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Idiot drivers (1 Viewer)

Just got reminded of another this morning.

I'm leaving a parking lot and need to turn left. I'm the first car to arrive at the intersection. The driveway is plenty wide enough for three cars (one entering, one exiting left, and one exiting right) but there's no lanes painted. Just a white stop stripe on half the road. Since I'm turning left I approach in the center to leave room for a car on each side. (tangent, another pet peeve - persons that don't do this - I guess what follows is the reason why).

So while waiting for several cars to pass from left to right a big box van takes advantage of the right turn lane space I enabled them. But instead of sitting back and waiting for a break in traffic they unnecessarily nudge out beyond my car so now I can no longer see the traffic coming from the other direction. So now I have to wait for them to turn before I can see when it's safe for me to turn left.

Trucks are usually governed wrt top speed. So they often can't pass any faster because they can't travel any faster.
Which makes their passing even more inconsiderate.
I understand but imagine being on a 10 hour run from Minneapolis to Oklahoma or something. You are driving 65 and the guy in front of you seems to be going 62 and there are 2 other truck in front of him. You CANT go faster than 65. You are 1 hour into a 10 hour drive. Do you just slow down and sit behind them? Or do you pass, piss off a couple cars outside of Albert Lea that you'll never see again?
So while waiting for several cars to pass from left to right a big box van takes advantage of the right turn lane space I enabled them. But instead of sitting back and waiting for a break in traffic they unnecessarily nudge out beyond my car so now I can no longer see the traffic coming from the other direction. So now I have to wait for them to turn before I can see when it's safe for me to turn left.
This usually happens at red lights when the person is not turning right. If there is room to move over just a bit so another car can turn right, move over. Pulling up to the stop light and knowing you're not turning right, make some room. Irritating having to sit at a full red light because some ####### doesn't move just a bit. If I'm in a pissy mood, I will squeeze by if possible just to see the passenger's face a couple feet from mine when I pass them (this is rare).

re: the trucks on the highway

Getting into the left hand lane to prevent me from passing is even more irritating when I'm the only car within a half mile or so. I'm not talking like I just sped up to pass someone and I'm zigzagging but there is no one behind me at all. Can't the driver see I'm going faster AND that no one is behind me so he only has to wait for one car.

Drivers not using the whole road to turn or get out of the way. I'm looking at the people turning right, even though there is a "parking" lane all the way to the right but they insist on turning from the middle lane and not moving into the right "park" lane to turn. Get the hell over so traffic can keep going. This is also the case on the freeway when there is a long exit ramp but people will slow down on the freeway by applying their breaks when they could easily coast without impeding traffic. Get the hell over.

People who do 10 under the speed limit, but roll through stop signs. Are you in a hurry or not? Make up your damn mind! :hot:

There is an intersection near me that every year ends up at or near the top of the "Intersection with the most accidents" list for Wayne County, MI (Detroit area). I swear that half of these must be caused by the impatient SOBs that refuse to line up in the right turn lane and turn right from the right travel lane. It takes so much for me NOT to drift wide when one of them is turning next to me like that.

Did you flip him the bird?
I try not to flip people the bird too much in the car. I find it better to act like I don't know what they're trying to say. Or wave back to them like I think they know me.

That seems to make them more mad than a finger.
I live on a fairly busy street two houses off a street light. If I'm sitting at the end of the driveway with my turning signal on and someone doesn't stop to let me in when its a red light I'll pull out and cut in front of them and give a wave and mouth the word Thanks. You're right, it does tend to piss people off.

So while waiting for several cars to pass from left to right a big box van takes advantage of the right turn lane space I enabled them. But instead of sitting back and waiting for a break in traffic they unnecessarily nudge out beyond my car so now I can no longer see the traffic coming from the other direction. So now I have to wait for them to turn before I can see when it's safe for me to turn left.
This usually happens at red lights when the person is not turning right. If there is room to move over just a bit so another car can turn right, move over. Pulling up to the stop light and knowing you're not turning right, make some room. Irritating having to sit at a full red light because some ####### doesn't move just a bit. If I'm in a pissy mood, I will squeeze by if possible just to see the passenger's face a couple feet from mine when I pass them (this is rare).

re: the trucks on the highway

Getting into the left hand lane to prevent me from passing is even more irritating when I'm the only car within a half mile or so. I'm not talking like I just sped up to pass someone and I'm zigzagging but there is no one behind me at all. Can't the driver see I'm going faster AND that no one is behind me so he only has to wait for one car.

