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Marshall (1 Viewer)


I'm still amazed by this... the guy is leading the league in receptions despite playing in half the number of games of the rest of the league. Also amazed by his 90% catch rate - 18 catches in 20 targets.

SSOG, still think his targets will decrease?

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Marshall is sick, sick, sick. Bumming that I don't have him in any leagues.

A nice side effect seems to be that the Broncos' passing game looks like it can support two starting FF WRs. Harkening back to the days of Rod Smith & Easy Ed.


Who was mostly guarding Marshall yesterday? Jammer? Cromartie? Or was SD mixing it up a lot?

Marshall is sick, sick, sick. Bumming that I don't have him in any leagues.A nice side effect seems to be that the Broncos' passing game looks like it can support two starting FF WRs. Harkening back to the days of Rod Smith & Easy Ed....Who was mostly guarding Marshall yesterday? Jammer? Cromartie? Or was SD mixing it up a lot?
Pretty sure it was Cromartie most of the time.
And it's not like he did it with the Lions secondary covering. He abused Cromartie for much of the game. Wow.


He won't catch 18 passes a game when he gets arrested again.

It's like everybody seems to have already forgotten about that.

Although, I am a big Marshall fan, and I hope he stays out of trouble, because, honestly, he COULD turn out to be one of the greatest WR to play the game and I wish him a long and fruitful career.

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Good sample size here.
I know.
"playing in half of the games...". You know that in this case, half = one game difference, right?
While I agree that small sample size can be an argument against a lot of stuff I think this is a pretty clear cut indicator of things to come with regards to Marshall. I honestly don't see how he doesn't end up the most Targeted receiver in the NFL and while there's no chance he maintains a 90% reception rate... he's a very real candidate for at least being in contention for most receptions. Given his enormous playmaking ability after the catch he's all but a lock for a top 5-6 WR this year and could be the odds on favorite for #1.
He won't catch 18 passes a game when he gets arrested again.

It's like everybody seems to have already forgotten about that.

Although, I am a big Marshall fan, and I hope he stays out of trouble, because, honestly, he COULD turn out to be one of the greatest WR to play the game and I wish him a long and fruitful career.
Could happen of course, but given that I was able to snag him at 06.07 in my 1 PPR HTH redraft league, I'd take that risk all day long, and twice on Sundays.
And it's not like he did it with the Lions secondary covering. He abused Cromartie for much of the game. Wow.J
He was abusing everybody trying to cover him in camp and in the preseason. When I hear the argument that preseason means nothing, then I realize those owners have no clue what to look for in the preseason. The same was true for Calvin Johnson - he showed he was going to be a beast.
I'm still amazed by this... the guy is leading the league in receptions despite playing in half the number of games of the rest of the league. Also amazed by his 90% catch rate - 18 catches in 20 targets.

SSOG, still think his targets will decrease?
It will be fun to see how SSOG rationalizes Marshall's big game.
What do I need to rationalize? Marshall is a great receiver. He had a great game. Great receivers have great games. I've never said Marshall was a bad receiver, just that he wasn't one of the NFL's best receivers yet. On my ranking of NFL receivers last year, he started outside the top 20, and he moved up through the year (because rankings are fluid), finishing around 15th or 16th. Right now, I don't think he's one of the top 10 receivers in the NFL (Moss, Owens, Holt, Fitzgerald, Boldin, Steve Smith, Reggie Wayne, Andre Johnson, Marques Colston, and Calvin Johnson, to quickly name 10 receivers I think are better right now). That doesn't mean that I'm surprised when he posts one of the best couple of receiving games of the day.I really don't get why this is such a big deal. I don't think Marshall is a top-10 receiver. I list 10 names I think are better. Are any of those names really that controversial? For those who are constantly criticizing me for my position... where would YOU rank Marshall among NFL WRs if you had to play a game tomorrow (assuming those WRs were healthy, so don't hold Colston's injury against him)?

