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Now that the contest is closed (1 Viewer)

I'm surprised how few people are taking top QBs. If I had to choose between Eddie and a bunch of scrub QBs, or a bunch of top QBs and a scrub RB, I would take the top QBs every time, especially in the survivor format.

I also noticed a lot of Dunn and Onterrio Smith out there (myself included). Could be the best $22 on the board, especially if you don't need them both to pan out every week.
i guess the fact that i could platoon maddox, holcomb, and collins every week would essentially give me a stud qb every week and get an eddie george to boot.this was obviously a very different strategy than what i employed in survivor ii by drafting both culpepper and brooks. however, we weren't restricted to a salary cap in that league.

And now for something completely different...

I did quick estimates of the points per game I expected for many players and found that IMHO the running back values were way overrated. Spending an 50 points on a guy who gets 20 points per game instead of, say, 16 points for Warrick Dunn at 16 ppg? No way. Instead, I grabbed RBs who I knew would get a lot of receptions. Basically I've got three guys who will gets 3-4 receptions per game than one player that gets a touchdown in 1/2 to 2/3 of a game (which comes out to the same value). That way I'm not voted off the island just because my one stud has a bad week.


16 Dunn

5 Staley

5 K.Faulk

6 O.Smith

I felt Onterrio was cheap enough to be worth the gamble. If he turns out to be nothing special, I've still got some consistent performers, and I figure there's at least a 75% chance than either Staley or Faulk will be their team's feature back for most of the year.


16 Warner

3 Kitna

2 Holcomb

Once I decided to save money on RBs, I realized I needed studs at every other position. I had about thirty points left over after my first cut of a starting lineup, so I upgraded to Warner. Originally I had Hasselbeck instead of Kitna, but with Warner and Holcomb already on the team there didn't seem to be much value in spending extra on a 3rd QB.


35 Ward

25 Booker

22 Price

14 Lelie

4 Ferguson

3 Bryant

Three guys who are the focus of their team's passing game, plus a few low-price, high-potential players. This is the meat of my team. With 3 WRs starting, I wanted WRs I could rely on to put up points, and since they can be very inconsistent from week to week, depth is key


21 Gonzalez

3 Pollard

I see lots of guys skimping out on this position, but at 2pts per reception, I can get 16-17 points on average for Gonzo while you're getting 9-10 from Crumpler, Miller, or whoever. This alone will make up for my disadvantage at RB1.


4 Carney

3 Longwell

OK, honestly, I doubt anyone will win or lose on kickers, but I have to say something to all the people who skimp out on kickers because "they're all the same". For heaven's sake, we're talking about a 2 point difference between a good and a bad kicker. Are you so tight on points that you can't afford an extra two points for a good kicker??


9 Tampa

4 New England

I didn't have Tampa originally, but with the Bucs being so far and away the best defense last year, they could drop 20% of fantasy value and still be #1 again.

So basically, by skimping out on RBs, I get a top-five QB, three top-15 WRs, a top TE, and the top defense. Will it be enough? Of course I think so, but what do you all think?

QB:McNair (11)Ramsey (6)Brady (5)Very solid trio. Could be spectacular if Ramsey comes thru in the Skins potent pass offense.RB: Hambrick (18)Dunn (16)Barlow (15)OSmith (6)RBs seemed to be overpriced, so I aimed a bit lower, and am happy with my corps. Dunn, Barlow and Smith should all help out in the receptions dept.WR: Burress (31)Bruce (22)Morgan (20)Porter (19)Rogers (6)Galloway (4)I really like this group. Burress, Bruce, Morgan and Porter should be as good as any 4WR in this game. The big games from Crog and Galloway will help, provided they come at the right times.TE:Franks (4)Pollard (3)$7 for 2 top-10 TEs? I'm in!K:Mare (3)Stover (2)Eh, who knows. Should keep me competitive.DE:Pit (5)NE (4)I liked this setup better before the Porter and Milloy news, but my gut told me to stand pat. Overall, solid everywhere, but lacking any true star power. Probably good enough to stick around for awhile, but I'll get smoked by someone who bought a couple studs, and guessed right on the cheap roster fill-ins. I'm anxious to get going and see how this plays out!