Drivers not using the whole road to turn or get out of the way. I'm looking at the people turning right, even though there is a "parking" lane all the way to the right but they insist on turning from the middle lane and not moving into the right "park" lane to turn. Get the hell over so traffic can keep going. This is also the case on the freeway when there is a long exit ramp but people will slow down on the freeway by applying their breaks when they could easily coast without impeding traffic. Get the hell over.
Ugh. Then there's the two-lane road where things are relatively tight and the guy turning left but won't pull up a little into the intersection to let those behind him by. Or worse, he stays in the middle of the lane or even towards the right side of it to make it downright impossible.

And related to that is the light where another lane opens up on the right just a little before the light (the particular situation I'm thinking about is actually where the entry ramp to a highway opens up on the right). The light turns red ahead, but there's plenty of room for the cars ahead of you to clear that opening so you can move over and make your turn. That is, until the person in front of you decides to leave a car and a half length between her and the one in front of her as she stops. You edge your way up a little at a time to give her a hint, but she apparently thinks those mirror things on her car are for makeup only, so doesn't even notice.

There is an intersection near me that every year ends up at or near the top of the "Intersection with the most accidents" list for Wayne County, MI (Detroit area). I swear that half of these must be caused by the impatient SOBs that refuse to line up in the right turn lane and turn right from the right travel lane. It takes so much for me NOT to drift wide when one of them is turning next to me like that.
Let me guess, northbound Haggerty turning east onto Ford Road.

Visited my sister a week ago in Naples, FL and there's a light outside their development which has two lanes leading to it. You can make either a left or a right and the left-hand lane is for left turns only but the right hand land has both left and right arrows. Now this section of the road has long-### lights and its a pain to wait behind some bozo who refuses to sit behind two other people in the left lane and ties up the right lane so you can't make a right turn. My sister says my bro in law goes in the right lane making a left and they had a big argument about it. He agreed that he wouldn't do it anymore while she's in the lane.

Anyway, we were driving along and someone cut in front of us and we started talking about inconsiderate drivers. I said the one thing that frosts my nuts was idiots who stay in the right lane making a left out of their development. It was funny as hell listening to my bro in law defend why a person would do that. He basically said that its Florida and people there go about things at a slower pace. I said in that case, why can't they wait the extra 5 seconds it takes for them to wait behind two cars in the left lane.

Trucks are usually governed wrt top speed. So they often can't pass any faster because they can't travel any faster.
Which makes their passing even more inconsiderate.
i disagree. those 5 minutes saved passing a slower truck might make all the difference to the passing trucks income. you? you get to stuff your fat maw with cheezy poofs quicker. cut the trucks some slack.

One time I was in the center lane and I hear a car coming up behind me at high speed. This car skids sideways just feet in front of me and slams head first in to the divider ( pretty much identical to how Dale Earnhardt SR crashed).

I was shook up at the near miss and continued on my way. Several years later I met a guy and he told me the story of how his brother died instantly in a crash while racing on a highway.

It was the guy that nearly hit me. I saw his brother die 20 feet from ke at the exact moment of impact.

Its a small world

I'm all for the zipper merge, but in practice here in Michigan 90% of drivers get over right away. Inevitably, that lane now moves at about 5 mph and the ending lane now moves as fast as you want it to since most of the cars just vacated the lane.

So do you continue to fly down the lane several times faster than the rest of the cars and then dart in as the lane ends, looking like a total ##### to everyone that just sat in the other lane for five minutes?

Or do you slow your speed way down to pace or nearly pace the now slower lane before merging late, mitigating the level of-aholeness you are perceived to display.

This nirvana of everyone maintaining their speed and zipper merging at the end is a pipe dream. So what's the call in the real world?
As far as I'm concerned, I've got no problem with the status quo. Almost everyone else's failure to grasp a simple traffic concept is your gain. I only feel bad when I'm doing something wrong. If I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and I'm saving time b/c of it, that's a double win in my book.

