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How much time have you wasted ... (1 Viewer)

C'mon, be honest ;)

  • > 24 hours

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  • > 18 hours

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  • > 12 hours

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  • > 8 hours

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • > 4 hours

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  • > 2 hours

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  • > 1 hour

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Argue about the Super Bowl? Why, what happened?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


The SB ended 48 hours ago - I have never seen as much smack talk after a game as this ...

Evilgrin 72 - you better say at least 12 hours, i been seeing your name all over these threads!

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The SB ended 48 hours ago - I have never seen as much smack talk after a game as this ...

Evilgrin 72 - you better say at least 12 hours, i been seeing your name all over these threads!
I said my piece in the 25 page thread and let it rest. Really no point in debating as nobody's mind in going to change on this subject.....Next!

you should never consider discussing football as "wasting" time

even if the seahawks got jobbed :stirspot:

About as much time as I did talking about this sleeper of a game leading up to it, NONE!

This game lived up to the anti-hype, boring on paper, and more boring on the field.

SleeperBowl XL :yawn: :yawn:

The SB ended 48 hours ago - I have never seen as much smack talk after a game as this ...

Evilgrin 72 - you better say at least 12 hours, i been seeing your name all over these threads!
Not even close to 12 hours. I write fast.
Just a few minutes total. The night of the Super Bowl, a few of us at a party watched some of the questionable calls and debated/argued about it, and a little here, but that's it...

As a Raider fan I have no sympathy for fans whining about bad officiating. I have wasted zero time on this topic except to reply in one of my two simple responses, "welcome to the club" or "talk to me after 15 years of it."

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