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Eric Cantor defeated by David Brat (1 Viewer)

Cantor was in office for 24 years. Isn't that enough?
I wish more of these career politicians masquerading as public servants would lose to an opponent that supports term limits. I don't care which side of the aisle they sit on, nobody should be able to hold a seat for life.

It's fascinating because this type of passion in off years is going to push the GOP further right which in turn is going to completely #### them in presidential years.
It's not just messing them up in presidential years. The Republicans have pissed away a bunch of Senate seats because they insisted on nominating people who couldn't win very winnable races. E.g. Sharon Angle in NV, that crazy witch lady in Delaware, etc.

Also, Milton Friedman isn't really the right person to talk about in the context of "Reaganomics" -- that would be Arthur Laffer. Friedman was a libertarian whose most lasting policy impacts were probably the Earned Income Tax Credit (essentially a negative income tax), school choice, and ending the draft. His work in economics dealt with the relatively technical issue of how monetary policy affects the macroeconomy and whether the Fed could use the money supply as a effective day-to-day policy tool.

I don't believe Friedman was a supply-sider, even though he supported lower taxes for ideological reasons.

District hasn't had a Democrat for Rep. since 1971
It still won't unless Cantor runs a write-in campaign and splits the R vote. The nutjob will win easily. Hilarious.
I don't know anything about Brat....what has he done to be labeled as a nutjob?
Supported by the Tea Party.

Follower of Milton Friedman.

Rabid anti-immigration advocate, so much so that he attacked Cantor - with evident success - for the weak sauce Republican "alternative" to the DREAM Act.

Did I mention, supported by the Tea Party?
In other words, he disagrees with your views in politics, so he's a nutjob.
If you say so. He actually managed to stay below the radar on some of his political views while focusing on being the anti-Cantor, but yes, it's pretty safe to say that someone who mounts a successful primary challenge to the #2 U.S. Representative in his party's leadership FROM THE RIGHT is out of step with the mainstream and thus, a nutjob.
In other words, he disagrees with your views in politics, so he's a nutjob.
I'd like to see if you actually know anything about Brat yourself. My guess is, you don't.

I dunno if Cantor loses here. He will probably go and do what he does best and raise a ton of $$ for the GOP.

Meanwhile, I thought I just heard Brat say that his victory is owed to God.

Too busy watching the NBA to pay attention to this. I know nothing about this guy except what has been posted here. I myself have always been a big fan of Milton Friedman, and I believe that this guy's stated views on immigration are not really compatible with Friedman's POV on that subject.

I'm disappointed. I was hoping I was right about the Tea Party being repudiated. I wanted to see the Republicans capture the center back. They refuse to do so. If this sort of thing continues I'll be voting Democrat for the foreseeable future.
i don't know that this was as much about the success of brat and the tea party as it was the failure of cantor the incumbent. lindsay graham cruised tonight too in south carolina, for example. SC isn't exactly berkley, madison and manhattan rolled into one. brat was a strong challenger,
Lindsey Graham had 5 opponents. Eric Cantor had 1.

Based on his views I'd vote for him. Guess I'm a nut job. FOr what it's worth I've vote Dem in more elections than Rep.

Fact. This country is considerably more liberal than its been in 40 years. Fact, economically this country is in the worst shape it's been EVER. I don't mean our economy as it looks to our daily lives. I mean our governments balance sheet. Something's gotta give, and as long as democrats are in control the balance sheet will continue to look worse and worse. I stopped voting Dem after Obama 1.

So Aerial Assault, I'm a proud nut job now. Continue supporting Feinstein and others like her. That makes you very normal I guess.

Based on his views I'd vote for him. Guess I'm a nut job. FOr what it's worth I've vote Dem in more elections than Rep.

Fact. This country is considerably more liberal than its been in 40 years. Fact, economically this country is in the worst shape it's been EVER. I don't mean our economy as it looks to our daily lives. I mean our governments balance sheet. Something's gotta give, and as long as democrats are in control the balance sheet will continue to look worse and worse. I stopped voting Dem after Obama 1.

So Aerial Assault, I'm a proud nut job now. Continue supporting Feinstein and others like her. That makes you very normal I guess.
What about the GOP's last stint as the controller of that balance sheet tells you that they will be better? Serious question.

Supported by the Tea Party.

Follower of Milton Friedman.

Rabid anti-immigration advocate, so much so that he attacked Cantor - with evident success - for the weak sauce Republican "alternative" to the DREAM Act.