I think this is mine (I saw something very similar posted already):Warner, Brady, HolcombeLewis, Davis, Staley (?), and O. SmithQ. Morgan, Mason, A. Bryant, Robert Ferguson, Ike Hilliard (?), Brian Finneran maybeJolley, ClarkK= Who cares?New England, Oakland (drafted these 2 in Omega and they have a good schedule match-up).

QB: McNair - 11, Brady - 5, Stewart - 3 = 19I have McNair projected as one of the top QB's so he represented great value. Brady wasn't my first choice as the top backup but bye week issues forced me that direction. Brady should be solid for McNair's bye week or during a bad week for McNair. I chose to go with a boom/bust for the 3rd spot. With McNair/Brady I didn't think I really needed a safe pick here so when Stewart has his 1 or 2 monster games with huge rushing yards/tds I may be able to use his score. Holcomb I'm sure is the popular choice, but I'm not comfortable he'll start the whole season.RB: Barber - 49, Lewis - 46, Dunn - 16, M Morris - 2 = 113Barber great value at 1pt/rec. Lewis should be strong this year and I'm hoping an in-experienced QB will be dumping off a lot of passes to him. RB 3 & 4 were tough. I opted to max out what I had left and go with Dunn's receptions. Morris was the $2 RB that had the most potential should the starter go down. WR: Troy Brown, Hillard, Ferguson, Bryant, Boerigter, D Tompson = 48Rolling the dice on the WR since I went strong on RB. Brown s/b solid with 1pt/rec. Hillard will be steady but unspectactular. Decent upside with the rest of the cheap WR. If Boerigter is starting by mid-season as I hope he will be, the group may get me by since KC's schedule at the end of the year is a cakewalk. GB's defense is awful so they s/b throwing a lot to stay in games.TE: Franks - 4, Miller - 3 = 7Not a huge Crumpler fan and you have to go against the grain somewhere in contests like this. If I had to drop to $6 I probably would have gone with him and Miller. This should be a respectable tandem. K: Andersen - 3, Longwell - 3 = 6KC should score a lot so Andersen s/b solid. GB's defense is putrid so GB will have to open it up to stay in the game.Def: NO - 4, Wash - 3 = 7Probably not popular choices here. Both have good punt/kickoff return potential. The week-to-week matchups work out very well, particularly the end of the season. Washington's rush defense up the middle is a big concern, but I'm hoping the weak offensive matchup and special teams offset that weakness.

I input the scoring into draft dominator. Got the projected fantasy points for each player and divided it by cost to get a points per dollar for each player. Then tried to find those players that had the best ratio between total projected points and points/dollar. I found Toomer to be an exceptional value at $24 dollars as he was projected to do as good as players in the $36-$31 range (for one example).In general I found the top running backs to be overpriced compared to the top wide receivers. The quarterbacks were all a relatively good value compared to other positions. Etc...


I went for value over "stud" status. Took Stewart for the week he decides to run in a couple. Did not feel their was much value in the upper end QB's as one of my 3 should consistently produce.

RB's-M. Faulk/Dillion/O. Smith/J. White

Tough decision on which "stud" RB to select. Considered all [especially Portis] but fell confident that Faulk could dominate in this scoring system; I just need him to stay healthy. Although I recently read a post on how you could not win a championship with Dillion ;) I though he had great value as a #2 RB. Considered Davis but thought the 1pt/rec and the fact that I expect Dillion to score more TD's than last year as my final swing vote. I also jumped on the O. Smith bandwagon ;) ; at least I won't be beat by an owner who has him. Finally, with my last $2 I took White; I am not a big believer in Green and the 1pt per reception was intriguing. I did consider taking a risk on a back-up to a stud [L. Jordan] but did not want to waste a valuable roster spot on someone who never played.

WR's-Morgan/D. Jackson/Galloway/Bates/Boerighter/Fergusen

Like alot of people I like Morgan and Jackson for their value and think they will be consistent threats. I need one of the other 4 to contribute on a weekly basis but think one of them will. If the format were where I had to pick the starting WR's I would not have used this strategy but I think it is a mistake to overspend here when there are always WR's who break out on a weekly basis. I just hope I chose the right ones :thumbup: .

TE's-D. Clark and ??

Clark did say he was going to catch 70 passes right? :rotflmao: To many bargins to spend on one of the "Big 3"

D- Baltimore and the Giants-I think the Ravens were a great buy at $5. Giants were the best $2 team I could find.

