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If your team moved cities (2 Viewers)

Would you still be a fan if your team left?

  • Yes and I am a local

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  • No and I am a local

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes and I am not a local

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No and I am not a local

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


With the seemingly ever real possibility of the Bills moving, I was thinking about whether or not I would still be a Bills fan if they moved. I'm not a Buffalo native nor do I live near Buffalo. So I would imagine that it would affect me differently than a Buffalo native or local. I'm still pretty sure that I would not be a fan of the Bills anymore though.


if the Chargers move to LA and keep the Charger name & logos and colors I might take it a bit easier.

If the move to say San Antonio, change name logo etc. No way

With the seemingly ever real possibility of the Bills moving, I was thinking about whether or not I would still be a Bills fan if they moved. I'm not a Buffalo native nor do I live near Buffalo. So I would imagine that it would affect me differently than a Buffalo native or local. I'm still pretty sure that I would not be a fan of the Bills anymore though.
I'm a bills fan too, and I'm wrestling with that right now. Part of me understands the situation and how it makes financial sense for the team to want out of the city, but I'm not sure how I'd react if it actually happened.Most likely I'd still follow the team as I do now, but have a vastly decreased rooting interest in them. I'm not sure I could root for another team, as I've never really been interested in being a fan of another team...

The Toronto Bills would be a disaster for Buffalo.

I imagine you don't see too many Titans jerseys in Houston. Of course, they also have the Texans now (still a terrible name) so it might not be an apt comparison.

I don't think the Ravens jerseys were a popular seller in Cleveland sports stores either.

When the Minnesota North Stars moved to Dallas, I hated Dallas.

Dallas Stars is still my #1 hated team, wish everyone would leave the area, and the arena sink into the ground in a pile of dog crap.

North Stars were like the Redwings... in Hockey country. ARG! I am still pOed about that. John Casey, Dino Ciccarelli... man.

F-the Dallas Stars... they suck monkey balls.

I imagine you don't see too many Titans jerseys in Houston. Of course, they also have the Texans now (still a terrible name) so it might not be an apt comparison.

I don't think the Ravens jerseys were a popular seller in Cleveland sports stores either.
Yeah, I think that there aren't too many comparisons modern day to make. The Rams moving to St. Louis and Colts from Baltimore would probably be the two best comparisons to make. With Cleveland they knew they were getting a new team so nobody was going to be a Ravens fan. I don't remember the exact situation with Houston, but I don't think it was very long before they got approved for a new team. But when the Rams left L.A. and the Colts left Baltimore there were no other replacement teams that came in anytime soon.
It depends on how and why they move. Baltimore Colts leaving for Indy in the middle of the nite? No Way. If it has gotten to the point where the team isn't drawing any kind of crowd, or fielding a competitive team, A la the Montreal Expos. I wouldn't be happy but I could understand.

I'm originally from the DC area but have lived in LA since '82. If the 'Skins ever moved, I'd have a very difficult time accepting that and continuing to support the team. I love the team because of where I'm from and because of how ingrained into that region's culture that team is. Moving the team out of that area would effectively burst that bubble for me.

Lions fan here, left Michigan 7 years ago. I'd maintain my support.

Then again, it's not like I'm paying them $ or really any tangible support, they're just "my team" and will continue to be.

Although, I suppose it depends on the reasons they moved. With a new stadium, I'd be a little pissed.

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Cleveland with its history and tradition as one of the oldest franchises was moved to Baltimore by a money hungry owner. That's what its about... These owners want the cash while true fans want to carry on tradition and add their history. Yes the Browns were in a rut and were getting no better. Well guess what..... you can't get any better by continually fielding avg. to below avg. players. The fans still came and management made their money without spending hardly nothing. I know that wasn't the complete case as a new stadium was a big issue but Modell hated it there. I would hate to see the Bills leave Buffalo. I hated to see the Oilers leave Houston.. so on and so on. All in all its a business and the fans only pay for it in the long run. Is LA deserving of a franchise once again?? Yes.. Its just a matter of who loses their team in the end.

