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Greatest Video Game Draft 2011 (1 Viewer)

I busted out my playstation from the closet and started playing through Resident Evil 1. I haven't played this version of the game in about 13 years. The voice acting is even more hillarious than I remembered. How did something like that get published? A lot less standards back then even in the late 90's.

Seventh Generation (2005-Present)
By the way, I agree with you on your issue with sequels. But the issue is that developers are reluctant to take a chance on a new IP in this climate and have it fail when they can simply continue a succeeding franchise and have guaranteed sales. It sucks, but it's true. Take DiCE's newest IP for example, Mirror's Edge. A first-person platformer that some either loved or hated. It was original. I really wanted to like it. It received mixed reviews for it's controls and bland graphics (white and orange, bleh!). But at least they tried and I really wanted to love it. The concept reminded me of the days of "Conc Jumping" in Team Fortress and perhaps if I played it on PC instead of XBox, I would have liked it more. But unfortunately we got the news this past week that the sequel will be no more.

I actually took sequels into account when taking my pick for 7th gen. LittleBigPlanet was my 2nd choice there and I agree it's a great fun game and probably deserved a top 3 spot. I don't dispute what got the top 3 spots, though. Those are terrific games. BioShock was obviously my first choice, so no arguments there. The story was fantastic. I hate that the movie was cancelled, but that may be for the best. I think the story would make for a great movie, but directors tend to always lose the story in game to movie translations and they turn to ####.

I picked Assassin's Creed 2 because I felt Assassin's Creed was the new IP from the era that sucked me in the most. I bought the first Assassin's Creed, and although I liked the game, it was disappointing in how short and repetitive it was. It also had no replay value, thus I traded it in a week later. When Assassin's Creed 2 came out, I was still very excited, but remembered how disappointed I was in the first, so instead of buying the game, I chose to rent. I loved it this time, as they fixed everything that annoyed me about the first and added so many new gameplay mechanics that I felt if I had bought the game, I would have had plenty of replay value. Of course, this past year Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood released and I chose to rent again. Not because I was disappointed in AC2, but because I feared it may be more of an expansion of 2. It was, but it was a huge expansion that I feel is worthy of owning. The added multiplayer is a bonus. You can find my review here on the forums.

Again, I agree with your distaste for sequels, but I wouldn't have felt right picking Assassin's Creed 1. Assassin's Creed 2 was the more worthy choice, plus Ezio was a more charming, memorable character than Altair. I also made the pick because I had made enough first-person shooter picks and was trying to stay away from those.

I think the rankings were good and fair. It's a hard category to rank. Nice job. :thumbup:

edit: I meant to mention that it seems that the only developers taking chances on original IPs and game ideas are indie games. There are a host of gems on XBox Live Arcade, Steam, and Playstation Network. While not all indie games are good games, it's a good idea to take a chance on them every now and then. Especially if you can get a chance to play the demo.
I didn't punish AC2 too much for it being a sequel since it was such a improvement over the first, while Rock Band 3 did suffer since it really didn't do much RB1 didn't. I have no horse in this race, so I feel bad for saying this, but whoever chose RB3 and put it in the category probably didn't make the best selection. Especially in what might be the best collective generation of games ever.

Back to AC2 - While I did like it, I grew tired of the same GTA - style missions. The story was great and they should have just made that more in depth rather then put a ton of side missions just for the sake of putting in side missions.
Rock Band 3 wasn't taken. That was Guitar Hero 3. But if it was taken, Rock Band 3 is a huge difference than Rock Band 1. There is no Pro mode in Rock Band 1 that will teach you to actually play a real guitar or keyboard. Nor is there harmonies. Where the Guitar Hero series has taken lateral steps, the Rock Band series has indeed made moves to improve the series. But no, it wasn't taken in the draft.
Not that it matters but I took Rock Band 3
Seventh Generation (2005-Present)
By the way, I agree with you on your issue with sequels. But the issue is that developers are reluctant to take a chance on a new IP in this climate and have it fail when they can simply continue a succeeding franchise and have guaranteed sales. It sucks, but it's true. Take DiCE's newest IP for example, Mirror's Edge. A first-person platformer that some either loved or hated. It was original. I really wanted to like it. It received mixed reviews for it's controls and bland graphics (white and orange, bleh!). But at least they tried and I really wanted to love it. The concept reminded me of the days of "Conc Jumping" in Team Fortress and perhaps if I played it on PC instead of XBox, I would have liked it more. But unfortunately we got the news this past week that the sequel will be no more.