I'm still amazed by this... the guy is leading the league in receptions despite playing in half the number of games of the rest of the league. Also amazed by his 90% catch rate - 18 catches in 20 targets.

SSOG, still think his targets will decrease?
It will be fun to see how SSOG rationalizes Marshall's big game.
What do I need to rationalize? Marshall is a great receiver. He had a great game. Great receivers have great games. I've never said Marshall was a bad receiver, just that he wasn't one of the NFL's best receivers yet. On my ranking of NFL receivers last year, he started outside the top 20, and he moved up through the year (because rankings are fluid), finishing around 15th or 16th. Right now, I don't think he's one of the top 10 receivers in the NFL (Moss, Owens, Holt, Fitzgerald, Boldin, Steve Smith, Reggie Wayne, Andre Johnson, Marques Colston, and Calvin Johnson, to quickly name 10 receivers I think are better right now). That doesn't mean that I'm surprised when he posts one of the best couple of receiving games of the day.I really don't get why this is such a big deal. I don't think Marshall is a top-10 receiver. I list 10 names I think are better. Are any of those names really that controversial? For those who are constantly criticizing me for my position... where would YOU rank Marshall among NFL WRs if you had to play a game tomorrow (assuming those WRs were healthy, so don't hold Colston's injury against him)?
So you'd rather have Holt on your NFL team than Marshall? You should call Matt Millen and see if they're hiring ...
I'm still amazed by this... the guy is leading the league in receptions despite playing in half the number of games of the rest of the league. Also amazed by his 90% catch rate - 18 catches in 20 targets.SSOG, still think his targets will decrease?
I honestly don't see how you can still justify this position.I won't question your other points of debate, you have a right to your opinion and your way of seeing things, and you almost always make very sound arguments.But this, I just don't get.
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SSOG, I don't want to bust your chops because I think you are one of the better posters on here but I wonder if you don't have so much invested in this that it is hard to be objective?

Last season it was like 30 players who were better, many who were not even close in most people's minds. This season it is ten. It's a good ten, no doubt, but let me take a look at this:

"(Moss, Owens, Holt, Fitzgerald, Boldin, Steve Smith, Reggie Wayne, Andre Johnson, Marques Colston, and Calvin Johnson, to quickly name 10 receivers I think are better right now)."

First, I think rankings for this will be different depending upon PPR or dynasty. In PPR I think Marshall is far and away better than most of these guys. In dynasty, he clearly has more future upside than most of them.

Moss: in dynasty there is no way I trade Marshall for Moss. In redraft, now with Brady gone? I wouldn't trade Marshall for Moss either.

Owens: Dynasty? See Moss comment. No way I trade a guy who has a chance of doing as well this year and will continue to be good for another ten for a guy who is approaching his last couple of years. Redraft: I would take Owens, mostly for consistency. Owens has consistently been a top 10 WR and Marshall has only done it once.

Fitz: No. His QB is weaker and he has more competition for looks and I just don't see him being as consistent as marshall. Fitz is great but he isn't as good as Marshall.

Boldin: Another great PPR guy but he has had alot of injuries slow him down the past several years and he sometimes disappear. I would take Marshall by a lot in dynasty and by a little in redraft.

Wayne: definitely I would take Wayne in redraft, assuming Manning is going to get over his injury. If that thing lingers, then no. Dynasty? Toss up. The main advantage Wayne has IMO is a better QB, but Cutler is rapidly closing that gap.

AJ: I think AJ may be the most physically talented WR of the generation after Moss/TO, but he also gets injured alot and his team just doesn't seem to support him as much.

Colston: I think Colston is very similar to Marshall but the last two years he has had injury problems now. That has to give you pause.

Steve Smith: he had one huge year but other than that he has been a good but not great FF producer. He is smallish and hurt alot. I'd rather have a physically tough guy like Marshall.