One thing in addition is over the continued debate to bring a sports franchise to Vegas. Yes it is one of the fastest growing cities but so was Jacksonville when it was selected. I just think Vegas is too touristy for a franchise. People are there for the gambling, shows and other traditional desires. I don't see someone travelling to Vegas just to see a game...

Cleveland with its history and tradition as one of the oldest franchises was moved to Baltimore by a money hungry owner. That's what its about... These owners want the cash while true fans want to carry on tradition and add their history. Yes the Browns were in a rut and were getting no better. Well guess what..... you can't get any better by continually fielding avg. to below avg. players. The fans still came and management made their money without spending hardly nothing. I know that wasn't the complete case as a new stadium was a big issue but Modell hated it there. I would hate to see the Bills leave Buffalo. I hated to see the Oilers leave Houston.. so on and so on. All in all its a business and the fans only pay for it in the long run. Is LA deserving of a franchise once again?? Yes.. Its just a matter of who loses their team in the end.

One thing in addition is over the continued debate to bring a sports franchise to Vegas. Yes it is one of the fastest growing cities but so was Jacksonville when it was selected. I just think Vegas is too touristy for a franchise. People are there for the gambling, shows and other traditional desires. I don't see someone travelling to Vegas just to see a game...
What do you mean "too touristy"?? Because a city has a tourisim draw it shouldn't get a sports team??
I had this problem being an Oilers fan growing up. I hated it when they moved to Tennessee and when they changed their names to the Titans I pretty much didnt have a favorite team. I still kinda liked the Titans because of Eddie George and McNair coming over but really it sucked.

When Houston got the nod for a team I was stoked. When they chose the name Texans and not the Oilers I frekin flipped. STUPID NAME. But sadly I have stuck to my team and said the Texans will be my team.

I live in Oregon so im not a local fan, but I do find it hard to purchase Jerseys and stuff for my wall with that stupid logo and name.

I am also a huge Oregon State fan so I follow Steven Jackson and Chad Johnson close and love those players.

My wall is full of Warren Moon, Earl Campbell, and Eddie George Jersey's Helmets. Along with a "shrine" to #85 :)

I might be tempted to buy a Reggie Bush Jersey this year.

Lions fan here, left Michigan 7 years ago. I'd maintain my support.

Then again, it's not like I'm paying them $ or really any tangible support, they're just "my team" and will continue to be.

Although, I suppose it depends on the reasons they moved. With a new stadium, I'd be a little pissed.
The Lions or You? :P

One thing in addition is over the continued debate to bring a sports franchise to Vegas. Yes it is one of the fastest growing cities but so was Jacksonville when it was selected. I just think Vegas is too touristy for a franchise. People are there for the gambling, shows and other traditional desires. I don't see someone travelling to Vegas just to see a game...
It would cause some concerns for the NFL. Change some rules, etc.It is legal to gamble in Nevada.I'm sure people can think of scenarios where this could be bad.Players/coaches betting on themselves, could be implied that some threw games, etc.Money can do bad things to some players/coaches (Example: Terrell Owens threw the 2005 season away, not just a game, over money).Curfew for football players on Vegas road games would go out the window (pun intended).You thought you had cheesy halftime shows at the Super Bowl already... just wait until Wayne Newton is the main event and they have lion tamers prancing on the 50 yard line. Kick-off starts off with "Let's get ready to ruuuuummmmblllleee."And the team motto just doesn't sound right for a football team: "What goes to Vegas, stays in Vegas."Fun stuff. Vegas is more like a theme park than an actual city. It's tough to envision a strong fan base. But then again they had the UNLV fan base that was pretty strong during the Tark the Shark days. Who knows?
As a Browns fan I HATE the Ravens, even though Art and his equally inept son are no longer involved with the Ravens.