Did I mention, supported by the Tea Party?
So he's got some good points to go along with the bad points. I guess he's got a Ph.D. in economics. Congress could use more of those.
Oof. Yeah, Reaganomics have been pretty much thoroughly repudiated at this point. Except for the 1%, of course. They love Friedman.
Oh yeah, that 20 years of unprecedented economic expansion pretty much destroyed Reaganomics as an economic policy. BTW, considering our top rate is still under 40 percent, we pretty much are still under Reaganomics. HTH.
Honest question, do you care where that growth is, or is just growth in any capacity the goal? Because what Reaganomics has pretty clearly done is to concentrate virtually all of the growth to those at the very top of the pyramid. No one has argued that it doesn't lead to growth. But the entire selling point was that the riches would "trickle down". That unequivocally has not happened. So I'm not sure how we could argue anything but that Reaganomics did not achieve it's stated goal.

Too busy watching the NBA to pay attention to this. I know nothing about this guy except what has been posted here. I myself have always been a big fan of Milton Friedman, and I believe that this guy's stated views on immigration are not really compatible with Friedman's POV on that subject.

I'm disappointed. I was hoping I was right about the Tea Party being repudiated. I wanted to see the Republicans capture the center back. They refuse to do so. If this sort of thing continues I'll be voting Democrat for the foreseeable future.
i don't know that this was as much about the success of brat and the tea party as it was the failure of cantor the incumbent. lindsay graham cruised tonight too in south carolina, for example. SC isn't exactly berkley, madison and manhattan rolled into one. brat was a strong challenger,
The articles I have read seem to agree. He lost touch with his constituents as he climbed the Republican ranks. He was also over-confident, refusing help from political allies. Once he realized he was in for a fight it was too late.

Based on his views I'd vote for him. Guess I'm a nut job. FOr what it's worth I've vote Dem in more elections than Rep.

Fact. This country is considerably more liberal than its been in 40 years. Fact, economically this country is in the worst shape it's been EVER. I don't mean our economy as it looks to our daily lives. I mean our governments balance sheet. Something's gotta give, and as long as democrats are in control the balance sheet will continue to look worse and worse. I stopped voting Dem after Obama 1.

So Aerial Assault, I'm a proud nut job now. Continue supporting Feinstein and others like her. That makes you very normal I guess.
What about the GOP's last stint as the controller of that balance sheet tells you that they will be better? Serious question.

Question applies over the last couple decades actually.

David Brat’s Writings: Hitler’s Rise ‘Could All Happen Again’

Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.
Can Christians force others to follow their ethical teachings on social issues? Note that consistency is lacking on all sides of this issue. The political Right likes to champion individual rights and individual liberty, but it has also worked to enforce morality in relation to abortion, gambling, and homosexuality. The Left likes to think of itself as the bulwark of progressive liberal individualism, and yet it seeks to progressively coerce others to fund every social program under the sun via majority rule. Houston, we have a problem. Coercion is on the rise. What is the root word for liberalism? (Answer: Liberty)
This section scares me the worst.

It's fascinating because this type of passion in off years is going to push the GOP further right which in turn is going to completely #### them in presidential years.
Good. We already have Democrats, we don't need Democrat-Lite. Not sure why so many are so afraid of a true two party system. And if things keep fracturing maybe even 3 or 4 parties. That would be fine too. People the globe over want a time out on unfettered immigration. Politicians ignore that at their peril (see Cantor, Eric).
Please do explain. Because I know immigration to the U.S. is actually quite, well, fetterred. Curious what country you are talking about here, since you state people the globe over.
You're really unaware of far right parties running against current immigration policies making significant gains in England, France, Denmark, and other countries?


And you're not seriously arguing that the U.S. has secure borders?
So, you'll go with the ask a question to (not) answer a question. Ugh, not again with this ####.

1. I am quite aware of the rising nationalism and anti-immigrant movements in those nations. FWIW, such a comparison does not shine favorable for those wishing to invoke them as something positive. It's actually fairly disturbing that some Americans actually look toward such xenophobic measures as if that will help our nation of immigrants. Such a narrow world view is both dangerous for our well being as without growth from immigration, there's no way our nation could sustain economically without drastic negative changes and impacts (and that's to disregard the many social benefits that immigrants bring).

Long story short: Anyone looking for us to mirror the xenophobic European's (because, that's ended well in the past, ya know?) is both shortsighted and... well, is this where I call out xenophobes as somehow bigoted only to be yelled at because I'm calling out backward and anachronistic beliefs as what they are?