CJ??? This one really is going too far. If you are questioning Marshall because he hasn't fully developed yet or because he hasn't show enough then how can you put CJ int his group? What has he done to merit it beyond being the most highly overhyped WR in history and one great game? He has had one great game; that's it.

Holt? He looks done. Lots of people are hoping to unload himt his week. I don't think that's quite true but STL is not the same offense it used to be and clearly Holt's injuries are starting to take a toll on him.

I don't get into the whole 'Best in the Game thing' anyway but tend to put people into tiers and IMO in redraft my top tier right now would include:

marshall, Owens, Wayne, Moss, Steve Smith

Dynasty: Marshall, Wayne, Colston

He is a top Three WR.


I sometimes wonder why other teams don't jam it down a certain receiver's throat. There are better QBs than Cutler that have better WRs than Marshall, yet it just doesn't happen. Why?

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tombonneau said:
So you'd rather have Holt on your NFL team than Marshall? You should call Matt Millen and see if they're hiring ...
No, I'd rather have Marshall on my NFL team than Holt, because Marshall is 8 years younger. If, however, my team was playing in the Superbowl tomorrow, and all of my WRs died in a car wreck, and both Marshall and Holt were on the street... I'd pick up Holt over Marshall (assuming full health on both parts). I think Holt is a slightly better WR at this stage of their respective careers. It won't last for much longer, because Holt will keep aging and Marshall will keep developing, but as of right now? Yeah, I'd go with Holt.
thatguy said:
SSOG said:
I'm still amazed by this... the guy is leading the league in receptions despite playing in half the number of games of the rest of the league. Also amazed by his 90% catch rate - 18 catches in 20 targets.

SSOG, still think his targets will decrease?
I honestly don't see how you can still justify this position.I won't question your other points of debate, you have a right to your opinion and your way of seeing things, and you almost always make very sound arguments.

But this, I just don't get.
It's simple, really. I hardly believe that this last game is representative of Denver's offense going forward. Jay Cutler attempted 50 passes. He played maybe a third of the game out of the Shotgun. There was very little of Denver's bread and butter- the rollouts, the bootlegs, the play action. If I don't think this game was representative of Denver's offense, then I'm going to naturally assume that any conclusions drawn from this game may or may not be representative of Denver's offense going forward. I read a study at Football Outsiders on preseason projections that clashed with Week 1 results (i.e. a team expected to be a doormat that threw out a dominant performance, or vice versa), and the conclusion of the study was that, in terms of predictive power going forward, the best combination was around 90% of the preseason projection and about 10% of the single week results. One week is just far more likely to be an aberration than a sign of things to come. I try to apply this to my projections to avoid knee jerk reactions.Prior to the season, I was projecting 9.4 targets per game for Marshall, for 141 total. His 20 targets are already in the book, but I'm not going to jump off my 9.4 per game projection quite this quickly. 14 games @ 9.4 plus the 20 that he got yesterday takes us to 152 targets. That's my new projection for Marshall this season.

az_prof said:
SSOG, I don't want to bust your chops because I think you are one of the better posters on here but I wonder if you don't have so much invested in this that it is hard to be objective?

Last season it was like 30 players who were better, many who were not even close in most people's minds. This season it is ten. It's a good ten, no doubt, but let me take a look at this:

"(Moss, Owens, Holt, Fitzgerald, Boldin, Steve Smith, Reggie Wayne, Andre Johnson, Marques Colston, and Calvin Johnson, to quickly name 10 receivers I think are better right now)."

First, I think rankings for this will be different depending upon PPR or dynasty. In PPR I think Marshall is far and away better than most of these guys. In dynasty, he clearly has more future upside than most of them.
Okay, this explains a lot. I begin to understand now why everyone keeps jumping on me so quickly about my position.I say repeatedly in every thread about Brandon Marshall that I'm not talking about FANTASY wide receivers here, I'm talking about ACTUAL NFL RECEIVERS, WITH ACTUAL NFL PRODUCTION. I'm not saying that Marshall will not be one of the 10 highest scoring receivers in the NFL in terms of fantasy points (I think he's a near-mortal lock to finish in the fantasy top 10, fwiw). I'm saying that he is not one of the 10 best receivers in the NFL. I think there are at least 10 receivers who do a receiver's job better than Brandon Marshall.

