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Liz Cheney: The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. (1 Viewer)

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  • Agree

    Votes: 59 70.2%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 23 27.4%
  • Uncertain/other

    Votes: 2 2.4%

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I get the frustration from the conservatives on this. The overwhelming majority of you are decent people that work hard to support yourselves and your families. You do not deserve to be called racists or white nationalists, because you aren't.

You are not being called those things. The party you support and the people you elect are being called those things, and many of them have certainly shown tendencies that justify the labels. But because you've been told forever that the people calling them racists are elitist progressive fools that engage in endless culture warfare and want to take away everything that makes America great, it's natural to get defensive and upset.

I had a conversation with my very Republican father today who was surprised to learn that I thought Ilhan Omar is a terrible Representative and I would never vote for her. His assumption being that because I'm left-leaning that I must automatically think that her, AOC, and Rashida Tlaib are some sort of heroes. This illustrates the same dynamic that rightfully makes conservatives so angry; assuming that we are all supporting the most extreme fringes of our chosen political cliques.

I believe that the GOP is reprehensible, and I will vote mostly Democratic despite being convinced that the party itself is hopelessly inept, because in my mind being dumb is less troublesome than being vile. But I will do my best not to ascribe the GOP's actions and motives to those that vote for them. Max, Ivan, John123, Philoe Beddoe, HT, KD, Manster, SC and most of the rest of our esteemed FBG conservatives all seem like decent people. We just disagree, we are not enemies.

Interesting that we all continue to engage in these arguments when practically everyone here, of every political, ethnic, and religious background, wants basically the same things. Seems like we're all kinda fools at this point, for buying into and continuing to espouse the rhetoric.

Interesting that we all continue to engage in these arguments when practically everyone here, of every political, ethnic, and religious background, wants basically the same things. Seems like we're all kinda fools at this point, for buying into and continuing to espouse the rhetoric.
I often wonder how much stuff people say on here that they really mean. 

I firmly believe that if a homeless person set up a tent right outside somebody's fence that posted here they would 100% want that person gone. I also think that if at a dinner table somebody that posts here was asked by a friend to help out financially with their homeless brother that any of us would. 

The former might be a poster that posts in defense of such things and the latter might advocate against such "handouts". 

I just don't think any statement or action from the GOP changes the mind/heart of a white supremacist.  People have their beliefs.  They don't decide what is and isn't ok based on verbiage from Kevin McCarthy.  

I just don't think any statement or action from the GOP changes the mind/heart of a white supremacist.  People have their beliefs.  They don't decide what is and isn't ok based on verbiage from Kevin McCarthy.  
That’s mostly true but verbiage (or lack thereof) can give white supremacy a sense of legitimacy. That can be unintentionally enable it.

That’s mostly true but verbiage (or lack thereof) can give white supremacy a sense of legitimacy. That can be unintentionally enable it.
And I think if Kevin McCarthy every day of his life denounced white supremacy--not one white supremacist would change.  They are not looking to the Republican party to decide if White Supremacy is ok or legitimate.  I don't believe racists and murders feel the need for legitimacy from government. 

I get the frustration from the conservatives on this. The overwhelming majority of you are decent people that work hard to support yourselves and your families. You do not deserve to be called racists or white nationalists, because you aren't.

You are not being called those things. The party you support and the people you elect are being called those things, and many of them have certainly shown tendencies that justify the labels. But because you've been told forever that the people calling them racists are elitist progressive fools that engage in endless culture warfare and want to take away everything that makes America great, it's natural to get defensive and upset.

I had a conversation with my very Republican father today who was surprised to learn that I thought Ilhan Omar is a terrible Representative and I would never vote for her. His assumption being that because I'm left-leaning that I must automatically think that her, AOC, and Rashida Tlaib are some sort of heroes. This illustrates the same dynamic that rightfully makes conservatives so angry; assuming that we are all supporting the most extreme fringes of our chosen political cliques.

I believe that the GOP is reprehensible, and I will vote mostly Democratic despite being convinced that the party itself is hopelessly inept, because in my mind being dumb is less troublesome than being vile. But I will do my best not to ascribe the GOP's actions and motives to those that vote for them. Max, Ivan, John123, Philoe Beddoe, HT, KD, Manster, SC and most of the rest of our esteemed FBG conservatives all seem like decent people. We just disagree, we are not enemies.

