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Found this in my wife's chat log (2 Viewers)

Uninstall WoW. The original install, plus all of the updates, will take forever to reinstall. This at least gets rid of some of the problem and allows you to (hopefully) focus on repairing your marriage.

I'd also second Gr00vus' take on the counseling.
i'm gonna guess the pull of WoW is stronger than the pull of the marriage
I know guys who have dropped out of college real life because of this game.
Update.This has been the worst two weeks of my life. After we fought for days over this:I caught her doing it again. What made it even worse was that this time it was with her friend's iboyfriend. He came down to visit my wife's friend last week for a few days and my wife "entertained" him for a couple of hours one day while her friend was at work. Apparently all that happened was that he propositioned her and she turned him down. Of course the chat log a few days later didn't leave the impression that nothing happened.I left her yesterday but like a sucker I came back. She was a lot more remorseful this time but I don't know when I will ever be able to trust her again. We were doing so good this week. We were really getting along well and enjoying each other's company and then this happens.I am having to treat her like a kid. She begged me back but I told her I would have to have full access to her internet accounts and I advised her I am still logging everything and checking it daily.I wasn't able to call the guy in question but I sent him a death threatening email if I ever saw him.On another note, that ended badly for my wife's friend. She called his house in Ohio and his live in baby's momma answered. Apparently they have been together 15 years. What a train wreck.I don't know what I will do at this point. If I didn't have kids I would be long gone.
I caught for wife for less than this and had a 1 year old at the time. dropped her like a 2 ton heavy thing and havent looked back. best decision I ever made.........

Good decision letting your promiscuous wife "entertain" another woman's boyfriend while everyone else was at work. What is wrong with you?Forget demanding access to the chat logs...I would throw the ####### computer in the front yard.ETA:I haven't followed this since the first few pages - did we actually confirm this is a legit story?
I was at work. I had told her I didn't want him over.She had no idea I had installed a monitoring program on the PC. She had changed her passwords and created a new Yahoo log in.I was actually going to remove the program when I found the most recent log.
i told you and your wife directly that she was full of ####. I rest my case.

I hate to bludgeon you with reality dude, but you're marriage is over. You might hang around for another 10 minutes or 10 years, but that doesn't stop the fact that the marriage you thought you had doesn't in fact exist at all. What you have is a corpse of a marriage.

pile of sith said:
Fullback Fro said:
joffer said:
Mike Crimes said:
dropped her like a 2 ton heavy thing .........
:lmao: :lmao:
i've heard that somewhere. i think it was on a queensryche album. crimes, do you listen to queensryche?
Its the start of the song Empire by Queensryche."Next message saved, Saturday at 9:24 p.m.Sorry, I'm just..... it's starting to hit me like a ummmm, ummmm... a 2 ton heavy thing."and for Crimson Hawk stop making excuses and get out of this situation.
Crimson Hawk said:
Apparently all that happened was that he propositioned her and she turned him down. Of course the chat log a few days later didn't leave the impression that nothing happened.
Hey baby, wanna ride my epic mount?
pile of sith said:
Fullback Fro said:
joffer said:
Mike Crimes said:
dropped her like a 2 ton heavy thing .........
:lmao: :lmao:
i've heard that somewhere. i think it was on a queensryche album. crimes, do you listen to queensryche?
Its the start of the song Empire by Queensryche."Next message saved, Saturday at 9:24 p.m.Sorry, I'm just..... it's starting to hit me like a ummmm, ummmm... a 2 ton heavy thing."and for Crimson Hawk stop making excuses and get out of this situation.
Yes, it's the intro to Empire.
yeah. thanks guys. i knew what it was. just seeing if crimesy knew.

So CH – We're going to need to see the wife's pic here sooner or later. She claimed she was decent looking when she was in here. Let us be the judges. It's the only way you'll get, um, fair and uh accurate advice or something.

Okay, go. Post it. Go.


Dude, it's over. You had a good run and tried your best until the end.

Either leave her or start reliving your young adulthood, drinking, smoking and banging other chicks.

:lmao: Dude, it's over. You had a good run and tried your best until the end.Either leave her or start reliving your young adulthood, drinking, smoking and banging other chicks.
I seriously thought you were talking about the :D trip. Then I read the second sentence.
proninja said:
Crimson Hawk said:
I wasn't able to call the guy in question but I sent him a death threatening email if I ever saw him
For future reference, if you need to make any death threats in the future, I'd advise against doing it in writing.
I've always found that interpretive dance is an effective--and cathartic--method.
The Third said:
Good decision letting your promiscuous wife "entertain" another woman's boyfriend while everyone else was at work. What is wrong with you?
This :confused: trip would have died out if he hadn't.
My friend. I know it sucks and the idea of starting over after 17 years is scary as hell but it is so worth it. Run away as fast as you can. Take the pain and learn from it. My current wife and I both went through similar situations and though it is so damn hard at first, it's the best decision you'll make for you and your children. Once trust is gone, there is nothing left. You'll be suspicious all the time. She'll resent you for it and she'll decide to leave within a year.