If I were coaching an NFL team, and needed an NFL receiver to play one NFL game, and all of the NFL receivers were available, and I was rating them strictly on NFL ability, and I wanted to pick up an NFL receiver to start this NFL game that I was playing in the NFL on NFL weekend, then I would select 10 receivers before Brandon Marshall.

If I were coaching a fantasy team, and I needed a fantasy receiver to play one fantasy game, and all of the fantasy receivers were available, and I was rating them strictly on fantasy ability, and I wanted to pick up a fantasy receiver to start this fantasy game that I was playin in fantasy football, then Brandon Marshall would be in my top 5, no questions asked.

If you still want to disagree with the point I'm making, though, then please do. I just wanted to make sure we were both talking about the same thing, first.

Also, fwiw, I don't think it's that crazy to have him down a bit on the fantasy football lists, either. F&L, whose rankings I know you greatly respect, has Marshall as the #10 dynasty WR in the league, owing mostly to his high knucklehead factor (and, I suspect, his lowish projected TD totals for an elite WR).

az_prof said:
Fitz: No. His QB is weaker and he has more competition for looks and I just don't see him being as consistent as marshall. Fitz is great but he isn't as good as Marshall.
The "competition" argument is only valid for this year. Next year Boldin goes somewhere else and it's Fitz, Breaston, and Doucet, whereas Marshall shares with Royal and Scheffler for another 5-10 years. Also, Fitz is a better redzone threat at this point. Maybe Marshall will surprise me and catch 10 TDs. Certainly Denver will score more through the air.
SSOG said:
I'm still amazed by this... the guy is leading the league in receptions despite playing in half the number of games of the rest of the league. Also amazed by his 90% catch rate - 18 catches in 20 targets.SSOG, still think his targets will decrease?
OF COURSE, his targets will decrease. You think he's going to AVERAGE 20 targets a game? That's ONLY 300 for this season. I wish since I'm a Marshall dynasty owner, but give me a break. I don't know much about target stats, but I wonder what the single-season record is? Can't be more than 225 or so, can it? That's 14 a game.
SSOG said:
I'm still amazed by this... the guy is leading the league in receptions despite playing in half the number of games of the rest of the league. Also amazed by his 90% catch rate - 18 catches in 20 targets.SSOG, still think his targets will decrease?
OF COURSE, his targets will decrease. You think he's going to AVERAGE 20 targets a game? That's ONLY 300 for this season. I wish since I'm a Marshall dynasty owner, but give me a break. I don't know much about target stats, but I wonder what the single-season record is? Can't be more than 225 or so, can it? That's 14 a game.
The argument is that he will get fewer targets per game than he did last season, which I believe was somewhere between ten and eleven.
Marshall obviously wants to lead the league in receptions. Barring injury to him or Cutler, I can't think of another receiver who is as likely to lead his team in catches every single week. That emphasis is also good for Royal as a fantasy player and real NFL receiver. He doesn't have the pressure every play, so when his name is called (end of the last game) he's ready to step up. This could be a potent team if the running committee works.

