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List your top 5 SNL skits of all time. In no particular order (1 Viewer)

SaveFerrisB said:
My friends and I just made lists of our faves a few weeks ago, and most of mine have already been mentioned. But one that hasn't:Anal Retentive ChefCracked me up every time.
:unsure: Phil Hartman was :pickle:I'm cracking up just thinking about the one where John Goodman came on as a Cajun chef who had a slightly different approach to cooking.
Good one. I liked Gene, The Anal Retentive Carpenter as well.Loved how he would saw and use the dust buster at the same time.
What this thread has made quite clear.SNL sucks now. :confused:
That's for sure. From recent years, only D!ck in a Box and Chronic of Narnia can be considered contenders for top 25, even top 50 of all time. But they've had bad eras before and bounced back, so we'll see what happens.
The digital shorts seem to be the only things worth watching anymore
Ironic that Ben Stiller left the show because they didn't want to do more of these. This was like 17 years ago, so he was way ahead of his time.
What this thread has made quite clear.SNL sucks now. :thumbup:
That's for sure. From recent years, only D!ck in a Box and Chronic of Narnia can be considered contenders for top 25, even top 50 of all time. But they've had bad eras before and bounced back, so we'll see what happens.
The digital shorts seem to be the only things worth watching anymore
Ironic that Ben Stiller left the show because they didn't want to do more of these. This was like 17 years ago, so he was way ahead of his time.
The only one I can remember is the one he did with Will Ferrel as Glenn Frey, but I feel like that was more recent
what about Will Ferrell and Cheri Oteri as cheerleaders? some of the skits were lame, but the one with Jim Carrey as the foreign exchange cheerleader was gold.

Synchronized Swimming


Shatner at the Star Trek Convention

Pathological Liar

Mr. Subliminal

Honorable mention

Fred Garvin Male prostitute

Smelt night

Wild and crazy guys

Connery/Reynolds on Jeopardy

Jordan on Stuart Smally

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2 obscure ones that I always loved...

there was one where jim belushi was mean to his employee at a supermarket. the employee noticed that the automatic doors opened every time that anyone touched the mat in front of the doors so he cut out foot prints from the mat and glued them to a pair of shoes and he then gave the shoes to jim Belushi. Evey door that Jim went near opened.

the "got your nose" guard. jim Belushi plays got your nose with his daughter (I think it was Mary Gross) and accidentilly rips the nose off of her face and blood spews everywhere.

2 obscure ones that I always loved...there was one where jim belushi was mean to his employee at a supermarket. the employee noticed that the automatic doors opened every time that anyone touched the mat in front of the doors so he cut out foot prints from the mat and glued them to a pair of shoes and he then gave the shoes to jim Belushi. Evey door that Jim went near opened.
I remember that one. I think Rich Hall was the employee who did that to him.
One I liked that I haven't seen mentioned was the Tom Hanks/John Lovitz bit where they're checking out the ladies on the street, but aren't getting any action.

"Here she comes....and there she goes"

"Didn't even look my way..."

"Wouldn't even acknowledge my existence..."

aaah, yeah.

My favorite was always Steve Martin / Dan Ackroyd as The Swinging Festrunk Brothers "FOXES!"

2 obscure ones that I always loved...there was one where jim belushi was mean to his employee at a supermarket. the employee noticed that the automatic doors opened every time that anyone touched the mat in front of the doors so he cut out foot prints from the mat and glued them to a pair of shoes and he then gave the shoes to jim Belushi. Evey door that Jim went near opened.
I remember that one. I think Rich Hall was the employee who did that to him.
yep your right. Man, he was funny. Him and Christoher Guest are so under rated.
anguskahn said:
The one where Martin Short's wounded army platoon needed him to go upstairs in an abandon house and call for help but he didnt know how to climb stairs because he grew up in midwest where everything was flat.
Until today I thouht maybe I had dreamt of this, because no one else seems to have seen it.
So that you can be on the lookpout for reruns...Its from the episode where Eddie Murphy is guest star the year after he left the show. Same episode as the "I'm buying this newspaper".Greatest single episode ever.
I have this episode, taped it went it was first on, I believe."You mean when you were growing up you never had any stairs?""Well, we had a bit of an incline, BUT NOTHING LIKE THIS!"I think it was the last sketch of the episode, most people were asleep.
anguskahn said:
The one where Martin Short's wounded army platoon needed him to go upstairs in an abandon house and call for help but he didnt know how to climb stairs because he grew up in midwest where everything was flat.
Until today I thouht maybe I had dreamt of this, because no one else seems to have seen it.
So that you can be on the lookpout for reruns...Its from the episode where Eddie Murphy is guest star the year after he left the show. Same episode as the "I'm buying this newspaper".Greatest single episode ever.
I have this episode, taped it went it was first on, I believe."You mean when you were growing up you never had any stairs?""Well, we had a bit of an incline, BUT NOTHING LIKE THIS!"I think it was the last sketch of the episode, most people were asleep.
I just spent the last hour surfing to see if I could buy the season/episode anywhere (to no avail). Can you burn me a copy?
Christopher Walken's Ed Glosser: Trivial Psychic.

