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New York Magazine: Donald Trump is running for President again. (1 Viewer)

That 60k loss could be $150k by the end of his term based on current trends.  

I don’t have a pension, just what I put in.

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Lazyike - im

I’mvoting independent in that scenario.  Biden doesn’t deserve the vote based on the lessor of two evils theory.
That's what I did in 2016 and the fact we did that gave us Trump.Id live to write in Cheney, Romney or Manchin. I won't be repeating that mistake in 2016

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On a side note if you are the poster I am thinking of and you are close to retirement and you lost 60k in your retirement and it is going to make a big difference in your retirement and life then you are doing it wrong. 
Unless one is very very well off 60k is always a big deal even if you can “afford” it.  

I never said 60k makes a big difference, you did, but it isn’t something I hope for.  I also have a sizable pension, will have a nice social security chunk, property that is paid for, but you are distracting from the facts.  You’re giving Biden a pass as if he’s innocent in this **it show of an economy.

You sure are complaining like it makes a difference. You should know the market and know that it gives and takes away. 

I am not giving Biden a pass. Didn't vote for him, don't care about him, but I won't blame at single person for all our problems. 

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You sure are complaining like it makes a difference. You should know the market and know that it gives and takes away. 

I am not giving Biden a pass. Didn't vote for him, don't care about, but I won't blame at single person for all our problems. 
I’m more pissed off my bourbon went up $7 a fifth.

Here's somethng to think about - I'm 58 and have to push off retirement because of inflaton rising and the stock market tankng.  I have to start a new career because TWO jobs don't cut it.  You have called our take LAZY because we care about ths more than your envronmental concerns (whle driving gas fueled cars) or whether your daughters can get an abortion.
I wont call it lazy but short sighted to think it would have been much different with Trump right now.

And it hoes beyond gas powered vehicles and abortion.

Watch the market magically improve when a Republican wins the white hose and maybe after they take control of Congress.

Sorry to disappoint you, but that isn't how it work. Plus you are only saying that because the market goes through ups and downs and we are in a down right now and it looks like the Republicans will win the next few years. So you are being disingenuous. 

Sorry to disappoint you, but that isn't how it work. Plus you are only saying that because the market goes through ups and downs and we are in a down right now and it looks like the Republicans will win the next few years. So you are being disingenuous. 
Perception plays a role with markets (not only role) and I think a lot of Americans perceive a republican change will help the economy.

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Perception plays a role (not only role) and I think a lot of Americans perceive a republican change will help the economy.

I agree, but it works both ways and as you said it isn't the only role and I think many economists would argue it is a very minor role. 

Perception plays a role (not only role) and I think a lot of Americans perceive a republican change will help the economy.
That doesn’t make it true. 

The average American, whether liberal, conservative, or independent, doesn’t spend a lot of time thinking about these issues. They’re not stupid but their perceptions of politics tend to be lazy and simplistic. I would like to believe that those of us in this forum, based on the fact that by being here we’re actually interested in political discussion, can get a little deeper and more nuanced than the average American voter. 

That is not to say that you’re wrong about Biden or that I’m right about Trump, only that we should be able to discuss them a little more intelligently than you’re going to hear from the average voter, 

That doesn’t make it true. 

The average American, whether liberal, conservative, or independent, doesn’t spend a lot of time thinking about these issues. They’re not stupid but their perceptions of politics tend to be lazy and simplistic. I would like to believe that those of us in this forum, based on the fact that by being here we’re actually interested in political discussion, can get a little deeper and more nuanced than the average American voter. 

That is not to say that you’re wrong about Biden or that I’m right about Trump, only that we should be able to discuss them a little more intelligently than you’re going to hear from the average voter, 
BS . Get out of California then.  It’s topics 1,2, and 3.  If Biden can’t do anything about the gas, why is he in Saudi Arabia?

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Watch the market magically improve when a Republican wins the white hose and maybe after they take control of Congress.

I think the change happens after the presidency turns GOP.  I think oil tried to screw Biden for talking about electric cars and other energy efforts - things the GOP downplays in favor of oil.