Trucks are usually governed wrt top speed. So they often can't pass any faster because they

can't travel any faster.
Which makes their passing even more inconsiderate.
i disagree. those 5 minutes saved passing a slower truck might make all the difference to the passing trucks income. you? you get to stuff

your fat maw with cheezy poofs quicker. cut the trucks some slack.
Stuff my fat mouth? Not sure where you got that since I indicated previously I'm driving to and from courts for work. So, I think it fair to equate my work time and desire to get there at my anticipated speed to theirs. Therefore, given that their passing takes five minutes and mine takes five seconds, it's still incredibly inconsiderate.
Seen another ####### tonight that has no business being on the road. Coming up to a roundabout going north and will be going west when exiting. Moron heading south looks right at me as I'm going around the circle of death and just start heading west he decides to pull out in front of me. The whole time he's looking at me and I'm slamming the brakes on and nailing the horn. Dude has a crappy minivan with a bunch of kids in it, no respect for own kids or possibly someone else's because the douchenozzle can't wait five seconds.

If I wouldn't of been taking my friends dog home I would have plowed into them to teach a lesson. You're gonna learn how to follow traffic rules and it will hurt a little bit because It's gonna cost ya financially. And I would have gotten the updated grill for my car.
Wait, you just said you saw that the guy had a carful of kids yet you would have hit him if you didn't have your friends dog with you? What the hell is wrong with you?

There is an intersection near me that every year ends up at or near the top of the "Intersection with the most accidents" list for Wayne County, MI (Detroit area). I swear that half of these must be caused by the impatient SOBs that refuse to line up in the right turn lane and turn right from the right travel lane. It takes so much for me NOT to drift wide when one of them is turning next to me like that.
Let me guess, northbound Haggerty turning east onto Ford Road.
Bingo. Wait...was that you turning next to me :wall:

Trucks are usually governed wrt top speed. So they often can't pass any faster because they can't travel any faster.
Which makes their passing even more inconsiderate.
i disagree. those 5 minutes saved passing a slower truck might make all the difference to the passing trucks income. you? you get to stuff your fat maw with cheezy poofs quicker. cut the trucks some slack.
But the issue here is that the two trucks are riding in a row the whole time just until the car gets there. I've seen this many times and it never even looks close to the point where the truck needs to pull out to pass. It's usually a total **** move.

Trucks are usually governed wrt top speed. So they often can't pass any faster because they can't travel any faster.
Which makes their passing even more inconsiderate.
i disagree. those 5 minutes saved passing a slower truck might make all the difference to the passing trucks income. you? you get to stuff your fat maw with cheezy poofs quicker. cut the trucks some slack.
But the issue here is that the two trucks are riding in a row the whole time just until the car gets there. I've seen this many times and it never even looks close to the point where the truck needs to pull out to pass. It's usually a total **** move.
Just wondering, if we were to ask the truckers, how many times they get passed by a car, only to have the car slow down once they've passed the trucks. :shrug:

Seen another ####### tonight that has no business being on the road. Coming up to a roundabout going north and will be going west when exiting. Moron heading south looks right at me as I'm going around the circle of death and just start heading west he decides to pull out in front of me. The whole time he's looking at me and I'm slamming the brakes on and nailing the horn. Dude has a crappy minivan with a bunch of kids in it, no respect for own kids or possibly someone else's because the douchenozzle can't wait five seconds.

If I wouldn't of been taking my friends dog home I would have plowed into them to teach a lesson. You're gonna learn how to follow traffic rules and it will hurt a little bit because It's gonna cost ya financially. And I would have gotten the updated grill for my car.
Wait, you just said you saw that the guy had a carful of kids yet you would have hit him if you didn't have your friends dog with you? What the hell is wrong with you?
He voted dog.

Seen another ####### tonight that has no business being on the road. Coming up to a roundabout going north and will be going west when exiting. Moron heading south looks right at me as I'm going around the circle of death and just start heading west he decides to pull out in front of me. The whole time he's looking at me and I'm slamming the brakes on and nailing the horn. Dude has a crappy minivan with a bunch of kids in it, no respect for own kids or possibly someone else's because the douchenozzle can't wait five seconds.