"At lunch, you're gonna treat yourself to a vanilla ice cream...you're gonna eat it too fast...you're gonna get an ice cream headache...it's gonna hurt...real bad...right...here...for 8, 9 seconds."


"Tomorrow, on the way to work...you're gonna get a cup of coffee...then, you're gonna hail a cab."

"Does the cab crash?"

"No, but you're gonna leave the coffee in the cab...you don't get it! You're wasting coffee!"

Statorama said:
Linus Scrimmage said:
What this thread has made quite clear.SNL sucks now. :shrug:
That skit they run with Kristen Wigg as the woman that has to upstage everyone is beyond brutal.
Agreed. Wiig was great in Knocked Up and Bill Hader was great in Superbad. That, among other things, indicates to me that the main problem is not the cast but the writing. (Though Keenan Thompson is just awful.)
Keerock said:
Hov34 said:
Joe Montana: "I think I'm going to go upstairs and masturbate"
:thumbup: That was CLASSIC. Right up there with Peyton Manning's United Way skit...
What made it even better was how bad Montana was as the host. He was so out of his element. That skit started off with a monotone Montana just saying innocuous things and out of nowhere came that line.
Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood (Eddie)

Samurai Delicatessen (Belushi)

Bill Murray's news update with the Liz Taylor (Belushi) interview

Chippendales (Swayze hosting, Farley)

Colonel Angus (Walken hosting)

I know, lots of repeats.

Most of the best ones have already been mentioned.There was a Weekend Update where James Gandolfini guested as "New Jersey Resident", and talked about the governor coming out of the closet.

Amy Poehler: One of the big stories that we missed this summer was New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey's annoucement that he is gay, and that he will resign amid gay-related scandal involving Golan Cipel, an Israeli former staffer. Tina Fey: To ge the local perspective on the issue, Weekend Update would now like to present an editorial from this New Jersey resident. [New Jersey resident enters and remains standing, to huge cheers and applause] New Jersey resident: How ya doin'? [sUPER: "NEW JERSEY RESIDENT"] Well, uh, first of all I'd like to thank you for letting me be here, and that's a little token of my appreciation. [gives a large box to Tina] Tina Fey: Wow, uh-- a DVD player! Thank you! New Jersey resident: It's a Sanyo, it's a good one. Tina Fey: Thank you. Amy Poehler: Nice. New Jersey resident: [motioning to Amy] And if I knew you were gonna be here, I woulda brought one for you too, sweetheart. Amy Poehler: Aww-- that's OK, I'm good. New Jersey resident: Yeah, you are. Amy Poehler: [shakes her head] So, would you- would you like to sit down? New Jersey resident: No, no, I'm gonna stand, in case I-- I wanna leave. Tina Fey: OK, so uh-- so, uh, your editorial about Jim McGreevey. New Jersey resident: Yeah, yeah, I'm getting to it. [clears his throat] Look, I didn't want to talk about this McGreevey stuff, but I- I can't keep my mouth shut anymore. I mean, so the guy's a fanook. Big deal. He had an affair. Every married guy's got some action on the side. In this case, in the behind. But instead of just paying the guy's rent and bangin' him in the penguin house of the zoo, McGreevey puts his guy on the payroll. Tina Fey: And, I think, uh, part-- New Jersey resident: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't interrupt me when I'm talking. Tina Fey: Sorry. New Jersey resident: As I was saying, you never mix business with pleasure. Unless that business is prostitution. Tina Fey: Well, people also feel that Golan Cipel-- New Jersey resident: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Come on. You got a nice face. Tina Fey: I- Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. New Jersey resident: Well, use your head. [delayed laughter; some applause] Any- anyway, I- I support the guy, but he makes a big mistake. Not only did he put his boyfriend on the payroll, he put him in charge of homeland security. And everybody knows the \i big\i0 guys handle security, and the Jews watch the money. Tina Fey: [surprised] OK, let's not stereotype people, it's not gonna-- New Jersey resident: Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't know you were one of the, uh, chosen people. Tina Fey: I'm not, but you can't say stuff like that! New Jersey resident: I just did. Anyway, I said what I had to say, and, uh, it was very nice meeting you [motioning to Amy], and the mouthy one [motioning to Tina] I'm not so sure. [New Jersey resident exits to cheers and applause] Tina Fey: An unif- An unidentified New Jersey resident! That is- That is the scariest man I have ever been attracted to.
Narrowing to 5 is nuts.