Oh look - another article where the headline doesn't match. Color me shocked!
Red-state Donald Trump voters are now more likely to say they’d be personally “better off” (33%) than “worse off” (29%) if their state seceded from the U.S. and “became an independent country,” according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

That's what I did in 2016 and the fact we did that gave us Trump.Id live to write in Cheney, Romney or Manchin. I won't be repeating that mistake in 2016

What’s Causing That Salty Taste in Your Mouth?



What I find quite bizarre but compelling about the leftists here whom support Liz Cheney, almost blindly in some cases, simply because she denounces Trump, is that I'm almost certain a majority of those folks did not research any of her actual policy positions.


She voted almost in total lockstep with Trump at every practical measure. She even voted to table his first impeachment. TWICE. Yes, that's right. She did that. She's Pro Border Wall, Pro Life, will remove the ACA without a blink and is the most hardened Pro Warhawk left in Congress. She would be the first to send young Americans at arms to go die on foreign soil as long as it kept Military Industrial Complex dollars flowing in her own pockets. To them, she's an utter disappointment. They fronted her out of respect for her father and as an investment that she could make something out of her own political career and she's done nothing with it. In realistic terms, for a woman in high level politics, she "aged out"  Also she denounced her own LGBT sister in public, to the national daily media cycle, for marrying another woman.

It's like politicians who keep criticizing Trump get a Golden Pass here by the radical left without realizing many of them carry some to many elements of the perceived toxicity accused of Trump's stances.

If 2024 POTUS turns into Trump vs Biden 2.0, and it's decent odds that could happen (hilarious that I'm the only one here to call out the OP on posting a topic that's an outright lie, Trump didn't confirm anything to New York Magazine), then you'll have to weigh out your clear hardened vitriol at Trump and whether this country can survive SIX AND A HALF MORE YEARS OF BIDEN.

What’s Causing That Salty Taste in Your Mouth?



What I find quite bizarre but compelling about the leftists here whom support Liz Cheney, almost blindly in some cases, simply because she denounces Trump, is that I'm almost certain a majority of those folks did not research any of her actual policy positions.


She voted almost in total lockstep with Trump at every practical measure. She even voted to table his first impeachment. TWICE. Yes, that's right. She did that. She's Pro Border Wall, Pro Life, will remove the ACA without a blink and is the most hardened Pro Warhawk left in Congress. She would be the first to send young Americans at arms to go die on foreign soil as long as it kept Military Industrial Complex dollars flowing in her own pockets. To them, she's an utter disappointment. They fronted her out of respect for her father and as an investment that she could make something out of her own political career and she's done nothing with it. In realistic terms, for a woman in high level politics, she "aged out"  Also she denounced her own LGBT sister in public, to the national daily media cycle, for marrying another woman.

It's like politicians who keep criticizing Trump get a Golden Pass here by the radical left without realizing many of them carry some to many elements of the perceived toxicity accused of Trump's stances.

If 2024 POTUS turns into Trump vs Biden 2.0, and it's decent odds that could happen (hilarious that I'm the only one here to call out the OP on posting a topic that's an outright lie, Trump didn't confirm anything to New York Magazine), then you'll have to weigh out your clear hardened vitriol at Trump and whether this country can survive SIX AND A HALF MORE YEARS OF BIDEN.
Even though I disagree with Cheney and quite a bit of Trumpism I think we can survive 4 years of Trumpism led by someone else.

What we can't survive is someone who puts himself before the country, is only in it to be admired by far right conservatives and won't defend the constitution unless it happens to suit his narcissist needs. Trump took an oath to defend the constitution and fail......miserably.

I know who Liz Cheney is but like the fact she can admit she was wrong, love her courage and integrity to do the right thing even when she received death threats and would put her in serious jeopardy of getting reelected.


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Even though I disagree with Cheney and quite a bit of Trumpism I think we can survive 4 years of Trumpism led by someone else.

What we can't survive is someone who puts himself before the country, is only in it to be admired by far right conservatives and won't defend the constitution unless it happens to suit his narcissist needs.

I know who Liz Cheney is but like the fact she can admit she was wrong.  

Direct Headline: Long lines are back at US food banks as inflation hits high

The food banks, which had started to see some relief as people returned to work after pandemic shutdowns, are struggling to meet the latest need even as federal programs provide less food to distribute, grocery store donations wane and cash gifts don’t go nearly as far.

The surge in food prices comes after state governments ended COVID-19 disaster declarations that temporarily allowed increased benefits under SNAP, the federal food stamp program covering some 40 million Americans .