If I wouldn't of been taking my friends dog home I would have plowed into them to teach a lesson. You're gonna learn how to follow traffic rules and it will hurt a little bit because It's gonna cost ya financially. And I would have gotten the updated grill for my car.
Wait, you just said you saw that the guy had a carful of kids yet you would have hit him if you didn't have your friends dog with you? What the hell is wrong with you?
Yup. If he has no consideration for his kids why should I? I already was only a few inches from hitting him and maybe my reaction time isn't so great the next time. Maybe next time he'll be more interested in paying attention and following traffic rules when it costs him financially.

And yes I'm an #######.
I didn't know psychopath was blocked here.

johnnycakes said:
TheIronSheik said:
Trucks are usually governed wrt top speed. So they often can't pass any faster because they

can't travel any faster.
Which makes their passing even more inconsiderate.
i disagree. those 5 minutes saved passing a slower truck might make all the difference to the passing trucks income. you? you get to stuff your fat maw with cheezy poofs quicker. cut the trucks some slack.
But the issue here is that the two trucks are riding in a row the whole time just until the car gets there. I've seen this many times and it

never even looks close to the point where the truck needs to pull out to pass. It's usually a total **** move.
Just wondering, if we were to ask the truckers, how many times they get passed by a car, only to have the car slow down once they've passed

the trucks. :shrug:
Somewhere between zero and zero b/c the cars are going faster than the trucks.
Not sure if the following scenario has been mentioned but this one happened to me tonight and I was reminded of this thread.

At a red light. Two turn lanes typically with a white/yellow line through the intersection demonstrating where the cars should drive. Turning onto a three lane street however the first turn lane should turn into lane 1 (far left lane of the three lanes) and the outside turn lane should turn into lane 2 (the middle of the new street).

I normally go into the outside turn lane... just a habit of mine.

Here is what happened tonight and all to often to many times:

Light turns green and I drive forward. Since I have to make a wider turn, I don't "turn" until later in the intersection. Tonight, I am just through the intersection, just starting to go straight (I turned into lane 3, the right lane of the new street) and I don't even turn my head but the car that was next to me at the red light is just about mirror to mirror with me. She also did a wide turn and turned into lane 2 (the wrong lane for her). Had I turned into the correct lane myself (lane 2 but opt for the right lane because of this exact thing), I'd have been hit by this minivan. This happens way too often thus it is my, now, habit of turning into lane 3.

On the flip side, if I am in the inner lane turning onto a street, I have had drivers speed through their turn or, essentially, try to cut me off by turning into my lane when, at the last minute, they notice they are in the wrong lane and swerve into theirs. Why not do a wide turn all the time if you are on the outside?

I guess my only question is who gets ticketed by either scenario? Does the wide turn from the inside get ticketed/faulted? Does the narrow turn from the outside get ticketed even though it would be my car "hitting" into their car? Sometimes, if its busy, I say "effe" it and turn right from the right turn lane even if it will take me longer to get home.

Another one I thought of... similar scenario however there are two lanes only... one left turn lane and one right turn lane and the guy in the right lane decides to turn left. I don't know he's turning left since he is not supposed to. If I hit him, who is at fault? Effeing idiots.

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Guy who drives through the parking lot diagonally through rows of empty spaces as if there are no traffic rules. I hope for the day that I see two of these morons crash into each other.
I once drove into the concrete cylinder at the base of the streetlight as I was driving diagonally across a grocery store lot.

I had an idea when I was a kid that everyone should have a phone number in their car that was printed on front and back bumper, side panels and hood. So if you are behind someone who has their think open you could kindly give them a ring and let them know. Or if they are tailgating you you could kindly threaten to kill them.
I wanted to create something like Facebook, but the people's ID's were the license plates. You could log on and post on their wall about how they suck at driving. You could also see how many people thought that person was a crappy driver.
There should be an app where you can report license plate for specific bad behaviors.

