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List your top 5 SNL skits of all time. In no particular order (1 Viewer)

The Sinatra Group

Synchronized Swimmers

Jackie Rogers Junior's $100,000 Jackpot Wad

Celebrity Jeopardy


I dont know the name of the skit but I think you could describe it as "awful smell" or something where people would just shout stuff like , it smells like a sumo wrestler took a dump on a burning tire or it smells like a jock strap filled with shrimp


Headwound harry

Lothar of the hill people

waynes world

velvet jones

samurai deli

No coke - pepsi

Classic Commmercials--

Adobe Car--it combines German engineering and Mexican know-how.

Bad Idea Jeans - Now that I have kids, I feel much better having a gun in the house

Colon Blow

The Love Toilet--Because when you're in love, even five minutes apart can seem like an eternity

Change Bank

Samuri delicatessan.

The continental (christopher walken)

Bill Murray the lounge singer. (Star Waaaaars, nothing but star waaaaaar)

Unfrozen caveman lawyer.

ambiguously gay duo. If that doesn't count then Roseanne Roseannadanna

The difficulty is that some skits would have been truly GREAT if they were only done once or twice (i.e., Wayne's World or Churchlady or the Van By the River). But by beeting the skits into the ground, it really diminished them IMO. That's one reason Cowbell has stood the test of time -- they didn't ruin it by trying to do it again. The ONLY multiple-showing skit that they've been able to pull of is the celebrity jeapardy.

My list is as follows (off the top of my head). For the record, the skit that stands out the most is the Bellushi/Cocker and Buckwheet. Simply fanstastic.

Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood

Buckwheat Has Been Shot

Belushi doing Joe Cocker ("Little Help From My Friends") better than Cocker.

Dennis Miller Weekend Update

Celebrity Jeapardy

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Classic Commmercials--Adobe Car--it combines German engineering and Mexican know-how. Bad Idea Jeans - Now that I have kids, I feel much better having a gun in the house Colon BlowThe Love Toilet--Because when you're in love, even five minutes apart can seem like an eternityChange Bank
Anybody remember the commercial spoof of "The Color of Money" with the main character bowling instead of playing Pool? One of my all time favorites.
Velvet Joe's School Of Technology commercial (I wanna be a ho)

Buckwheat Has Been Shot


Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood


Honorable mention:

Wayne's World

Matt Foley - "Well lookie here...if it isn't Bill Shakespere..."

Farrell - "GET OFF THE SHED!"

Hanks - Mr. Short Term Memory

Farley - Chippendale's

Farrell - Cowbell

Matt Foley - "Well lookie here...if it isn't Bill Shakespere..."

Farrell - "GET OFF THE SHED!"

Hanks - Mr. Short Term Memory

Farley - Chippendale's

Farrell - Cowbell
I forgot about those skits. Farrell was funny as hell in them. The one with his wife stuck on the phone talking to her friend was hilarious. But then again so was the backyard BBQ at the neighbors and the little league game skit."Snow cone.....I brought my own snow cones......STAY ON THE BAG! iF YOU DON'T STAY ON THE BAG...i'LL CAVE YOUR SKULL IN WITH A SHOVEL! Hey, anyone want a snowcone?"

Matt Foley - "Well lookie here...if it isn't Bill Shakespere..."

Farrell - "GET OFF THE SHED!"