The Phoenix food bank’s main distribution center doled out food packages to 4,271 families during the third week in June, a 78% increase over the 2,396 families served during the same week last year, said St. Mary’s spokesman Jerry Brown.

Distribution by the Alameda County Community Food Bank in Northern California has ticked up since hitting a pandemic low at the beginning of this year, increasing from 890 households served on the third Friday in January to 1,410 households on the third Friday in June, said marketing director Michael Altfest.

At the Houston Food Bank, the largest food bank in the U.S. where food distribution levels earlier in the pandemic briefly peaked at a staggering 1 million pounds a day, an average of 610,000 pounds is now being given out daily. That’s up from about 500,000 pounds a day before the pandemic, said spokeswoman Paula Murphy said.

The Los Angeles bank gave away about 30 million pounds of food during the first three months of this year, slightly less than the previous quarter but still far more than the 22 million pounds given away during the first quarter of 2020.

Michael G. Manning, president and CEO at Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank in Louisiana. He said high fuel costs also make it far more expensive to collect and distribute food...Altfest said as many as 10% of the people now seeking food are first timers, and a growing number are showing up on foot rather than in cars to save gas....“The food they get from us is helping them save already-stretched budgets for other expenses like gas, rent, diapers and baby formula,” he said. Meanwhile, food purchases by the bank have jumped from a monthly average of $250,000 before the pandemic to as high as $1.5 million now because of food prices. Rocketing gasoline costs forced the bank to increase its fuel budget by 66%, Altfest said.




Ron DeSantis has a wife who is recovering from surgery for breast cancer. He may not run in 2024. If he doesn't, odds are Trump will get the RNC ticket. If Nikki Haley agrees to be his VP candidate, that completely clears the entire field for good.

If Biden announces a run post Mid Terms, which Susan Rice might be compelled to do because the House GOP will impeach him immediately when they retake power, then it's a coin flip if he can survive the primaries. Newsom and Abrams do not have clean election jackets. Far from it. While the RNC pulled out of debates, the DNC did not make that same choice.

Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney have zero chance to win the primaries. Cheney may run so dark money payoffs can get pushed forward to her for her work in denouncing Trump. Her mainstream political career is likely over after the 2024 general cycle.

Newsom cheated on his first wife with staffers, the first exposed case was the wife of his best friend and campaign manager. Newsom cheated on his second wife with more staffers, only one case has leaked out so far but MSM suppression won't last forever. Some people will say that's not a big deal, but that's enough for Stacey Abrams to combine that with his recall and mass flight from California and his entire pandemic record to gut him.

There are far more cards to line up to Trump vs Biden 2.0 right now than not. Biden's impeachment will be countered with Trump's two impeachments. That recalibrates the entire field.

Trump just delivered a win for Pro Life that no one thought was possible in 50 years.

So 2024 might not be Trump Vs Biden, more than Trump Vs what looks like more of America's children starving. 

You are going to bet that people won't hold their noses to vote for Trump to make sure their children eat. I'll say you are very likely mistaken on that front.

And again, this entire thread topic is built upon a lie. Trump confirmed nothing to New York Magazine. If a Conservative posted something like this, they'd be swarmed with radical leftists hitting the Report Button.

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I'm a little confused by the people calling for a moderating position between the parties. What is the moderating third party position between "democracy is good, America should strive to be one" and "democracy is bad, America should be a theocratic monarchy"? 

Third Party 2024: America can have just a little bit of democracy, as a treat

I'm a little confused by the people calling for a moderating position between the parties. What is the moderating third party position between "democracy is good, America should strive to be one" and "democracy is bad, America should be a theocratic monarchy"? 

Third Party 2024: America can have just a little bit of democracy, as a treat

I think there's a lot of moderates on each side that could agree on a compromise platform on immigration, crime, etc.  I believe moderate R and D still value democracy.

Guns would be easy for a moderate party - it's all the LARP righties that think they are going to war against the US that are the problem

I think there's a lot of moderates on each side that could agree on a compromise platform on immigration, crime, etc.  I believe moderate R and D still value democracy.

All due respect my good man, but ... really? 

