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Man of Constant Sorrow has passed away (1 Viewer)

Adam Harstad

Hey y’all. I wish to hell I wasn’t writing this right now. But Tom, better known around here as @Man of Constant Sorrow, died of natural causes on Monday morning. I know many of you knew him and some of you have met him. I’ve seen people I know disappear before and always wondered what happened to them, and I didn’t want you to wonder. He always spoke fondly of the FFA. I know this was a place that was here for him when he needed it.

I’ve known Tom for nearly 20 years now. I met him on a long-defunct forum for a video game (Baldur’s Gate 2). He invited me to join a fantasy football league with him, told me he thought it would be something I liked. He even offered to pay my entry fee for me. I was skeptical— I didn’t even follow football at the time, I couldn’t name more than eight teams, and I was confused as all hell about the difference between the NFL, the NFC, and the AFC.

But Tom was right, and he was generous and patient with me and he was kind to me even though I was a self-absorbed ###. (Those who were in the Shark Pool back then can happily verify.)

I’ve never played a season of fantasy football without Tom. I’m not looking forward to a first. 

I’ve spoken to his family and they would appreciate prayers from anyone inclined to give them.

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ohhh man.  super nice guy ...I knew he had some health issues, but had no idea they were something that could take his life so soon.  
No one did. Totally unexpected. He was complaining about not feeling well when he went to bed Sunday night and again when he got up on Monday, but no indications it was anything serious. Two weeks ago he was taking me down in a championship game and already talking trash about the pending repeat. A week ago we were making plans for the off-season.

If there are any people in your life who you’re grateful for, it’s a good reminder to make sure they know. Tom knew, and I’m grateful for that at least.

Aww, man...RIP

He seemed like just a nice open and friendly guy, curious about life and interested in all it encompassed. 

Rest in peace, Tom.

this is sad he was nice to all here fun to read and follow along with and i will miss him my condolences to his family and friends and i wish you all peace  

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RIP. I noticed that he had popped up last week after a fairly long absence.....was nice to see him posting. Always brought a friendly vibe to this place. He'll be missed.

Damn. RIP.  My deepest condolences to all of his friends and family.  I know we're not really supposed to question life but sometimes it's hard when it feels so unfair.  

Very sorry to hear @Adam Harstad, I saw your twitter thread today and was touched. Now knowing it was MOCS, who was a great contributor to the music threads here (and I'm sure much more) and someone that I can't imagine anyone would have anything but positive interactions with, it cuts deeper. 

Oh my God. I'm so sorry, Adam. I suppose you might, for whatever reason, know Tom was a friend in real life to me from these boards.

I'm sort of shocked but knew he was diabetic and struggled with his health. We had, on the board, urged him to go the doctor to get his frequent urination checked out.

I'm now crestfallen. I was going to give him a call and tell him I was thinking of him. In fact, every time he would come on the board I would tell him he was in my thoughts (his father had just passed and his mother suffered from a debilitating disorder, he had said). I just told him this the other day. That said, I wanted to text him or call him over the holidays, but for some reason didn't. I will always regret that. We could have had one last conversation. Maybe he would have told me something. I'm never going to know.

I was considered for membership in one of the dynasty leagues he was in, but there were other concerns that took precedence and it didn't work. I looked forward to playing against him one day in an FFA league when everything settled down a bit. He popped into Summerpalooza and asked who was leading the league in guys they dropped and picked up again. He laughed when he found out that was indeed me.

My shoulders are now sort of slumping as I type.

He and otb_lifer and I forged a friendship from discussions and participation in the Rock Action 5 Cents Discount Advice Thread and the Dapper Dan thread.

I'm going on too much about me. We will miss him so much. He had a rigorous gentility yet never supplicated himself -- he only emancipated one's self from their worst fears at times.

He had had his battles in life but was such a good dude. He would abide, as it were (I know he'd love that). And he always had a kind word, an inquisitive nature, and if he was critical, it was constructive criticism, though I don't think I ever heard any. A metaphorically raised eyebrow was enough. People like that are very hard to come by in life.

With love to his family and friends, should they read this, and to you, Tom (RIP)


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Damn, I am so sorry for your loss.  Nothing but positive interactions with him here and seemed lie a genuine guy.  He will be missed.  RIP.  

I'm sorry for your loss, Adam. It's a loss for this board as well. I enjoyed all of my interactions with MoCs. RIP Tom

Gutted to hear this.  Just ####### gutted.

Great, great conversations with him about so many different things the last handful of years on here.  Was actually just wondering how he's been a day or so ago. 

"Give 'em hell, Polecat!" wherever you are.

Aw, ####. I'm so sorry to hear this. My condolences to his loved ones.

MoCS was a true character on this forum. My limited interactions with him were always interesting and fun. He'd pop into the Ravens thread at times last year since he was a huge Lamar Jackson fan. 

He seemed a kind and gentle soul. We need more Toms in our world.

RIP, dear sir.

####. :(

I always genuinely enjoyed and respected his wit, smarts, humor, humility/self-deprecation, sincerity, knowledge about various arts, and overall lovable goofiness. We ran in different threads mostly, and it seems strange, but I always felt joy and a sense of pride when he'd respond to something I'd said.

One of the few posters who could disagree with you in the nicest, most positive and respectful, and always funniest ways. I knew this was a genuinely good man...heartbroken that he's left the world so soon.

Sincere condolences to his friends and family. :(

Very sorry to hear this. Sorry for your loss @Adam Harstad. He always struck me as a smart guy who lived life to the fullest.  I loved those pics he posted of him dancing and partying it up with all kinds of different folks at I think a derby afterparty or somesuch?

He had a cool website with all his photography that he had been working on and I had helped him a bit with over the last couple years. I’m not sure if ever “launched” it. It was just his pet project but I believe I have the link in my PMs and might as well share it. I’m sure he would have liked to share it with the community here as that was always his intention.

Those of us in the horse racing threads remember him well. He even posted a Derby Week photo of him and his friends dressed up in their Derby finest. Rare for me to actually see one of you fine folks. He will be missed.

Man that sucks. One of those people that definitely made the world a better place and was a uniter rather than a divider. Crazy that just last Friday he posted saying he hoped to be able to post here more. RIP MoCS.

Man that sucks. One of those people that definitely made the world a better place and was a uniter rather than a divider. Crazy that just last Friday he posted saying he hoped to be able to post here more. RIP MoCS.
And said things were going better for him. I feel for his mom too, she lost her husband and son now in the last year or so. Hopefully they have Mad Men in heaven because the jerk kept promising me he would watch it and I don’t think he ever got past S1 because he was too stoned lol (and busy living life, helping his family out). 

So sad to hear.  As others have said, he was such a kind soul here with a positive energy.  He reached out to me about a project he wanted to do with folks here to showcase some arts (wanted to post stuff with some music I had shared once).  I thought it was so inspiring that he'd even want to do something like that.  Always seemed to think of others.

I hope this isn't taken as the "wrong place" for this, but as a tribute to him and his memory, I think we should all strive to be a bit more like MoCS in our positivity here to others.  If something were to happen to any of us, would others come here and post about how kind and positive we always seemed to be, even in disagreement?

We could all be more like MoCS.  I'd like to think he'd be pleased leaving that kind of legacy here and would be proud of how he's been looked back on by so many here.

You can bury me in some deep valley
For many years where I may lay
Then you may learn to love another
While I am sleeping in my grave


Maybe your friends think I'm just a stranger
My face, you'll never see no more
But there is one promise that is given
I'll meet you on God's golden shore


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