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Jerruh refuses the notion of giving up as the Cowboys GM Title (1 Viewer)



"Jerry Jones rejects idea of giving up Cowboys' GM title
  • _Hanzus_2-65x90.jpg

  • By Dan Hanzus
  • Around the League Writer
  • Published: Dec. 17, 2013 at 04:57 p.m.
  • Updated: Dec. 17, 2013 at 08:04 p.m.

There's an entire generation of young NFL fans who know nothing about the Dallas Cowboys as a successful NFL franchise.

This is what happens when you win one playoff game in 17 seasons. Jerry Jones, the team's owner and general manager, has been the one constant during that time, a reality that's led to prolonged criticism from a fan base that's grown tired of perpetual mediocrity.

Jones continually has made it clear he has no intention of stepping away from the GM role. After a particularly devastating home loss on Sunday to the Green Bay Packers, Jones reiterated his stance and provided some context as to why.

"It's often said that, why don't I get someone to be the GM?" Jones said Tuesday on KRLD-FM (via ESPN.com). "Why don't I get someone to pick the players? Well, who in the world do you think that person when they walk through the door and say, 'We want to get this player or we want to pay this player,' what in the world do you think I'm going to do? I'm going to sit down and I'm going to go through it and I'm going to say, 'Show me the player. Show me everything about the player before I write the check. Show me the player and let me see everything about the player.'

NFL Homecoming

"Well, rather than that have happen, I get involved in it and know everything about the players before they get to the door," Jones added. "That, if you've got the time to do it, that's a better way to do it."

Jones has the time, which makes the middleman an unnecessary aspect of the organization. That's his opinion anyway, and it's the only one that matters inside the walls of Jerrah World."

I for one applaud the job Jones has done. May the old man live to be 100 years old. Jerruh is the Cowboys/ end sarcasm

I just think about the coaches that have been scape goats for him. Both the Saints coaches were cowboys assistants. The head coaches that have come and gone too like Parcells, Phillips, Gailley, Switzer. Yet nothing changes in Big D. Same results. If I were a Dallas fan I would be more than pissed about it.

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I would think if Jerrah were to look at someone to fill the GM job, that GM wouldn't be one whose sole team during his tenure only won 1 playoff game in 17 seasons.

There's some insanity in all this.

The reality is anyone who would take the GM job likely wouldn't make it and the list of candidates would not be a strong list because JJ cannot stay out of the way. I watched him on an interview with Charlie Rose 2-3 years ago, I knew watching it just how out of touch he is with what is happening around him. He has no awareness or embarrassment if critics think he's an idiot. He lives off the '92-'95 run and thinks he is the reason they won those trophies.

It's never gonna change until he dies.

The reality is anyone who would take the GM job likely wouldn't make it and the list of candidates would not be a strong list because JJ cannot stay out of the way. I watched him on an interview with Charlie Rose 2-3 years ago, I knew watching it just how out of touch he is with what is happening around him. He has no awareness or embarrassment if critics think he's an idiot. He lives off the '92-'95 run and thinks he is the reason they won those trophies.

It's never gonna change until he dies.
As an owner, he is doing a great job by keeping the value of the Cowboys near the top in all of sports, nationally as well as internationally. The Cowboys globally are right up there with Manchester-United. I don't think until the value drops is when he will finally give in.

Jerrah can go another ten years of mediocrity as long as it doesn't affect the bottom line.

The reality is anyone who would take the GM job likely wouldn't make it and the list of candidates would not be a strong list because JJ cannot stay out of the way. I watched him on an interview with Charlie Rose 2-3 years ago, I knew watching it just how out of touch he is with what is happening around him. He has no awareness or embarrassment if critics think he's an idiot. He lives off the '92-'95 run and thinks he is the reason they won those trophies.

It's never gonna change until he dies.
As an owner, he is doing a great job by keeping the value of the Cowboys near the top in all of sports, nationally as well as internationally. The Cowboys globally are right up there with Manchester-United. I don't think until the value drops is when he will finally give in.