The GOP is so anti-democracy that they're effectively kicking people out of the party for even going along with a legitimate investigation into an overt effort to destroy it. Kinzinger is not running for re-election and Cheney's losing her primary race by 22 points.

I'm all for seeing the good in people, but at some point optimism turns into dangerous naivete.

Guns would be easy for a moderate party - it's all the LARP righties that think they are going to war against the US that are the problem
The thing is, nobody's policy preferences on anything matter without a healthy democracy. Sure, there's a ton of room for a moderate position on guns.  But there's no motivation for the right to moderate on the issue (or on most issues) because our democracy is not healthy enough to punish their extremism at the ballot box. 

IMO this is the only issue that matters on the ballot for the foreseeable future. 

Trump Tells Team He Needs to Be President Again to Save Himself from Criminal Probes 

When Donald Trump formally declares his 2024 candidacy, he won’t just be running for another term in the White House. He’ll be running away from legal troubles, possible criminal charges, and even the specter of prison time.

In recent months, Trump has made clear to associates that the legal protections of occupying the Oval Office are front-of-mind for him, four people with knowledge of the situation tell Rolling Stone.

Trump has “spoken about how when you are the president of the United States, it is tough for politically motivated prosecutors to ‘get to you,” says one of the sources, who has discussed the issue with Trump this summer. “He says when [not if] he is president again, a new Republican administration will put a stop to the [Justice Department] investigation that he views as the Biden administration working to hit him with criminal charges — or even put him and his people in prison.”

Presidential immunity and picking his own attorney general aren’t Trump’s only reasons for running again. And as he works on another run, Trump is in a tug-of-war with leaders and operatives of his own party about when to announce, according to multiple people with knowledge of the matter.

The former president is motivated to announce early — even before Election Day 2022 — in the hopes of clearing the field of primary rivals. But GOP leaders, including some of Trump’s closest advisors, don’t want him to declare his intentions until after the midterm elections. The GOP wants to keep voters focused on President Joe Biden, rather than transforming the contest into a referendum on Trump. In recent months, Trump has reluctantly agreed to hold off, only to return shortly thereafter with threats to make an early announcement, either out of self-interest, spite, or some combination of the two.

But as Trump talks about running, the four sources say, he’s leaving confidants with the impression that, as his criminal exposure has increased, so has his focus on the legal protections of the executive branch.

It’s not just liberal wish-casters or Trump critics who are acknowledging the former president’s legal jeopardy. Trump’s teams of lawyers and former senior administration officials speak about it commonly. “I do think criminal prosecutions are possible…for Trump and [former White House chief of staff Mark] Meadows certainly,” Ty Cobb, a former top lawyer in Trump’s White House, bluntly told Rolling Stone late last month.

Trump himself seems to acknowledge potential problems. He “said something like, ‘[prosecutors] couldn’t get away with this while I was president,’” another one of the four sources recalls. “It was during a larger discussion about the investigations, other possible 2024 [primary] candidates, and what people were saying about the Jan. 6 hearings … He went on for a couple minutes about how ‘some very corrupt’ people want to ‘put me in jail.’”

The powers of the presidency would offer a welcome pause to the various civil suits and criminal investigations now hanging over Trump. It’s unclear whether the Justice Department will charge Trump in connection with fomenting the January 6 insurrection, but winning the White House would be extremely helpful to him. Department policy forbids the prosecution of a sitting president, effectively insulating Trump from any federal charges for another four years.

The law is less clear on whether a president can face prosecution from states while in office, but any attempt to put Trump on trial in a state case would likely be litigated in the Supreme Court. Former New York City district attorney Cyrus Vance’s efforts to subpoena Trump’s tax returns landed before the high court in 2020.

At the state level, Trump faces two criminal investigations. In Manhattan, district attorney Alvin Bragg empaneled a grand jury to investigate whether the former president committed fraud by allegedly lying about the value of his assets in financial statements. The grand jury has since expired, however, and there are few indications that Bragg intends to bring charges. In Georgia, prosecutors in Fulton County are investigating whether Trump illegally interfered in the counting of votes by pressuring Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” votes for him after the election. Just this month, Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis has subpoenaed Trump allies Rudy Giuliani and Sen. Lindsay Graham and sent letters to pro-Trump Georgia state senators warning they could be prosecuted as part of the case.

