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No finger guns in school ?? (1 Viewer)

I am, but what if I didn't witness it? What if it's another kid that saw it? A lunch mom? A bus driver? 

I am not always a fan of zero tolerance but in this case it is fine because their is no punishment being placed on the student. 
I actually don’t have an issue with what happened either.  There are school districts and, apparently, some parents that completely blow it out of proportion though.  

I’m not a fan of zero tolerance policies.  The ability to use common sense and judgement are an important part of being a teacher and/or school administrator.

I think I'm fine with this.  

I know, I know, BUT WE DID IT WHEN WE WERE KIDS AND WE TURNED OUT OKAY!  We also didn't use car seats, that doesn't mean they are a bad idea.

I don't know, let's see if we can go a month without a school shooting and then we can talk about easing up on the overreactions. 
:rolleyes: You must have missed that whole period under President Trump from June to August when there were no school shootings. Must have been because the Lame Stream Media didn't report on that. 

I'm a gun guy, and while initially I rolled my eyes at this, after some reflection, I get this. Pretending to shoot guns at each other in school is poor form and should be discouraged. I'd also look into cutting back the fortnight play. Considering the topic and goals of the game, is that appropriate for a 9 year old?
Depends on the kid and the parents.

I actually don’t have an issue with what happened either.  There are school districts and, apparently, some parents that completely blow it out of proportion though.  

I’m not a fan of zero tolerance policies.  The ability to use common sense and judgement are an important part of being a teacher and/or school administrator.
I agree, but that does leave a lot of grey area and I've seen issues come from that grey area. Kid X gets suspended something and then kid Y does same thing and there is no suspension. Now there are mitigating circumstances which led the administrator to apply different consequences but good luck explaining that an irate parent who feels their kid has been picked on and treated unfairly than other kids. I can see why schools like a zero tolerance, one size fits all policy. 

I agree, but that does leave a lot of grey area and I've seen issues come from that grey area. Kid X gets suspended something and then kid Y does same thing and there is no suspension. Now there are mitigating circumstances which led the administrator to apply different consequences but good luck explaining that an irate parent who feels their kid has been picked on and treated unfairly than other kids. I can see why schools like a zero tolerance, one size fits all policy. 
Of course issues will come up from gray areas.  We are talking about parents and their children.  They can make an issue out of just about anything. Welcome to the world.  

That doesn’t mean we toss common sense and force everything into black and white buckets. That’s a product of sheer laziness.

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Can only shake your head at how pathetic society has become. Really really sad, I would have told the person dont ever call me in to talk about something so incredibly stupid ever again.

Can only shake your head at how pathetic society has become. Really really sad, I would have told the person dont ever call me in to talk about something so incredibly stupid ever again.
Coming from the guy who reported me for making an obvious joke about Irish Catholics (and me myself being an Irish Catholic).Then never responde to any of the posters telling you it was a joke. Never responded to  me when I asked you for an apology.  I feel like there isn't a lot you wouldn't shake your head about, refuse to talk about and be rude over. 

Coming from the guy who reported me for making an obvious joke about Irish Catholics (and me myself being an Irish Catholic).Then never responde to any of the posters telling you it was a joke. Never responded to  me when I asked you for an apology.  I feel like there isn't a lot you wouldn't shake your head about, refuse to talk about and be rude over. 
Should get your facts straight.  I've never reported anyone for anything on here & I certainly didn't see anything asking for an apology. I remember commenting about that but I certainly didn't report it.

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I went to Valley fair with my 12 year old nephew a month ago.  We're standing in line at the waterslides and he's talking fortnite to me.  He's talking about his favorite guns like the scar and which shotguns he likes and talking about getting headshots and sniping.  I'm looking around like everyone is going to think he's the next Columbine kid.  I realized that the kids behind us in line were talking about the same things.  Group in front of us were all girls, group in front of them were talking fortnite also.  It was a weird moment.  At his age I was probably talking about breaking asteroids, running from ghosts and getting to the monkey to save the princess.

Not a school story or anything where we got into trouble.  But I don't know that I blame schools for discouraging any sort of references to violence.  I am also very surprised that his parents let him play a shooter game.

I think what the after care counselor did was appropriate.  It is after care after all, which is private, right?  They can make up their own rules.  I think it still would've been appropriate for public school. 

Should get your facts straight.  I've never reported anyone for anything on here & I certainly didn't see anything asking for an apology.
You called moderators in and complained that my posting shouldn't be tolerated. Same as reporting.

Called moderators in?? Get real
Ok, I take that back. I looked and someone else called the moderators and then you asked why my posting was allowed. Point stands, you couldn't handle a joke and asked why it was allowed. You didn't respond to all the people who chill it was a joke. Maybe we should relax about things and not be so emotional.

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I went to Valley fair with my 12 year old nephew a month ago.  We're standing in line at the waterslides and he's talking fortnite to me.  He's talking about his favorite guns like the scar and which shotguns he likes and talking about getting headshots and sniping.  I'm looking around like everyone is going to think he's the next Columbine kid.  I realized that the kids behind us in line were talking about the same things.  Group in front of us were all girls, group in front of them were talking fortnite also.  It was a weird moment.  At his age I was probably talking about breaking asteroids, running from ghosts and getting to the monkey to save the princess.