I went cold turkey on the entire NFL when the Browns left. Didn't watch one game be it regular season,playoffs or Super Bowls for three years. My wifes face when I told her that first regular season game that I was no longer watching the NFL was priceless! I was a very big fan and never missed a game on tv if I wasn't at the game in Cleveland

If the current team left I'd probably never spend another penny on the NFL period.

The ONLY thing that really brought me back was a group of guys I work with had the same feelings and we decided to start a FF league to help get us interested in the game again. Now my wife wishes she had never heard the words Fantasy Football :banned:

I'll never be as passionate as before the Browns left, but I can say I'am a fan again.

One thing in addition is over the continued debate to bring a sports franchise to Vegas. Yes it is one of the fastest growing cities but so was Jacksonville when it was selected. I just think Vegas is too touristy for a franchise. People are there for the gambling, shows and other traditional desires. I don't see someone travelling to Vegas just to see a game...
It would cause some concerns for the NFL. Change some rules, etc.It is legal to gamble in Nevada.

I'm sure people can think of scenarios where this could be bad.

Players/coaches betting on themselves, could be implied that some threw games, etc.

Money can do bad things to some players/coaches (Example: Terrell Owens threw the 2005 season away, not just a game, over money).

Curfew for football players on Vegas road games would go out the window (pun intended).

You thought you had cheesy halftime shows at the Super Bowl already... just wait until Wayne Newton is the main event and they have lion tamers prancing on the 50 yard line. Kick-off starts off with "Let's get ready to ruuuuummmmblllleee."

And the team motto just doesn't sound right for a football team: "What goes to Vegas, stays in Vegas."

Fun stuff.

Vegas is more like a theme park than an actual city. It's tough to envision a strong fan base. But then again they had the UNLV fan base that was pretty strong during the Tark the Shark days. Who knows?
I get the concern, but most of this applies to any big city.Gambling is legal online, in Detroit, Kansas City, I assume there's a lot of cities with pro teams where it's legal.

As for the curfew, is Vegas that much more fun a city than Miami, San Diego, New York, etc.?

I really don't see where Vegas is that much worse, if at all, than most cities. Legalized prostitutes I guess, but it's not like most NFL players have to pay now.

Lions fan here, left Michigan 7 years ago. I'd maintain my support.

Then again, it's not like I'm paying them $ or really any tangible support, they're just "my team" and will continue to be.

Although, I suppose it depends on the reasons they moved. With a new stadium, I'd be a little pissed.
The Lions or You? :P
Not the franchise, just the good players. ;)
as soon as one of your teams moves to LA, don't worry if you drop them, i'm going to become their fan.

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Already happened to me when good ole Bud moved the Oilers. Life long fan that had the rug pulled from underneath.

There is no way I'd root for my team -- Green Bay -- if they moved. But given the team's unique ownership structure, that seems a very low likelihood event. FAR more likely is that NFL economics someday force the Pack to fold up shop. And if that happens, well, my love for the NFL will disappear overnight.


When Houston got the nod for a team I was stoked. When they chose the name Texans and not the Oilers I frekin flipped. STUPID NAME. But sadly I have stuck to my team and said the Texans will be my team.

I live in Oregon so im not a local fan, but I do find it hard to purchase Jerseys and stuff for my wall with that stupid logo and name.

I don't think that is exactly fair. Houston did not have the option of naming the team the Oilers or I'm sure that's what they'd have been named. Don't blame Houston, blame Bud Adams, who wouldn't give up the rights to the name Oilers.As for the name Texans, let me first say I'm a native Michigander who has lived in Texas for about 13 years, with 11 of them in Houston. I'll be the first to say that to someone who isn't a Texan, the name probably does sound pretty stupid.

However, there is a big difference between Houston Texans and say, Detroit Michiganders, at least to the people from those states. I don't think given the history of the Northeast and what the term Patriot means as part of that history, that anyone would think it is a dumb name.

