Are you saying they don't teach towards tests or just the ACT? I have taught or been an administrator in 5 different schools over my career that have varied in diversity and wealth from the top to the bottom and they all taught to score well on the MSTEP. This is Michigan's statewide tes
I am saying "teaching to the test" is basically a big fat myth. A dumb talking point. A boogeyman.
People that use that phrase to talk about what is wrong with testing arent saying "omg schools spent 10 hours preparing students for the procedures and format involved with the single biggest test that they take most years"
They use that phrase as if the kids will spend the whole year not actually really learning subject material, but mysteriously working on said test which will allow them to mysteriously spit out correct answers and remain empty vessels.
The reality is tests measure knowledge. If teachers are well aware that certain things will show up on tests and make sure that the kids know those things, that is highly likely to be because those things are important. That's not a cheat code. That isnt gaming the system. That is actually the system working.
It isnt like the test comes out and each year question number 1 is answered with b and 2 is c and 3 is b again and boom, 3 correct answer head start because we taught the test.
Of course schools should get kids familiar with the timing of a test, the format, when to guess, when to punt, etc. Thats what i said earlier and I stand by these being good things to learn overall. It is like a yearly time and project management mini course.
But we are talking a small fraction of class time here.