If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next - Manic Street Preachers
Hear The Drummer Get Wicked - Chad Jackson
Pick Up The Pieces - Average White Band
Virtual Insanity – Jamiroquai
Another Chance - Roger Sanchez
Incorrect guesses:
Songs that give advice
Bands That Have Never Been in My Kitchen
Songs by artists who have headlined Glastonbury
Songs featuring the Mellotron
Fear mongering
Song titles that could be part of geometry proofs
Bands who have a member whose first or last name is a James Bond reference
Bands with family members
Songs that reference a location in another country
Songs that have nine or more words in the title
Songs that mention famous streets
Bands who had a member mysteriously disappear, get declared dead, but no body has ever been found
Songs that reference footballguys user names
Songs without a guitar
Song titles that are commands
First two words of song titles in order of lyrics from The Youngbloods’ Get Together
Songs about resilience in the face of adversity
Songs about the importance of progress
Songs to make people overthink and speculate about an imaginary theme that doesn't really exist
31 songs that MADs submitted in prior MAD rounds, but judge disqualified because the submitting MAD failed to get the long-form birth certificate of all band members before submitting
Songs NOT produced by Todd Rundgren
Artists without umlauts
Songs Sam Rockwell has danced to in a movie
Songs about navigating and adapting to a constantly changing world
Songs credited to more than one songwriter
UK top ten singles
Singles released by UK artist/bands
31 British Isles Songs That Did Not Appear in the MAD British Isles Countdown