2. Secure borders is only one measure of immigration, legal or otherwise. The only issues with have with creating a system that draws people here illegally while we look away at the local level (only to grandstand in congress and on message boards) are those we, ourselves have created. Hell, we started the fire, we added gas too it (you know, the whole sections of our economy that are illegal labor intensive) and then complain... with no actual solution.

Back to my point, we actually have a fairly high bar for anyone who does not wish to come in at dish-washer levels of employment and society. So, this is just a red herring of an argument.

So, perhaps you now wish to actually try to answer my questions. If you really have a legitimate point to make and wish to engage in a legitimate conversation that is.
BTW, still no response. I'm going to flat call out BS on folks who throw questions back at questions without actually caring to answer.

What do you have to avoid?

Well, other than the fact that you are counting on and comparing favorably to nationalist zeal embedded with racism and even fascism / Nazism over in Europe.

The democrat he's running against in November (Jack Trammell) is also a professor from Randolph Macon. Funny that a school with 1,600 kids has two professors fighting it out for Congress.

The college will likely milk this and raise tuition I suppose.

David Brat’s Writings: Hitler’s Rise ‘Could All Happen Again’

Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.
Can Christians force others to follow their ethical teachings on social issues? Note that consistency is lacking on all sides of this issue. The political Right likes to champion individual rights and individual liberty, but it has also worked to enforce morality in relation to abortion, gambling, and homosexuality. The Left likes to think of itself as the bulwark of progressive liberal individualism, and yet it seeks to progressively coerce others to fund every social program under the sun via majority rule. Houston, we have a problem. Coercion is on the rise. What is the root word for liberalism? (Answer: Liberty)
This section scares me the worst.
I'm going to be away for a while, but neither of these quotes seem particularly objectionable.

This guy may very well be a flake. I looked up his CV and he does come across to me as kind of weird. Just saying that those two quotes are pretty innocuous and the second in particular is the sort of thing that libertarians like me talk about all the time.

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This guy doesn't strike me as a flake. He's nowhere near Sharon Angle. Based on his positions, he sounds like a far right conservative- (I think calling him a libertarian is misplaced but I don't want to get into that argument again.)

Again, I know very little about this, but from what I've been hearing this morning I wonder if this has less to do with the Tea Party or immigration and more to do with Cantor's arrogance, aloofness, and possible corruption.

Actually, this victory gives me new faith in the electoral process... victory evidently does not have to equal money. This from today's WSJ...

He won the biggest House primary upset in generations even though he didn't have much help. National groups such as the Club for Growth or Heritage Action that aim to pick off Republicans who stray from strict party orthodoxy didn't get involved. Mr. Cantor outraised Mr. Brat $5.7 million to $231,000. The only national conservative figure to help Mr. Brat was talk-radio host Laura Ingraham, who touted him on the air and hosted a rally for him last week.


Mr. Brat was so unknown that his Wikipedia entry was only two sentences before Tuesday night.

On second thought, maybe God was involved.

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David Brat’s Writings: Hitler’s Rise ‘Could All Happen Again’

Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.
Can Christians force others to follow their ethical teachings on social issues? Note that consistency is lacking on all sides of this issue. The political Right likes to champion individual rights and individual liberty, but it has also worked to enforce morality in relation to abortion, gambling, and homosexuality. The Left likes to think of itself as the bulwark of progressive liberal individualism, and yet it seeks to progressively coerce others to fund every social program under the sun via majority rule. Houston, we have a problem. Coercion is on the rise. What is the root word for liberalism? (Answer: Liberty)
This section scares me the worst.
I'm going to be away for a while, but neither of these quotes seem particularly objectionable.

This guy may very well be a flake. I looked up his CV and he does come across to me as kind of weird. Just saying that those two quotes are pretty innocuous and the second in particular is the sort of thing that libertarians like me talk about all the time.
How can a so-called libertarian used the words "enforce morality" in the same paragraph as "liberty"?

Brat is not a libertarian. If you talk like that then you are not a libertarian either.

This guy doesn't strike me as a flake. He's nowhere near Sharon Angle. Based on his positions, he sounds like a far right conservative- (I think calling him a libertarian is misplaced but I don't want to get into that argument again.)

Again, I know very little about this, but from what I've been hearing this morning I wonder if this has less to do with the Tea Party or immigration and more to do with Cantor's arrogance, aloofness, and possible corruption.
And Cooter...

