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Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president? (17 Viewers)

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?

  • Approve

    Votes: 76 49.0%
  • Disapprove

    Votes: 79 51.0%

  • Total voters
A lot to criticize this admin for, but this particular argument is not a good one. 
Scroll back and get the context.   Tim gave him credit for reducing childhood poverty.  Turns out it was only temporary.  It’s nice that he made a short term dent, but it’s odd for tim to take a victory lap on this topic literally while the short term improvements are being reversed.

Oh give me a break.  It was a shady English spy hired by the DNC and fed a bunch of bull#### by Russian oligarchs trying to stir the pot.  More of it was proven untrue than true.  If a similar dossier came out against Biden not a single Liberal media source would print one word about it, and you know it.
He had a solid reputation and relationship with our intelligence team…yeah he had issues too.  But again, as the article stated…it was not just reported as as if those things were fact.

You know, there's a lot of people in here who voted for Trump and changed their stance.  The Liberal die-hards, though, not so much.  They will parrot the partisan talking points without exercising a bit of unbiased thought.  I can think of a couple of good faith actors in here - dpk and karma come to mind.  It makes me wonder what people are doing in here if they don't want to learn.  To argue in favor of the Steele dossier and the narrative put out by the media is just asinine.  It shows a complete lack of free critical thinking.

Very few Trump supporters changed any stance or to this day will admit he was even bad.  And after all we know about him will still 100% support the man and he has millions just like that with a strong enough base to be the frontrunner to the White House if he runs.  

Liberal die hards?  Who are they?  Very few have that full on support for Biden...people will point to this poll and the percentage...and once again ignore the content of the posts.  My support for him...was because there was a binary option...and I said it was close to being disapprove overall.  Yeah...that is some super hard core support there.

As for good faith, its odd to bring that up, and then post this.  Talking about partisan talking points...or saying someone is arguing in favor of the dossier.  In no way was I doing that.  I was disagreeing with your claims of how it was portrayed and using your own article you posted showing that.  Critical thinking shows that the dossier was not presented as if it was some fact...it was presented with skepticism.  Despite the original source, despite the parallel investigation by our intelligence community into the Trump campaigns dealings with Russia (and subsequent findings in the Mueller report of numerous issues there...).

Who was the last good POTUS?  Biden and Trump are low on the totem pole.   I liked Obama but many things are not aging well as he thought Russia was a friend, and then ignored the 2014 Russia invasions leading to many of the world problems today.  W talked a big game but botched a war.   Maybe Clinton? Other than getting head on the Oval Office from a young staff member and NAFTA he seems to have aged better than others.  The rest were before my time.

Ok.  So he tried.  And failed.
That’s correct. But consider that Biden only came into office with a Democrat majority by tie breaker- and that only happened because of a huge upset in Georgia at the last second. And he’s President at a time where the two parties are divided like never before in our modern history- there is virtually NO bipartisanship.. So from the very beginning he’s been dependent on 100% agreement from all Democrats and that means the conservative Democrat from West Virginia as well. 

Given these factors, the fact that Biden got ANY legislation accomplished, such as the infrastructure bill, has to be regarded as a remarkable achievement IMO. 

You know, there's a lot of people in here who voted for Trump and changed their stance.  The Liberal die-hards, though, not so much.  They will parrot the partisan talking points without exercising a bit of unbiased thought.  I can think of a couple of good faith actors in here - dpk and karma come to mind.  It makes me wonder what people are doing in here if they don't want to learn.  To argue in favor of the Steele dossier and the narrative put out by the media is just asinine.  It shows a complete lack of free critical thinking.
This is tiresome, @ekbeats your arguments, your positions aren’t tiresome, what’s tiresome is you’re attempting to assign motives to those that disagree with you. I will repeat what I told @Alex P Keaton: some of us are genuine in our admiration of Joe Biden’s presidency. We have reason to be. We are expressing honest opinions, not talking points. 

I don’t love Joe Biden. I don’t attend his speeches as if they were rock concerts and I don’t call him “father”; I don’t refer him as a patriot, thus implying that the other side aren’t patriots. I don’t spend my time here loudly praising his every word in order to troll anyone who doesn’t like him. I simply expresss approval and admiration for many aspects of his presidency, in what is hopefully a thoughtful and detailed manner, and I open myself up to discussions about it. This, I believe, is how you separate the serious folks in this forum from those who really aren’t. 