I actually took sequels into account when taking my pick for 7th gen. LittleBigPlanet was my 2nd choice there and I agree it's a great fun game and probably deserved a top 3 spot. I don't dispute what got the top 3 spots, though. Those are terrific games. BioShock was obviously my first choice, so no arguments there. The story was fantastic. I hate that the movie was cancelled, but that may be for the best. I think the story would make for a great movie, but directors tend to always lose the story in game to movie translations and they turn to ####.

I picked Assassin's Creed 2 because I felt Assassin's Creed was the new IP from the era that sucked me in the most. I bought the first Assassin's Creed, and although I liked the game, it was disappointing in how short and repetitive it was. It also had no replay value, thus I traded it in a week later. When Assassin's Creed 2 came out, I was still very excited, but remembered how disappointed I was in the first, so instead of buying the game, I chose to rent. I loved it this time, as they fixed everything that annoyed me about the first and added so many new gameplay mechanics that I felt if I had bought the game, I would have had plenty of replay value. Of course, this past year Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood released and I chose to rent again. Not because I was disappointed in AC2, but because I feared it may be more of an expansion of 2. It was, but it was a huge expansion that I feel is worthy of owning. The added multiplayer is a bonus. You can find my review here on the forums.

Again, I agree with your distaste for sequels, but I wouldn't have felt right picking Assassin's Creed 1. Assassin's Creed 2 was the more worthy choice, plus Ezio was a more charming, memorable character than Altair. I also made the pick because I had made enough first-person shooter picks and was trying to stay away from those.

I think the rankings were good and fair. It's a hard category to rank. Nice job. :thumbup:

edit: I meant to mention that it seems that the only developers taking chances on original IPs and game ideas are indie games. There are a host of gems on XBox Live Arcade, Steam, and Playstation Network. While not all indie games are good games, it's a good idea to take a chance on them every now and then. Especially if you can get a chance to play the demo.
I didn't punish AC2 too much for it being a sequel since it was such a improvement over the first, while Rock Band 3 did suffer since it really didn't do much RB1 didn't. I have no horse in this race, so I feel bad for saying this, but whoever chose RB3 and put it in the category probably didn't make the best selection. Especially in what might be the best collective generation of games ever.

Back to AC2 - While I did like it, I grew tired of the same GTA - style missions. The story was great and they should have just made that more in depth rather then put a ton of side missions just for the sake of putting in side missions.
Rock Band 3 wasn't taken. That was Guitar Hero 3. But if it was taken, Rock Band 3 is a huge difference than Rock Band 1. There is no Pro mode in Rock Band 1 that will teach you to actually play a real guitar or keyboard. Nor is there harmonies. Where the Guitar Hero series has taken lateral steps, the Rock Band series has indeed made moves to improve the series. But no, it wasn't taken in the draft.
Not that it matters but I took Rock Band 3
21.5 Guitar Hero 3-PS 3- 7th Generation

Learn how to play real guitar on a fun game. For realz

Actually, you took Guitar Hero 3, which is a different game and while it would make a difference in terms of Guitar Hero 3 vs Rock Band 3, I don't think it would've scored differently in the category. It was just too stacked. I'm surprised AC2 did as well as it did in that category. I could see how you meant Rock Band 3, though. It makes sense why you said "Learn how to play real guitar on a fun game" now. I laughed at that line at the time and took it as sarcasm. But I assumed it was really toward GH3 since you later talked about Raining Blood a couple of posts later.

You're right. It doesn't matter. You can have Rock Band 3.

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This was fun and good job judges.

Knew I wouldn't win as I didn't even know 90% of what u guys were even picking, but I stayed true and only picked from games I knew and had played

Just wanted to look at this again. Its a shame it was before the board update. A lot of html thats screwed up.

Didn't realize it's been a year. This was fun. Whenever we do have another, I have dibs on judging.

I would almost like to do this one again, but make clearer distinctions between console/pc. Best console RPG - best PC RPG - best "both" RPG. (just saying RPG because as the RPG judge, I felt I couldn't do some greats justice - for example, old school console RPG's vs. Baldur's Gate 2)

I don't have nearly as much time to burn on gaming or the internet as I did when I ran this, but I would be down to run it again. I know it ended kind of sourly but its all good and I remember having a blast doing it. Anyone remember some rules or issues that might need tweaking or adjustments in categories, ala jwb's RPG comments? If there is enough interest I'll fire up a new thread. So who's down!?!?!


