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FBG loses its Tremendous Upside: RIP friend (1 Viewer)

Dammit. So devastating. Awful, awful news. Only knew him from a handful of WIS draft; but what a funny, knowledgeable dude. ####!!! Thoughts and prayers with his family and friends.


Koya, GB, let me know if there's anything the WIS guys can do to help or commemorate.

37... jeez i'm 37.. wow, i liked that guy.. bum deal.

Thoughts and prayers to the friends and family.

sad... just sad

Am I reading right that he hadn't posted since August?
Yeah, I had actually checked that just this past week. He hasn't posted on Facebook since July, he had gone off the grid. We used to text all the time, at least when sports stuff was bubbling. Haven't talked to him in probably a year, I got updates from Koya on him.Just thought it was a phase, and that we'd eventually put the band back together. That makes this even tougher for some of us here that knew him.

Had so many great times with Sean. The last time I saw him was at my wedding -- the aforementioned trip to Northern MN that DD described. Seems like we were all thinking it had been too long since we'd last seen him. Sad stuff to know that we don't get to hang ever again.

Not sure how many hours Sean and I spent nerdily deconstructing Hold Steady lyrics, but there's at least a dozen songs that make me think of his takes whenever they're on. Oddly enough though, it was a long conversation about the musical genius of Letters to Cleo (while experiencing the awfulness of yeasayer) that made me completely enamored of the guy. Just can't believe he's gone.

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Sean fit in with everyone, he was very versatile that way. Intellectuals, homeless guy, African cab drivers he ended up paying twice on accident. Lol

Like two years ago I met up with some of my Marine friends in NYC and asked Sean to meet us. They were extremely impressed with him, Sean was discussing the UCMJ with them like he had been a military lawyer.

He always looked a bit disheveled so if you took him for granted, he would make you pay. He had an encyclopedia brain, he knew a lot about just about everything.

No offense to anyone else I've met from this board, but I really always thought Sean was the smartest. I have said that many times to the :11: crew. Chat faded away after Sean stopped coming around, we all had hoped he'd come back.
This sums it. He loved being around people, whether he knew them or not. He truly just loved people and was selfless to a fault. Paraphrasing one of my favorite text conversations with him from ca. fall 2010. My Morning Jacket was doing a charity benefit playing all of their albums live over the course of 5 nights at Terminal 5, and TU was going to be there every night. This was night 3. TU - as often happened, was there by himself.


TU: It Still Moves tonight - might be getting sick of MMJ

me: Not possible - this is the best one, all down hill from here.

(quick conversation re: the merits of The Tennessee Fire being their best)

Some while later...

TU: Standing next to hottish girl - has been in tears the whole night

me: Not an It Still Moves fan? Maybe she loves Tennessee Fire, make your move

TU: broke up with boyfriend after Tennessee Fire night apparently

me: yep, you're in

TU: Nah, she doesn't need that - but there's a lesbian at the bar who might


In a nutshell, that was Sean. At first, oafish and disheveled; moments later the funniest, smartest guy you know. And the best part? He expected very little in return, just your company. In the end a loyal and caring friend whether you'd known him for 20 years or 10 minutes. We've lost a true friend today, and most won't realize it.

:happy: <---- I miss this

Sean fit in with everyone, he was very versatile that way. Intellectuals, homeless guy, African cab drivers he ended up paying twice on accident. Lol

Like two years ago I met up with some of my Marine friends in NYC and asked Sean to meet us. They were extremely impressed with him, Sean was discussing the UCMJ with them like he had been a military lawyer.

He always looked a bit disheveled so if you took him for granted, he would make you pay. He had an encyclopedia brain, he knew a lot about just about everything.

No offense to anyone else I've met from this board, but I really always thought Sean was the smartest. I have said that many times to the :11: crew. Chat faded away after Sean stopped coming around, we all had hoped he'd come back.
This sums it. He loved being around people, whether he knew them or not. He truly just loved people and was selfless to a fault. Paraphrasing one of my favorite text conversations with him from ca. fall 2010. My Morning Jacket was doing a charity benefit playing all of their albums live over the course of 5 nights at Terminal 5, and TU was going to be there every night. This was night 3. TU - as often happened, was there by himself.


TU: It Still Moves tonight - might be getting sick of MMJ

me: Not possible - this is the best one, all down hill from here.

(quick conversation re: the merits of The Tennessee Fire being their best)

Some while later...

TU: Standing next to hottish girl - has been in tears the whole night

me: Not an It Still Moves fan? Maybe she loves Tennessee Fire, make your move

TU: broke up with boyfriend after Tennessee Fire night apparently

me: yep, you're in

TU: Nah, she doesn't need that - but there's a lesbian at the bar who might


In a nutshell, that was Sean. At first, oafish and disheveled; moments later the funniest, smartest guy you know. And the best part? He expected very little in return, just your company. In the end a loyal and caring friend whether you'd known him for 20 years or 10 minutes. We've lost a true friend today, and most won't realize it.