Jerrah can go another ten years of mediocrity as long as it doesn't affect the bottom line.
I don't care how much the franchise is worth. It's worth it just to see him twist in the owners box as the knife enters every time they blow another game.

The reality is anyone who would take the GM job likely wouldn't make it and the list of candidates would not be a strong list because JJ cannot stay out of the way. I watched him on an interview with Charlie Rose 2-3 years ago, I knew watching it just how out of touch he is with what is happening around him. He has no awareness or embarrassment if critics think he's an idiot. He lives off the '92-'95 run and thinks he is the reason they won those trophies.

It's never gonna change until he dies.
As an owner, he is doing a great job by keeping the value of the Cowboys near the top in all of sports, nationally as well as internationally. The Cowboys globally are right up there with Manchester-United. I don't think until the value drops is when he will finally give in.

Jerrah can go another ten years of mediocrity as long as it doesn't affect the bottom line.
I don't care how much the franchise is worth. It's worth it just to see him twist in the owners box as the knife enters every time they blow another game.
Lol, I think that's why the Cowboys get a lot of prime time games.

TwinTurbo said:
If the goal is to make money, he is one of the greatest of all time. This league is full of crappy GMs and coaches. Apparently he is not the only one that sucks as a talent evaluator. Oh yeah, Al Davis died and the Raiders still suck. You Cowboys fans could have it way worse.
The thing is, you can fire GM's and head coaches. You can't fire an owner. As a fan, you ultimately have zero impact on a team's success on the field. You do in the bottom line though. Even when they affect that, the owner just moves the team or threatens to.

Jerrah is never gonna move the team, sell the team, or leave the team. He has no incentive to do it as long as the brand is where it is. Why should he? He is doing great with the brand. Raider fans loved Davis until he died, and even still love him. Skins fans now take Snyder's side over Shanahan.

49er fans love the Yorks now even after moving the team and justified their reasons why, because they Yorks lost a large part of the older fanbase after screwing the franchise up. Now those who have never seen Joe Montana play will be rolled out for media events at the request of Jed - even though both he and Dwight Clark didn't like the Yorks in the first place back when Eddie turned over the team - because now they have a stake in 49er Clara.

As bad as the Stick was, you can't get me anywhere near the York era 49er fan, especially in San Jose. When it comes to money, tradition is out the door. The 49ers now have a nice streak of winning years now, but that does not guarantee that it will continue. Eddie D. screwed that team up hard too after Bill Walsh, and his boy in GM Carmen Policy you can't get near an NFL team after he screwing up the Browns. It's not like Harbaugh is gonna be a lifer in SF either.

Being a fan of a team is now ultimately a useless exercise for the fan. Because you don't control it. I think that's why Fantasy Football is so huge, because you have an impact with the game in it's own way. You're the owner of your own team. You may or may not win money, but the involvement with it is very tangible. In many ways I think Fantasy Football has transcended past being 'added value' to the fan experience. I think it may ultimately save the sport itself, and in a lot of ways, franchises are being built with ideas with the metrics used in Fantasy Football.

Thus, why you have a Jerrah and Snyder.

*My name is Gordon Gekko, and I don't even know what this message is, but I wish I had what he is smoking right now*

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There is a big difference between Jerrah and Al Davis.

Yes, they are both meddling owners that continue to over-value their own abilities as NFL GM's, and their meddling hurts their team's performance on the field. But that is basically where the similarities stop.

As he aged, Al Davis became more and more bitter. His decades long feuds with the NFL power elite's continued, and he not only cost his team on the field, but he found ways to waste millions of dollars that were basically free for the taking to every NFL franchise through his continued fights and lawsuits with the league, and with political power brokers in both Northern California and Southern California. Instead of negotiating, compromising and leveraging his position to get his team in a state of the art facility, he was satisified to let his team rot away in that pit of a stadium while his energy and money was spent in court and in financial disputes with his own coaches and players.