Finally to your last point: I accept the “narrative” put out by the mainstream media because it is generally true nearly all of the time. If that makes me asinine, then I’m proud to be asinine. 

Who was the last good POTUS?  Biden and Trump are low on the totem pole.   I liked Obama but many things are not aging well as he thought Russia was a friend, and then ignored the 2014 Russia invasions leading to many of the world problems today.  W talked a big game but botched a war.   Maybe Clinton? Other than getting head on the Oval Office from a young staff member and NAFTA he seems to have aged better than others.  The rest were before my time.
I think HW Bush and Clinton were both good presidents. Obama definitely above W , Trump and Biden.  But those last three have been bad.

This is tiresome, @ekbeats your arguments, your positions aren’t tiresome, what’s tiresome is you’re attempting to assign motives to those that disagree with you. I will repeat what I told @Alex P Keaton: some of us are genuine in our admiration of Joe Biden’s presidency. We have reason to be. We are expressing honest opinions, not talking points. 

I don’t love Joe Biden. I don’t attend his speeches as if they were rock concerts and I don’t call him “father”; I don’t refer him as a patriot, thus implying that the other side aren’t patriots. I don’t spend my time here loudly praising his every word in order to troll anyone who doesn’t like him. I simply expresss approval and admiration for many aspects of his presidency, in what is hopefully a thoughtful and detailed manner, and I open myself up to discussions about it. This, I believe, is how you separate the serious folks in this forum from those who really aren’t. 

Finally to your last point: I accept the “narrative” put out by the mainstream media because it is generally true nearly all of the time. If that makes me asinine, then I’m proud to be asinine. 
So tone deaf.  Your entire to assign motives to others and force them into arguments.  You turn every discussion into conservatives vs liberals.  Anything involving race.  Sexism.  You’re even defending yourself here as if being like a trump supporter is the only alternative.  Talk about tiresome…

So tone deaf.  Your entire to assign motives to others and force them into arguments.  You turn every discussion into conservatives vs liberals.  Anything involving race.  Sexism.  You’re even defending yourself here as if being like a trump supporter is the only alternative.  Talk about tiresome…
This is about 80% of the driving force of the "discussions" in these threads.  Every once in awhile we will have a thread where we realize that most of us operate in the middle, but then a day later as a collective it's right back to the handful of people arguing with each other just because, or tribal pot shots.  

This is about 80% of the driving force of the "discussions" in these threads.  Every once in awhile we will have a thread where we realize that most of us operate in the middle, but then a day later as a collective it's right back to the handful of people arguing with each other just because, or tribal pot shots.  
I agree with you. But I disagree with the post that you responded to which accuses me of being one of the main people doing this. I’m probably guilty of a lot of things in this forum, but I don’t believe taking tribal pots is one of them. 
And the accusation is quite ironic coming from someone who can’t seem to help himself from following me obsessively, no matter what the thread or subject matter, simply in order to jump in and attack whenever he can- along with also stalking @squistion and @sho nuff, it seems to be almost his sole purpose for posting in this forum. 

I agree with you. But I disagree with the post that you responded to which accuses me of being one of the main people doing this. I’m probably guilty of a lot of things in this forum, but I don’t believe taking tribal pots is one of them. 
And the accusation is quite ironic coming from someone who can’t seem to help himself from following me obsessively, no matter what the thread or subject matter, simply in order to jump in and attack whenever he can- along with also stalking @squistion and @sho nuff, it seems to be almost his sole purpose for posting in this forum. 
You can accuse me of "stalking" for the next 100 days like you've done every day this week to deflect from your own awful posts.  But it doesn't change the fact that my post is 100% accurate and you do declare almost everything  about sides.  Sorry you don't like to hear it but I'll repeat it 1000 times, if necessary, like you do every topic.

You can accuse me of "stalking" for the next 100 days like you've done every day this week to deflect from your own awful posts.  But it doesn't change the fact that my post is 100% accurate and you do declare almost everything  about sides.  Sorry you don't like to hear it but I'll repeat it 1000 times, if necessary, like you do every topic.
I’m sure you will repeat it 1000 times. I don’t need to accuse you of stalking, because you provide plenty of evidence of it. If my posts are so awful, why respond to them at all? Why is this “necessary”, to use your words? 
You needn’t bother to respond to this. 

That’s correct. But consider that Biden only came into office with a Democrat majority by tie breaker- and that only happened because of a huge upset in Georgia at the last second. And he’s President at a time where the two parties are divided like never before in our modern history- there is virtually NO bipartisanship.. So from the very beginning he’s been dependent on 100% agreement from all Democrats and that means the conservative Democrat from West Virginia as well. 

