa wine here, no beer. 

Other than Pirate and Paris (beautiful picks, poet and paris, simey, my two favorites from that album too), my top 25 Jimmy songs would be unrecognizable to the MargaritavillerCheesburgererDrunkandscrewers who think that is who he is. I posted lyrics to West Nashville Grand Ballroom Gown before this trip (Charlie got it). I was a Parrothead in hs late 70s. There was three of us. We caught him at his west coast epicenter, San Diego State, twice. We were geared up with more props than Rocky Horror nerds. I can't think of any concerts that were more fun. I've seen him seven times that I currently remember. I love the music to and thoughtfulness of the more introspective ballads, like your picks. 

Problem is the live shows are so festive he doesn't do them justice. An example is Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season... i can't run at this pace very long... becomes him shouting... hell with that, I can run at this pace forever!!... and the crowd goes wild while one of my favorites is defiled. He has a million live albums cobbled together in his commercial avarice that caused some to think he sold out. Nice restaurant chain. Anyway, I loved the live shows for the good times and Parrothead culture, but the live recordings are not why I love his music. The love is all in the deep tracks. Am I making sense? Does anyone care. Pinot Noir with the Fat Tire, I think. Wish I had a tin cup for a chalice. Fill it up with red wine. I'll be chewin' on a honeysuckle vine badumbum.

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Big sigh. Lemme explain. Understand the edible was chased with the last Fat Tire and I seek a wine to pair with it. Lotsa wine here, no beer. 

Other than Pirate and Paris (beautiful picks, simey, my two favorites from that album too),
 I picked Death of an Unpopular Poet, Pirate wasn't on there. 

 I picked Death of an Unpopular Poet, Pirate wasn't on there. 
I know. Poet and Paris your picks, my faves from Pink Crustacean. Pirate would make my top 25 is what I was saying. Other than it and Paris, the other 23 would be as obscure to most as Poet. haha. I knew you would misunderstand me. At least the wino and I know. This trip has been so nice, I wonder why we ever go home. 

Charlie Steiner said:
For some reason, whenever I'm ITC, I expect what happened to  Dr. Manhattan is going to happen to me.

26.27: Son of a Son of a Sailor - Jimmy Buffett (1978)

 Livingston Saturday Night and Cowboy in the Jungle.
added. noticed them missing when adding simey's Jimmy.

Check your songs people.

Rd 29

Static Age - The Misfits (1978)

 knew my favorite band would slide waaayyy down to the nether regions of this endeavor, so here we are. 

though all of the tracks here were recorded in early '78, the album sat on ice for some 18 years before getting a proper release ... ergo, '78 in spirit - '96 in rubber hittin' the road. 

Danzig's baby ... though Jerry Only lays down some absolutely killer bass here - and it would be these two who would engage in a very messy and protracted legal tussle over the band's legacy - another one of the reasons Glenn sat for so long on the masters for this album. 

straight from freakin' Lodi, N.J. they came ... meshing Glenn's infatuation with Grade D Horror/Sci-Fi flicks and macabre celebrity culture (think "Hollywood Babylon") with the D.I.Y. punk ethos ... nobody personified that trait more than Danzig - he formed the band, wrote the songs, booked the gigs, stuffed envelopes for the "Fiend Club" (fans), produced the music, formed his own label (Plan9), and designed the (in)famous logo ... all before lunch 😎

Horror Punk progenitors - they laid down a sound that none were mining ... the Damned were close (they even booked a tour in England together that got derailed upon Glenn's arrest in London), but the Misfits stayed true to the Danzig model - the bastardized schlock of the 50s/60s in all it's gory 3-D glory ... man, do i love this #### 💀

btw, they really are the only band that travels with me everywhere ... immortalized in two pieces of ink i sport - "Horror Biz", indeed.  

Bullet  - Glenn is a Kennedy conspiracy buff (none of this lyric culled from the Warren Commission, tho).

Some Kinda Hate  melodic bastid when he wants to be, kinda - vid features the Crimson Ghost logo Glenn boosted from the ol' 40s/50s serial featuring said fiend. 

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krista4 said:
29.25 - Loudon Wainwright III - History (1992)

I took his son’s album earlier today, and I knew all along I wanted both father and son.  Not sure Rufus would approve, as last I knew they didn’t have a great relationship. Loudon is a harder sell than Rufus as a person – he’s possibly too cynical and acerbic even for me – but I’m not sure there’s anyone who writes more truthfully about actual everyday relationships.  His songwriting is uncomfortably brilliant.

Loudon had three successive records that I would love to have on my island, so it was tough to choose.  I considered cheating with a live album, but the one available that covers these albums just didn’t do it for me. 

I made the tough choice to select this one in part because the songs were written and recorded just after his father had died.  I’m thinking about my dad a lot in the past few days, and my next pick will probably be in honor of him as well, so these songs are particularly speaking to me today.  In the aftermath of losing his father, Loudon is considering his own place in the world and not just the relationship he had with his father, but who he is as a dad now, too, and how he can develop his relationships with his own children.  These songs are achingly personal and as a result are to me his most beautiful.

4 x 10 (just a beautiful melody)

Sometimes I Forget

The second song is the one I was sobbing to earlier, but at least there's a very cute kitty in the Youtube ( @simey).  An ode to his dad:

Sometimes I forget that you've gone
You've gone, and you're not coming back
And it's hard to believe that you're still not here
What's left behind, disputes that fact

And your bookcase still holds all your books
It's as if all you've done is go out of town
You'll be back soon, that's just how it looks
But your suitcase is empty, it's right here in the hall
That's not even the strangest thing
Why would you leave your wallet behind
Your glasses, your wristwatch and ring
Your glasses, your wristwatch and ring

Sometimes I forget that you've gone
That we'll never see you again
I think for a moment, I've got to give him a call
But I can't now I realize that
No we can't meet for lunch at the usual place
The place where we always would go
And there was something I wanted to tell you so bad
Something I knew that you'd want to know
I could go by myself to our old haunt
That seems like such a strange thing to do
The waiters would wonder what was going on
Why weren't you there, where were you
Why weren't you there, where were you

Sometimes I forget that you've gone
I remember and I feel the ache
How could it have happened, how could it be
It's not true, there must be some mistake
Momentos, memories, tell me what good are they
No they're not much to have and to hold
And it's true that you're gone,
And you're not coming back
And this world seems so empty and cold
But sometimes things happen,
It doesn't seem strange
You're not far away, you're near
Sometimes I forget that you've gone
Sometimes it feels like you're right here
Right now it feels like you're right here
love this one, and I made a mixtape with that title (sometimes I forget) back in the day...probably because I lost my Dad that year as well...  such a great record from Loudon, seen him many times and is a terrific live performer...

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krista4 said:
Is there a way for me to search the Spotify playlist to see which songs have already been taken by a particular artist?
when in the playlist, "pull down" and a search box will appear to see what artists/songs appear when typed in...

when in the playlist, "pull down" and a search box will appear to see what artists/songs appear when typed in...
that, or ...

one can arrange alphabetically by song or artist, just click the header above the playlist that says "song" "artist" and it will order them as such ... double click for the reverse (Z-A)

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