Jerrah, on the other hand, has continued to maximize the value of his franchise through PSL arrangements, merchandising deals, contracts with colleges, creative partnerships and of course Jerrah-world, which is a profit machine. When he did decide to sick his lawyers on the league, he came out a winner big time. Go read the outcomes of the mid 1990's lawsuit that Jerrah filed against the NFL related to the establishment of the NFL trust and the merchandising of team labeled women's apparel.

Davis was once a good football guy, but over time became a terrible football GM and a terrible team President.

Jerrah is an outstanding team President, who just won't give up on the idea that he only a mediocre football GM.

As a fan its frustrating knowing that in Jerry's mind, if he just keeps working harder, the Cowboys will get back to glory. Its hard to keep rooting for a franchise that is being held hostage by its owner. We can only pray that he gets better. Who knows, the guy is a driven, ego-maniac.

I've never liked the guy. I'll never forgive him for how he treated Tom Landry and how he ran Jimmy Johnson outta town. And I dont wanna hear the "jimmy was leaving anyway". He was motivated to leave when he did by Jerry. The Cowboys were on top of the world when he left. Jimmy saw what was coming and made a preempitve strike. Its Jerry's fault.

As a fan its frustrating knowing that in Jerry's mind, if he just keeps working harder, the Cowboys will get back to glory. Its hard to keep rooting for a franchise that is being held hostage by its owner. We can only pray that he gets better. Who knows, the guy is a driven, ego-maniac.

I've never liked the guy. I'll never forgive him for how he treated Tom Landry and how he ran Jimmy Johnson outta town. And I dont wanna hear the "jimmy was leaving anyway". He was motivated to leave when he did by Jerry. The Cowboys were on top of the world when he left. Jimmy saw what was coming and made a preempitve strike. Its Jerry's fault.
Amen, brother. Randy White would know. ;)

I don't understand what is so terrible. The Cowboys are in the playoff hunt every single year. They've made good draft picks with Dez and Sean Lee. They are not the Oakland Raiders. He is not Al Davis. Are there similarities? Of course, but I don't think things are so terrible.

I don't understand what is so terrible. The Cowboys are in the playoff hunt every single year. They've made good draft picks with Dez and Sean Lee. They are not the Oakland Raiders. He is not Al Davis. Are there similarities? Of course, but I don't think things are so terrible.
Al Davis has done more for football in a random 5 year stretch of his life than Jerry Jones will do in 10 lifetimes. Davis learned football from the ground up. He was a successful coach, GM and owner. Jerry bought a team, lucked out with Jimmy Johnson, then proceeded to dismantle the team that someone else built. So yeah, he's not Al Davis. The bottom line is that since Jones has taken over as GM, the Cowboys org has been a loser. Maybe it's the talent, maybe it's the coaching staff. It doesn't matter because the same guy is in charge of both. The GM is the problem, and the GM is Jerry Jones.

He is not as bad as Al, however he sure makes things difficult.

The entire organiztion is disfunctional, from drafting to coaching right down to the stadium. He does want to win, I believe that, but ultimately It's all about the $$$ for Jerry.

It's tough being a fan of this team right now. Probably even worse then even the Campo years.

In the 18 seasons since their last Super Bowl victory, the Cowboys are 145-141 with two playoff wins. Given their reputation as "America's Team," that is pretty mediocre.

I think the big difference between Jerry and Al is that Al was actually good at building a team at one time. Al stayed too long, the game passed him by, and that brought the franchise down. Jerry has never been very good at this, the results show it, but he refuses to acknowledge that.

People forget that Al Davis had a lot of success in his past, he became the running joke later on.

I think the big difference between Jerry and Al is that Al was actually good at building a team at one time. Al stayed too long, the game passed him by, and that brought the franchise down. Jerry has never been very good at this, the results show it, but he refuses to acknowledge that.