Interesting that we all continue to engage in these arguments when practically everyone here, of every political, ethnic, and religious background, wants basically the same things. Seems like we're all kinda fools at this point, for buying into and continuing to espouse the rhetoric.
This one of best posts I’ve read here in a very long time. Thank you

I just don't think any statement or action from the GOP changes the mind/heart of a white supremacist.  People have their beliefs.  They don't decide what is and isn't ok based on verbiage from Kevin McCarthy.  
I have watched enough episodes of Jay Leno to know that there is no way more than 5% of them even know who he is. 

I get the frustration from the conservatives on this. The overwhelming majority of you are decent people that work hard to support yourselves and your families. You do not deserve to be called racists or white nationalists, because you aren't.

You are not being called those things. The party you support and the people you elect are being called those things, and many of them have certainly shown tendencies that justify the labels. But because you've been told forever that the people calling them racists are elitist progressive fools that engage in endless culture warfare and want to take away everything that makes America great, it's natural to get defensive and upset.

I had a conversation with my very Republican father today who was surprised to learn that I thought Ilhan Omar is a terrible Representative and I would never vote for her. His assumption being that because I'm left-leaning that I must automatically think that her, AOC, and Rashida Tlaib are some sort of heroes. This illustrates the same dynamic that rightfully makes conservatives so angry; assuming that we are all supporting the most extreme fringes of our chosen political cliques.

I believe that the GOP is reprehensible, and I will vote mostly Democratic despite being convinced that the party itself is hopelessly inept, because in my mind being dumb is less troublesome than being vile. But I will do my best not to ascribe the GOP's actions and motives to those that vote for them. Max, Ivan, John123, Philoe Beddoe, HT, KD, Manster, SC and most of the rest of our esteemed FBG conservatives all seem like decent people. We just disagree, we are not enemies.

Interesting that we all continue to engage in these arguments when practically everyone here, of every political, ethnic, and religious background, wants basically the same things. Seems like we're all kinda fools at this point, for buying into and continuing to espouse the rhetoric.
Yea, it goes both ways.  I think it's all by design.  We are the fools fighting with each other while the elite gain more power and control.

What you say about the GOP, I'd say the same about the leftist political movement.  The race baiting and the demonizing of middle America amongst other things.  It's no wonder average Joe American hates liberal elitists.

We are not listening to each other.  It's that simple. 

I doubt there are any white supremacist of black ones either

a true white supremacist would never be here IMO
Larry Elder has been labeled a black white supremacist by some libs......or an uncle Tom by some black folks.  Thing is, he's pretty straight forward, common sense conservative.  But since he's a black man who doesn't conform with how the left feels he should, he's ostracized and labeled.  It's dumb.

Juxtatarot said:
She doesn’t claim they are “representative” of white nationalism, white supremacy and anti-semitism.

Splitting hairs is cheap and lazy.  Again,

How are Kevin McCarthy, Elise Stefanik and Steve Scalise [FILL IN YOUR BLANK TERMS OF SHOCK MARKETING CLICK BAIT SOCIAL MEDIA OUTRAGE PORN] of white nationalism, white supremacy and antisemitism?

In the PSF, I just about never ask, "Where Is Your Evidence Of This?"

But this is just Cheney riding the edge of avoiding defamation without any rational background and practical context behind it.


Juxtatarot said:
Full Tweet:

Do you agree or disagree? What should Republicans do about this?

Direct Headline: This Isn't a Border Wall: It's a Monument to White Supremacy

Like Confederate monuments, President Trump’s vision of a massive wall along the Mexican border is about propaganda and racial oppression, not national security....Monuments at their most cynical are propaganda—symbols that occupy space in the name of an ideology. As the Trump administration conceives it, a border wall would be next-level propaganda: a racist monument designed to stretch across states, dividing humans, instilling fear in communities, and occupying land to promote a system that views migrants and refugees as an enemy to be subjugated through force.....

Bryan Lee Jr. January 16, 2019, 10:51 AM PST


Congresswoman Cheney Votes to Fund Border Wall

“Tonight, Republicans in the House voted to provide the funding necessary to secure our border, including by building a border wall. It is time for the Democrats in the House and Senate to stop playing political games and do their duty by voting to provide resources to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, drugs and human trafficking across our southern border. House Republicans take seriously our constitutional obligation to provide resources to defend and protect this nation, and we hope our colleagues on the other side of the aisle will work with us to do what’s right for our nation.”

Liz Cheney House.Gov December 20 2018


Tracking Congress In The Age Of Trump

An updating tally of how often every member of the House and the Senate votes with or against the president.

How often Cheney votes in line with Trump’s position?