Given these factors, the fact that Biden got ANY legislation accomplished, such as the infrastructure bill, has to be regarded as a remarkable achievement IMO. 
But wait, Biden campaigned that due his extensive Washington experience he could work both sides of the isle,  and he had done it for years as a senator.

But wait, Biden campaigned that due his extensive Washington experience he could work both sides of the isle,  and he had done it for years as a senator.
Yes. Like every person who has ever run for President, Biden made several promises that were obviously untrue or, even if he believed them at the time, he hasn’t been able to achieve. I don’t hold him (or any other President, including the last one) responsible for failing to achieve campaign promises. But a lot of people always will. 

I’m sure you will repeat it 1000 times. I don’t need to accuse you of stalking, because you provide plenty of evidence of it. If my posts are so awful, why respond to them at all? Why is this “necessary”, to use your words? 
You needn’t bother to respond to this. 
I just made a comment about a discussion in this thread.  I'll continue to do so if I choose.  I don't need you telling me what need to respond to.  

Yes. Like every person who has ever run for President, Biden made several promises that were obviously untrue or, even if he believed them at the time, he hasn’t been able to achieve. I don’t hold him (or any other President, including the last one) responsible for failing to achieve campaign promises. But a lot of people always will. 
We agree to disagree on this.  I know lots of people are  also waiting for student loan forgiveness that Biden promised as well.
I guess new boss same as the old boss when it comes to keeping his word.

We agree to disagree on this.  I know lots of people are  also waiting for student loan forgiveness that Biden promised as well.
I guess new boss same as the old boss when it comes to keeping his word.
Think about your argument here: Biden promises to forgive student loans but he can’t get it done because 100% of Republicans are against it. So voters should punish Biden by voting Republican? Does that make logical sense to you? 

Think about your argument here: Biden promises to forgive student loans but he can’t get it done because 100% of Republicans are against it. So voters should punish Biden by voting Republican? Does that make logical sense to you? 
Which came on the heals of complaining about Biden being unable to keep his campaign promise of being able to work with both sides of the isle to get things done. It's really easy to undermine that promise and ensure he can't keep it when one side of the isle completely refuses to work with him. Then to go and complain that it is his fault he can't? 

Which came on the heals of complaining about Biden being unable to keep his campaign promise of being able to work with both sides of the isle to get things done. It's really easy to undermine that promise and ensure he can't keep it when one side of the isle completely refuses to work with him. Then to go and complain that it is his fault he can't? 
Just curious - how much blame to you put on the POTUS for not joining the parties vs. the other 100s of elected officials in Washington who 100% vote on party lines?   

Scroll back and get the context.   Tim gave him credit for reducing childhood poverty.  Turns out it was only temporary.  It’s nice that he made a short term dent, but it’s odd for tim to take a victory lap on this topic literally while the short term improvements are being reversed.
I think criticizing Biden for this good policy not sticking because of congress is at least a little crazy. 

I think criticizing Biden for this good policy not sticking because of congress is at least a little crazy. 
Every child that’s in hunger and need of shelter that is fed and housed even for a little while is a good thing. I wish we could have made it permanent. , but I’m glad that got help while it lasted and I’m grateful to the politicians who made that happen. 

Just curious - how much blame to you put on the POTUS for not joining the parties vs. the other 100s of elected officials in Washington who 100% vote on party lines?   
Unless the POTUS himself is sowing discord and division along party lines there is minimal blame to be laid at his feet. So, 1/536th blame is appropriate. This would apply to any president attempting to truly work with both sides.

By a 50-50 vote. But Manchin, Sinema, and 100% of Republicans refused to extend child poverty relief. Shall we blame Biden for this? Shall we reward Republicans by voting more of them in? I don’t get the logic to this. 
If it were a priority then more people with that agenda item would be voted in. When that doesn't happen it's the public saying it's not a priority. 

If it were a priority then more people with that agenda item would be voted in. When that doesn't happen it's the public saying it's not a priority. 
That’s making a big assumption that people vote people in with their best interests in mind and then hold people accountable with their next vote.  We all know that isn’t happening.  

This statement flies the face of the understanding that humans are not perfect and we all make mistakes, presidents included. If one (fairly substantial) mistake is all it takes to qualify as having a failed presidential term then every presidential term through our history can be claimed to have been a failure. No need to pick sides, it's all of them. Using your logic I can say this with complete confidence because there have been exactly zero presidential terms with zero mistakes made. None of them have a perfect record of decisions made during their term.

