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Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president? (9 Viewers)

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?

  • Approve

    Votes: 76 49.0%
  • Disapprove

    Votes: 79 51.0%

  • Total voters
Of course it’s OK. What’s not OK is that they think I don’t really mean any of it, that it’s simply a matter of me refusing to criticize anyone on “my team.” That’s what I take umbrage with. 
That's because you have shown your bias consistently.  Why would anyone toss that aside with this one post?  Come on man!

Ruffrodys05 said:
There's no such thing as a "Biden crime family." The only folks who are apparently aware of such a thing are conspiracy theorists such as yourself. Russian disinformation may have clouded your judgement. 

Innocent until proven guilty. No speculation needed.

I'm not a "Biden backer," nor am I liberal. Nor do I have a favorite criminal. At least not in the real world. In the worlds of cinema, TV and literature I might have a couple I'm fond of.

There absolutely is nothing to see here until evidentiary proof is shown to exist by the investigations currently being done or, a trustworthy news source.

I'd be more than likely to believe an investigative article on Joe Biden's involvement in corruption with his son Hunter if said article came from sources such as Reuters, BBC or the AP. Those sources don't spread conspiracy theories, nor are they biased, hence their earned trustworthiness. 
Ah yes the pee tape propaganda outlets. Their the ones you trust lol! Fake news 24/7. Laptop is Russian disinformation? Kyle killed two black guys? You believe in fairy tales man.

Ah yes the pee tape propaganda outlets. Their the ones you trust lol! Fake news 24/7. Laptop is Russian disinformation? Kyle killed two black guys? You believe in fairy tales man.
Reuters, BBC and the AP are the "pee tape propoganda" outlets? That is news to me. Would you care to back up that statement? I wish you would because you are literally the first to claim they are fake news.

By the way, I replied to you with honest discourse and you have chosen to respond back in this fashion. You obviously aren't interested in an honest discussion. As such, I'll just leave you to your thing, whatever that may be. Have a good Friday. 

Dude...There is no need for the "sigh".  You have made your thoughts known, almost to the point of absurdity.  Many don't agree with you.  I know that's hard to swallow, but it's true.  It's OK that others don't agree with your point of view on most of that list.
I would imagine that some of the sigh is because if the bolded are true,  why the accusation that he and others can't objectively look at their own "sides"?   It brings down so many conversations here (not just with tim).    

I would imagine that some of the sigh is because if the bolded are true,  why the accusation that he and others can't objectively look at their own "sides"?   It brings down so many conversations here (not just with tim).    
I find this to be a common theme in these parts. As such, it his a huge hindrance to respectful conversation and discussion. Honest objectivity by everyone would lead to a much better experience had by all.

I find this to be a common theme in these parts. As such, it his a huge hindrance to respectful conversation and discussion. Honest objectivity by everyone would lead to a much better experience had by all.
Way too often people post about a topic, even criticize who they voted for ( :shock:  , I know) then still just gets peppered with the "all you do is blindly cheer for team X"  junk.  

But if someone is saying that Biden is the worse in their lifetime, and they are over 2 years old, wouldn't you compare them to the other presidents in their lifetime?  I think a but Trump, or but Carter, is OK in this situation.
I was in the service during the Carter years so my perspective back then was a little different. What I remember clearly is when I first got to Germany the conversion rate was 2.47 marks to a dollar. After Carter was elected it fell to 1.72 within two years.

I just about had to move back on post. Lucky for me I ETSed back stateside. Things weren't much better at home though. Difference between now and then is at least I have a pot to pee in now.

I have nothing but fond memories of the time I served. I was lucky though I served during 3 of the 15 years we have been at peace as a country.

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I was in the service during the Carter years so my perspective back then was a little different. What I remember clearly is when I first got to Germany the conversion rate was 2.47 marks to a dollar. After Carter was elected it fell to 1.72 within two years.

I just about had to move back on post. Lucky for me I ETSed back stateside. Things weren't much better at home though. Difference between now and then is at least I have a pot to pee in now.

I have nothing but fond memories of the time I served. I was lucky though I served during 3 of the 15 years we have been at peace as a country.
Thanks for your service @rustycolts

timschochet said:
Trump was the worst guy ever to be elected President but he wasn’t the worst President. He was kept from doing anything really awful (one could say that Mitch McConnell was effectively the President during the Trump years.) I would rank Trump as mediocre, and significantly better than the worst 5 Presidents of all time (in no particular order, Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Herbert Hoover, and Jimmy Carter.)  
Um, no.