Career - 92.9%

Dec. 20, 2018 Extension of government funding, including $5.7 billion for border wall (217-185) - YES

Jan. 19, 2018Motion to table articles of impeachment against President Trump (355-66)  - YES

Dec. 6, 2017 Making concealed-carry firearm permits valid across state lines (231-198) - YES

Dec. 6, 2017 Motion to table articles of impeachment against President Trump (364-58) - YES

Oct. 3, 2017 Banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy (237-189) - YES

Sept. 14, 2017 Giving the government more power to deport and deny admission to immigrants suspected of being in gangs (233-175) - YES

June 29, 2017 Increasing penalties for undocumented immigrants who re-enter the U.S. after being convicted of certain crimes (257-167) - YES

June 29, 2017 Penalizing states and localities that have “sanctuary” laws on immigration (228-195) - YES

June 13, 2017 Withholding Affordable Care Act subsidies from people until their citizenship is verified (238-184) - YES

Feb. 16, 2017 Repeal of a rule requiring state and local governments to distribute federal funds to qualified health centers even if they perform abortions (230-188) - YES

Jan. 24, 2017 Permanent ban on the use of federal funds for abortion or health coverage that includes abortions (238-183) - YES

Jan. 13, 2017 Budget resolution to repeal the Affordable Care Act (227-198) - YES

538  / UPDATED Jan. 13, 2021 at 5:11 PM



The major problem I see with Liz Cheney is that most of the radical leftists who extol her virtues would probably never vote for her in a general election.

I love you so much! ( But I won't vote for you)

Some of you would love Liz Cheney because she hates Trump, and now McCarthy/Scalise/Stefanik and the rest in the HOR, but would you love her based on her actual public policy positions? How many radical leftists here actually know any of Cheney's policy positions?

Donald Trump's Border Wall was seen by many as a type of monument to racism, white nationalism and white supremacy. And Liz Cheney voted to fund that Border Wall. Along with other measures and bills that aligned with supporting Trump's policies that dealt with immigration.

If Trump and his Border Wall are some of the gold standard of examples for White Nationalism, and Liz Cheney voted with Trump 93 percent of the time overall, including supporting the Border Wall, what does that say about Cheney and her own relationship with "White Nationalism"?

Juxtatarot said:
Full Tweet:

Do you agree or disagree? What should Republicans do about this?

Direct Headline: Why Liz Cheney Can’t Rely On Democrats To Save Her In Wyoming’s Republican Primary

On March 8, Wyoming’s legislature scrapped a bill seeking to end the state’s “crossover voting” provision. That rule permits voters to switch parties on Election Day, which could allow registered Democrats and other non-Republicans to change their registration to support Cheney in the Aug. 16 GOP primary. The legislature’s deliberations over the bill, which Trump had supported, sparked a raft of headlines raising the prospect of crossover voters being key to Cheney’s survival......

The reality is otherwise: Only Republicans can really save Cheney’s political future. If she’s counting on anyone else, then she’s probably done for....The vast majority (70 percent) of voters in the state are registered Republicans. And in midterm years (like 2022), an even larger share of the state’s primary voters have cast ballots in GOP nomination battles,....But in a state where the Republican presidential nominee usually wins 65 to 70 percent of the vote, it’s clear that most of those primary voters are dyed-in-the-wool Republicans or at least lean toward the GOP....But this still means that Cheney must remain competitive among Republicans to even allow for a scenario where crossover voters could conceivably put her over the top.....

By Geoffrey Skelley Apr. 4, 2022, at 6:00 AM


Direct Headline:  Liz Cheney Rakes In More Money From Northern Virginia Than From Her Home State, Wyoming

Only about 2 percent of contributors to Liz Cheney’s re-election campaign were from her home state, Wyoming....Cheney’s re-election bid is also being financed by the same Democrat donors who bankrolled the Lincoln Project. Her first-quarter filing for this year showed little difference, with Cheney raking more from her “constituents” in northern Virginia, where she spends much of her time, than the constituents who first sent her to Washington in 2016.....The numbers come at little surprise as Cheney, deeply unpopular in Wyoming, where the GOP no longer recognizes her a Republican, snubbed constituents to mingle with reporters on a February visit. Instead, Cheney called the Wyoming voters she ignored “crazies” in an interview with The New York Times.....