I had an idea when I was a kid that everyone should have a phone number in their car that was printed on front and back bumper, side panels and hood. So if you are behind someone who has their think open you could kindly give them a ring and let them know. Or if they are tailgating you you could kindly threaten to kill them.
I wanted to create something like Facebook, but the people's ID's were the license plates. You could log on and post on their wall about how they suck at driving. You could also see how many people thought that person was a crappy driver.
There should be an app where you can report license plate for specific bad behaviors.
Always a day late and a dollar short. :kicksrock:

Why do people who drive 20 under the speed limit always feel the need to get out in front of traffic?

Driving home from work last night, I'm on a road doing 45. Speed limit is 45. I'm coming down and hill and at the bottom is a side road. I see a lady pull up to her stop sign and look right at me. Then she pulls out in front of me. I jam on the brakes and hit the horn. Of course, this gets me a middle finger. There is now a line of traffic doing 30 mph with this lady leading the way. I'll point out, too, that after I hit the horn, I didn't ride her bumper or anything like that. I'm always afraid that idiot will slam on their brakes to "get even", so I keep my distance.

The road opens up to two lanes and we hit a red light. She is in the right lane and I am in the left lane. As I pull up to her stopped car, I can see her window going down. I think, "Oh. This ought to be good." So I roll my passenger window down. She yells, "What the #### is your problem? You almost rear ended me back there. And then you have the nerve honk at me?!? Learn how to drive, #######."

I was a little stunned, but before I could say anything she started to put her window up and gave me the finger. Before the window went up, I yelled, "I work with your husband!"

I don't. But I only had a limited amount of time to try and get in her head. I'm hoping she's been worrying all day today that someone at work is going to say something to her husband. :lol:

Another example of someone doing something wrong and having no clue they were in the wrong.

Why do people who drive 20 under the speed limit always feel the need to get out in front of traffic?
There are plenty that are in the back of traffic but you just don't notice them.
Hmm. That's actually a good point. But I was referring to people who pull out in front of people then do 20 under the speed limit. Like, why did they feel the need to pull out, cutting people off who were going fast?

Why do people who drive 20 under the speed limit always feel the need to get out in front of traffic?

Driving home from work last night, I'm on a road doing 45. Speed limit is 45. I'm coming down and hill and at the bottom is a side road. I see a lady pull up to her stop sign and look right at me. Then she pulls out in front of me. I jam on the brakes and hit the horn. Of course, this gets me a middle finger. There is now a line of traffic doing 30 mph with this lady leading the way. I'll point out, too, that after I hit the horn, I didn't ride her bumper or anything like that. I'm always afraid that idiot will slam on their brakes to "get even", so I keep my distance.

The road opens up to two lanes and we hit a red light. She is in the right lane and I am in the left lane. As I pull up to her stopped car, I can see her window going down. I think, "Oh. This ought to be good." So I roll my passenger window down. She yells, "What the #### is your problem? You almost rear ended me back there. And then you have the nerve honk at me?!? Learn how to drive, #######."

I was a little stunned, but before I could say anything she started to put her window up and gave me the finger. Before the window went up, I yelled, "I work with your husband!"

I don't. But I only had a limited amount of time to try and get in her head. I'm hoping she's been worrying all day today that someone at work is going to say something to her husband. :lol:

Another example of someone doing something wrong and having no clue they were in the wrong.

Why do people who drive 20 under the speed limit always feel the need to get out in front of traffic?

Driving home from work last night, I'm on a road doing 45. Speed limit is 45. I'm coming down and hill and at the bottom is a side road. I see a lady pull up to her stop sign and look right at me. Then she pulls out in front of me. I jam on the brakes and hit the horn. Of course, this gets me a middle finger. There is now a line of traffic doing 30 mph with this lady leading the way. I'll point out, too, that after I hit the horn, I didn't ride her bumper or anything like that. I'm always afraid that idiot will slam on their brakes to "get even", so I keep my distance.

The road opens up to two lanes and we hit a red light. She is in the right lane and I am in the left lane. As I pull up to her stopped car, I can see her window going down. I think, "Oh. This ought to be good." So I roll my passenger window down. She yells, "What the #### is your problem? You almost rear ended me back there. And then you have the nerve honk at me?!? Learn how to drive, #######."