K-Reed and Brown

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I don't see too many people who went with my QB strategy, so I'll post my team for comparisons's sake:QBs:McNabb $23Kitna $3Holcombe $2Before his injury, McNabb was far ahead of the pack last year. He just has too much potential. I'll enjoy big games from Kitna and Holcombe here and there.RBs:Portis $62S. Davis $35O. Smith $6Shipp $3I like my one/two punch (although they may not get me the receptions of some others) and then I'll ride the upside of the other two.WRs:C. Johnson $26C. Rogers $6A. Johnson $5A. Bryant $3J. McCareins $2D. Northcutt $2Here's hoping C. Johnson isn't really hurt and McCareins eventually wins the number two spot from Bennett. If they open up the passing game as they did in the pre-season, I think McCareins can have some big days. Rogers, Johnson and Bryant should see the most passes on their respective offenses, and they all have the athletic potential to be big. Northcutt had some big games last year (albeit it few), so I hope he can have a couple this year. I don't think you can hit for average here, I think you need homerun or strikeout.TEs:R. McMichael $7M. Pollard $3I spend a few extra bucks for McMichael hoping he can put a whole season together, and Pollard at $3 seemed like a good deal (a few others seemed to agree).Ks:J. Elam $4J. Brown $3Hoping Denver stalls in the red zone alot, and if everyone's so high on the Seattle O this year, Brown should be the beneficiary.DT/STs:Indy $3Seattle $2Two bargains with potential in this format. I'm thinking Ray Rhodes has immediate impact on Seattle's D.

Ok my turn, and I'll be honest, for whatever reason(first time playing this format), i totally forgot to pay attention to bye weeks, and just looking at my roster now, it appears I am in BIG trouble weeks 8 and 9. Oh well, live and learn I suppose. Anyway my roster....QB'sS.McNair/9 $11K. Holcomb/9 $2T.Brady/10 $5I felt differently then most and felt with this format(4 pts passing TD -1 INT), that QB's were less valuable. I took McNair mostly because I could fit him in and still do what I wanted elswhere, and he RUNS for yardage and TD's. His 6 PTS for Rushing TD's could pay dividends. The other two(especially Holcomb) represented great value.RB'sA. Green/8 $49Kevin Faulk/10 $5W. Dunn/8 $16D. Staley/3 $5As soon as I saw the 1 pt for reception, it was a no brainer....go with RB's that catch alot of passes, and boy the group I took will do just that.WR'sM. Harrison/7 $65???J. Porter/8 $19P. Warrick/6 ??M. Boerigter/9 ??Josh Reed/8Again, with the 1 point per recpetion I decided the best STUD to have was Starvin Marvin. You know what your going to get from him, and I'll take that anyday of the week. TE'sW. Walls/8M. Pollard/7Alright, I'll brag here. This has got to be the best possible combo for TE's to have. I am a Packer fan and believe me when i tell you Walls is gonna produce BIG TIME numbers this year.K'sDawson(I think)???DefNY GiantsBuffaloI'll be honest, after I chose this team, I sat back and smiled, I felt pretty good about it. Felt like I had a really good chance.......That is until I realized today all the same bye weeks I have. :( Week 8 and 9 are gonna be hell I think and almost impossible to survive(if i even get that far). but next year I will have learned. :P

I was very surprised to see that Edge was only $2 less than Faulk. Doesn't make sense.My team (only the ones I remember)QBs: Trent Green, Holcombe, BradyRbs: Priest and FaulkWrs: Ferguson, Finneran, Lelie, GallowayTE: Crumpler and JolleyDef: washington

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I jumped on the Galloway/Bryant deal too but also thought to get my studs with early byes. Making the cut the first few weeks will be easier then the dreaded week 10 byes that will be against a smaller # of sharks. No way I was taking Portis/McCallister and getting to week 10 to have my stud sitting home.