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Okay, this explains a lot. I begin to understand now why everyone keeps jumping on me so quickly about my position.I say repeatedly in every thread about Brandon Marshall that I'm not talking about FANTASY wide receivers here, I'm talking about ACTUAL NFL RECEIVERS, WITH ACTUAL NFL PRODUCTION. I'm not saying that Marshall will not be one of the 10 highest scoring receivers in the NFL in terms of fantasy points (I think he's a near-mortal lock to finish in the fantasy top 10, fwiw). I'm saying that he is not one of the 10 best receivers in the NFL. I think there are at least 10 receivers who do a receiver's job better than Brandon Marshall. If I were coaching an NFL team, and needed an NFL receiver to play one NFL game, and all of the NFL receivers were available, and I was rating them strictly on NFL ability, and I wanted to pick up an NFL receiver to start this NFL game that I was playing in the NFL on NFL weekend, then I would select 10 receivers before Brandon Marshall.If I were coaching a fantasy team, and I needed a fantasy receiver to play one fantasy game, and all of the fantasy receivers were available, and I was rating them strictly on fantasy ability, and I wanted to pick up a fantasy receiver to start this fantasy game that I was playin in fantasy football, then Brandon Marshall would be in my top 5, no questions asked.If you still want to disagree with the point I'm making, though, then please do. I just wanted to make sure we were both talking about the same thing, first.Also, fwiw, I don't think it's that crazy to have him down a bit on the fantasy football lists, either. F&L, whose rankings I know you greatly respect, has Marshall as the #10 dynasty WR in the league, owing mostly to his high knucklehead factor (and, I suspect, his lowish projected TD totals for an elite WR).
;) I may not agree with all 10 that you have listed, but a case could be made for each of them.In my opinion, fantasy wise this year, I would take Wayne, TO, Fitz, Johnson, Calvin and Colston before Marshall.....assuming all are healthy.
We can argue all night long about how high he'll finish (and I think Top 5 is nearly a given) but the bottom line is this:

I got him--like many others--- round 5 pick 4 in redraft, which currently means INSANE VALUE!!!!!

I gave up Leinart and two 1st rounders in next years rookie draft to get him and was second guessing myself ever since. It was a 16 team league and the picks will likely be no better then 10 & 12, but still, TWO picks. Plus this was way back when I actually thought Leinart had a job.

Feeling so much better after last weeks game.


SSOG, thanks for the well thought out post. I think we agree for the most part. If we are talking football skills (apart from fantasy) then I agree with you. Marshall is still not fully polished--although think about--that means he can and I think WILL get even better! As a Denver fan I know you must be excited about that. He doesn't run routes as crisp as TO or Holt, yet. But what I really like about him and what makes me feel relatively (never having met these guys in person it is hard to be sure about these things) is his COMPETIVENESS! This guy wants to be the best. And he is CONFIDENT that he can be the best. You take a guy like AJ, who has as much if not more physical talent, but I think AJ lacks that fire. He has never shown it to me. It is what makes Moss, TO, and Ocho Cinco to a lesser extent the top guys that they have been. Steve Smith has IT too. I think these guys ALL have the knucklehead factor too because it comes with the psychological make-up. When you have that kind of confidence, bordering on arrogance, you think you can do anything and get away with anything.

So, yes, he has the knucklehead factor, no doubt. But that bothers me less than if he lacked the IT factor, and I am sure he has it. You just watch him and he wants the ball and he doesn't care who is covering him.

About Holt, I think his knee is pretty much bone on bone. He has great game skills but I am really in doubt about whether even this year he could match up with Marshall. I haven't seen him play yet in regular season though, but there is good reason to question that.

Top 10 for real NFL players, sure. You say top five and I would say top 3 in fantasy.

So you'd rather have Holt on your NFL team than Marshall? You should call Matt Millen and see if they're hiring ...
No, I'd rather have Marshall on my NFL team than Holt, because Marshall is 8 years younger. If, however, my team was playing in the Superbowl tomorrow, and all of my WRs died in a car wreck, and both Marshall and Holt were on the street... I'd pick up Holt over Marshall (assuming full health on both parts). I think Holt is a slightly better WR at this stage of their respective careers. It won't last for much longer, because Holt will keep aging and Marshall will keep developing, but as of right now? Yeah, I'd go with Holt.
I'm still amazed by this... the guy is leading the league in receptions despite playing in half the number of games of the rest of the league. Also amazed by his 90% catch rate - 18 catches in 20 targets.

