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Man of Constant Sorrow has passed away (2 Viewers)

Aw Man. I didn't know you and he were friends @Adam Harstad but knowing you like I do, and knowing him from the forums, I can see how you would be friends. That's a compliment to you both. 

Thanks for letting me know and I'll definitely pray for peace and comfort in all this. 

He was always someone I was happy to see here. He'll be missed. 

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Man, one of the nicest, maybe the nicest, posters on this board.
I don't know what to say.  I've felt gutted, distraught, for the last few hours.  But the above sums it up pretty well.

Tom might be the person I've communicated with the most on here, without ever talking to him or meeting him IRL.  We grew up at the same time in the same place and had so many of the same memories.  And of course our shared musical interests brought us together, too.  He still owes me his write-up of "Across the Universe," a Beatles song perhaps no one loved more than Tom and I did.  But more than anything, we became close because he was just the kindest and most caring person you could imagine.

We lost touch a little for a year as he wasn't around here much, having lost his Dad last May and then become the full-time caretaker to his Mom.  He told me he wasn't suited for that job, which I found hard to believe given how nurturing and giving he was.  His last message to me was one week ago, when he said he knew it was going to get better and that while he had more limited time for FBG, he'd be checking in on me and his other "deserving friends."  Then made, in typical fashion, a joke about how we might think being "deserving" of his attention was more of a curse than a compliment.  :)  

I wrote back to him Saturday and told him, among other things, how much I admired him.  I checked today to see if he had read that message and am happy to see that he had.  It's a fitting way for our friendship to end, with my telling him how admired he was, because "admirable" is a word that's fitting in so many ways, from his love for life to his genuine caring for all who were lucky enough to inhabit his world.

Looks like some videos have been posted, and if anyone wants more, he posted many, many videos in my original Beatles thread.  I think they might be on YouTube, too, but I haven't the heart to search for and watch them right now.

Ilov80s said:
You can bury me in some deep valley
For many years where I may lay
Then you may learn to love another
While I am sleeping in my grave


Maybe your friends think I'm just a stranger
My face, you'll never see no more
But there is one promise that is given
I'll meet you on God's golden shore
I've listened to this a few times today.  :(   RIP GB.

brun said:
Didn't know or interact with him but always appreciated his posts. RIP
This for me as well. Sounds like I really missed out on knowing a great person. Prayers for his family. 😞

I don't know why, but this thread has me thinking about a thread from many years ago. I can't recall all the specifics but it had something to to with one of our FBG members (I think it was RN- Raider Nation for the newer family in here) starting a thread on how he was appalled by an old guy farting really loud in a public restroom.

@Joe Bryantreplied with something like, well I bet you he is on his old man board posting about RN being offended.

It makes me realize I have spent well over half my life on this board and I am indeed becoming 1 of those old men, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I've never found an board community where people come together like this. From just recently for me anyway, the stock thread, to BB's Chance for hope, to people rooting for a start up business. The list is goes on and on.

Something special was built here and although I'm not a huge poster or in the cool crowd, I feel honored to be a part of this. 


This for me as well. Sounds like I really missed out on knowing a great person. Prayers for his family. 😞

I don't know why, but this thread has me thinking about a thread from many years ago. I can't recall all the specifics but it had something to to with one of our FBG members (I think it was RN- Raider Nation for the newer family in here) starting a thread on how he was appalled by an old guy farting really loud in a public restroom.

@Joe Bryantreplied with something like, well I bet you he is on his old man board posting about RN being offended.

It makes me realize I have spent well over half my life on this board and I am indeed becoming 1 of those old men, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I've never found an board community where people come together like this. From just recently for me anyway, the stock thread, to BB's Chance for hope, to people rooting for a start up business. The list is goes on and on.

Something special was built here and although I'm not a huge poster or in the cool crowd, I feel honored to be a part of this. 

Ha. We're in this together. Some of us are kind of getting old together. I was in my mid 30s when I started FBGs. I'm in my mid 50's now. Lots of people have been with us that whole time on a similar time window in their lives. It's a good thing. 

This is a mule kick to the gut. MoCS tops my list of people on this board worthy of emulation like he was Secretariat. I'm blessed that I had a several interactions with him on the board and a few PMs too.