Trump faces a slew of lawsuits, both for his conduct while in office and before. In previous cases Trump’s attorneys have claimed that the office of the president makes him immune to civil suits while sitting. That was Trump’s defense in a since-dismissed lawsuit by former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos.

In the 1990s, Paula Jones’ suit against then-President Clinton established that presidents do not enjoy absolute immunity. But the Zervos suit against Trump dragged on for five years before she dropped it. The case demonstrated that the presidency can help delay civil suits, even if it’s not an insurmountable obstacle.

Trump’s most recent legal headaches stem from his role in inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection. Capitol and Washington, D.C. Metropolitan police officers have sued Trump over the physical and emotional damages they suffered during the rioting. The former president also faces two separate suits from Democratic members of Congress. The suits accuse the president of violating their civil rights by conspiring with extremist groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to prevent the count of electoral votes.

Jean Carroll is still pursuing a case against Trump for defamation. She has accused Trump of raping her in a store in the mid 1990s and is suing over his 2019 claim that Carroll was “totally lying.” The Justice Department, under both Trump and Biden, has claimed that Trump is immune from the suit because he was “acting within the scope of his office” when he made the claims. A federal appeals court is currently weighing the department’s arguments.

And in New York, attorney general Letitia James is pursuing a civil investigation into whether the Trump Organization lied about the value of its assets.

The suits add to mounting pressure on Trumpworld as the Jan. 6 committee and Justice Department investigations have heated up. A number of Trump aides have been pulled into a federal grand jury investigation into the effort to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory. The investigation has yielded search warrants served on Trump campaign attorney John Eastman and Justice Department and former acting assistant attorney general Jeffrey Clark.

In the face of the investigations, many in Trumpworld have hoped that former aides could face prosecution for the efforts to overturn the election instead of the former president. In particular, Trump associates have tried to distance him from Eastman. And as Rolling Stone, reported last week Trump’s legal advisors also view former chief of staff Mark Meadows as a potential fall guy for the former president’s post-election activities.


Trump Tells Team He Needs to Be President Again to Save Himself from Criminal Probes 

When Donald Trump formally declares his 2024 candidacy, he won’t just be running for another term in the White House. He’ll be running away from legal troubles, possible criminal charges, and even the specter of prison time.

In recent months, Trump has made clear to associates that the legal protections of occupying the Oval Office are front-of-mind for him, four people with knowledge of the situation tell Rolling Stone.

Trump has “spoken about how when you are the president of the United States, it is tough for politically motivated prosecutors to ‘get to you,” says one of the sources, who has discussed the issue with Trump this summer. “He says when [not if] he is president again, a new Republican administration will put a stop to the [Justice Department] investigation that he views as the Biden administration working to hit him with criminal charges — or even put him and his people in prison.”

Presidential immunity and picking his own attorney general aren’t Trump’s only reasons for running again. And as he works on another run, Trump is in a tug-of-war with leaders and operatives of his own party about when to announce, according to multiple people with knowledge of the matter.

The former president is motivated to announce early — even before Election Day 2022 — in the hopes of clearing the field of primary rivals. But GOP leaders, including some of Trump’s closest advisors, don’t want him to declare his intentions until after the midterm elections. The GOP wants to keep voters focused on President Joe Biden, rather than transforming the contest into a referendum on Trump. In recent months, Trump has reluctantly agreed to hold off, only to return shortly thereafter with threats to make an early announcement, either out of self-interest, spite, or some combination of the two.

But as Trump talks about running, the four sources say, he’s leaving confidants with the impression that, as his criminal exposure has increased, so has his focus on the legal protections of the executive branch.

It’s not just liberal wish-casters or Trump critics who are acknowledging the former president’s legal jeopardy. Trump’s teams of lawyers and former senior administration officials speak about it commonly. “I do think criminal prosecutions are possible…for Trump and [former White House chief of staff Mark] Meadows certainly,” Ty Cobb, a former top lawyer in Trump’s White House, bluntly told Rolling Stone late last month.

Trump himself seems to acknowledge potential problems. He “said something like, ‘[prosecutors] couldn’t get away with this while I was president,’” another one of the four sources recalls. “It was during a larger discussion about the investigations, other possible 2024 [primary] candidates, and what people were saying about the Jan. 6 hearings … He went on for a couple minutes about how ‘some very corrupt’ people want to ‘put me in jail.’”