Edit: And here I just sat down for the next 4 hours to do a mapping project and the first thing I find is this, and now all I can think about is video games. :banned:

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I don't have nearly as much time to burn on gaming or the internet as I did when I ran this, but I would be down to run it again. I know it ended kind of sourly but its all good and I remember having a blast doing it. Anyone remember some rules or issues that might need tweaking or adjustments in categories, ala jwb's RPG comments? If there is enough interest I'll fire up a new thread. So who's down!?!?! :boxing: Edit: And here I just sat down for the next 4 hours to do a mapping project and the first thing I find is this, and now all I can think about is video games. :banned:
The worst thing that ever happened to my gaming hobby was you getting laid. :thumbdown:
I don't have nearly as much time to burn on gaming or the internet as I did when I ran this, but I would be down to run it again. I know it ended kind of sourly but its all good and I remember having a blast doing it. Anyone remember some rules or issues that might need tweaking or adjustments in categories, ala jwb's RPG comments? If there is enough interest I'll fire up a new thread. So who's down!?!?! :boxing: Edit: And here I just sat down for the next 4 hours to do a mapping project and the first thing I find is this, and now all I can think about is video games. :banned:
The worst thing that ever happened to my gaming hobby was you getting laid. :thumbdown:
So true. But she got tired of watching me play and bought a 360. Now we have two 360's and two screens setup next to each other. After I introduced her to Gears Horde & campaign last week, she dropped this quote on me, "How come you never said it was so ####### fun to chainsaw #### everywhere, #### yeah!" My roommates and I think it is hilarious because she is really proper and doesn't cuss, but when she is gaming, she is filthy. She is terrible at Gears as any new erson should be, but that still places her around halfway u the FBG ladder rankings. Right now she has the first timer Gears of War jonesing going on.
I don't have nearly as much time to burn on gaming or the internet as I did when I ran this, but I would be down to run it again. I know it ended kind of sourly but its all good and I remember having a blast doing it. Anyone remember some rules or issues that might need tweaking or adjustments in categories, ala jwb's RPG comments? If there is enough interest I'll fire up a new thread. So who's down!?!?!


Edit: And here I just sat down for the next 4 hours to do a mapping project and the first thing I find is this, and now all I can think about is video games. :banned:
The worst thing that ever happened to my gaming hobby was you getting laid. :thumbdown:
So true. But she got tired of watching me play and bought a 360. Now we have two 360's and two screens setup next to each other. After I introduced her to Gears Horde & campaign last week, she dropped this quote on me, "How come you never said it was so ####### fun to chainsaw #### everywhere, #### yeah!" My roommates and I think it is hilarious because she is really proper and doesn't cuss, but when she is gaming, she is filthy. She is terrible at Gears as any new erson should be, but that still places her around halfway u the FBG ladder rankings. Right now she has the first timer Gears of War jonesing going on.
Jealous. I still remember getting the game a few days early and my wife being pregnant and just popping my GOW cherry and grinning ear to ear.
She is terrible at Gears as any new erson should be, but that still places her around halfway u the FBG ladder rankings.
Strong words...(1) Why haven't you told me this, and (2) why haven't we been playing more?
Haven't seen/talked to you since she got on live. She started off about a month ago with Fable 2&3 and went to FF13 afterwards. I got her started on shooters with Resident Evil 5 two weeks ago and transferred to Gears 3 campaign. I have been playing more especially Gears but in the campaign on insane with mobile and then on easy with her. Now we have been doing a bunch of horde and just started up versus with hardcore bots to try and introduce the game concepts and learn the maps a bit. I haven't touched competitive multi in a while, but I want to, also have ad a lot of school work.
She is terrible at Gears as any new erson should be, but that still places her around halfway u the FBG ladder rankings.
Strong words...(1) Why haven't you told me this, and (2) why haven't we been playing more?
Haven't seen/talked to you since she got on live. She started off about a month ago with Fable 2&3 and went to FF13 afterwards. I got her started on shooters with Resident Evil 5 two weeks ago and transferred to Gears 3 campaign. I have been playing more especially Gears but in the campaign on insane with mobile and then on easy with her. Now we have been doing a bunch of horde and just started up versus with hardcore bots to try and introduce the game concepts and learn the maps a bit. I haven't touched competitive multi in a while, but I want to, also have ad a lot of school work.
Your girl sounds like a GIANT nerd HOT. :thumbup:

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Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 chosen over Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3?