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Oh, man, that sucks. What a good dude. I was always impressed with how he tried to understand your point, and then convey that understanding in such a way to make people feel “heard.” I’ll never forget his unique sense of humor, or how he could change his written tone like a chameleon. RIP, MoCS, you will be sorely missed around here. 

Terrible news.  I liked MoCS and will miss him.  I wish I knew him better, especially outside of these boards.

I am a bit late to this wake.  So sorry to hear of this.  We often mourn and lament the passing of various famous figures who have graced our lives.  When a fellow FBG'er goes down, it hits especially hard and makes us painfully aware of our own mortality.  MoCS seemed to be a damn good guy.  I didn't know him beyond his posts here, as is the case for me with most of the posters on these boards, but losing him feels a bit like losing family.  Thank you @Adam Harstad for sharing this news and not leaving us all to wonder.  My condolences.  RIP MoCS. 😢

RIP, MoCS.  Never had any direct interactions, but I can echo many thoughts above that he was an entertaining, and almost universally upbeat, poster here.

We'd all do well to follow his example.

This is a mule kick to the gut. MoCS tops my list of people on this board worthy of emulation like he was Secretariat. I'm blessed that I had a several interactions with him on the board and a few PMs too.

I just saw this thread.  This expresses how I feel.  I'm really going to miss his music posts.  

I'm so glad he went easy.

Hey all, Tom’s sister wanted to let you know that she appreciated everyone’s replies in this thread, and if anyone had any other stories of her brother they wanted to share, she’d love to hear them. Feel free to PM me and I’ll pass them along.

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Hey all, Tom’s sister wanted to let you know that she appreciated everyone’s replies in this thread, and if anyone had any other stories of her brother they wanted to share, she’d love if you could email them to xxxxxxx.
I'm going to recommend you have us send them to you and delete the email in your post...floating her email here, even amongst ifriends of her brother, could lead to yuck.

I'm going to recommend you have us send them to you and delete the email in your post...floating her email here, even amongst ifriends of her brother, could lead to yuck.
I was going to suggest a new email address just for this and to not expose what I assume is her main email.

Missed this while I was on my own forced vacation...really sad to read this as he was a poster I really enjoyed reading.  Always well thought out and thoughtful towards others...a guy we should all try to emulate in that way.


El Floppo said:
I'm going to recommend you have us send them to you and delete the email in your post...floating her email here, even amongst ifriends of her brother, could lead to yuck.
She asked me to post it. I was going to leave it up for 24 hours and then memory-hole it, but this is a much better solution. Anyone interested, PM me and I’ll pass it along.

Sorry to hear this.  Seemed like he was a well-respected member of this community.  I didn't really have many interactions with him but yeah, definitely sounds like he will be missed both in these forums as well "IRL".  May his friends and family find peace with his passing.  RIP Sir.

he was a dear friend. 

Tom had an incredible way about him inasmuch that he had the ability to take the most mundane/random topics and make them the single most fascinating correspondence - he made you feel like you were the most important person in the room - a selfless trait that was exhibited in his real life day to day, taking care of those he loved, giving of himself 'til it hurt.  

there was one constant through our countless PMs and convos - and that was his propensity to share everything of himself ... i recall him first bouncing his photography about, and asking me to highlight those which caught my eye ... asking if i thought his filter and effects were a bit too much - and i was quite humbled to be queried as such, seeing as how i could so easily see he had a very special gift for expressing his beautiful interpretation of his world through that medium ... i was all like "my man, this is all so wonderful, i'm blown away" 

we kicked around our doughboy slang in any number of threads we invaded up on here ... he would send me updates on the jive dictionary every so often, and we'd convene in said threads spouting our hep gibberish - he got such a kick outta that, i loved it, his delight was indicative of that snazzy part of him that loved some good mischief and ball breaking - i recall a few threads where folks asked if we were at odds because of how we would ride each other ... all done with a wink and a nod. 