People forget that Al Davis had a lot of success in his past, he became the running joke later on.
Thing about Jerry is he's been bad early (he'll never get another Jimmy, never) and he will stick around too long just like Al, and then he will hand the reins over to Stevie J.

Cowboys fans could have years and years and years of this to look forward to.

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I think the big difference between Jerry and Al is that Al was actually good at building a team at one time. Al stayed too long, the game passed him by, and that brought the franchise down. Jerry has never been very good at this, the results show it, but he refuses to acknowledge that.

People forget that Al Davis had a lot of success in his past, he became the running joke later on.
Thing about Jerry is he's been bad early (he'll never get another Jimmy, never) and he will stick around too long just like Al, and then he will hand the reins over to Stevie J.

Cowboys fans could have years and years and years of this to look forward to.
Yes, and as cloistered as we think Jerry is, Stephen might be even more so. Jerry didn't grow up a billionaire, he had to "earn" it, so at least he knows what it's like to be a normal human at one point in time. All Stephen has known is the bubble of the 1%. He could be even more disassociated from real Cowboy fans than his father.

Music to all NFC East opponent's ears.
Between him and Daniel Snyder you make it a 2 team race every year.
From 1970-1999: NFC East Champs: Dallas 15, Washington 7, NY Giants 4, Philadelphia Eagle 2, St. Louis Cardinals 2

From 2000-2012: NFC East Champs: Philadelphia 6, NY Giants 4, Dallas 2, Washington 1

Your point rings true.

It is interesting that the Eagles, Redskins, and Giants are all tied now with 8 NFC East titles. Dallas is the outlier with 17. This speaks to what a dominant franchie they were from Landry through Jimmy Johnson.

I don't understand what is so terrible. The Cowboys are in the playoff hunt every single year. They've made good draft picks with Dez and Sean Lee. They are not the Oakland Raiders. He is not Al Davis. Are there similarities? Of course, but I don't think things are so terrible.
Al Davis has done more for football in a random 5 year stretch of his life than Jerry Jones will do in 10 lifetimes. Davis learned football from the ground up. He was a successful coach, GM and owner. Jerry bought a team, lucked out with Jimmy Johnson, then proceeded to dismantle the team that someone else built. So yeah, he's not Al Davis. The bottom line is that since Jones has taken over as GM, the Cowboys org has been a loser. Maybe it's the talent, maybe it's the coaching staff. It doesn't matter because the same guy is in charge of both. The GM is the problem, and the GM is Jerry Jones.
I'm a long time (30+ years) Cowboy fan that has tuned out the organization because of Jones, and I have to agree. At least Davis was a football man; Jones is an ego with a bank account.

People in Dallas basically generally view him as joke, a snake oil salesman or just don't like him. I think he's vastly under appreciated.

Since he bought the team and named himself GM no team has won more Super Bowls and arguably no franchise value has increased as much. Basically if you own a team what would be your two major goals.

Along the way he built one of the most incredible stadiums in the world which provides residents of the Dallas area a chance to catch just about every major concert and sporting event at one time or another in their own backyard.

People in Dallas basically generally view him as joke, a snake oil salesman or just don't like him. I think he's vastly under appreciated.

Since he bought the team and named himself GM no team has won more Super Bowls and arguably no franchise value has increased as much. Basically if you own a team what would be your two major goals.

Along the way he built one of the most incredible stadiums in the world which provides residents of the Dallas area a chance to catch just about every major concert and sporting event at one time or another in their own backyard.
The problem is he refuses to let people with real knowledge make football decisions and for that the Cowboys will continue to flounder. When he had good coaches with strong personnel backgrounds he gave the team a chance to be great. With its current composition, the brand is average.

I've been to that stadium and it is only impressive in terms of size. The atmosphere is relatively lousy and many locals have been priced out of the cheapest tickets in the house. The Cowboys record at the house that Jones built: 22-17

Does anyone have that quote from this past offseason (or perhaps the offseason before) where Jerry basically said that if the Cowboys finally win a superbowl, he will deserve 100% of the credit? That was an amazing quote that showed a really revealing lack of self-awareness. In Jerry's mind, he gets 100% of the credit for their successes and 0% of the credit for their failures. If that's the case, why on earth would he ever fire himself, when his tenure has been nothing but success after success?