Hasselbeck, Brady, PlummerNo need to spend big money on QBs. Hopefully one of these 3 top 15 QBs has a big week each week. Brady and Plummer have the same bye week, but I wanted both of them, and Seattle plays Washington that week. That might bite me in the ### later, but....Henry, George, O. Smith, DuckettI'm a believer that Henry will have great numbers at a lower cost than the other big-time backs, and I used the extra bucks to get Eddie George, who should be good for a couple of big games this year. It'll be Onterrio's show by week 4. I gambled on Duckett for $3 on the hopes that he scores multiple TDs in a few games, because his yardage won't be much unless Dunn gets hurt.Toomer, Morgan, Lelie, Rogers, Bennett, PattenLelie and Rogers I considered great bargains, and both Toomer and Morgan should be reliable each week. David Patten seems to have a couple of big games every year.Crumpler, MillerBoth of them are good options in their teams' passing games.Mare, ReedEh, they're just kickers.Steelers, Ravens2 top defenses... hurry back Joey Porter.

It seems like a lot of people are skimping on TE, defense and kicker, and backup QBs (#2 and #3). I spent all of $34 on the three positions combined; the minimum you could have spent is $16. I think the $18 extra I put into those positions will give me a greater week to week point benefit than any other $18 I could have spent.

This contest is big fun. Winner-take-all was a good decision! First time in Survivor format for me, so I'm just spreading out the byes and hoping I get lucky.QB (20.0)

S. McNair TEN (11.0/9)

T. Brady NE (5.0/10)

K. Collins NYG (4.0/4)

RB (103.0)

J. Lewis BAL (46.0/5)

S. Davis CAR (35.0/3)

W. Dunn ATL (16.0/9)

M. Bennett MIN (6.0/6)

WR (59.0)

D. Mason TEN (26.0/9)

D. Jackson SEA (17.0/4)

T. Streets SF (5.0/10)

J. Galloway DAL (4.0/3)

K. Johnson CLE (4.0/9)

P. Warrick CIN (3.0/6)

TE (6.0)

M. Pollard IND (3.0/7)

B. Miller HOU (3.0/5)

PK (6.0)

R. Longwell GB (3.0/8)

J. Brown SEA (3.0/4)

DEF (5.0)

STL (3.0/5)

SF (2.0/10)

Total 200.0

I think its interesting that a lot of people seem to be counting on Onterrio Smith to "come alive" at some point. If that happens later then the first couple of weeks, some teams might not be able to survive. We'll see how that plays out.I didn't write mine down either, but from memory...QBs- Hasselbeck, Green, HolcombRBs - Jamal Lewis, Eddie George, Troy Hambrick, ZereoueWRs - Robert Ferguson, Johnny Morton, Reggie Wayne, Andre Johnson, Joey Galloway, ??????TE - McMichael and ?????(Gonzo maybe)Def - Carolina and TennesseeK - ?????/I didn't spend much time looking at bye-weeks. I'm in agreement that this contest is going to require a lot of luck because with so many different players (and thus different teams), its going to be the unexpected contributors that make a difference. I felt like I needed 3 QBs who could air it out and 4 RBs that I feel are undervalued realtive to the other RBs. I expect all 4 of those guys to "outperform" their salaries. By the time I got to WR, I pretty much put together a mish-mash of upside guys on teams that either throw it b/c their defense stinks or because the QB has a good arm. We'll see what happens.HERD

Hasselbeck, Brady, PlummerPortis, S Davis, Hearst, MorrisPorter, Lelie, Hillard, Finneran, Streets, FergusonRiemersma, RicksM Gramatica, VanderjagtTampa, Seattle

OK Folks. Sorry you all wasted your time but THIS is the winning line-up.QB: Matt Hasselbeck, Tommy Maddox, and Kelly HolcombeRB: Corey Dillon, Jamal Lewis, Onterrio Smith, and Duce StaleyWR: Amani Toomer, Darrell Jackson, Andre Johnson, Charles Rogers, Joey Galloway, and Tai StreetsTE: Billy Miller and Marcus PollardK: Matt Stover and Martin GramaticaD: Baltimore and PittsburgMy strategy went several ways. First I looked for value and calculated "points per dollar". Then I looked at bye weeks. And lastly, I looked at match-ups. Overall I think bye weeks played the biggest role in my picks. I tried to have early bye weeks. Even if it means several players off the same week.I tried to spread the money out to get more value per dollar spent. This is most obvious among QBs. No studs here but 3 guys who can put up really good numbers even if it's every other week. My weakest week will be week 4. I lose Hasselbeck, Tommer, DJAX, and Gramatica. This is bad loosing two expensive WRs but I think it's early enough that I can survive with my RBs and other WRs.