:happy: <---- I miss this
:goodposting: X 1 billion
Sean fit in with everyone, he was very versatile that way. Intellectuals, homeless guy, African cab drivers he ended up paying twice on accident. Lol

Like two years ago I met up with some of my Marine friends in NYC and asked Sean to meet us. They were extremely impressed with him, Sean was discussing the UCMJ with them like he had been a military lawyer.

He always looked a bit disheveled so if you took him for granted, he would make you pay. He had an encyclopedia brain, he knew a lot about just about everything.

No offense to anyone else I've met from this board, but I really always thought Sean was the smartest. I have said that many times to the :11: crew. Chat faded away after Sean stopped coming around, we all had hoped he'd come back.
This sums it. He loved being around people, whether he knew them or not. He truly just loved people and was selfless to a fault. Paraphrasing one of my favorite text conversations with him from ca. fall 2010. My Morning Jacket was doing a charity benefit playing all of their albums live over the course of 5 nights at Terminal 5, and TU was going to be there every night. This was night 3. TU - as often happened, was there by himself.


TU: It Still Moves tonight - might be getting sick of MMJ

me: Not possible - this is the best one, all down hill from here.

(quick conversation re: the merits of The Tennessee Fire being their best)

Some while later...

TU: Standing next to hottish girl - has been in tears the whole night

me: Not an It Still Moves fan? Maybe she loves Tennessee Fire, make your move

TU: broke up with boyfriend after Tennessee Fire night apparently

me: yep, you're in

TU: Nah, she doesn't need that - but there's a lesbian at the bar who might


In a nutshell, that was Sean. At first, oafish and disheveled; moments later the funniest, smartest guy you know. And the best part? He expected very little in return, just your company. In the end a loyal and caring friend whether you'd known him for 20 years or 10 minutes. We've lost a true friend today, and most won't realize it.

:happy: <---- I miss this
:goodposting: X 1 billion
Guys I have bad news. I'm so sorry to have to tell you all this.

We lost Sean today. He went into cardiac arrest about 45 min ago and could not be revived.

Let's hope he is at peace. God I hope there's another side where I can see him again.

This sums it. He loved being around people, whether he knew them or not. He truly just loved people and was selfless to a fault. Paraphrasing one of my favorite text conversations with him from ca. fall 2010. My Morning Jacket was doing a charity benefit playing all of their albums live over the course of 5 nights at Terminal 5, and TU was going to be there every night. This was night 3. TU - as often happened, was there by himself.


TU: It Still Moves tonight - might be getting sick of MMJ

me: Not possible - this is the best one, all down hill from here.

(quick conversation re: the merits of The Tennessee Fire being their best)

Some while later...

TU: Standing next to hottish girl - has been in tears the whole night

me: Not an It Still Moves fan? Maybe she loves Tennessee Fire, make your move

TU: broke up with boyfriend after Tennessee Fire night apparently

me: yep, you're in

TU: Nah, she doesn't need that - but there's a lesbian at the bar who might

:lmao: Just found an old FB message from Sean. Out of the blue he tells me that he met Exene Cervenka (from the band X). I guess he met her backstage at some show.

SG: after telling her what a big fan of theirs I was, I told her the biggest X fan I knew was a Jeopardy champion from Bakersfield. She laughed and said they love Bakersfield. So X knows you exist.


So sorry Koya. You and I have had our run ins lately but that doesn't mean #### when put in perspective with this kind of thing.

Best wishes to you, every FBG here, and especially his family.

Trying to make my way through this thread. Sean wouldnt want all the fuss nor the sadness. Not for something for which the only uncertainty is when.

But he'd also be the first to shed tears among the closest of friends while showing strength and compassion if it were one of us and our families going through this.

Ill post a few pics so those of you who never met him might have a glimpse of the joy, thoughtfulness, humor, modest but deep intellect and supreme humanity he brought to those enough lucky enough to call Sean, Friend.

Am I reading right that he hadn't posted since August?
Yeah, I had actually checked that just this past week. He hasn't posted on Facebook since July, he had gone off the grid. We used to text all the time, at least when sports stuff was bubbling. Haven't talked to him in probably a year, I got updates from Koya on him.Just thought it was a phase, and that we'd eventually put the band back together. That makes this even tougher for some of us here that knew him.
I nearly posted because I would have sworn to it that I had just seen him on here last week. I didn't know him as you and koya but I think we had a lot of crossover interests as we used to show up in the same threads. Just thought the world of himI'm very sorry for your loss and to you as well koya. Between him and fin it's been a rough few months here.