Your children will have a hard time, but they will fair so much better than growing up watching Mommy and Daddy fighting all the time. Besides, you have one life. Do you want to spend all of it miserable? Take the pain now and you'll be so much happier in the future.

Walk away now.

Both my current wife and I did and we have the best marriage I can possibly imagine. It's so worth the pain you'll feel at first.

Walk away now.

I wish you the best.

Walk away now.

My friend. I know it sucks and the idea of starting over after 17 years is scary as hell but it is so worth it. Run away as fast as you can. Take the pain and learn from it. My current wife and I both went through similar situations and though it is so damn hard at first, it's the best decision you'll make for you and your children. Once trust is gone, there is nothing left. You'll be suspicious all the time. She'll resent you for it and she'll decide to leave within a year. Your children will have a hard time, but they will fair so much better than growing up watching Mommy and Daddy fighting all the time. Besides, you have one life. Do you want to spend all of it miserable? Take the pain now and you'll be so much happier in the future.Walk away now.Both my current wife and I did and we have the best marriage I can possibly imagine. It's so worth the pain you'll feel at first.Walk away now.I wish you the best. Walk away now.
pile of sith said:
Fullback Fro said:
joffer said:
Mike Crimes said:
dropped her like a 2 ton heavy thing .........
:) :shrug:
i've heard that somewhere. i think it was on a queensryche album. crimes, do you listen to queensryche?
Its the start of the song Empire by Queensryche."Next message saved, Saturday at 9:24 p.m.Sorry, I'm just..... it's starting to hit me like a ummmm, ummmm... a 2 ton heavy thing."and for Crimson Hawk stop making excuses and get out of this situation.
Yes, it's the intro to Empire.
yeah. thanks guys. i knew what it was. just seeing if crimesy knew.
I heard it before...didn't remember where. now I do. operation mike crimes was a better album though...
Crimson Hawk said:
Update.This has been the worst two weeks of my life. After we fought for days over this:I caught her doing it again. What made it even worse was that this time it was with her friend's iboyfriend. He came down to visit my wife's friend last week for a few days and my wife "entertained" him for a couple of hours one day while her friend was at work. Apparently all that happened was that he propositioned her and she turned him down. Of course the chat log a few days later didn't leave the impression that nothing happened.I left her yesterday but like a sucker I came back. She was a lot more remorseful this time but I don't know when I will ever be able to trust her again. We were doing so good this week. We were really getting along well and enjoying each other's company and then this happens.I am having to treat her like a kid. She begged me back but I told her I would have to have full access to her internet accounts and I advised her I am still logging everything and checking it daily.I wasn't able to call the guy in question but I sent him a death threatening email if I ever saw him.On another note, that ended badly for my wife's friend. She called his house in Ohio and his live in baby's momma answered. Apparently they have been together 15 years. What a train wreck.I don't know what I will do at this point. If I didn't have kids I would be long gone.
proninja said:
Tell Mrs. Crimson Hawk that Mr. Pickles needs her on the internet to clear things up
If one goes by the premise that Mr. Pickles IS the internet...your statement takes on a whole new meaning.
pile of sith said:
Fullback Fro said:
joffer said:
Mike Crimes said:
dropped her like a 2 ton heavy thing .........
:unsure: :cry:
i've heard that somewhere. i think it was on a queensryche album. crimes, do you listen to queensryche?
Its the start of the song Empire by Queensryche."Next message saved, Saturday at 9:24 p.m.Sorry, I'm just..... it's starting to hit me like a ummmm, ummmm... a 2 ton heavy thing."and for Crimson Hawk stop making excuses and get out of this situation.
Yes, it's the intro to Empire.
yeah. thanks guys. i knew what it was. just seeing if crimesy knew.
I heard it before...didn't remember where. now I do. operation mike crimes was a better album though...
Crimson Hawk said:
I don't know what I will do at this point.
<Godfather> You can act like a man. (SLAP). What's the matter with you? Is this how you turned out? A Hollywood finochio that, uh, cries like a woman? 'What can I do? What can I do?' What is that nonsense? Ridiculous.</Godfather>
It'd be one thing if she was somehow back 'flirting' with the same guy. If she had developed some kind of emotional attachment, it would be hard going cold turkey. But, she quickly moved on to another guy, giving more credence to the HO label, than the lonely housewife with a husband who doesn't understand her emotional needs.