Does anyone have that quote from this past offseason (or perhaps the offseason before) where Jerry basically said that if the Cowboys finally win a superbowl, he will deserve 100% of the credit? That was an amazing quote that showed a really revealing lack of self-awareness. In Jerry's mind, he gets 100% of the credit for their successes and 0% of the credit for their failures. If that's the case, why on earth would he ever fire himself, when his tenure has been nothing but success after success?
“I would grant you the decisions that have been made over the years have not produced a Super Bowl, two Super Bowls or three Super Bowls that I would like to have been a part of,” he said Saturday. “And the only thing I am going to do there is keep trying and then make sure I get the credit when we do get that one. Y’all are going to give it to me, aren’t you?

And that quote is why he will never relinquish control. He knows that many do not give him much credit for the three titles in the 90s, and giving up control would be him giving up the possibility of the Cowboys ever winning a title that everyone gives him 100% credit for, so he will keep going until that happens or he is dead.

What he fails to realize is that, while GMs are often not given enough credit for championships, the public by and large gives credit for titles to the coach, QB, high profile players, etc.

For example, ask most people who gets the most credit for the Patriots three titles in the early 00s, and the names mentioned the most will be Bill Belichick and Tom Brady, not their GM or anyone else.

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I don't understand what is so terrible. The Cowboys are in the playoff hunt every single year. They've made good draft picks with Dez and Sean Lee. They are not the Oakland Raiders. He is not Al Davis. Are there similarities? Of course, but I don't think things are so terrible.
Al Davis has done more for football in a random 5 year stretch of his life than Jerry Jones will do in 10 lifetimes. Davis learned football from the ground up. He was a successful coach, GM and owner. Jerry bought a team, lucked out with Jimmy Johnson, then proceeded to dismantle the team that someone else built. So yeah, he's not Al Davis. The bottom line is that since Jones has taken over as GM, the Cowboys org has been a loser. Maybe it's the talent, maybe it's the coaching staff. It doesn't matter because the same guy is in charge of both. The GM is the problem, and the GM is Jerry Jones.
Excellent post.

I don't think he's been a bad GM as far as player acquisitions go. As far as acquiring coaches, it's another story entirely.

He is not as bad as Al, however he sure makes things difficult.

The entire organiztion is disfunctional, from drafting to coaching right down to the stadium. He does want to win, I believe that, but ultimately It's all about the $$$ for Jerry.

It's tough being a fan of this team right now. Probably even worse then even the Campo years.
Followed closely behind Campo was Wade Phillips.

Drove me nuts every time they put him on tv on the sideline he looked like he was holding in a crap and had to go badly.

Same look on every penalty and bad play. Got old, very old.

Now Redheads press confernces are getting me pissed. Same crap every loss. repeat, rinse, repeat, rinse.....

Does anyone have that quote from this past offseason (or perhaps the offseason before) where Jerry basically said that if the Cowboys finally win a superbowl, he will deserve 100% of the credit? That was an amazing quote that showed a really revealing lack of self-awareness. In Jerry's mind, he gets 100% of the credit for their successes and 0% of the credit for their failures. If that's the case, why on earth would he ever fire himself, when his tenure has been nothing but success after success?
“I would grant you the decisions that have been made over the years have not produced a Super Bowl, two Super Bowls or three Super Bowls that I would like to have been a part of,” he said Saturday. “And the only thing I am going to do there is keep trying and then make sure I get the credit when we do get that one. Y’all are going to give it to me, aren’t you?
Thank you much.

Jerry Jones won't take any credit for the current version of the Cowboys, but he wants to make it clear that any hypothetical Super Bowls they might win in the future are 100% on him.