Tom jumped into a few of the music threads Rock & i would mess about in, mostly with classic Punk being the centerpiece ... he would PM me asking which songs/bands to check out ... he developed a real fondness for the Stranglers, and took to calling me "peach" as a way of homage.  but it was his eagerness to learn more that was so cool ... he was legit open to constantly growing and expanding his horizons - that's a trait i admire very much. 

he was a stones toss from the starting gate at Churchill Downs, so he naturally gravitated to my horse threads ... Tom made it clear he wasn't a gambler by any stretch, he was in love with the color and pageantry and spectacle of the sport ... the track affords the most gorgeous canvas to work with, and the foto essays of his escapades on Derby Day are the stuff of pure exhilaration and love ... his flair was nothing short of breathtaking.

i had a journey to Keeneland on my 2020 agenda, and Tom was most accomodating with assisting me in planning and offering suggestions and itineraries ... along with his lodging, if need be - a true mensch in every sense.   then the lockdowns and closures hit.  has become one of my greatest regrets in light of this news. 

i shared quite a bit of myself with him ... pics of my family, mostly me and my daughter - and Tom had a great ear when it came time to venting about the episodes that i didn't feel comfortable enough to share with family ... he dispensed some sagacious nuggets, and always found a way to encourage me to see the other side of whatever coin i was tossing - i'm not prone to welcoming contrarian opinions on such matters, but he found a way to back me off that bullchit, and that was a most needed jolt for me. 

he spoke of his health issues a bit, but never wanted to dwell, no matter how much i pressed. he was always more concerned with how my daughter was doing in school, or how his parents were holding up. i knew he had some worrying problems, but he always faced them in the most positive way possible.  

i loved those pics he would post of him at the home with his mom and pop ... playing DJ or getting bingo ready ... he just made the best of his lot, and never took any approach other than living it to appreciate it.

in trying to describe him here i've realized that he was indescribable in many ways ... one of those "you had to be there!" kinda phenomenons, and ain't that the truth. 

he did it his way - with plenty of love and panache to spare ... i barely scratched the surface, i'm sure.  this was a very unique and special human, and i'll miss all of it so damn much. 

there are two PMs from him i've yet to open ... wish i could respond in kind - i'd like to think he's out there spying all of this and admonishing me for being such a "scallywag" 

R.I.P., Tom ✌ 

i'd like to think he's out there spying all of this and admonishing me for being such a "scallywag" 

R.I.P., Tom ✌ 
i'm sure one of the first things he did when he got up to the cloud was look 'round for you, mate. tho we are by now used to your evaporations, being off without word during a pandemic had us fearing the worst....glad you're OKish, scallywag

My condolences to the family of Tom, MoCS, and a note of  :heart:  and appreciation to the members of FBGs who post here.

Tom, whose real name I never knew, posted kindly to me several times, in DM's, in @'s, and in replies. He was a kindly, good, smart, old soul, with a wide and deep perspective. It is a wonderful thing to be able to be reached out to by and know such a person through this strange technology. I sensed a goodness and decency from and through him, and I feel I profited from it personally. He did this of his own accord and I am thankful. 

I think at our best we can do this here and I treasure and appreciate the few interactions I had with this man, who was clearly loved in real life and here. 

In Tom's memory I will always be open to anyone who wishes to talk and discuss common ideas of peace, kindness and humanity, to help through tough times and to share in good moments. Just in my short exchanges with him, it's just my sense that that is something he would want to carry forward one man's time here on Earth, even in this small way measured in bytes.

God Bless You, Tom, with kind remembrance, always: SID

I posted it in a music thread last night. MoCS boogying down  💃

You can bury me in some deep valley
For many years where I may lay
Then you may learn to love another
While I am sleeping in my grave


Maybe your friends think I'm just a stranger
My face, you'll never see no more
But there is one promise that is given
I'll meet you on God's golden shore
Well I'm just now finding out about all this and it hurts to think about.  Sorry Adam.  

Tom was another Louisville guy and we mentioned the idea of getting some food out this way.  He'd reached out to wish me a Merry Christmas and we'd sort of commiserated about how lame the psf is and our lives and goin out shootin & stuff.  I'm sad that he got the last message in. 

I'd seen photos of him with Sinn Fein at the mayor pete thing.  And after seeing him alive like this for the first time I gotta say the words on the screen really don't do justice to the sort of character he had.  I'm glad he was the type to be so forthcoming about his life.. I appreciate you all sharing with us.  

I was with my gf at the time and the whole idea seemed pretty alien at that point, so I never did get to meet him.  Now I'm on my own again and I'd love nothing more than to have a drink with someone like that.  Just as genuine and kind as it got.  Rest in peace man  :heart:

@Adam Harstad if you or anyone might happen to know where he's buried I'd love to pay him a visit.  I'd like to spend some time with him on a cloudy day and play his little song.  Better late than never right MoCS. 


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