To most Texans, the name carries with it a lot more than the standard amount of pride in one's state. It carries with it a historic pride very like that embodied in the word patriot. Texas fought for their independence on their own, won it and became their own nation before ever joining the US. The memory of that is every bit alive in Texas' collective memory as the Revoluationary War is alive in Boston's memory.

As a Michigander I never really looked at the word "Texan" as more than a resident of a state. Now that I've lived here awhile, I get the meaning it has to people here that it would make a good name. And I do think it is a good name. Just my :2cents:

I might be tempted to buy a Reggie Bush Jersey this year.
:thumbup: I hope you do. I love our jerseys, and the logo too. The battle red ones are particularly sharp, and I think are probably amongst the best jerseys in the NFL.

as a saints fan, i have heard a lot of rumors over the past few years about the franchise relocating. Last year, there was a lot of talk about Tagliabue pushing Benson to LA, which I suppose could still happen in time, and Benson talking about how much he liked San Antonio.

I was really conflicted at the prospect of my Saints moving to either place. I would absolutely hate it if they moved to LA. SA isn't a bad town (my Spurs play there, after all) but I like my Saints in NOLA. Last season was really depressing, as a Saints fan, for a lot of reasons and relocating was pretty high on the list. It would be hard to give up on a franchise I have loved the last 20 years.

[not currently, nor have I ever been, a NOLA or Gulf Coast resident.]

I honestly have no idea how I would react. I grew up in Buffalo and will be a fan for life as long as they stay. But I don't live there anymore. I'd likely remain a fan, but it would probably depend somewhat on where they moved to and a variety of other factors. Really hope it doesn't happen.

I honestly have no idea how I would react. I grew up in Buffalo and will be a fan for life as long as they stay. But I don't live there anymore. I'd likely remain a fan, but it would probably depend somewhat on where they moved to and a variety of other factors. Really hope it doesn't happen.
I hope you're right, but I think for the team to stay here longterm, a new stadium needs to be built. I think that's part of what Wilson was talking with Pataki about yesterday. A new stadium as a focal point of a new waterfront development would go a long way to keeping the team here. But given that the city/county/state can't afford to foot the bill for a new stadium... it ain't loookin' good.
As a :towelwave: fan, if they moved, it would only be because the earth was exploding into fragments and the whole league moved to another planet ala When Worlds Collide.

Bills and Saints fans, I sympathize with you.

I honestly have no idea how I would react. I grew up in Buffalo and will be a fan for life as long as they stay. But I don't live there anymore. I'd likely remain a fan, but it would probably depend somewhat on where they moved to and a variety of other factors. Really hope it doesn't happen.
I hope you're right, but I think for the team to stay here longterm, a new stadium needs to be built. I think that's part of what Wilson was talking with Pataki about yesterday. A new stadium as a focal point of a new waterfront development would go a long way to keeping the team here. But given that the city/county/state can't afford to foot the bill for a new stadium... it ain't loookin' good.
A nice stadium right on Lake Erie with the open end toward the water? Now that would be some home field advantage come December. :thumbup:
With the seemingly ever real possibility of the Bills moving, I was thinking about whether or not I would still be a Bills fan if they moved. I'm not a Buffalo native nor do I live near Buffalo. So I would imagine that it would affect me differently than a Buffalo native or local. I'm still pretty sure that I would not be a fan of the Bills anymore though.
I'm a fan of Robert Kraft. I'd cheer for his team whether he's here in NE or not.
When the Minnesota North Stars moved to Dallas, I hated Dallas.

Dallas Stars is still my #1 hated team, wish everyone would leave the area, and the arena sink into the ground in a pile of dog crap.

North Stars were like the Redwings... in Hockey country. ARG! I am still pOed about that. John Casey, Dino Ciccarelli... man.

F-the Dallas Stars... they suck monkey balls.
I hear that! :hot: :hot:

It already happened to me. I was a lukewarm LA Rams fan living in Alaska. I became a lukewarm SL Rams fan living in Alaska. When you're supporting from a distance, there's no real reason to switch.

I experienced this with the Colts a long time ago.