I don't understand what is so terrible. The Cowboys are in the playoff hunt every single year. They've made good draft picks with Dez and Sean Lee. They are not the Oakland Raiders. He is not Al Davis. Are there similarities? Of course, but I don't think things are so terrible.
Al Davis has done more for football in a random 5 year stretch of his life than Jerry Jones will do in 10 lifetimes. Davis learned football from the ground up. He was a successful coach, GM and owner. Jerry bought a team, lucked out with Jimmy Johnson, then proceeded to dismantle the team that someone else built. So yeah, he's not Al Davis. The bottom line is that since Jones has taken over as GM, the Cowboys org has been a loser. Maybe it's the talent, maybe it's the coaching staff. It doesn't matter because the same guy is in charge of both. The GM is the problem, and the GM is Jerry Jones.
Excellent post.
You say excellent post and I see a lot of stuff that is either incorrect, misleading or makes an inference I don't agree with.

Let's start with Al Davis learned football from the ground up which to me implies JJ did not. Al Davis was a bit high school player who never played past that level. Jerry Jones was a high school star and a big time all-conference player on National Championship team. I'd highly encourage anyone to look up the incredible coaching staff that was on those Arkansas teams as well to give you an idea of the great football minds he was able to learn from. Al did work from the bottom up but when he became GM he was 33 and not that experienced either.

Jerry did not "luck out" with Jimmy Johnson. He made a crazy bold move in firing Tom Landry so he could make another bold move of hiring a college coach at a time it was not normal as NFL teams were leery of hiring non-NFL coaches, often citing Lou Holtz as exhibit A of why college coaches were not good NFL coaches. So again he made a bold firing, bold hire of a guy he knew and played with and somehow that is classified as "luck". I don't think so.

Lastly since becoming GM the Cowboys have not been a loser as I pointed since he became GM the Cowboys have won as many SB's as any team in the NFL. (This is the part where folks can interject and say he was just the defacto GM, so you want to call him the GM when times are good but not allow him to lay claim to that title when things went well. All I can say is if you think Jerry sad idly around letting Jimmy make all the moves you've not been paying attention)

I don't think he's been a bad GM as far as player acquisitions go. As far as acquiring coaches, it's another story entirely.
The roster is pretty average. In terms of talent acquisition, I'd say Dallas has been relatively middle of the road.

In terms of managing the salary cap, however, Jerry Jones has been an absolute sideshow. He gets buddy-buddy with the players and then gives them MONSTER extensions with huge guaranteed money values years before their old contract expires, despite the fact that the player has no leverage and he's basically bidding against himself. Miles Austin and Jay Ratliff are cap killers on their own, but add them together, throw in all the other crappy contracts he's signed players to, and Dallas' salary cap is like a tiny car with its breaks cut, filled to the brim with clowns and hurtling headlong towards a cliff.

Seriously, Oakland thinks Dallas is doing a bad job of managing its salary cap.

The problem is he refuses to let people with real knowledge make football decisions and for that the Cowboys will continue to flounder. When he had good coaches with strong personnel backgrounds he gave the team a chance to be great.
Jason Garrett- 28-26

Bill Parcells- 34-30

The problem is he refuses to let people with real knowledge make football decisions and for that the Cowboys will continue to flounder. When he had good coaches with strong personnel backgrounds he gave the team a chance to be great.
Jason Garrett- 28-26

Bill Parcells- 34-30
Tuna didn't stay around for a reason, and it was likely the acquisition of "The Player" that showed him his purchasing power at the grocery store was in decline. I said good coaches with strong personnel backgrounds gave them a chance; what I didn't say was they could undo Jerry's meddling over the long term.

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People in Dallas basically generally view him as joke, a snake oil salesman or just don't like him. I think he's vastly under appreciated.

Since he bought the team and named himself GM no team has won more Super Bowls and arguably no franchise value has increased as much. Basically if you own a team what would be your two major goals.