The powers of the presidency would offer a welcome pause to the various civil suits and criminal investigations now hanging over Trump. It’s unclear whether the Justice Department will charge Trump in connection with fomenting the January 6 insurrection, but winning the White House would be extremely helpful to him. Department policy forbids the prosecution of a sitting president, effectively insulating Trump from any federal charges for another four years.

The law is less clear on whether a president can face prosecution from states while in office, but any attempt to put Trump on trial in a state case would likely be litigated in the Supreme Court. Former New York City district attorney Cyrus Vance’s efforts to subpoena Trump’s tax returns landed before the high court in 2020.

At the state level, Trump faces two criminal investigations. In Manhattan, district attorney Alvin Bragg empaneled a grand jury to investigate whether the former president committed fraud by allegedly lying about the value of his assets in financial statements. The grand jury has since expired, however, and there are few indications that Bragg intends to bring charges. In Georgia, prosecutors in Fulton County are investigating whether Trump illegally interfered in the counting of votes by pressuring Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” votes for him after the election. Just this month, Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis has subpoenaed Trump allies Rudy Giuliani and Sen. Lindsay Graham and sent letters to pro-Trump Georgia state senators warning they could be prosecuted as part of the case.

Trump faces a slew of lawsuits, both for his conduct while in office and before. In previous cases Trump’s attorneys have claimed that the office of the president makes him immune to civil suits while sitting. That was Trump’s defense in a since-dismissed lawsuit by former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos.

In the 1990s, Paula Jones’ suit against then-President Clinton established that presidents do not enjoy absolute immunity. But the Zervos suit against Trump dragged on for five years before she dropped it. The case demonstrated that the presidency can help delay civil suits, even if it’s not an insurmountable obstacle.

Trump’s most recent legal headaches stem from his role in inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection. Capitol and Washington, D.C. Metropolitan police officers have sued Trump over the physical and emotional damages they suffered during the rioting. The former president also faces two separate suits from Democratic members of Congress. The suits accuse the president of violating their civil rights by conspiring with extremist groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to prevent the count of electoral votes.

Jean Carroll is still pursuing a case against Trump for defamation. She has accused Trump of raping her in a store in the mid 1990s and is suing over his 2019 claim that Carroll was “totally lying.” The Justice Department, under both Trump and Biden, has claimed that Trump is immune from the suit because he was “acting within the scope of his office” when he made the claims. A federal appeals court is currently weighing the department’s arguments.

And in New York, attorney general Letitia James is pursuing a civil investigation into whether the Trump Organization lied about the value of its assets.

The suits add to mounting pressure on Trumpworld as the Jan. 6 committee and Justice Department investigations have heated up. A number of Trump aides have been pulled into a federal grand jury investigation into the effort to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory. The investigation has yielded search warrants served on Trump campaign attorney John Eastman and Justice Department and former acting assistant attorney general Jeffrey Clark.

In the face of the investigations, many in Trumpworld have hoped that former aides could face prosecution for the efforts to overturn the election instead of the former president. In particular, Trump associates have tried to distance him from Eastman. And as Rolling Stone, reported last week Trump’s legal advisors also view former chief of staff Mark Meadows as a potential fall guy for the former president’s post-election activities.

so were going with unnamed sources again?

The fact that you dismiss RC’s post is the problem. The stuff you’re worried about doesn’t really change

I don't dismiss anything.  There are protections in place to assure the change in power.  Those protections worked.  The whole issue is moot.

don't know.   I do know when "unnamed sources" are the source for news I disregard.
In a few weeks, when Trump gracefully  announces he is not running, and throws his political support behind DeSantis, you can chime back in with an 'I told you so'. 

In a few weeks, when Trump gracefully  announces he is not running, and throws his political support behind DeSantis, you can chime back in with an 'I told you so'. 
I have an unnamed source close to a White house that says the Rolling Stone article is not true.

In a few weeks, when Trump gracefully  announces he is not running, and throws his political support behind DeSantis, you can chime back in with an 'I told you so'. 
your quoted article is entirely based on unnamed sources & the main point of this stellar breathtaking news piece is that Trump is running to escape justice.  

my only point is because of the "sources" it is useless for information.  it's a garbage hit piece and not news. 


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