QB: Culpepper, Brady, and HolcombRB: Portis, Henry, M.Williams, and PittmanWR: Streets, Galloway, McCardell, Schroeder, Finneran, and Patten (At least two should do good every week)TE: Crumpler and B.MillerPK: Edinger and StoverDT: Tampa Bay and Indianapolis

QB: Brady, Maddox, HolcombeRB: M. Faulk, Portis, Moe Williams, PittmanWR: Wayne, Galloway, Bradford, Patten, Rogers, FinneranTE: Pollard, MillerK: Akers, GramaticaD: Tampa Bay, New England

QB: Manning, Maddox, Brees - $25RB: Davis, Canidate, Hambrick, Mack - $86WR: Toomer, Porter, DJackson, JReed, Boerigter, DThompson - $73TE: Crumpler, Pollard - $6PK: Brien, Stover - $5DF: Cowboys, Bengals - $5Strategy - mainly tried to front-load bye weeks, and have no more than 3 players off at any time. My biggest exposure is week 8, when Canidate, Porter, and Crumpler are all off, and the cut-down is to 500. I have no byes for week 10 (64 teams) - had to abandon my Terrell Owens strategy because of that.

Don't feel like going into my strategy (plus had to swap Stewart this morning), but now thinking Moss might be a mistake. Switched out Gonzo for Heap also....editQB: Brady, Collins, HolcombRB: S.Davis, W.Dunn, A.Smith, D.StaleyWR: R.Moss, D.Jax, R.Wayne, C.Rogers, R.Ferguson, S.SmithTE: T.Heap, Des.ClarkK:R.Longwell, J.ReedDef: Miami, Baltimore

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QB: Bledsoe (5), Brady (5), Holcomb(2) = 12

RB: Barber (49), George (25), O.Smith (6), Shipp (3) = 83

WR: Moss (49), Price (22), Streets (5), Galloway (4), T.Brown (3), Glenn (2) = 85

TE: Miller (3), Crumpler (3) = 6

PK: Longwell (3), Reed (3) = 6

Def: New England (4), Tennessee (4) = 8

QBs: I follow the theory that since we have 3 QBs that spending big cash here is wasted. It's entirely possible that 1 of these 3 finish top 5 as Bledsoe did last year.

RBs: It doesn't matter that RBs are overpriced, you NEED studs to win this thing. When head to head arrives do you trust Dunn, Hearst, A.Smith, and O.Smith to survive 6 H2H matches in a row?

WRs: Studs are just as important here. I took Moss because barring injuries (which will kill any team no matter what strategy) I now have a situation where I have 5 players trying to fill only 2 spots. Similar to the QBs.... My bad move is Glenn. 3 factors conspird against me...Ourlads was showing Glenn as a starter yesterday, Bryant has a muscle tear and that $1 savings....all combined I switched. But I was aware of the strategy that wilked posted above and tried to exploit it....if Bryant gets hurt worse then I will.

TE: Top 3 are too expensive. All 3 project about 240 points in this system...Crumpler/Miller combined project to over 200...for $16 less. The scrubs being paired with Top 3 TEs won't be used in more than 1 or 2 weeks at the absolute max.

PK: All that matters here is guys who won't get cut. Wanted Morton but bye week 9 was shaping up to be a killer for me.

Def: Could be an important position....hard to tell. But all through my tinkering it felt like I was trying to find just 1 more dollar to help my defense. Ended up climbing from scary SEA and JAX up to solid NE and TEN.

QB: Warner, Stewart, HolcombRB: Faulk, Canidate, Gary, O. SmithWR: Ward, DJax, Boerigter, Patten, Galloway, K. JohnsonTE: Desmond Clark, MillerK: Reed, AndersonD: Baltimore, GB