I don't know how well Carter would have handled the War. I think that is the only thing that saves Biden from being the first worst in my lifetime. 

Now as far as decent human being Carter would have to top that list (no matter how misguided some of his beliefs were ) at least since Eisenhower.  The word decent shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as any of the rest of them.

I don't know how well Carter would have handled the War. I think that is the only thing that saves Biden from being the first worst in my lifetime. 

Now as far as decent human being Carter would have to top that list (no matter how misguided some of his beliefs were ) at least since Eisenhower.  The word decent shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as any of the rest of them.
Carter couldn't get hostages out of the embassy.  And was responsible for an epic failure when he tried.  Pretty good indicator

Carter couldn't get hostages out of the embassy.  And was responsible for an epic failure when he tried.  Pretty good indicator
That is the primary reason he still tops the list decent human being or not. But hey Carter led to Regan . So there is hope.

I don't know how well Carter would have handled the War. I think that is the only thing that saves Biden from being the first worst in my lifetime. 

Now as far as decent human being Carter would have to top that list (no matter how misguided some of his beliefs were ) at least since Eisenhower.  The word decent shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as any of the rest of them.
Politics aside, I'm not sure why one wouldn't consider HW Bush and Obama decent humans.

You guys lay off of Jimmy Carter.  The man signed HR 1337 into law which makes him the best damn president evah.

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I think we're currently light years ahead of the previous tragic carnival sideshow of an administration, so that's an approve from me.

I think we're currently light years ahead of the previous tragic carnival sideshow of an administration, so that's an approve from me.

That is a curious assertion. It is clear we were far better off prior to this administration, the harm being caused notably to the those least capable of bearing it is an inexcusable crime. 

No no..it IS your opinion.  And that's important to note.   

We did watch the event, but whether Trump "incited" it, well there we start to get into your opinion
He created this nonsense, they all assembled there on his lies, he wound them up, he let them run ragged over the Capitol before asking them to stop. He’s responsible for all of that. 

He created this nonsense, they all assembled there on his lies, he wound them up, he let them run ragged over the Capitol before asking them to stop. He’s responsible for all of that. 
And now he's backtracking blaming Pelosi and DC Mayor for violence -".... I hated seeing it"

He created this nonsense, they all assembled there on his lies, he wound them up, he let them run ragged over the Capitol before asking them to stop. He’s responsible for all of that. 
Its fairly easy to see the lack of good faith the political right/ Trump supporters have these days and this topic is a pretty clear window.  

We would do well to call out the GOP's cowardice for what it is. 

Sigh. Again and again in this forum I have offered numerous reasons why I think Biden is doing a good job. To summarize: 

1. I think he deserves the lions share of credit for bringing us out of Covid. 
2. the infrastructure bill is a huge deal. 
3. Reducing child poverty is a huge deal. 
4. Despite inflation the economy continues to do well. 
5. The decision to leave Afghanistan was a good one. 
6. I generally approve of his policies on our southern border. 
7. I love his Supreme Court appointment. 
8. His leadership with regard to opposing Russia has been outstanding. 

You can disagree with any or all of these points, but please don’t simplify my analysis by telling me that I can’t “objectively look at my own side”. It belittles my ability to think and it’s frankly insulting. 
Ok.  I’m not trying to insult you, and apologize if it comes across that way.  I acknowledge that you have offered rationale for your perspective.  We see things differently, and that’s ok.  Personally, I still think it’s Blue Blinders for anyone who considers Joe competent, but that’s just me it seems.  On your specific points:

1.   He’s done very little on Covid.  And his admin has consistently botched what should have been fairly simple and easy messaging.

2.  He barely scraped together a bill that Manchin would support.

3.  I must have missed him reducing child poverty, but will do some research.  Open to any links you have.

4.  The economy is benefiting from post-Covid opening up.  It’s absurd to attributed that to Biden.  If anything, under him the Fed (which he doesn’t control) and the Biden Admin completely screwed up handling inflation.  The massive inflation surge was somewhat avoidable.

5.  The decision to leave Afghan. was good, but it’s pretty hard to say in good faith that this has gone well.  We never should have invaded there in the first place — and that isn’t Joe’s fault.