I was a little stunned, but before I could say anything she started to put her window up and gave me the finger. Before the window went up, I yelled, "I work with your husband!"

I don't. But I only had a limited amount of time to try and get in her head. I'm hoping she's been worrying all day today that someone at work is going to say something to her husband. :lol:

Another example of someone doing something wrong and having no clue they were in the wrong.
Normally done when there is noone behind you. If they were in such a hurry to get on that street why are they driving so slow compared to the speed limit.

Another example of someone doing something wrong and having no clue they were in the wrong.
Traffic laws should be self policed. Everybody should be allowed to send out one point per day to any fellow driver they deem to have broken a law/driven like an idiot. Every car should be equipped with a few go pro's and if you give out a point, the other driver gets a video feed of their mistake so they can see where they messed up and hopefully can learn from it (and can appeal the point if they feel it wasn't warranted). Receive 3 points, and you get fine. Additional fines and eventual license suspension if you've received enough points. Each driver is only allowed to hand out one total point per day to prevent abuse of the system. And there are consequences for handing out points that don't hold up on appeal.

About 3 times a week I run into something like you described and I mutter to myself, they'd be getting my point for today!

Why do people who drive 20 under the speed limit always feel the need to get out in front of traffic?
There are plenty that are in the back of traffic but you just don't notice them.
Hmm. That's actually a good point. But I was referring to people who pull out in front of people then do 20 under the speed limit. Like, why did they feel the need to pull out, cutting people off who were going fast?
Since they drive slow, they need to get started sooner.

This is not really driving per se, but I still need a ruling to see who the doosher is.

Easter weekend a couple years ago. I am at Costco and need gas.

They have three lanes with pumps. Everyone enters from the south. Two pumps per lane.

I'm second in line while two cars are taking up the two pumps ahead of us. The farthest car (North) finishes up and leaves. I wait about 30 seconds expecting the first person in line right in front of me to pull around the person still filling up. They stay put. Lots of cars in line behind us.

I pull around to the free pump and start filling up.

About 2 minutes later, the woman in the passenger seat of that car starts yammering at me about being impatient and a jerk. And happe Easter and all that.

Was I right or wrong here?

This is not really driving per se, but I still need a ruling to see who the doosher is.

Easter weekend a couple years ago. I am at Costco and need gas.

They have three lanes with pumps. Everyone enters from the south. Two pumps per lane.

I'm second in line while two cars are taking up the two pumps ahead of us. The farthest car (North) finishes up and leaves. I wait about 30 seconds expecting the first person in line right in front of me to pull around the person still filling up. They stay put. Lots of cars in line behind us.

I pull around to the free pump and start filling up.

About 2 minutes later, the woman in the passenger seat of that car starts yammering at me about being impatient and a jerk. And happe Easter and all that.

Was I right or wrong here?
Right. They were probably yapping it up and didn't notice the front spot opened up until you drove past. Or else they were too lazy to make two sharp turns. Would it be more or less courteous to beep your horn at them?

If I see the back car finishing it up then I might wait 30-60 seconds just so they don't have to drive around me because when both sides don't keep close to the islands it can be tight to squeeze through. But I'll creep up in gear with my foot on the brake as a signal of my intentions to the heathens behind me.

My idea is that your license plate must display the number of infractions or "points" you have accumulated over the last 3 years.

You get a ticket and you have to put some sort of visible sticker on your plate indicating what your infraction (s) were on your plate.

Another example of someone doing something wrong and having no clue they were in the wrong.
Traffic laws should be self policed. Everybody should be allowed to send out one point per day to any fellow driver they deem to have broken a law/driven like an idiot. Every car should be equipped with a few go pro's and if you give out a point, the other driver gets a video feed of their mistake so they can see where they messed up and hopefully can learn from it (and can appeal the point if they feel it wasn't warranted). Receive 3 points, and you get fine. Additional fines and eventual license suspension if you've received enough points. Each driver is only allowed to hand out one total point per day to prevent abuse of the system. And there are consequences for handing out points that don't hold up on appeal.