"Don't Trust Anyone Over $35" --QB: ($21)Peyton Manning - $17Kelly Holcombe - $2Quincy Carter - $2RB: ($72)Stephen Davis - $35Eddie George - $25Emmitt Smith - $7Kevin Faulk - $5WR: ($69)Hines Ward - $35Jerry Porter - $19Johnnie Morton - $6Joey Galloway - $4Antonio Bryant - $3Corey Bradford - $2TE: ($27)Jeremy Shockey - $24Marcus Pollard - $3PK: ($4)Matt Stover - $2Paul Edinger - $2DEF: ($7)Tennessee - $4Indianapolis - $3TOTAL: $200I was on board with the Galloway/Bryant combo. I also like a top 3 TE with 2 pts. awarded per TE reception. And I am really happy with my QBs with Manning, who is steady as a rock and who I believe will be a top 3 QB this season, and two boom-or-bust guys in Holcombe and Carter who are liable to explode for 4+ TDs and 350+ yards on any given week. I do worry about weeks 3 and (particularly) 7 for byes, though.Strategy-wise, I would think that Week 10 would be the best week to try to load up on player byes since that is the only week where advancement will be based on cumulative scoring rather than weekly scoring. I tried to work out a good lineup playing on that strategy but I felt like the squad I came up with was not as good from an every-week value perspective as the one I wound up entering. Plus the fact that they are whacking almost 75% of the teams that week rather than the standard < 50% attrition rate made me second-guess adopting that strategy.Overall, I am very impressed with the design of this contest -- lots of forethought went into the structure. :thumbup: [Edited to add totals by position.]

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QB: Brady, Maddox, Stewart - $13; hoping the rotation equals 1 studRB: Henry, Davis, Mack, O. Smith - $108; 2 semi-studs as anchors, 1 solid starter and a flyer on O. smith, hooping he comes on strong late in the seasonWR: Porter, D. Jackson, Morton, Rogers, Bryant, Randle El - $53; Looking for guys with big week potential. Randle El could surprise a few weeks with multiple TD's plus running and passing pts.TE: McMichael, Miller - $11; Had heap for a long time, but decided McMichael was not far off and cmbined with Miller might give me almost the same production for half as much money.K: Reed, Longwell - $6 cheap and solidD: Baltimore & Atlanta - $10; again, thought 2 semi-studs should outproduce TB and a nothing 2nd D.

I know I took...Clinton Portis and Ricky Williams. :yes: I also had a bye problem on the final week of byes, week 10, but decided to roll the dice as I had enough to complete a starting line up. *Thats the sound of me knocking on wood* But I see aot of my cheap players are the same as everyone elses. So it will come down to our BIG DOGS.

Strategy-wise, I would think that Week 10 would be the best week to try to load up on player byes since that is the only week where advancement will be based on cumulative scoring rather than weekly scoring. Overall, I am very impressed with the design of this contest -- lots of forethought went into the structure. :thumbup: [Edited to add totals by position.]
Need to reread the rules (and Maxwell's confirmation in a thread somewhere): Week 10 cuts are based only on Week 10 production. THEN the 64 teams are seeded by cumulative points.
I tried to get guys with different bye weeks, and if possible, later in the season.QB: Brady, Maddox, HolcombeI was shocked to get these three for a combined $10. Thinking I can load up on RBs or WRs with this savings.........RB: T.Henry, J.Lewis, G. Hearst, O.SmithUpgraded to Henry and Lewis after the roster was done and I had spent only 120 pts or so. Hearst at $6 is a bargain, and Smith might pan out. With Henry and Lewis, I feel very confident.WR: Wayne, Driver, Streets, Borigter, Rogers, HilliardHoping for Driver to improve on last year, and one of the other 5 should be good for at least a decent performance weekly.TE: Crumpler, PollardCrumpler and Pollard were great values. thought about upgrading here rather than at RB, but the gain in Pollard--> was less than Bettis-->Jamal Lewis, IMO.K: Akers, GramaticaKickers........ :brush: D: Balt, IndyTheir schedules match up very well together, especially in the early season.