By: Tristan Justice April 20, 2022


Direct HeadlineLiz Cheney turns to Democrats to save her hide

The math doesn't lie — and neither do Cheney’s actions on the ground in recent months....Just as obvious is that Cheney needs Democrats and independents to change their party registration and cast their vote for her in the Aug. 16 primary. Her campaign is loath to talk strategy publicly, but the math doesn’t lie — and neither do Cheney’s actions on the ground here in recent months.....She has shunned town halls and other voter forums in Wyoming’s overwhelmingly red counties in favor of controlled events.....“She’s been MIA since Jan. 6. And what we all truly believe is that the Wyoming seat is a stepping stone to running for president in 2024 and she needs to get Trump out of the way. And to raise money, she’s using the anti-Trump commentary,”...Wyoming political strategists say the only path to victory for Cheney is with the help of Democrats and independents.....Cheney allies are hopeful that crossover voters will bail her out this time. They are counting on a primary with at least two pro-Trump GOP candidates that will divide the anti-Cheney vote. With the help of even half of the 73,000 Democrats who voted for Biden in 2020, they believe Cheney could pull it off.....

By Tara Palmeri 03/14/2022 04:30 AM EDT



The motive for Liz Cheney's attacks on Trump, the HOR GOP leadership base and the Republican Party as a whole is based on where her fundraising is coming from and that she needs "cross over" voters to hold onto her seat.

She attacks Trump because she wants to be POTUS and the practical Republican/Democrat on and off changeover in power means by the time Trump is out again, she'll be too old to still be a viable candidate.

The idea that Liz Cheney is some last bastion of light and ethics in a seat of GOP tyranny is laughable.

None of the radical leftists here would vote for her in a general election. Same for Mitt Romney or Adam Kinzinger or any other names the radical leftists here pimp out as "Good Republicans Who Also Hate Trump And Stand Alone As True Moral Warriors Of Honor And Purity"

Juxtatarot said:
Full Tweet:


Do you agree or disagree? What should Republicans do about this?

Direct Headline: Liz Cheney sells out gay sister for shot at U.S. Senate seat

What kind of woman sells out her sister for a shot at a U.S. Senate seat?...How do you tell your sister how happy you are she is marrying her longtime girlfriend, embrace her wife as a member of the family, their children as your niece and nephew, then turn around and tell the nation you oppose gay marriage?

For this alone, Liz Cheney, who is running for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in Wyoming against a longtime conservative incumbent, deserves to lose.... Liz appeared on “Fox News Sunday” and noted, again, that despite what her opponent claims, she opposes gay marriage....

“Liz has been a guest in our home, has spent time and shared holidays with our children, and when Mary and I got married in 2012 - she didn’t hesitate to tell us how happy she was for us.....To have her now say she doesn’t support our right to marry is offensive to say the least.....I can’t help but wonder how Liz would feel if as she moved from state to state, she discovered that her family was protected in one but not the other......I always thought freedom meant freedom for EVERYONE.....Liz--this isn’t just an issue on which we disagree--you’re just wrong--and on the wrong side of history.”....

.....Supporters of her opponent, Sen. John Enzi, say her opposition to gay marriage represents a flip-flop, part of her strategy to run to his right and appeal to Tea Party Republicans in the overwhelmingly conservative state. They’ve declared her “wrong for Wyoming.”....

But opposing gay marriage is the very definition of discriminating against people because of their sexual orientation.....

By Robin Abcarian Nov. 18, 2013 10:16 AM PT


Direct Headline LGBTQ community has reason to doubt Liz Cheney's new support for gay rights

Cheney voted against gay rights legislation seven months ago.....During an interview Sunday on “60 Minutes,” the conservative politician from one of America’s most influential political families did a surprising turnabout when she came out in support of LGBTQ people — a community she’s discriminated against for years for her own political gain.....In February, the House, in a 224-206 vote, passed the Equality Act, a measure that would provide the strongest level of protections for LGBTQ folks ever in America, sending the bill over to a Senate where there’s not enough support to pass it. Three Republicans in the House voted in favor of the Equality Act. Cheney was not one of them.....

By Zach Stafford, MSNBC Sept. 29, 2021, 12:20 PM PDT


Direct Headline:  Vote on House Floor Over LGBT Rights Turns Ugly

....It was a chaotic scene on the House floor Thursday morning after an amendment to help protect LGBT people from discrimination failed by just one vote as Republicans succeeded in convincing a few members of their own party to switch their votes to help ensure the measure would not pass....House Democrats could be heard chanting “shame, shame, shame” on the floor as the measure went from garnering up to 217 votes at one point down to just 212 when the vote was gaveled.... Boos erupted from the House floor as the measure failed....“Kevin McCarthy was personally twisting arms on the floor,” Maloney, who is openly gay, said about the House majority leader. He went on to say, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that craven and that ugly in my time in Congress.”....He singled out Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in particular for criticism, saying the No. 2 House Republican personally lobbied GOP members to change their votes when it looked like Maloney’s proposal would pass.....

By Alex Moe May 19, 2016, 12:42 PM PDT




You always find the counter narrative in what people don't say out loud.