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Sorry to hear of the loss of such a young life. A tough blow for those of you who knew him personally ...thanks for sharing some stories and memories.

Am I reading right that he hadn't posted since August?
Yeah, I had actually checked that just this past week. He hasn't posted on Facebook since July, he had gone off the grid. We used to text all the time, at least when sports stuff was bubbling. Haven't talked to him in probably a year, I got updates from Koya on him.Just thought it was a phase, and that we'd eventually put the band back together. That makes this even tougher for some of us here that knew him.
I hadnt noticed. He'd been going through a lot, personally. A group of us were really concerned about a year, year and a half ago when something similar happened but he seemed to be on better ground. New job, better outlook.

I hadn't seen him over the fall nearly as much as usual... but that's the ebb and flow of life, and friendship. The last couple of months were very tough I know, and he sorta retreated into solitude when not helping his fam. Never wanted to burden anyone, but it was never a burden.

In fact, we had been talking about whether an "intervention" or something to help him get out of the rut was needed. I guess that while I was not his closest or longest friend, he and I probably kept in touch the most (limited as it may have been, texts and all mostly) over the past few months. We always had a connection - as DD noted, guy was so smart, and such depth of personality.

Ironically, he and my wife probably talked more than any of he and his guy friends over the last couple of months. Sean would often come over and stay for the night or the weekend and I know many an evening when Koya got plastered and passed out, they would have deep philosophical conversations into the night.

He always made my wife smile. She doesn't really confide in anyone, but he made her comfortable. She loved him, too. How could you not? My only friend who really became a friend of my wife in a way, as well. He just brought us so much joy. You'll see that when I post the pics.

I think it was only a few weeks back that we had our last weekend hang out. I don't remember which but think the NFL playoffs were going. We got pretty plastered... and Sean was a pretty big dude (part of the health issues) and a couple days later I realized he BROKE out ####### futon bed! He must have literally passed out hard. I remember hearing ruckus in the middle of the night - sunday night so I was going to take him to the train in the AM. Then I heard a CRASH. A few min later I heard a BOOM.

I think the boom was the bed breaking. Or maybe it was the fist sized hole in the wall (at like chin level, so weird) that he somehow made.

Now, Sean was always a pretty heavy drinker. Never "had" to have it in public, but I know he was drinking a bit too much while being a bit recluse. And he would pass out where a train couldn't wake him up. My wife always was like... is he ok, is he alive?

And I was always like, yeah of course, it's just Sean.

But that last time something was amiss. And my wife and I knew something was up, as did the rest of our friends. But again, he was so focused on his mother, so not wanting to burden.

Just, great, people. The best.

So sorry GB Koya :(
Thanks. To you and all giving well wishes. But I'm more concerned about his sister. First her mother who is still not 100% better, now her brother is gone. And her father has been dealing with issues as well.

And, not surprisingly here either, his sister is an angel. They were good blood. Thanks for giving me an outlet to vent though. It feels selfish but I dont know what else to do.


All my best, Koya.

Thanks for sharing your stories- and continued thoughts and condolences to you and your wife.


Damn this sucks. I never met him in person, but he was a solid contributor in a lot of threads I read. Sad that he was only 37 as well. Thoughts to everyone that knew him.

Doctor Detroit said:
Fun fact about TU: he never once drove a car
Snowy day like today reminds me of one of his many quirks. On days like this he liked to take a cab to the street that is on the cover art of Freewheelin Bob Dylan. I'd get a random text -

TU: "I'm at Jones and W 4th"

me: "wtf"

TU: "Freewhelin Bob Dylan street - it snowed today"

me: "Did you find a spot for your beetle bus"

TU: "Suze is parking it"


I miss the random texts.

You got to be kidding me. TU was a great poster.

You guys seem close to the family. If/when something gets set up please let the board know.


Koya said:
Guys I have bad news. I'm so sorry to have to tell you all this.

We lost Sean today. He went into cardiac arrest about 45 min ago and could not be revived.

Let's hope he is at peace. God I hope there's another side where I can see him again.

One of the greatest minds on this board. I'm in shock here. He sent me his box set of The Wire and two great books he thought I would enjoy. Heart of gold. The box set should probably be sent back to somebody in his family or a close friend. Send me a PM please if you know where I can send it. I know he loved that series and valued his collection.

I am so hearbroken.

Doctor Detroit said:
Fun fact about TU: he never once drove a car
Snowy day like today reminds me of one of his many quirks. On days like this he liked to take a cab to the street that is on the cover art of Freewheelin Bob Dylan. I'd get a random text -

TU: "I'm at Jones and W 4th"

me: "wtf"

TU: "Freewhelin Bob Dylan street - it snowed today"

me: "Did you find a spot for your beetle bus"

TU: "Suze is parking it"


I miss the random texts.
Damn. I'm going to play that album right now. RIP Sean.


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