Crimson Hawk said:
She had no idea I had installed a monitoring program on the PC. She had changed her passwords and created a new Yahoo log in.
Crimson Hawk,I know there has been a lot of piling on in this thread, and I hope not to add to it. But, look at the above quote.You had to install a monitoring program without your wife's knowledge.She had changed passwords and created a new Yahoo log in.Think about that for a little while. Is there any trust between you two left? Even if you are able to overcome this development, there is always going to be mistrust and a wondering what your wife is doing. I'm not so sure counseling can even help this. I hope that all works out for the best for you. I'd never wish bad against anyone...well, maybe I would, but certainly not against someone I don't know. I'm really not sure how I would react if I were in your shoes.g'luck.
It'd be one thing if she was somehow back 'flirting' with the same guy. If she had developed some kind of emotional attachment, it would be hard going cold turkey. But, she quickly moved on to another guy, giving more credence to the HO label, than the lonely housewife with a husband who doesn't understand her emotional needs.
Kurupt is a modern day prophet.
Crimson Hawk said:
Update.This has been the worst two weeks of my life. After we fought for days over this:I caught her doing it again. What made it even worse was that this time it was with her friend's iboyfriend. He came down to visit my wife's friend last week for a few days and my wife "entertained" him for a couple of hours one day while her friend was at work. Apparently all that happened was that he propositioned her and she turned him down. Of course the chat log a few days later didn't leave the impression that nothing happened.I left her yesterday but like a sucker I came back. She was a lot more remorseful this time but I don't know when I will ever be able to trust her again. We were doing so good this week. We were really getting along well and enjoying each other's company and then this happens.I am having to treat her like a kid. She begged me back but I told her I would have to have full access to her internet accounts and I advised her I am still logging everything and checking it daily.I wasn't able to call the guy in question but I sent him a death threatening email if I ever saw him.On another note, that ended badly for my wife's friend. She called his house in Ohio and his live in baby's momma answered. Apparently they have been together 15 years. What a train wreck.I don't know what I will do at this point. If I didn't have kids I would be long gone.
Come on... this can't possibly be true.She knows you're watching her chat logs, yet she's still careless enough to chat to this guy about a fling they had together? No one is that stupid - unless she just wanted to get caught, or didn't care if you caught her. I'm all for working to save a marriage, but if this is all true then you better face the fact that your wife doesn't give a crap about your relationship anymore regardless of anything she is saying to your face.This is so messed up - you need to delete your WoW characters, cancel your accounts, and throw away every computer in the house. Neither you nor your wife has enough self-control or maturity to handle the AWESOME responsibility of the internet. Congrats on losing at life.
:moneybag: :shrug:
It'd be one thing if she was somehow back 'flirting' with the same guy. If she had developed some kind of emotional attachment, it would be hard going cold turkey. But, she quickly moved on to another guy, giving more credence to the HO label, than the lonely housewife with a husband who doesn't understand her emotional needs.
Just so I'm clear, both involve kicking her ### out, but one more effectively removes any residual guilt for being partly responsible for the end of the marriage.
I may be in the minority here, but I think you should use this situation to your advantage for awhile.....

I think you should use the guilt factor here and parlay it into doing every nasty thing you ever wanted to do to your wife in the bedroom, garage, etc.....you should make it so walking and even sitting down is somewhat painful for her.....all the while you are planning your exit but giving the impression that you are hanging in there...she should be assuming the position every time you walk in the room......think Pavlov's dogs.......

this could also include any lady friends that she may have etc....meaning you are upset and want to work things out, but "honey, maybe we explore some of the reasons we are unhappy together"...."lets get some of this out in the open and out of our system, then start over".....

I think she will fall for it, because ultimatley she wants to bang other people too...so plan your escape, but get yours while you still can.....then after you have explored every orphus she has with everything hanging on your garage wall, you tell her you don't think it's going ro work and you put your exit plan into place....

i feel for your kids here, and divorce is tough, but at least for a couple of months they will see you guys happy since you'll be banging her like a screen door in a hurricane......

I may be in the minority here, but I think you should use this situation to your advantage for awhile.....I think you should use the guilt factor here and parlay it into doing every nasty thing you ever wanted to do to your wife in the bedroom, garage, etc.....you should make it so walking and even sitting down is somewhat painful for her.....all the while you are planning your exit but giving the impression that you are hanging in there...she should be assuming the position every time you walk in the room......think Pavlov's dogs.......this could also include any lady friends that she may have etc....meaning you are upset and want to work things out, but "honey, maybe we explore some of the reasons we are unhappy together"...."lets get some of this out in the open and out of our system, then start over".....I think she will fall for it, because ultimatley she wants to bang other people too...so plan your escape, but get yours while you still can.....then after you have explored every orphus she has with everything hanging on your garage wall, you tell her you don't think it's going ro work and you put your exit plan into place....i feel for your kids here, and divorce is tough, but at least for a couple of months they will see you guys happy since you'll be banging her like a screen door in a hurricane......

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