Graduated in 1988. Went to work in Houston for a large gas transportation company.
Many a nights any where from 6-8 of us single guys would go out on the town. Go to 3/4 different places. One of use would open a tab. End of the night we'd all settle up w/ cash or a "I'll get them next time".
Compare and contrast to every Friday 10/12 of us guys and GIRLS would go out for lunch.
Bill would come and everyone would chip in cash..................and we were ALWAYS SHORT.
Then we'd have to go through the receipt:
"ok who had fajitas w/ sour cream, guac, and cheese. Those extras were $ each"
"who ordered the queso?"
"did you leave a tip?"
"did you remember tax?"
"this place charges for EACH Coke, so who ever had 4...."
"who ordered the desert to go"
95% of the time it was a (more than one) woman. I'm not being sexist, but this was my experience.
BUT I did have a co worker (ened up getting fired because he was an idiot) who no matter where we went for a "working dnner", he would always order a to go desert for himself AND dinner for his wife. I'm like WTF?