720 left on the board?

I am also a fan of Pure - PS3

Think I still have my spreadsheet of the picks somewhere on one of my PCs. Also, I think bumping this gives Madshot another reason to try to get a new one going again.

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Mario KartArcade(1) Dragon's Lair (5.12)

Arcade(2) Smash TV - Arcade (16.02)

Third Generation (1983-1990) Phantasy Star - Sega MS (8.02)

Fourth Generation (1987-1996) Gunstar Heroes - Genesis (12.02)

Fifth Generation (1993-2001) Crash Team Racing - PS1 (24.02)

Sixth Generation (1998-2007) Metroid Prime - GameCube (19.12)

Seventh Generation (2005-Present) LittleBigPlanet - PS3 (7.12)

FPS/TPS Terminator 2: Judgement Day - Arcade (15.12)

Sports Baseball Stars - NES (9.12)

Strategy/RTS Bomberman - NES (13.12)

Racing R. C. Pro-Am - NES (14.02)

Puzzle Lode Runner - XBox 360 (23.12)

Fighter Super Smash Brothers: Melee - Gamecube (10.02)

Action/Adventure Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga - Wii (20.02)

Platformer Kid Icarus - NES (18.02)

Hack and Slash/Beat 'em Up Gauntlet (6.02)

Role Playing Ultima III: Exodus - NES (17.12)

Suspense/Horror Silent Hill 2 - PS2 (11.12)

Best Multiplayer EverQuest - PC (26.02)

Best Story Toejam and Earl - Genesis (21.12)

Best Main Character(1) Link (1.12)

Best Main Character(2) Samus Aran (2.02)

Best Villain(1) Sephiroth (3.12)

Best Villain(2) Ganondorf Dragmire (4.02)

Worst Game Ethnic Cleansing - PC (25.12)

Flex Video Game(1) Zelda II: The Adventure's of Link - NES (22.02)

Flex Video Game(2) Bubble Bobble - NES (27.12)
Greatest team. I always win these kinds of drafts.

Mario KartArcade(1) Dragon's Lair (5.12)

Arcade(2) Smash TV - Arcade (16.02)

Third Generation (1983-1990) Phantasy Star - Sega MS (8.02)

Fourth Generation (1987-1996) Gunstar Heroes - Genesis (12.02)

Fifth Generation (1993-2001) Crash Team Racing - PS1 (24.02)

Sixth Generation (1998-2007) Metroid Prime - GameCube (19.12)

Seventh Generation (2005-Present) LittleBigPlanet - PS3 (7.12)

FPS/TPS Terminator 2: Judgement Day - Arcade (15.12)

Sports Baseball Stars - NES (9.12)

Strategy/RTS Bomberman - NES (13.12)

Racing R. C. Pro-Am - NES (14.02)

Puzzle Lode Runner - XBox 360 (23.12)

Fighter Super Smash Brothers: Melee - Gamecube (10.02)

Action/Adventure Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga - Wii (20.02)

Platformer Kid Icarus - NES (18.02)

Hack and Slash/Beat 'em Up Gauntlet (6.02)

Role Playing Ultima III: Exodus - NES (17.12)

Suspense/Horror Silent Hill 2 - PS2 (11.12)

Best Multiplayer EverQuest - PC (26.02)

Best Story Toejam and Earl - Genesis (21.12)

Best Main Character(1) Link (1.12)

Best Main Character(2) Samus Aran (2.02)

Best Villain(1) Sephiroth (3.12)

Best Villain(2) Ganondorf Dragmire (4.02)

Worst Game Ethnic Cleansing - PC (25.12)

Flex Video Game(1) Zelda II: The Adventure's of Link - NES (22.02)

Flex Video Game(2) Bubble Bobble - NES (27.12)
Greatest team. I always win these kinds of drafts.
You did well for golf.

Last one took place in May 2013 I believe. I'm always down for another, just need to find the rule set that would draw people in.

The forum is not nice to the formatting with all the changes they made. I have considered Google docs possibly for the next one.


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