Hanks - Mr. Short Term Memory

Farley - Chippendale's

Farrell - Cowbell
I forgot about those skits. Farrell was funny as hell in them. The one with his wife stuck on the phone talking to her friend was hilarious. But then again so was the backyard BBQ at the neighbors and the little league game skit."Snow cone.....I brought my own snow cones......STAY ON THE BAG! iF YOU DON'T STAY ON THE BAG...i'LL CAVE YOUR SKULL IN WITH A SHOVEL! Hey, anyone want a snowcone?"
I suppose we should have a spin off of everyones top 5 SNL members
Buh-Weet Sings Buckwheat.....Eddie Murphy [ a montage of "Little Rascals" stills are displayed ][ dissolve to grown-up Buckwheat smiling at the camera ]Buckwheat: Boy, id bin a nong time since dem days. Hi, I'm Buh-weet, amembuh me? And I have compiled for you and your nistening pleasure, dum ub my mavorite tongs. Id's all ite here in dis uhn pectacular opper: "Buh-weet Sings". Take a wisten:[ SUPER: "Fee Tines A Mady" ][ singing ]"Munce. Tice. Fee Tines A Mady."Announcer: Yes, they're all here.. [ SUPER: "Wookin' Pa Nub" ]Buckwheat: [ singing ]"Wookin' Pa Nub in all da wong paces. Wookin ' Pa Nub." Announcer: Once Buh-weet sings a song, it's eternally his. [ SUPER: "?????" ]Buckwheat: [ singing unintelligably ]"..Menny Dabid Ibe.." Yes.. Buh-weet. The man who sold more records that Elvis or the Beatles - in Kenya. [ SUPER: "Una Panoonah Banka" ]Buckwheat: [ singing ]"Una Panoonah Banka-a-a-a-a!!" And if you order now, you'll get Buh-weet's tribute to Alfalfa. [ SUPER: "Barbah Ob Dabil" ]Buckwheat: [ singing ]"I'm da Barbah ob Dabil. Bigaro! Bigaro!" [ smiles ] Order today. Send $49.95 for the full volume to:Buh-WeetBah Firty FeeNew Nork, New Nork Buckwheat: Take it fum "Ow Gang": yo gang will nub it. Buy my wecord! O-tay!
I used to love Dana Carvey's stuff, but it doesn't hold up nearly as well as other people. YOu can watch Belushi, Murphy, Farley, and Farrell and laugh no matter how many times you've seen the sketch. I also like Chase as Gerald FOrd..."Uh...I was told there would be no math..."

I was always a fan of the commercials:

Schmidts Gay

United Way

Colon Blow

Oops I Crapped My Pants

and one of my favorites that nobody seems to remember Pre-Chewed Charlies

Here's a great list of the SNL commercials

Kind of hard to narrow it down and draw from the memory bank...but there are a few that stand out. Most have to do with Chris Farley.

Chris Farley interviewing Paul McCartney

Todd (Bill Murray) and Lisa (Gilda Radner)

Bill Murray as a lounge singer singing Stairway to Heaven

Phil Hartman doing Frank Sinatra "I got chunks of punks like you in my stool!"

Christ Farley as Matt Foley

And I have to add anytime Will Farrell did GWB "strategery".

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Bill Swerski's Super Fans

Bill Swerski.....Joe Mantegna

Pat Arnold.....Mike Myers

Todd O'Conner.....Chris Farley

Carl Wollarski.....Rob Smigel

Danny Sheridan.....Kevin Nealon

[ open on exterior, Ditka's Restaurant ]

[ dissolve to the Round Table, where Bill Swerski and his Chicago Bears Super Fan friends sit, surroundsed by polish sausange and bratwurst ]

Bill Swerski: Good afternoon, my friends, and welcome to "Bill Swerski's Super Fans"! I'm Bill Swerski, and with me, as always, are the Super Fans: Pat Arnold..

Pat Arnold: Hey, Bill.

Bill Swerski: ..Todd O'Conner..

Todd O'Conner: [ while chewing his food ] Bill.

Bill Swerski: ..and Carl Wollarski.

Carl Wollarski: How ya' doing, Bill?

Bill Swerski: Alright, we're talking here, live from Ditka's, in the heart of Chicago, Illinois. The city of big shoulders, and home, of course, to a certain football team, which has carved out a special place in the pantheon of professional football greats. That team, which is known the world over, as.. Da Bears!

Superfans: Da Bears!!

Bill Swerski: Okay. Okay, by my watch, we're about thirteen minutes from game time. As you are sure aware, Da Bears are getting ready for the big play-off against Da New York Giants. Now, let go around the room for some predictions. Pat?

Pat Arnold: Da Bears, 62 to 3.

Bill Swerski: Okay. Todd.

Todd O'Conner: Bears. 79-zip.

Bill Swerski: Oh, really? You don't think that Da Giants will score?

Todd O'Conner: No, I do not! Da Bears defense is like a wall. You can't go through it!

Bill Swerski: Alright. How about you, Carl?

Carl Wollarski: I say Bears, 52 to 14.

Pat Arnold: Oh, what? Come on!

Carl Wollarski: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I gotta give Da Giants credit - I think they'll give Da Bears a game!

Bill Swerski: Alright, leave him alone, that's his prerogative! As for my prediction.. at game's end, uh.. there won't be two teams of contrasting moods heading off da field, my friends. One gloom, one gleeful. The gleeful, of which be.. Da Bears!