I hate them more than any other team in the NFL and never want to see them win anything.

I am a Die-Hard Skins fan now. The Ravens never interested me, I guess its because I know how it feels to lose a team and felt they never really were a Baltimore team.

Disclaimer: I have been living in Florida for 17-18 years, so I am not a local anymore, but when you rip the heart out of a 12 or 13 year old its a devestating loss.

My dad grew up in the wilds of Eastern Montana and was a big fan (for no apparent reason) of the Cleveland Rams, the Brooklyn Dodgers, and the Minneapolis Lakers. As fate would have it, he and all three teams ended up in Los Angeles at the same time.

Weird, huh?

It depends on how and why they move. Baltimore Colts leaving for Indy in the middle of the nite? No Way. If it has gotten to the point where the team isn't drawing any kind of crowd, or fielding a competitive team, A la the Montreal Expos. I wouldn't be happy but I could understand.
The Montreal Expos were not popular because of the 1994 lockout and Jeffrey Loria(the same guy killing the Marlins atm). And people were really sad when the Expos left. I cried and I wasn't alone.

I am from cleveland and my heart was ripped out once, no chance I would root for a team of mine that moved.

I am a Cardinal fan that lives in Oregon. I have supported these guys for years and do not see anyreason to bail on my team if they move.

I am not sure you can call yourself a real fan of the team is you awnsered NO.

It means your a fan as long as they make you happy.

It already happened to me. I was a lukewarm LA Rams fan living in Alaska. I became a lukewarm SL Rams fan living in Alaska. When you're supporting from a distance, there's no real reason to switch.
I wanted to hate the Rams after they moved to STL (Born and raised in LA) but they had the same name, unis and players plus they hired a Pac-10 guy to HC (Rich Brooks - Oregon) and started out 6-0 their first year... Once a Rams fan, always a Rams fan... I now live in Atlanta which makes it a little easier. We all leave LA eventually.Go Rams!!! :football:

Grew up a Baltimore Colts fan. I actually lost interest in the NFL when Irsay loaded up the moving van in the middle of the night.

I really have enjoyed the highs and lows of being a Seahawk since reacquiring a taste for football.

A lifelong Ram fan here.

When they moved to St. Louis, I would still have rooted for them if they hadn't let that @#$!@#! Georgia remain as owner. She ruined the team in L.A. :rant: :hot:

:Loading high powered rifle with scope:

It already happened to me. I was a lukewarm LA Rams fan living in Alaska. I became a lukewarm SL Rams fan living in Alaska. When you're supporting from a distance, there's no real reason to switch.
I wanted to hate the Rams after they moved to STL (Born and raised in LA) but they had the same name, unis and players plus they hired a Pac-10 guy to HC (Rich Brooks - Oregon) and started out 6-0 their first year... Once a Rams fan, always a Rams fan... I now live in Atlanta which makes it a little easier. We all leave LA eventually.Go Rams!!! :football:
I remember that - they finished something like 6-10 or 7-9 that year, I think. It was ugly.
Grew up a Baltimore Colts fan.
Me too. I hated the move like most any Colt fan not living in Indy, but managed to endure the move and stay a Colts fan (not living or even liking Baltimore probably helped) - but seriously doubt if I could again, esp. if they moved to (:hurl:) LA. In fact at that point my already waning interest in the NFL (ie for other than token FF reasons) might just evaporate altogether.
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Will always hate the RAVENS, and always hate GREEDY MODELL even though as it turned out in the long run he did us and the city of Cleveland a big favor!

Will always root for Cardinals no matter where they are because they are a class organization that takes care of their own within it!

Colts.... no feelings one way or the other.

So I guess it just depends from franchise to franchise for me.

My 2 cents worth on any franchise moveing to LA. So many have tried it. So many hated it and left. Stay where your fans are loyal and your be better off!

I'm a Cowboys fan who lives in New England, so a move would have minimal impact on my rooting interest. I'll always be a Cowboys fan, no matter where they play.


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