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Very few Trump supporters changed any stance or to this day will admit he was even bad.  And after all we know about him will still 100% support the man and he has millions just like that with a strong enough base to be the frontrunner to the White House if he runs.  

Liberal die hards?  Who are they?  Very few have that full on support for Biden...people will point to this poll and the percentage...and once again ignore the content of the posts.  My support for him...was because there was a binary option...and I said it was close to being disapprove overall.  Yeah...that is some super hard core support there.

As for good faith, its odd to bring that up, and then post this.  Talking about partisan talking points...or saying someone is arguing in favor of the dossier.  In no way was I doing that.  I was disagreeing with your claims of how it was portrayed and using your own article you posted showing that.  Critical thinking shows that the dossier was not presented as if it was some fact...it was presented with skepticism.  Despite the original source, despite the parallel investigation by our intelligence community into the Trump campaigns dealings with Russia (and subsequent findings in the Mueller report of numerous issues there...).
Personally if Trump ran vs Biden this November, Trump would win because there is enough anti-left in how things have gone in his term.  It’s a shame because we are just settling for the less-bad candidate instead of voting based on a platform (remember those).      

About those hard left - they will give 100% full support when it is election time.  Don’t kid yourself here.  

Think about your argument here: Biden promises to forgive student loans but he can’t get it done because 100% of Republicans are against it. So voters should punish Biden by voting Republican? Does that make logical sense to you? 

Voters should be happy about this one. To get this done would be so complicated, full of fraud, and cause backlash with the people who sacrificed and paid their way.   

Personally if Trump ran vs Biden this November, Trump would win because there is enough anti-left in how things have gone in his term.  It’s a shame because we are just settling for the less-bad candidate instead of voting based on a platform (remember those).      

About those hard left - they will give 100% full support when it is election time.  Don’t kid yourself here.  

Trump would probably win if the election was this November, but I stick by my prediction that it won`t be Trump or Biden running in 2024.

Personally if Trump ran vs Biden this November, Trump would win because there is enough anti-left in how things have gone in his term.  It’s a shame because we are just settling for the less-bad candidate instead of voting based on a platform (remember those).      

About those hard left - they will give 100% full support when it is election time.  Don’t kid yourself here.  
Against Trump…I think so.  But i dont see as much if that hard core left here as some try to claim.

This is tiresome, @ekbeats your arguments, your positions aren’t tiresome, what’s tiresome is you’re attempting to assign motives to those that disagree with you. I will repeat what I told @Alex P Keaton: some of us are genuine in our admiration of Joe Biden’s presidency. We have reason to be. We are expressing honest opinions, not talking points. 

I don’t love Joe Biden. I don’t attend his speeches as if they were rock concerts and I don’t call him “father”; I don’t refer him as a patriot, thus implying that the other side aren’t patriots. I don’t spend my time here loudly praising his every word in order to troll anyone who doesn’t like him. I simply expresss approval and admiration for many aspects of his presidency, in what is hopefully a thoughtful and detailed manner, and I open myself up to discussions about it. This, I believe, is how you separate the serious folks in this forum from those who really aren’t. 

Finally to your last point: I accept the “narrative” put out by the mainstream media because it is generally true nearly all of the time. If that makes me asinine, then I’m proud to be asinine. 
You’re right.  That was a lousy post by me and I deleted it.  Apologies to @sho nuff, you, @Alex P Keaton and anyone else it may have offended.

You’re right.  That was a lousy post by me and I deleted it.  Apologies to @sho nuff, you, @Alex P Keaton and anyone else it may have offended.
Just to be clear, I’m not offended at all.  But regardless, I commend you for your post.   It’s cool when folks on these boards can disagree in a civil manner and apologize when stuff happens.
Agreed…definitely not offended at all and appreciate the post from Ek.

Yes. Like every person who has ever run for President, Biden made several promises that were obviously untrue or, even if he believed them at the time, he hasn’t been able to achieve. I don’t hold him (or any other President, including the last one) responsible for failing to achieve campaign promises. But a lot of people always will. 
1. Can you explain to me why you seem to be normalizing this behavior?

2. Can you explain to me how this behavior is good or helpful for America?

Thank you.

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1. Can you explain to me why you seem to be normalizing this behavior?

2. Can you explain to me how this behavior is good or helpful for America?

Thank you.