David Brats Writings: Hitlers Rise Could All Happen Again

Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsches diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.
Can Christians force others to follow their ethical teachings on social issues? Note that consistency is lacking on all sides of this issue. The political Right likes to champion individual rights and individual liberty, but it has also worked to enforce morality in relation to abortion, gambling, and homosexuality. The Left likes to think of itself as the bulwark of progressive liberal individualism, and yet it seeks to progressively coerce others to fund every social program under the sun via majority rule. Houston, we have a problem. Coercion is on the rise. What is the root word for liberalism? (Answer: Liberty)
This section scares me the worst.
I'm going to be away for a while, but neither of these quotes seem particularly objectionable.

This guy may very well be a flake. I looked up his CV and he does come across to me as kind of weird. Just saying that those two quotes are pretty innocuous and the second in particular is the sort of thing that libertarians like me talk about all the time.
How can a so-called libertarian used the words "enforce morality" in the same paragraph as "liberty"?

Brat is not a libertarian. If you talk like that then you are not a libertarian either.
Maybe I'm misreading, but he seems to be calling out statists and generally opposing coersion.

Cantor was in office for 24 years. Isn't that enough?
I wish more of these career politicians masquerading as public servants would lose to an opponent that supports term limits. I don't care which side of the aisle they sit on, nobody should be able to hold a seat for life.
Exactly!! I dont care if he was a Republican, he was a lifer in terms of crooked dealings in washington. Get rid of all of them i say. They dont give a crap about anyone but themselves. Too many of them like that in Washington as it is! Id like to see them all get fired!!

David Brat’s Writings: Hitler’s Rise ‘Could All Happen Again’

Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.
Can Christians force others to follow their ethical teachings on social issues? Note that consistency is lacking on all sides of this issue. The political Right likes to champion individual rights and individual liberty, but it has also worked to enforce morality in relation to abortion, gambling, and homosexuality. The Left likes to think of itself as the bulwark of progressive liberal individualism, and yet it seeks to progressively coerce others to fund every social program under the sun via majority rule. Houston, we have a problem. Coercion is on the rise. What is the root word for liberalism? (Answer: Liberty)
This section scares me the worst.
I'm going to be away for a while, but neither of these quotes seem particularly objectionable. It's stating that the right is looking to enforce moral codes while talking about championing individual rights and liberty while the left keeps building gov't and programs to control others / others' behavior. The right is coercing in their way, the left in another way. Nothing too radical here.

This guy may very well be a flake. I looked up his CV and he does come across to me as kind of weird. Just saying that those two quotes are pretty innocuous and the second in particular is the sort of thing that libertarians like me talk about all the time.
I have to admit, with these comments alone, I don't see the issue either.

2015 will probably have Rand & Jeb as the main GOP candidates. Rand will likely get more young voters but all of the older GOP voters will likely vote Jeb. Jeb will win, and then lose to the democratic candidate.

GOP is going to make the same mistake they did in 2012 by not embracing the Ron Paul young supporters. GOP needs the young vote to stand any chance.

Jeb voters would likely vote Rand in the Presidential election, but I don't think Rand voters would necessarily vote Jeb if he won.

We are all doomed. Hillary Clinton is going to be the president in 2016.

As far as I can tell this guy isn't even in the mainstream for economists much less the voting public. He makes claims that the data and history don't support. But hey enjoy your ever rightward GOP. Bigger and bigger part of a smaller and smaller pie only adds up to extinction.

Not sure why Hillary spells doom for you. For one thing she won't take the House with her, and that means 4 more years of gridlock. So what?

As for Rand Paul, if he wins the nomination Hillary might have the biggest landslide ever.

David Brat’s Writings: Hitler’s Rise ‘Could All Happen Again’

Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.
Can Christians force others to follow their ethical teachings on social issues? Note that consistency is lacking on all sides of this issue. The political Right likes to champion individual rights and individual liberty, but it has also worked to enforce morality in relation to abortion, gambling, and homosexuality. The Left likes to think of itself as the bulwark of progressive liberal individualism, and yet it seeks to progressively coerce others to fund every social program under the sun via majority rule. Houston, we have a problem. Coercion is on the rise. What is the root word for liberalism? (Answer: Liberty)
This section scares me the worst.
I'm going to be away for a while, but neither of these quotes seem particularly objectionable.

This guy may very well be a flake. I looked up his CV and he does come across to me as kind of weird. Just saying that those two quotes are pretty innocuous and the second in particular is the sort of thing that libertarians like me talk about all the time.
How can a so-called libertarian used the words "enforce morality" in the same paragraph as "liberty"?