SSOG, still think his targets will decrease?
I honestly don't see how you can still justify this position.I won't question your other points of debate, you have a right to your opinion and your way of seeing things, and you almost always make very sound arguments.

But this, I just don't get.
It's simple, really. I hardly believe that this last game is representative of Denver's offense going forward. Jay Cutler attempted 50 passes. He played maybe a third of the game out of the Shotgun. There was very little of Denver's bread and butter- the rollouts, the bootlegs, the play action. If I don't think this game was representative of Denver's offense, then I'm going to naturally assume that any conclusions drawn from this game may or may not be representative of Denver's offense going forward. I read a study at Football Outsiders on preseason projections that clashed with Week 1 results (i.e. a team expected to be a doormat that threw out a dominant performance, or vice versa), and the conclusion of the study was that, in terms of predictive power going forward, the best combination was around 90% of the preseason projection and about 10% of the single week results. One week is just far more likely to be an aberration than a sign of things to come. I try to apply this to my projections to avoid knee jerk reactions.Prior to the season, I was projecting 9.4 targets per game for Marshall, for 141 total. His 20 targets are already in the book, but I'm not going to jump off my 9.4 per game projection quite this quickly. 14 games @ 9.4 plus the 20 that he got yesterday takes us to 152 targets. That's my new projection for Marshall this season.

SSOG, I don't want to bust your chops because I think you are one of the better posters on here but I wonder if you don't have so much invested in this that it is hard to be objective?

Last season it was like 30 players who were better, many who were not even close in most people's minds. This season it is ten. It's a good ten, no doubt, but let me take a look at this:

"(Moss, Owens, Holt, Fitzgerald, Boldin, Steve Smith, Reggie Wayne, Andre Johnson, Marques Colston, and Calvin Johnson, to quickly name 10 receivers I think are better right now)."

First, I think rankings for this will be different depending upon PPR or dynasty. In PPR I think Marshall is far and away better than most of these guys. In dynasty, he clearly has more future upside than most of them.
Okay, this explains a lot. I begin to understand now why everyone keeps jumping on me so quickly about my position.I say repeatedly in every thread about Brandon Marshall that I'm not talking about FANTASY wide receivers here, I'm talking about ACTUAL NFL RECEIVERS, WITH ACTUAL NFL PRODUCTION. I'm not saying that Marshall will not be one of the 10 highest scoring receivers in the NFL in terms of fantasy points (I think he's a near-mortal lock to finish in the fantasy top 10, fwiw). I'm saying that he is not one of the 10 best receivers in the NFL. I think there are at least 10 receivers who do a receiver's job better than Brandon Marshall.

If I were coaching an NFL team, and needed an NFL receiver to play one NFL game, and all of the NFL receivers were available, and I was rating them strictly on NFL ability, and I wanted to pick up an NFL receiver to start this NFL game that I was playing in the NFL on NFL weekend, then I would select 10 receivers before Brandon Marshall.

If I were coaching a fantasy team, and I needed a fantasy receiver to play one fantasy game, and all of the fantasy receivers were available, and I was rating them strictly on fantasy ability, and I wanted to pick up a fantasy receiver to start this fantasy game that I was playin in fantasy football, then Brandon Marshall would be in my top 5, no questions asked.

If you still want to disagree with the point I'm making, though, then please do. I just wanted to make sure we were both talking about the same thing, first.

Also, fwiw, I don't think it's that crazy to have him down a bit on the fantasy football lists, either. F&L, whose rankings I know you greatly respect, has Marshall as the #10 dynasty WR in the league, owing mostly to his high knucklehead factor (and, I suspect, his lowish projected TD totals for an elite WR).
I'm still amazed by this... the guy is leading the league in receptions despite playing in half the number of games of the rest of the league. Also amazed by his 90% catch rate - 18 catches in 20 targets.