Kevin McCarthy is well known ( well, known by high information voters.....) for opposing amending HR 5055 in 2016. It makes him look anti-LGBT. The context behind it is more complicated, but if you want to smear McCarthy, it's an easy hit job in the press.

So why didn't Liz Cheney use it this past week? She pointed out White Nationalism, White Supremacy and Antisemitism. The "Identity Politics Playbook" means not just going after people and calling them racist, but also why not double down and call them bigots as well.

It's because Liz Cheney's record shows her as a flip flopper on LGBT rights and Same Sex Marriage. Even having to go into a public smear of her own family to do it. And let's be real here, Wyoming has a certain "tone" to it politically as well.

Liz Cheney is shiftless and gutless. Pick a side, stay on it, hold onto your values and convictions.

If you are going to smear Kevin McCarthy ( I find him mediocre to be honest) with these kind of heavy claims that ride up to the line of pure defamation, then smear him for everything he should "own up to and regret". Don't filter it down to just truncate out what is going to put you into a bad light too.

Liz Cheney voted with Trump 93 percent of the time, backed his Border Wall, voted twice to table his 2016 era first impeachment, back stabbed her own sister, is a known flip flopper, has anti-LGBT on her political jacket,  wants to wipe out the ACA, is classically anti-immigration and has pro 2A leanings.

And yet some of you radical leftists jump up and down with joy when she throws you a bone.

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Typical my guy is clean, and ur guy is dirty type stuff...evil conservatives hate brown people, and saintly progs are going to save the world!.....fwiw, I'm not affiliated with either political party.  Two wings of the same bird, and neither one is clean.

No, it's a simple fact. You are articulating Replacement Theory. I don't care what political party you belong to, it's despicable. I promise you I would say the exact same thing if a democratic socialist was saying these things.

I get the frustration from the conservatives on this. The overwhelming majority of you are decent people that work hard to support yourselves and your families. You do not deserve to be called racists or white nationalists, because you aren't.

You are not being called those things. The party you support and the people you elect are being called those things, and many of them have certainly shown tendencies that justify the labels. But because you've been told forever that the people calling them racists are elitist progressive fools that engage in endless culture warfare and want to take away everything that makes America great, it's natural to get defensive and upset.

I had a conversation with my very Republican father today who was surprised to learn that I thought Ilhan Omar is a terrible Representative and I would never vote for her. His assumption being that because I'm left-leaning that I must automatically think that her, AOC, and Rashida Tlaib are some sort of heroes. This illustrates the same dynamic that rightfully makes conservatives so angry; assuming that we are all supporting the most extreme fringes of our chosen political cliques.

I believe that the GOP is reprehensible, and I will vote mostly Democratic despite being convinced that the party itself is hopelessly inept, because in my mind being dumb is less troublesome than being vile. But I will do my best not to ascribe the GOP's actions and motives to those that vote for them. Max, Ivan, John123, Philoe Beddoe, HT, KD, Manster, SC and most of the rest of our esteemed FBG conservatives all seem like decent people. We just disagree, we are not enemies.

Interesting that we all continue to engage in these arguments when practically everyone here, of every political, ethnic, and religious background, wants basically the same things. Seems like we're all kinda fools at this point, for buying into and continuing to espouse the rhetoric.

Thank you.

You and I differ in that I find it pretty gross that anyone would continue to support a political party that endorses or condones white supremacy. For me that would be an automatic dealbreaker, and I question why that's not the case for everyone.

But that is still VERY different from calling those posters white supremacists themselves. AFAIK nobody has come close to doing that. 

Splitting hairs is cheap and lazy.  Again,

How are Kevin McCarthy, Elise Stefanik and Steve Scalise [FILL IN YOUR BLANK TERMS OF SHOCK MARKETING CLICK BAIT SOCIAL MEDIA OUTRAGE PORN] of white nationalism, white supremacy and antisemitism?

In the PSF, I just about never ask, "Where Is Your Evidence Of This?"

But this is just Cheney riding the edge of avoiding defamation without any rational background and practical context behind it.

First of all, words matter. Liz used the verb “enable”. That’s what we should stick with. 

For evidence let’s start with the Stefanik ad that has gotten a lot of attention the last few days. Sample article. 

Her ad claimed “Radical Democrats are planning their most aggressive move yet, a PERMANENT ELECTION INSURRECTION. Their plan to grant amnesty to 11 MILLION illegal immigrants will overthrow our current electorate and create a permanent liberal majority in Washington.”

This is ridiculous, irresponsible rhetoric that clearly spews Replacement Theory  concepts.