Celebrity Jeopardy

The Sinatra Group

More Cowbell

Akroid as Jimmy Carter on radio talkshow, talking down dude on acid (Do you have any Allman Brother's albums?)

Carvey as Johnny Carson with Hartman as Ed McMahon (You sir are correct!)

Few more than haven't been mentioned:

Akroid as Carter at 3 Mile Island

All skits with Akroid as Nixon

All skits with Hammond as Clinton

Mike Myers as Ron Wood on a Hunting Trip

Church Lady

Weekend update with Myers as Jagger, and Jagger as Keith Richards

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Very hard to narrow it to 5.

The 1st Matt Foley

The 1st Debbie Downer


Sinatra Group

Jackie Rodgers Junior's $100,000 Jackpot Wad

Leaving a ton of great skits out.

One I remember involved the bumblebees where they were at a summer camp and one of the bees was caught "buzzing off". I seem to remember Bill Russell showed up.

The Jerry Seinfeld Comedy Jeopardy was hillarious as was the Celebrity Jeopardy with Norm McDonald playing Burt Reynolds.

Most of the ones I love were done in the late 80s to mid 90s... a few in the Will Ferrell era although he was certainly one of the best ever on SNL...but the time when they had Spade, Schneider, Sandler, and Farley not as regulars but as the sort of secondary people behind the likes of Chris Rock, Phil Hartman, Mike Myers, and Dana Carvey...that's like have the 4 best Defensive Lineman in football and having the next 4 best come in behind them...insane amount of talent at one time on that show....not even sure you can say that about the mid to late 70s which is always considered the golden era of SNL.

The Debbie Downer skits are about the funniest thing I have seen in the last few seasons on SNL.

Most of the ones I love were done in the late 80s to mid 90s... a few in the Will Ferrell era although he was certainly one of the best ever on SNL...but the time when they had Spade, Schneider, Sandler, and Farley not as regulars but as the sort of secondary people behind the likes of Chris Rock, Phil Hartman, Mike Myers, and Dana Carvey.The Debbie Downer skits are about the funniest thing I have seen in the last few seasons on SNL.
:thumbup: Speaking of downers, one from the 70's I liked was the ad for "Puppy Uppers & Doggie Downers".
Another good one was "Can I Borrow Your Chapstick?"
LOL I remember that sketch. It was one of those "10 minutes to 1" throwaway sketches from the '80s. One of the characters was a space alien who happened to have giant, oversized lips with huge cold sores on them. :lol:
I'm way late to this thread ( :goodposting: ), but let me give it a shot:

1) Eddie Murphy in "Life as a White Man":

... "Go ahead ... take the paper. it's free."

2) William Shatner speaking at the Trekkie Convention:

... "Get a life! ... You, over there -- have you ever kissed a girl?"

3) Christopher Walken & Will Ferrell in "Behind the Music: Blue Oyster Cult"

.."I've got a fever ... and the only cure is more cowbell!"

4) An old one where 5'2" Paul Simon was playing Connie Hawkins in one-on-one basketball :goodposting:

5) Eddie Murphy in "Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood", the one where he tells the boys and girls about the "five-finger discount" and pulls the steaks out of his jacket.

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Impossible to name five, but:

1) The Sinatra Group

2) Synchronized Swimming

3) Samurai Optometrist

4) Inside The Actor's Studio (Will Ferrell)

5) Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood

Don't know if these have been mentioned, but these are all hilarious:

Nate X (Chris Rock does black power)

The car commercial for people with mental illness (Will Ferrell)

Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

Crotch Bat (kids' outdoor game)

Stuart Smalley with Michael Jordan

Steve Martin as the Medieval Doctor

1) The Sinatra Group
You don't need to work blue. You'll never play the big rooms with that crap. Ask Redd Foxx. You don't need the blue stuff, kid, you got talent.But I don't have talent.

You've got it, kid. You listen to me. You've got a Ben Vereen quality. I can't put my finger on it. Take the high road, baby.


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