Brat is not a libertarian. If you talk like that then you are not a libertarian either.
He's calling them hypocrites. "He blasts conservatives for the pursuit of individual liberty while pushing laws restricting abortion, gay marriage and gambling. He writes: Can Christians force others to follow their ethical teachings on social issues? Note that consistency is lacking on all sides of this issue. The political Right likes to champion individual rights and individual liberty, but it has also worked to enforce morality in relation to abortion, gambling, and homosexuality. The Left likes to think of itself as the bulwark of progressive liberal individualism, and yet it seeks to progressively coerce others to fund every social program under the sun via majority rule. Houston, we have a problem. Coercion is on the rise."

Sounds like he's against enforcing moralities, not for them. The OP is misleading.

As for those who are enjoying this result because of the "Throw the bums out" aspect: be careful what you wish for. The notion that somehow our government will be better run with new fresh faces continually taking over has always seemed especially silly to me. We live in a very complex world. Competence takes time.

As for those who are enjoying this result because of the "Throw the bums out" aspect: be careful what you wish for. The notion that somehow our government will be better run with new fresh faces continually taking over has always seemed especially silly to me. We live in a very complex world. Competence takes time.

What a crock of ####.

As for those who are enjoying this result because of the "Throw the bums out" aspect: be careful what you wish for. The notion that somehow our government will be better run with new fresh faces continually taking over has always seemed especially silly to me. We live in a very complex world. Competence takes time.

What a crock of ####.
Tim isn't really into the people having power. Any power. Even the power to vote seems make him uncomfortable at times.

District hasn't had a Democrat for Rep. since 1971
It still won't unless Cantor runs a write-in campaign and splits the R vote. The nutjob will win easily. Hilarious.
I don't know anything about Brat....what has he done to be labeled as a nutjob?
He's not a liberal. It's one of the go-to words for people who don't subscribe to the progressive agenda.
Here are the main six positions he ran on to defeat Cantor, according to his wikipedia page:

Brat ran heavily on the issue of immigration, stating Rep. Cantor favored "amnesty" for illegal immigrants.[15] On the campaign trail, he "frequently trumpeted the six elements"[which?] of the "Republican Creed" which were posted at his campaign website:[16]

  • That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice,
  • That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society,
  • That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government,
  • That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing Constitutional limitations,
  • That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense,
  • That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation.[17]
Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham endorsed Brat's candidacy and hosted a rally with him in a Richmond suburb.[18] Radio talk show host Mark Levin also supported and endorsed Brat.[19]Ann Coulter expressed support for his candidacy.[16]

Usually the last two in execution conflict heavily with fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints, as well as equal rights for all.

District hasn't had a Democrat for Rep. since 1971
It still won't unless Cantor runs a write-in campaign and splits the R vote. The nutjob will win easily. Hilarious.
I don't know anything about Brat....what has he done to be labeled as a nutjob?
He's not a liberal. It's one of the go-to words for people who don't subscribe to the progressive agenda.
Here are the main six positions he ran on to defeat Cantor, according to his wikipedia page:

Brat ran heavily on the issue of immigration, stating Rep. Cantor favored "amnesty" for illegal immigrants.[15] On the campaign trail, he "frequently trumpeted the six elements"[which?] of the "Republican Creed" which were posted at his campaign website:[16]

  • That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice,
  • That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society,
  • That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government,
  • That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing Constitutional limitations,
  • That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense,
  • That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation.[17]
Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham endorsed Brat's candidacy and hosted a rally with him in a Richmond suburb.[18] Radio talk show host Mark Levin also supported and endorsed Brat.[19]Ann Coulter expressed support for his candidacy.[16]

Usually the last two in execution conflict heavily with fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints, as well as equal rights for all.
Nothing like "well, when I say equal rights for ALL, I mean for ALL Christians. Or those who will just admit to living by our world view and morality. That's equal for all, right?"

As for those who are enjoying this result because of the "Throw the bums out" aspect: be careful what you wish for. The notion that somehow our government will be better run with new fresh faces continually taking over has always seemed especially silly to me. We live in a very complex world. Competence takes time.

What a crock of ####.
Tim isn't really into the people having power. Any power. Even the power to vote seems make him uncomfortable at times.
It sure does. As Churchill said, democracy is the worst form if government- except for all the others.
Term limits seem anti-democratic to me. If the people want the same guy representing them for 40 years, why shouldn't they be allowed to have him?

As for those who are enjoying this result because of the "Throw the bums out" aspect: be careful what you wish for. The notion that somehow our government will be better run with new fresh faces continually taking over has always seemed especially silly to me. We live in a very complex world. Competence takes time.

What a crock of ####.
:shrug: I think he's right.

Most of the Congressfolks don't actually matter much, but their staffs do. If you rolled them out too fast you'd definitely lose policy/legislative expertise IMO.


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