About 3 times a week I run into something like you described and I mutter to myself, they'd be getting my point for today!
I'm not sure if anybody else ever played Car Wars or not (kind of a board game / RPG blend from when I was a kid), but they got this right. If everybody had a pair of dual linked MGs under the hood, people wouldn't do so much stupid stuff. Either folks would learn to drive better or the bad drivers would be removed from the population.

Two simple words; exit and only. Yet when they're put together to form the simple phrase of "EXIT ONLY", they apparently become the two hardest words to understand in the English language. Maybe it's the bold yellow of the road sign they're printed on that makes drivers not believe this phrase. Maybe it's the bolded letters themselves. I don't know. But the amount of people I see hitting their turn signals at the last second of the exit only lane is astounding to me.

Eta: And I'm not talking about the intentional ########s in bumper to bumper traffic who use that lane to get as far as possible then cut you off in traffic. To those guys, #### you. :rant:

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My idea is that your license plate must display the number of infractions or "points" you have accumulated over the last 3 years.

You get a ticket and you have to put some sort of visible sticker on your plate indicating what your infraction (s) were on your plate.
Good one, Hawthorne

Trucks are usually governed wrt top speed. So they often can't pass any faster because they

can't travel any faster.
Which makes their passing even more inconsiderate.
i disagree. those 5 minutes saved passing a slower truck might make all the difference to the passing trucks income. you? you get to stuff your fat maw with cheezy poofs quicker. cut the trucks some slack.
But the issue here is that the two trucks are riding in a row the whole time just until the car gets there. I've seen this many times and it never even looks close to the point where the truck needs to pull out to pass. It's usually a total **** move.
Just wondering, if we were to ask the truckers, how many times they get passed by a car, only to have the car slow down once they've passed the trucks. :shrug:
Somewhere between zero and zero b/c the cars are going faster than the trucks.
Even downhill?
Trucks are usually governed wrt top speed. So they often can't pass any faster because they

can't travel any faster.
Which makes their passing even more inconsiderate.
i disagree. those 5 minutes saved passing a slower truck might make all the difference to thepassing trucks income. you? you get to stuff your fat maw with cheezy poofs quicker. cut the trucks some slack.
But the issue here is that the two trucks are riding in a row the whole time just until the car gets there. I've seen this many times and itnever even looks close to the point where the truck needs to pull out to pass. It's usually a total **** move.
Just wondering, if we were to ask the truckers, how many times they get passed by a car, only to have the car slow down once they've passedthe trucks. :shrug:
Somewhere between zero and zero b/c the cars are going faster than the trucks.
Even downhill?
You're suggesting that it's somewhat common for a truck to be passed by a car going down the hill only to have to break for that same car on a downhill?

I'm only suggesting that trucks go faster than cars downhill.
Which doesn't at all mean that the cars who passed them were going slow enough that the truck could catch up.

Nonetheless, if that were the case, that just further shows the ridiculousness of trucks that they have to travel at such varying speeds.

Trucks are usually governed wrt top speed. So they often can't pass any faster because they can't travel any faster.
Which makes their passing even more inconsiderate.
i disagree. those 5 minutes saved passing a slower truck might make all the difference to the passing trucks income. you? you get to stuff your fat maw with cheezy poofs quicker. cut the trucks some slack.
But the issue here is that the two trucks are riding in a row the whole time just until the car gets there. I've seen this many times and it never even looks close to the point where the truck needs to pull out to pass. It's usually a total **** move.
Just wondering, if we were to ask the truckers, how many times they get passed by a car, only to have the car slow down once they've passed the trucks. :shrug:
No more than if I were driving my car. If they're doing it at all, they're doing it to anyone. Idiot drivers.

What we really don't like is getting cut off in slow moving bumper to bumper traffic. That space I'm leaving between me and the car in front of me? It's not an open invitation to cut in without warning. That space gives us enough time to stop in case of sudden stops in front of us. We're not driving a yugo, it takes us a lot more distance to stop than you, and that's what that space is for. Now if you pull up calmy, let me notice you with your turn signal on, I'll let you in nicely. Just don't be a #### about it.

