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Jacksonville at Seattle (1 Viewer)

Why challenge that? Carroll's not that great at the challenges and I doubt he improves with this one. Unless there's a different angle, there's nothing clear to overtrurn.

Jax seems to be very easily fooled by PA. Surprised that the former DC of Seattle wouldn't have his team better prepped for that.

Seeing Clemons burn around the corner and drop the hammer on a QB from the blindside give me a warm fuzzy. Can a team really have too many pass rushers? No idea how they're going to get all these guys on the field when Irvin comes back.

Seeing Clemons burn around the corner and drop the hammer on a QB from the blindside give me a warm fuzzy. Can a team really have too many pass rushers? No idea how they're going to get all these guys on the field when Irvin comes back.
Just having him back is awesome to see. It did look like he reached for his knee while he was on the ground following the int. Replays didn't look like he took any contact, but cut off short of showing him reach for it. Hope he;s ok.

Seeing Clemons burn around the corner and drop the hammer on a QB from the blindside give me a warm fuzzy. Can a team really have too many pass rushers? No idea how they're going to get all these guys on the field when Irvin comes back.
Rush the passer as hard as you can for 5 plays, get replaced by fresh beast lineman, go to sideline drink a gatorade, come back in. Repeat all game long.


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