Yea, it goes both ways.  I think it's all by design.  We are the fools fighting with each other while the elite gain more power and control.

What you say about the GOP, I'd say the same about the leftist political movement.  The race baiting and the demonizing of middle America amongst other things.  It's no wonder average Joe American hates liberal elitists.

We are not listening to each other.  It's that simple. 

I'm sorry, I understand you're going for a kumbaya moment here, but you can't get there with blatant falsehoods. 

If a liberal politician said things about middle America that were 1% as awful as the things that Trump and many Republicans (and many posters here!) said about our great American cities, it would end their career. Here is just one of countless examples. Anyone who is honest with themselves knows this is true. There is a huge imbalance in coverage in this respect, which mimics the imbalances in democratic representation under our constitutional system.

And for the record, no American is any more of an "average Joe American" than anyone else. Except maybe the ones actually named Joe, I guess they kind of have an edge.

I'm all for reconciliation, but we can't get there if we're not honest about the forces that are driving us apart in the first place.

Yea, it goes both ways.  I think it's all by design.  We are the fools fighting with each other while the elite gain more power and control.

What you say about the GOP, I'd say the same about the leftist political movement.  The race baiting and the demonizing of middle America amongst other things.  It's no wonder average Joe American hates liberal elitists.

We are not listening to each other.  It's that simple. 

In this vein, I propose that all of us start by listening to the black community in Buffalo as they share their thoughts.


ok, a few people did put forth the bill - nobody voted for it in Congress because nobody wanted it - better ?

just like the abortion up to birth bill the Democrats were trying for - never had a chance, more to make a point than anything .... maybe the one you are latched on to was like that?  I dunno - I never heard of it until you mentioned it

Larry Elder has been labeled a black white supremacist by some libs......or an uncle Tom by some black folks.  Thing is, he's pretty straight forward, common sense conservative.  But since he's a black man who doesn't conform with how the left feels he should, he's ostracized and labeled.  It's dumb.

like Biden pretty much said - you aint black if you don't vote for a Democrat, right ?

that's a good question - i know this doesn't chart illegals, but rather Hispanic ...... Democrats get more especially on border states

So 2/3rds dem is a reasonable bet.  I'm not sure I follow the logic of how a republican saying if we provide mass amnesty to illegals would benefit the democratic party and that's viewed as some sort of White supremacy conspiracy theory. 

ok, a few people did put forth the bill - nobody voted for it in Congress because nobody wanted it - better ?

just like the abortion up to birth bill the Democrats were trying for - never had a chance, more to make a point than anything .... maybe the one you are latched on to was like that?  I dunno - I never heard of it until you mentioned it


They didn't vote for it because they shelved it due to bad press and then voted on a virtually identical bill instead.

The Senate overwhelmingly rejected a Trump-backed proposal to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws in February 2018 by a vote of 39-60. That proposal was backed by Cotton and Perdue and, like the RAISE Act, would have limited legal immigration and scrapped the diversity visa lottery program.  

So 2/3rds dem is a reasonable bet.  I'm not sure I follow the logic of how a republican saying if we provide mass amnesty to illegals would benefit the democratic party and that's viewed as some sort of White supremacy conspiracy theory. 

A republican saying if we provide mass amnesty to illegals would benefit the democratic party is not the problem.

The problem is Republicans falsely alleging that the Dems or their supporters (particularly Jewish ones) are doing this deliberately in an effort to "replace" a majority white electorate with a majority nonwhite one. In addition to the fact that it's pretty obviously racist, divisive, and IMO un-American, it's also white supremacist ideology over the last 100 years.

Some variation on this exact theory has been cited by mass shooters with increasing frequency in the last 7 years:  Christchurch, Quebec City, Pittsburgh, El Paso and now Buffalo. It's not a coincidence.

A republican saying if we provide mass amnesty to illegals would benefit the democratic party is not the problem.

The problem is Republicans falsely alleging that the Dems or their supporters (particularly Jewish ones) are doing this deliberately in an effort to "replace" a majority white electorate with a majority nonwhite one. In addition to the fact that it's pretty obviously racist, divisive, and IMO un-American, it's also white supremacist ideology over the last 100 years.

Some variation on this exact theory has been cited by mass shooters with increasing frequency in the last 7 years:  Christchurch, Quebec City, Pittsburgh, El Paso and now Buffalo. It's not a coincidence.
Did Stefanik say it was being done deliberately to replace whites?

So 2/3rds dem is a reasonable bet.  I'm not sure I follow the logic of how a republican saying if we provide mass amnesty to illegals would benefit the democratic party and that's viewed as some sort of White supremacy conspiracy theory. 

scare tactics, sow hate and division and discord, make it look like something it isn't .... get those votes !