1. I am not normalizing this behavior. The nation has. If you study American politics over the last 50 years, it is impossible to run for President without making promises you can’t keep. A completely honest candidate would say: 

Most of the things I want to do will be blocked by the Senate because I don’t have 60 votes for them, and I can’t break the filibuster. So if you elect me I might get something fairly easy done, but the tough stuff won’t happen. At best it will be a holding pattern for the next 4 years; at least I can veto the stuff I don’t like. 

That would be honest. But let’s face facts: nobody will ever get elected who is willing to say this. (Personally I would vote for the guy in heartbeat but who am I?) If you can name the major candidate from either party who has ever said something like this, I will be stunned. So far as I know there isn’t one. 

2. it’s not good nor helpful. I hate it. Probably the worst aspect of it is that it makes voters think of the President as a dictator or king, which is anti-democratic. But again, they all do it. That’s not an exaggeration: 100% of them promise stuff they can’t keep. So I don’t condemn Biden for it, or Trump, or anyone else. It is what it is. 

1. Can you explain to me why you seem to be normalizing this behavior?

2. Can you explain to me how this behavior is good or helpful for America?

Thank you.
There is a difference between promising a bunch of stuff and saying F off once you get in office vs. promising something, trying, but getting shut down by Congress.    Sure, they both failed to deliver on a campaign promise, but it's not the same.  

If it were a priority then more people with that agenda item would be voted in. When that doesn't happen it's the public saying it's not a priority. 
Lots of assumptions in this statement. Not far fetched, but assumptions nonetheless. One of the larger one being districts actually representing the people in them and then the districts being representative of the state. We know, in many instances, this is the opposite of reality. 


1. I am not normalizing this behavior. The nation has. If you study American politics over the last 50 years, it is impossible to run for President without making promises you can’t keep. A completely honest candidate would say: 

Most of the things I want to do will be blocked by the Senate because I don’t have 60 votes for them, and I can’t break the filibuster. So if you elect me I might get something fairly easy done, but the tough stuff won’t happen. At best it will be a holding pattern for the next 4 years; at least I can veto the stuff I don’t like. 

That would be honest. But let’s face facts: nobody will ever get elected who is willing to say this. (Personally I would vote for the guy in heartbeat but who am I?) If you can name the major candidate from either party who has ever said something like this, I will be stunned. So far as I know there isn’t one. 

2. it’s not good nor helpful. I hate it. Probably the worst aspect of it is that it makes voters think of the President as a dictator or king, which is anti-democratic. But again, they all do it. That’s not an exaggeration: 100% of them promise stuff they can’t keep. So I don’t condemn Biden for it, or Trump, or anyone else. It is what it is. 
We deserve better, and should be demanding better instead of excusing it with “they all do it”

We deserve better, and should be demanding better instead of excusing it with “they all do it”
You come up with a viable candidate, from either party, willing to be honest about what they can do once in office and I will happily vote for him or her, all other issues aside. All you need to do is come up with one. 

Its interesting to me that the guy who most people on either side think is the most honest in general, Bernie Sanders, is the most dishonest in terms of campaign promises. Both times that he ran he promised his supporters more impossible items than any other candidate, perhaps any other candidate in our history. Yet he is generally believed to have the best integrity. 

You come up with a viable candidate, from either party, willing to be honest about what they can do once in office and I will happily vote for him or her, all other issues aside. All you need to do is come up with one. 

Its interesting to me that the guy who most people on either side think is the most honest in general, Bernie Sanders, is the most dishonest in terms of campaign promises. Both times that he ran he promised his supporters more impossible items than any other candidate, perhaps any other candidate in our history. Yet he is generally believed to have the best integrity. 
And each of those times he's been squashed by his own party in the primaries. His fault for promising impossible items, or does the fault lie elsewhere?

And each of those times he's been squashed by his own party in the primaries. His fault for promising impossible items, or does the fault lie elsewhere?
The fault resides with us. If we didn't respond to this behavior then we wouldn't get it.

I truly think basically any Republican candidate could beat Biden
I imagine the midterms are going to be an eye-opening disaster for the Dems and will make Biden look worse than he does today.   The economy is a big driver of citizen happiness and view of POTUS.  With prices of most everything going through the roof, many can’t be pleased with the job Biden has done so far.   Throw in the ongoing border crisis and some of us are also annoyed and disgusted.   Our government continuing to spend money like a drunken HS girl with her daddy’s credit card will continue to drive up inflation.  This can’t end well.  


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