Superfans: Da Bears!!

Bill Swerski: 74 to 2! I mean, after all, our civic pride is on the line. Because, let's face it, if New York were to somehow beat Chicago, we'd never hear the end of it.

Todd O'Conner: Aw, they would love it over there!

Bill Swerski: You know, it's absurd, really, that we would even have to waste our time comparing ourselves to that crime-ridden rathole!

Carl Wollarski: Absolutely!

Bill Swerski: I mean, for example, which building would you rather have - the Empire State Building, or Da Sears Tower? Pat?

Pat Arnold: Sears.

Bill Swerski: Carl?

Carl Wollarski: Sears is taller.

Bill Swerski: Todd?

Todd O'Conner: Sears.

Carl Wollarski: Sears!

Superfans: Da Sears!!

Bill Swerski: Alright, alright! Now, let me shift gears here for a moment. What is God's role in this? Obviously, he's rooting for Da Bears.

Pat Arnold: Otherwise, he wouldn't have put 'em in Chicago.

Carl Wollarski: That's right.

Bill Swerski: That's right. Da question is: Now, did God create Da Bears, and make them superior to all teams? Or is he simply a huge fan, and Ditka made them superior to all other teams?

Carl Wollarski: That's a tough one.

Bill Swerski: Okay, well.. I see now that it's almost time for the foregone conclusion that is today's game.

Pat Arnold; Not gonna be pretty!

Todd O'Conner: Bears!

Superfans: Bears!!

Bill Swerski: Now, gentlemen, let me ask you this: What if Da Bears were all 14 inches tall, you know, about so high? Now, what's your score of today's game?

Carl Wollarski: Against Da Giants?

Bill Swerski: Yes, give 'em a handicap.

Carl Wollarski: Bears 18, Giants 10. And that would finally be a good game.

Pat Arnold: Yeah, it would be a good game. Mini Bears 24, Giants 14.

Todd O'Conner: What about Ditka? Would he be mini, too?

Bill Swerski: No, he would be full-grown.

Todd O'Conner: Oh, then, uh.. Mini Bears 31, Giants 7.

Carl Wollarski: Oh, hold on. Then I change mine, too. I thought it was Mini Ditka.

Bill Swerski: Okay, gentlemen, another scenario: Da Bears, they don't make it, the plane is delayed.. and the only one who shows up is Ditka. Ditka vs. Da Giants. Okay, score, gentlemen.

Pat Arnold: Alright, after da heart attack, I gotta say Ditka 17, Giants 14. He just barely gets by.

Bill Swerski: Alright, that sounds exciting. Perhaps, you know, a late Ditka field goal.

Almost impossible to break it down to just 5. Just off the top of my head:

Schweaty balls


Sinatra Group (Hartman as Sinatra w/Billy Idol and Sinead)

Pesci trying on pinkie rings

Original Matt Foley w/Christina Applegate and Spade cracking up

Hard to narrow to a top 5.

Motivational Speaker

Celebrity Jeopardy

Sinatra Group

Jim Carrey hottub lifeguard

Most anything with Will Ferrell

Debbie Downer

My favorite commercials:

Dissing your dog (Ferrell)

Schmitt's Gay (Farley/Sandler)

Bottled water dredged from Lake Erie (Bill Murray)

Bass-o-matic (Dan Akroyd)

Favorite Weekend Update host: Norm MacDonald

Does anyone remember the one where Martin Short played a character that didn't know how to walk up stairs? I have been looking for the clip forever.

I liked the Mike Myers skits too.

Middle aged man

Phillip (With Nicole Kidman as the little girl on the playground). He wore a harness because sweets made him hyper.

All things Scotish. If it's not Scotish, it's crap!

Way too many to name, but one I didn't see mentioned was the McLaughlin Group spoof with Dana Carvey. WRONG!!!

I loved the commercial where they switched Chris Farley's coffee to Folger's Crystals. Also, the only run once commercial for the 'Mercury Mistress' with Parnell banging the car.

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In looking a the replies, I can probably get a good gauge on the poster's age just by their lists.

The one where Martin Short's wounded army platoon needed him to go upstairs in an abandon house and call for help but he didnt know how to climb stairs because he grew up in midwest where everything was flat.


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