I drive down a dark highway almost daily while there are almost no cars on the road. I sometimes see a guy running, on the road, into oncoming traffic, while there's room on the shoulder. At least once I had to swerve to avoid hitting him. I lay on the horn every time I see him anymore.

There's plenty of side streets off this road to run on, traffic lights and 4 way intersections every quarter mile that are nothing but less busy roads.

The new one I've run into lately is the guy who insists on being in the passing lane....but keeps driving slower and slower and slower (compared to the right lane)...and then speeds up and throws on his brakes right before he hits the car in front of him.

No, there is not a car attempting to pass him in the slow lane. In fact, slow lane cars often pass him and move in front of him when he's on his "slow down" phase of the cycle.

Dude just hits the gas and flies up at random times. Then slows down again...wth?

I drive down a dark highway almost daily while there are almost no cars on the road. I sometimes see a guy running, on the road, into oncoming traffic, while there's room on the shoulder. At least once I had to swerve to avoid hitting him. I lay on the horn every time I see him anymore.

There's plenty of side streets off this road to run on, traffic lights and 4 way intersections every quarter mile that are nothing but less busy roads.
So he's not a driver, right?

Driving down a road and someone's pulling out of a driveway or shopping center...

When did it become "hurry up and pull out and slow down the traffic" instead of "come to a full stop and wait for the oncoming traffic to pass before pulling out"?

Or has it always been this way?

Driving down a road and someone's pulling out of a driveway or shopping center...

When did it become "hurry up and pull out and slow down the traffic" instead of "come to a full stop and wait for the oncoming traffic to pass before pulling out"?

Or has it always been this way?
I live on a rather busy road and if I see a row of cars spread out down the road and know I'm going to be waiting a couple of minutes, I will pull out in front of the lead car if there's an opening. Although I do try to hit the gas pretty hard so that I'm not forcing anyone to slow down.... much.

On the way to work yesterday, a motorcycle rider passes me doing 60 on a country road with speed limit 55. No big deal, I get it, I'm not driving fast enough. We turn right onto a 4 lane road, I go into the right lane as he's in the left going slightly slower than I am after 200'. Soon, some sportscar (didn't get a real good look) speeds around the motorcycle and gets behind me. I slow down a little on an uphill and the cyclist catches up, starts going ahead of me. So Mario decides to get behind him. Jax slows down on the downhill (don't know why), so I start passing him. Mario speeds up to get behind me, but now we're going back uphill and I intentionally slow down to get Mario to slow down. Mario gets back over... we do this about 4 times before I'm far enough ahead for Mario to cut Jax off and immediately get caught behind 10 cars at a red light. I'm 10' ahead of them and Jax goes over to Mario and I watch in my rearview mirror while Jax looks like he's telling Mario to slow the F down. I kept an eye out for a minute to see if we'd have to call the cops. But the light turned green and Jax turned left. Mario follows me for a few minutes but eventually I lose track of him in traffic.

Granted, I was playing with Mario a bit.

On the way to work yesterday, a motorcycle rider passes me doing 60 on a country road with speed limit 55. No big deal, I get it, I'm not driving fast enough. We turn right onto a 4 lane road, I go into the right lane as he's in the left going slightly slower than I am after 200'. Soon, some sportscar (didn't get a real good look) speeds around the motorcycle and gets behind me. I slow down a little on an uphill and the cyclist catches up, starts going ahead of me. So Mario decides to get behind him. Jax slows down on the downhill (don't know why), so I start passing him. Mario speeds up to get behind me, but now we're going back uphill and I intentionally slow down to get Mario to slow down. Mario gets back over... we do this about 4 times before I'm far enough ahead for Mario to cut Jax off and immediately get caught behind 10 cars at a red light. I'm 10' ahead of them and Jax goes over to Mario and I watch in my rearview mirror while Jax looks like he's telling Mario to slow the F down. I kept an eye out for a minute to see if we'd have to call the cops. But the light turned green and Jax turned left. Mario follows me for a few minutes but eventually I lose track of him in traffic.

Granted, I was playing with Mario a bit.
This reminded me of a math word problem. Or one of those games they play on the Jumbotron at ball games with the three cups. I got lost quickly.


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