6.  I’m for largely open borders.  I don’t think he has done a remotely good job of selling his position on this to the American people.  Which specific policies do you approve of?

7.  Appointing a black woman to the Supreme Court isn’t an accomplishment.  Any Dem would have been forced to do that.   Especially an old white guy who had to buy the AA vote to win the primary.  If anything, it’s an indictment of him as a candidate initially.   He’s just paying back a debt.

8.  Russia?  He’s been fine.  I actually find it offensive that people are giving him credit — screw that, this is mostly Zelensky, along with a bunch of career diplomats (who Biden deserves credit for saving/restocking after moron Trump destroyed the State Dept).   But please, for the love of god — can liberals stop pretending that Biden deserves even 1/10th the credit Zelensky deserves?

Of course it’s OK. What’s not OK is that they think I don’t really mean any of it, that it’s simply a matter of me refusing to criticize anyone on “my team.” That’s what I take umbrage with. 
Since this was directed at me, I do think you mean and believe every word of it.  I don’t think your assessment is impartial or clinical — it’s laden with confirmation bias IMO — but I don’t think your view is in any way insincere.  Nor do I think you are unintelligent, or whatever term you used.  Again, I apologize if that was the impression given.

Reuters, BBC and the AP are the "pee tape propoganda" outlets? That is news to me. Would you care to back up that statement?
I'll back it up for him.  A reminder about how insane all this crap was, and that som many people believed it.

Trump 'compromising' claims: How and why did we get here?

They told him that Mr Trump had been filmed with a group of prostitutes in the presidential suite of Moscow's Ritz-Carlton hotel. I know this because the Washington political research company that commissioned his report showed it to me during the final week of the election campaign.

The BBC decided not to use it then, for the very good reason that without seeing the tape - if it exists - we could not know if the claims were true. The detail of the allegations were certainly lurid. The entire series of reports has now been posted by BuzzFeed.

And the former MI6 agent is not the only source for the claim about Russian kompromat on the president-elect. Back in August, a retired spy told me he had been informed of its existence by "the head of an East European intelligence agency".

Later, I used an intermediary to pass some questions to active duty CIA officers dealing with the case file - they would not speak to me directly. I got a message back that there was "more than one tape", "audio and video", on "more than one date", in "more than one place" - in the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow and also in St Petersburg - and that the material was "of a sexual nature".

The claims of Russian kompromat on Mr Trump were "credible", the CIA believed. That is why - according to the New York Times and Washington Post - these claims ended up on President Barack Obama's desk last week, a briefing document also given to Congressional leaders and to Mr Trump himself.
None of this was based on facts.  Yet the media ran with it for months and months.  It’s the opposite of journalism.

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Since this was directed at me, I do think you mean and believe every word of it.  I don’t think your assessment is impartial or clinical — it’s laden with confirmation bias IMO — but I don’t think your view is in any way insincere.  Nor do I think you are unintelligent, or whatever term you used.  Again, I apologize if that was the impression given.
Thank you. 

Here are some stats on Biden reducing child poverty: 


I'll back it up for him.  A reminder about how insane all this crap was, and that som many people believed it.

Trump 'compromising' claims: How and why did we get here?

None of this was based on facts.  Yet the media ran with it for months and months.  It’s the opposite of journalism.
You have backed up nothing of his response to my post and have actually verified my point. From your post quoted above:  "The BBC decided not to use it then," (and never did.) Reuters, BBC and the AP are literally the most trusted and unbiased news sources there are. None of them ran "pee-tape propaganda." Sure, other media outlets did (and I trust none of those) but, that was not the jist of my reply to @pinkham13. I had posted about sources I would trust if Biden corruption conspiracy theories were to be proven true and he claimed they weren't to be trusted because they ran "pee-tape propaganda," which in fact they did not. Please re-read our exchange, maybe you misunderstood. 

I'll back it up for him.  A reminder about how insane all this crap was, and that som many people believed it.

Trump 'compromising' claims: How and why did we get here?

None of this was based on facts.  Yet the media ran with it for months and months.  It’s the opposite of journalism.
Its at the too of the article…

“The significance of these allegations is that, if true, the president-elect of the United States would be vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians.“

They discuss the allegations as just that…allegations.  From a trusted source…not somebody like Rudy Giuliani.


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