I've said this for a very long time - if 66% of Hispanics voted Republican, Democrats would shut the border down FAST 

I don't see it in that liberal opinion piece. It actually proves the point that you guys are seeing things that aren't really there. 

Ms. Stefanik isn’t so brazen as to use the slogans themselves; rather, she couches the hate in alarmist anti-immigrant rhetoric that’s become standard fare for the party of Donald Trump. And she doesn’t quite attack immigrants directly; instead, she alleges that Democrats are looking to grant citizenship to undocumented immigrants in order to gain a permanent liberal majority, or, as she calls it, a “permanent election insurrection.” Quite a choice of words, of course, considering that the country is still suffering the aftershocks of the Jan. 6 insurrection in Washington by supporters of Mr. Trump who tried to overturn Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election.

A republican saying if we provide mass amnesty to illegals would benefit the democratic party is not the problem.

The problem is Republicans falsely alleging that the Dems or their supporters (particularly Jewish ones) are doing this deliberately in an effort to "replace" a majority white electorate with a majority nonwhite one. In addition to the fact that it's pretty obviously racist, divisive, and IMO un-American, it's also white supremacist ideology over the last 100 years.

Some variation on this exact theory has been cited by mass shooters with increasing frequency in the last 7 years:  Christchurch, Quebec City, Pittsburgh, El Paso and now Buffalo. It's not a coincidence.

that's a new thing Democrats are using - this replace thing ....

the fact remains that Hispanics vote more Democrats, and Democrats support the millions coming here and if we get amnesty for 15 million illegals in the USA and 10 million of them are Democrat voters ... you've just made major major impacts on elections

and you know I'm right

scare tactics, sow hate and division and discord, make it look like something it isn't .... get those votes !

I've said this for a very long time - if 66% of Hispanics voted Republican, Democrats would shut the border down FAST 
Republicans should spend more time building policies that Hispanics want to vote for. 

Republicans should spend more time building policies that Hispanics want to vote for. 

that's a debatable point sure

what if I told you the Republican's are pushing right now to get 20 million refugee's from another country to get into the USA and they're going to grant them amnesty and citizenship and they're going to settle them in swing states .... knowing that 75% of those refugee's will vote Republican

would you agree that's the right thing to do? we're a nation of immigrants, show some heart, they're not REALLY doing it for the votes etc etc

that's a debatable point sure

what if I told you the Republican's are pushing right now to get 20 million refugee's from another country to get into the USA and they're going to grant them amnesty and citizenship and they're going to settle them in swing states .... knowing that 75% of those refugee's will vote Republican

would you agree that's the right thing to do? we're a nation of immigrants, show some heart, they're not REALLY doing it for the votes etc etc
But it seems like this is the sort of argument that you should have no problem winning.  The Republican party is increasingly becoming the party of the non-college educated (white) working class.  Hispanic people are already either white or white-adjacent.  Why can't the GOP just run ads featuring hard-working Latino immigrants who are running restaurants or grocery stores or landscaping businesses or whatever, and you talk about how your party supports small business, families, traditional values, and so on?

In the meantime, white progressives can keep telling Latinx people that their culture is bad because they have gendered nouns.

Why don't you welcome that argument?

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I don't see it in that liberal opinion piece. It actually proves the point that you guys are seeing things that aren't really there. 

Take a look at the ads themselves, I edited to provide a link.

Saying that Dems are intentionally bringing in millions of immigrants across the southern border (ie Hispanic immigrants) in an effort to replace the racial and ethnic makeup for political gain, as Stefanik clearly did, is textbook Replacement Theory. There's no leap of logic here. You don't get a pass just because you studiously avoid characterizing the obvious racial and ethnic makeup of the people who are getting replaced and the obvious racial and ethnic makeup of the people doing the replacing.

I'm not gonna indulge in nonsense semantic hair-splitting when (1) it is abundantly clear what she is saying in those ads, and (2) mass murderers are killing people and justifying it by saying the same things. If you are willing to concede that her ads are saying what they very clearly are saying, let me know.

that's a new thing Democrats are using - this replace thing ....

the fact remains that Hispanics vote more Democrats, and Democrats support the millions coming here and if we get amnesty for 15 million illegals in the USA and 10 million of them are Democrat voters ... you've just made major major impacts on elections

and you know I'm right

If you can't fathom a reason why Americans would support immigration other than craven political gain, I feel sorry for you.

that's a debatable point sure

what if I told you the Republican's are pushing right now to get 20 million refugee's from another country to get into the USA and they're going to grant them amnesty and citizenship and they're going to settle them in swing states .... knowing that 75% of those refugee's will vote Republican

would you agree that's the right thing to do? we're a nation of immigrants, show some heart, they're not REALLY doing it for the votes etc etc

I don't know that we have the infrastructure to handle the sudden arrival of 20 million people, but if we did I would absolutely support that, regardless of their political affiliation. Providing asylum for persecuted people is one of the great things America does and I wish we did it a lot more.