Not a school story or anything where we got into trouble.  But I don't know that I blame schools for discouraging any sort of references to violence.  I am also very surprised that his parents let him play a shooter game.
Why is the bad guy a monkey and why can’t the princess save Mario?  This kind of video game stereotyping is racist and bigoted.

I went to Valley fair with my 12 year old nephew a month ago.  We're standing in line at the waterslides and he's talking fortnite to me.  He's talking about his favorite guns like the scar and which shotguns he likes and talking about getting headshots and sniping.  I'm looking around like everyone is going to think he's the next Columbine kid.  I realized that the kids behind us in line were talking about the same things.  Group in front of us were all girls, group in front of them were talking fortnite also.  It was a weird moment.  At his age I was probably talking about breaking asteroids, running from ghosts and getting to the monkey to save the princess.

Not a school story or anything where we got into trouble.  But I don't know that I blame schools for discouraging any sort of references to violence.  I am also very surprised that his parents let him play a shooter game.
I have 4 kids ages 10, 8, 5 and 2. The 10 and 8 year olds would love to play Fortnight. They aren't begging for it, because I told them early on it was a firm no. They want to play because most of their friends play. And these guys play for friggin hours. Just recently we're hearing of more and more parents pulling their kids back from this, moreso for the the addictive nature than the subject matter similar to what @shadyridr mentioned. I get the addictive nature being highly problematic, but the subject matter is nuts considering how young these kids are who are addicted to the game. And like I said, I'm a big gun guy, but my kids are not playing that game. Not at 12, 14 or even 16. I will take them out to shoot and teach respect and gun safety, but I will not have them running around and pretending to be mass murderers for hours on end. 

Ok, I take that back. I looked and someone else called the moderators and then you asked why my posting was allowed. Point stands, you couldn't handle a joke and asked why it was allowed. You didn't respond to all the people who chill it was a joke. Maybe we should relax about things and not be so emotional.
Agreed, sometimes things are said in here & some know it's a joke and some dont. I have been in the same situation so I do understand that. My apologies to you.

I have 4 kids ages 10, 8, 5 and 2. The 10 and 8 year olds would love to play Fortnight. They aren't begging for it, because I told them early on it was a firm no. They want to play because most of their friends play. And these guys play for friggin hours. Just recently we're hearing of more and more parents pulling their kids back from this, moreso for the the addictive nature than the subject matter similar to what @shadyridr mentioned. I get the addictive nature being highly problematic, but the subject matter is nuts considering how young these kids are who are addicted to the game. And like I said, I'm a big gun guy, but my kids are not playing that game. Not at 12, 14 or even 16. I will take them out to shoot and teach respect and gun safety, but I will not have them running around and pretending to be mass murderers for hours on end. 
At some point I imagine it's going to get really bad press.  The game design is clearly to get people addicted.  Daily, weekly and season challenges, it's like the worst of the shooter genre mixed with the most addictive of the MMO.  They designed this so kids would have to log on almost every day.  BTW, I log on almost every day.

I felt like the Tyler Durden of fortnite the other night.  Random 3 people that had no mics in my squad.  I forgot I didn't have my mic muted.  I got sniped the minute I landed - dropped an under my breath "F'n C".  Mic caught it.  I keep thinking it was a couple 10 year olds in the squad and can't wait for them to drop that on their parents.

My nephew is way more into sports and sports games, but his buddies all play fortnite.  I think he's only allowed so many hours per week to play.  I know he's not on every night.  I think the longest I've seen him play was maybe an hour and a half.

Subject matter:  When I was a kid, I played D&D and was in karate.  I think my old man thought I would grow up to be some bad guy from the Saturday afternoon kung fu theater.  Beating up anyone who got in my way from the karate classes.  And I think he may have thought that I thought I could toss fireball's around and that bugbears lived in the runoff tunnels in the neighborhood.  I think most kids are much more aware of fantasy versus reality than we give them credit for.

Agreed, sometimes things are said in here & some know it's a joke and some dont. I have been in the same situation so I do understand that. My apologies to you.
Thank you. The same has certainly happened to me. It can be hard to get intent over text. Apology certainly accepted. 

Foosball God said:
I understand that, but I'd be surprised if they aren't already doing drills and such.
I think even Kintergarten schools are doing active shooter drills. 

shuke said:
To just have a discussion about?

Are your kids doing active shooter lock down drills at school?  Because my kids are.  We live in a different world.  
Yep, my company offers active shooter training for school staff and students. That service is in pretty high demand.

Ilov80s said:
I am, but what if I didn't witness it? What if it's another kid that saw it? A lunch mom? A bus driver? 

I am not always a fan of zero tolerance but in this case it is fine because their is no punishment being placed on the student. 
This case is the exact opposite of zero tolerance, as it should be. Zero tolerance policies are terrible and seem to remove the ability of trained professionals to actually think. 

This case is the exact opposite of zero tolerance, as it should be. Zero tolerance policies are terrible and seem to remove the ability of trained professionals to actually think. 
Good point. A true zero tolerance policy would have said the kid gets suspended or whatever the consequence is for a gun hand sign that was directed as a threat.

Next thing they’re taking away is “pew pew pew pew”.  Where does it end?

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Maybe this was already addressed but, you let your 9 year old play Fortnite?  :shock:  

I'm kidding.  You could show me a screenshot of Fortnite and I wouldn't know I was looking at Fortnite.  When people started talking about it I thought it was something people played on their phones like Clash of Clans.  I have no idea if it is violent or not.  Get off my lawn! 
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