SSOG, still think his targets will decrease?
It will be fun to see how SSOG rationalizes Marshall's big game.
What do I need to rationalize? Marshall is a great receiver. He had a great game. Great receivers have great games. I've never said Marshall was a bad receiver, just that he wasn't one of the NFL's best receivers yet. On my ranking of NFL receivers last year, he started outside the top 20, and he moved up through the year (because rankings are fluid), finishing around 15th or 16th. Right now, I don't think he's one of the top 10 receivers in the NFL (Moss, Owens, Holt, Fitzgerald, Boldin, Steve Smith, Reggie Wayne, Andre Johnson, Marques Colston, and Calvin Johnson, to quickly name 10 receivers I think are better right now). That doesn't mean that I'm surprised when he posts one of the best couple of receiving games of the day.I really don't get why this is such a big deal. I don't think Marshall is a top-10 receiver. I list 10 names I think are better. Are any of those names really that controversial? For those who are constantly criticizing me for my position... where would YOU rank Marshall among NFL WRs if you had to play a game tomorrow (assuming those WRs were healthy, so don't hold Colston's injury against him)?
Just curious, what type of scoring format are u basing that ^^^^^upon. He was 8th in both my leagues last year. We give the following as pts:1 pt per 10yds

TD - 1-9yds = 4, add a pt for each 10 yds above that

starting @ 7 receptions they get a pt and every reception after that

I also have much respect for SSOG, but this has gotten downright silly. Marshall smoked SD... smoked 'em. You would think that after 15 catches, they would triple team the guy...

Marshall is the #1 dynasty WR, and top five in FF AND in terms of NFL value. To say otherwise is blowin smoke out the 'ol bungee hole. Not even debatable... unless one feels an uncontrollable urge to support an unsupportable opinion, as in this case. EIGHTEEN catches? Not a top 10 NFL WR? :lmao:

Just curious, what type of scoring format are u basing that ^^^^^upon. He was 8th in both my leagues last year. We give the following as pts:1 pt per 10ydsTD - 1-9yds = 4, add a pt for each 10 yds above thatstarting @ 7 receptions they get a pt and every reception after that
Holy geez, this is just getting silly now.I'm talking real NFL not fantasy football. I don't think Marshall is a top 10 receiver in the real NFL. In a world where fantasy football had never been invented, where we were talking solely about NFL football played by NFL players on an NFL field, Marshall would not be a top 10 receiver. NFL. NFLNFLNFLNFLNFL not fantasy. Not fantasy. NFL.If we're talking fantasy, then Marshall is top 5. If we're talking real NFL, not fantasy, but real NFL, Marshall is outside of the top 10.Fantasy = top 5.Not fantasy = not top 10.Also, in case I forgot to mention it, when I'm saying Marshall isn't one of the 10 best receivers in the league, I'm not talking about fantasy football, I'm talking about actual NFL-level talent.
I also have much respect for SSOG, but this has gotten downright silly. Marshall smoked SD... smoked 'em. You would think that after 15 catches, they would triple team the guy...Marshall is the #1 dynasty WR, and top five in FF AND in terms of NFL value. To say otherwise is blowin smoke out the 'ol bungee hole. Not even debatable... unless one feels an uncontrollable urge to support an unsupportable opinion, as in this case. EIGHTEEN catches? Not a top 10 NFL WR? :goodposting:
Unsupportable opinion? It's fully supportable- I listed 10 names, and gave my reasons for taking all 10 of those guys over Marshall. Opinion, meet support. Result: fully supported opinion.How about rather than simply attacking me for posting an opinion, you try attacking my opinion itself. I gave you 10 names. Which of those names am I crazy to have over Marshall, and why? I'm laying myself wide open to counterarguments here, but no counterarguments are forthcoming- I just get a lot of people calling me a lot of uncomplimentary things.
9.2ypc. I sometimes wonder why other teams don't jam it down a certain receiver's throat. There are better QBs than Cutler that have better WRs than Marshall, yet it just doesn't happen. Why?
Steve McNair to Derrick Mason 2003 and 2004 seasons comes to mind.

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