My support for kindness, basic human decency and American's founding ideals will trump my support for a political party any day of the week. It is incredibly depressing to hear that so many of my fellow Americans disagree with me on this point. Hell, if the GOP used its power to initiate a mass refugee asylum program I might even think about voting for some of them in the future.

Take a look at the ads themselves, I edited to provide a link.

Saying that Dems are intentionally bringing in millions of immigrants across the southern border (ie Hispanic immigrants) in an effort to replace the racial and ethnic makeup for political gain, as Stefanik clearly did, is textbook Replacement Theory. There's no leap of logic here. You don't get a pass just because you studiously avoid characterizing the obvious racial and ethnic makeup of the people who are getting replaced and the obvious racial and ethnic makeup of the people doing the replacing.

I'm not gonna indulge in nonsense semantic hair-splitting when (1) it is abundantly clear what she is saying in those ads, and (2) mass murderers are killing people and justifying it by saying the same things. If you are willing to concede that her ads are saying what they very clearly are saying, let me know.
You provided the poor link and poor assessment of the situation.  Then doubled down with a hack politifact article that does the exact same thing. Its a weak link at best and non-existent to reasonable observers. You're putting motives to words that others just do not see. 

This lefty Buffalo shooter was not inspired by Stefanik ads. 

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just where does she expound on replacement theory?  or are you equating her stance on illegal immigration as being political motivated to get votes as replacement theory?

Yes, that is correct. I am equating replacement theory with replacement theory.

What is replacement theory?

“The great replacement” is a conspiracy theory that asserts elites—politicians, business executives, media—are using immigration and other policies as a tool to reduce the white population. 


Take a look at the ads themselves, I edited to provide a link.

Saying that Dems are intentionally bringing in millions of immigrants across the southern border (ie Hispanic immigrants) in an effort to replace the racial and ethnic makeup for political gain, as Stefanik clearly did, is textbook Replacement Theory. There's no leap of logic here. You don't get a pass just because you studiously avoid characterizing the obvious racial and ethnic makeup of the people who are getting replaced and the obvious racial and ethnic makeup of the people doing the replacing.

I'm not gonna indulge in nonsense semantic hair-splitting when (1) it is abundantly clear what she is saying in those ads, and (2) mass murderers are killing people and justifying it by saying the same things. If you are willing to concede that her ads are saying what they very clearly are saying, let me know.
you write of her "in an effort to replace the racial & ethnic makeup".  so where does she say that?  

You provided the poor link and poor assessment of the situation.  Then doubled down with a hack politifact article that does the exact same thing. Its a weak link at best and non-existent to reasonable observers. You're putting motives to words that others just do not see. 

This lefty Buffalo shooter was not inspired by Stefanik ads. 

I provided an editorial in Stefanik's local paper, and then a link that included the primary source that you dismissed as a "hack politifact article" for some reason (guessing you didn't scroll down to the bottom).

I am truly sorry you don't see the link between the rhetoric and the violence in the name of that rhetoric. I assure you, it's plain as day to most historians, political scientists, and the minorities actually being targeted by these hateful people.

But it seems like this is the sort of argument that you should have no problem winning.  The Republican party is increasingly becoming the party of the non-college educated (white) working class.  Hispanic people are already either white or white-adjacent.  Why can't the GOP just run ads featuring hard-working Latino immigrants who are running restaurants or grocery stores or landscaping businesses or whatever, and you talk about how your party supports small business, families, traditional values, and so on?

In the meantime, white progressives can keep telling Latinx people that their culture is bad because they have gendered nouns.

Why don't you welcome that argument?

gendered nouns for Latinx people what ?? non-educated whites what??  

I wouldn't have any problem with GOP launching hardworking Latino ad's - but I wouldn't change core conservative beliefs in an effort to just get votes

gendered nouns for Latinx people what ?? non-educated whites what??  

I wouldn't have any problem with GOP launching hardworking Latino ad's - but I wouldn't change core conservative beliefs in an effort to just get votes
That's the thing -- you don't have to change your values.  Conservative values ought to resonate pretty well with the type of person who leaves their country to build a better life here.  They're already voluntarily signed on for the American project.  They're natural allies.


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