Along the way he built one of the most incredible stadiums in the world which provides residents of the Dallas area a chance to catch just about every major concert and sporting event at one time or another in their own backyard.
Giants and Patriots can claim just as many, the difference is Jerry didn't build any of his SB teams.

As a life long Cowboys fan, I could give a damn about having a nice place for concerts.

Look at it a different way: does anyone see Jerry the GM putting together a Super Bowl team in his life time? He's too busy overpaying aging veterans and making ####### trades.

People in Dallas basically generally view him as joke, a snake oil salesman or just don't like him. I think he's vastly under appreciated.

Since he bought the team and named himself GM no team has won more Super Bowls and arguably no franchise value has increased as much. Basically if you own a team what would be your two major goals.

Along the way he built one of the most incredible stadiums in the world which provides residents of the Dallas area a chance to catch just about every major concert and sporting event at one time or another in their own backyard.
If Jerry was so brilliant he would have designed a loud stadium that gave his team an advantage. Not an art museum where you can eat sushi-pizza and watch a game on the video board.

People in Dallas basically generally view him as joke, a snake oil salesman or just don't like him. I think he's vastly under appreciated.

Since he bought the team and named himself GM no team has won more Super Bowls and arguably no franchise value has increased as much. Basically if you own a team what would be your two major goals.

Along the way he built one of the most incredible stadiums in the world which provides residents of the Dallas area a chance to catch just about every major concert and sporting event at one time or another in their own backyard.
If Jerry was so brilliant he would have designed a loud stadium that gave his team an advantage. Not an art museum where you can eat sushi-pizza and watch a game on the video board.
As a Broncos fan in the DFW area, I greatly appreciate the sushi-pizza and video board.

People in Dallas basically generally view him as joke, a snake oil salesman or just don't like him. I think he's vastly under appreciated.

Since he bought the team and named himself GM no team has won more Super Bowls and arguably no franchise value has increased as much. Basically if you own a team what would be your two major goals.

Along the way he built one of the most incredible stadiums in the world which provides residents of the Dallas area a chance to catch just about every major concert and sporting event at one time or another in their own backyard.
If Jerry was so brilliant he would have designed a loud stadium that gave his team an advantage. Not an art museum where you can eat sushi-pizza and watch a game on the video board.
The stadium is more useful with proper acoustics.

People in Dallas basically generally view him as joke, a snake oil salesman or just don't like him. I think he's vastly under appreciated.

Since he bought the team and named himself GM no team has won more Super Bowls and arguably no franchise value has increased as much. Basically if you own a team what would be your two major goals.

Along the way he built one of the most incredible stadiums in the world which provides residents of the Dallas area a chance to catch just about every major concert and sporting event at one time or another in their own backyard.
Ex-Cowboy fan here. You can give Jerry Jones all of the credit in the world, but it's a near fact that the Cowboys would have won an unprecedented 4 consecutive Super Bowls back in the early 90s had Jerry not taken a dump on the franchise. Feel free to deny this.

Fast-forward to today - Every time the cameras cut to Jerry sitting in the owner's box, the body language of the people surrounding makes it painfully clear that he surrounds himself with B-teamers only.

People in Dallas basically generally view him as joke, a snake oil salesman or just don't like him. I think he's vastly under appreciated.

Since he bought the team and named himself GM no team has won more Super Bowls and arguably no franchise value has increased as much. Basically if you own a team what would be your two major goals.

Along the way he built one of the most incredible stadiums in the world which provides residents of the Dallas area a chance to catch just about every major concert and sporting event at one time or another in their own backyard.
Ex-Cowboy fan here. You can give Jerry Jones all of the credit in the world, but it's a near fact that the Cowboys would have won an unprecedented 4 consecutive Super Bowls back in the early 90s had Jerry not taken a dump on the franchise. Feel free to deny this.

Fast-forward to today - Every time the cameras cut to Jerry sitting in the owner's box, the body language of the people surrounding makes it painfully clear that he surrounds himself with B-teamers only.
How would they have beaten the 49ers with Deion?


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