Strategy-wise, I would think that Week 10 would be the best week to try to load up on player byes since that is the only week where advancement will be based on cumulative scoring rather than weekly scoring. Overall, I am very impressed with the design of this contest -- lots of forethought went into the structure. :thumbup: [Edited to add totals by position.]
Need to reread the rules (and Maxwell's confirmation in a thread somewhere): Week 10 cuts are based only on Week 10 production. THEN the 64 teams are seeded by cumulative points.
In that case I'm definitely glad I didn't adopt that strategy. Didn't see the clarification, but here is that section of the rules:
The weekly cutoffs are as follows:Week 1 trim to 8000 teams (all advance if we have less entries)Week 2 trim to 6000 teamsWeek 3 trim to 5000 teamsWeek 4 trim to 4000 teamsWeek 5 trim to 3000 teamsWeek 6 trim to 2000 teamsWeek 7 trim to 1000 teamsWeek 8 trim to 500 teamsWeek 9 trim to 250 teamsWeek 10 trim to 64 teams (Teams seeded by highest points based on performance in weeks 1-10)Week 11 (H2H) trim to 32 teamsWeek 12 (H2H) trim to 16 teamsWeek 13 (H2H) trim to 8 teamsWeek 14 (H2H) trim to 4 teamsWeek 15 (H2H) trim to 2 teamsWeek 16 (H2H) Championship Game
I can see what you mean. If it weren't for that blank line between 9 and 10 the rules would be *very* clear.
Going from memory, I think I took these guys:QB - Maddox, Hasselbeck, BradyRB - Amos, O. Smith, W. Dunn, TrungWR - Moss, Koren, J. Morton, Kevin Johnson, Andre Johnson, and some other cheap wideout.TE - Crumpler & JolleyDef - NE & BaltWent with WR's who I believe are going to have big years (Moss & Koren), 3 Qb's who should all have 25+ TD's, and RB's with upside and who catch the rock (1 pt. per reception is important).Never played in a salary cap league, so I'm hoping to at least make the cut.
Both your TEs have a bye in week 8.
Going from memory, I think I took these guys:QB - Maddox, Hasselbeck, BradyRB - Amos, O. Smith, W. Dunn, TrungWR - Moss, Koren, J. Morton, Kevin Johnson, Andre Johnson, and some other cheap wideout.TE - Crumpler & JolleyDef - NE & BaltWent with WR's who I believe are going to have big years (Moss & Koren), 3 Qb's who should all have 25+ TD's, and RB's with upside and who catch the rock (1 pt. per reception is important).Never played in a salary cap league, so I'm hoping to at least make the cut.
Both your TEs have a bye in week 8.
Uh-oh.....Damn you WMI! :bag:
I tried to get guys with different bye weeks, and if possible, later in the season.QB: Brady, Maddox, HolcombeI was shocked to get these three for a combined $10. Thinking I can load up on RBs or WRs with this savings.........RB: T.Henry, J.Lewis, G. Hearst, O.SmithUpgraded to Henry and Lewis after the roster was done and I had spent only 120 pts or so. Hearst at $6 is a bargain, and Smith might pan out. With Henry and Lewis, I feel very confident.WR: Wayne, Driver, Streets, Borigter, Rogers, HilliardHoping for Driver to improve on last year, and one of the other 5 should be good for at least a decent performance weekly.TE: Crumpler, PollardCrumpler and Pollard were great values. thought about upgrading here rather than at RB, but the gain in Pollard--> was less than Bettis-->Jamal Lewis, IMO.K: Akers, GramaticaKickers........ :brush: D: Balt, IndyTheir schedules match up very well together, especially in the early season.
I'm reading through your thread thinking at first, oh well, he sacrificed at QB to get great running backs. Then I look at your RBs and think, oh, okay, he must have great WRs. I get to WR, and think, wow this must be the only guy to spend half of his salary on TEs, Ks, and Ds. Then I get all the way through and wonder how much money must be left on the table.I realize the answer is next to none.I guess we just have different tastes, but I'm not impressed. Nothing personal.Feel free to find my team earlier in this thread and rip it apart (and yes, we do have some of the same players, but not the critical ones).
QB=23Trent Green=10Matt Hasselbeck=8Tom Brady=5RB=114Clinton Portis=62Amos Zereoue=25Trung Canidate=21Onterrio Smith=6WR=42 Quincy Morgan=20Ike Hilliard=8Andre Johnson=5Joey Galloway=4Marc Boerigter=3Antwaan Randle-El=2TE=6Billy Miller=3Alge Crumpler=3K=6Josh Brown=3Jeff Reed=3DEF=9Balt=5NE=4

I went with RBs that catch, QBs that run, and WRs that get receptions (I hope).QBs McNair (11), Fiedler (4), and Kitna (3)RBs Barber (49), Dunn (16), Staley (5), and A. Smith (6)WRs Harrison (59), Hilliard (8), Streets (5), Galloway (4), McCardell (4), and Kennison (3)TEs Crumpler (3), Pollard (3)PKs Elam (4), Dawson (2)DT Tampa Bay (9), Jacksonville (2)

QBWarnerGreenHolcombRBGarnerO. SmithStaleyHearstWRBurressBookerDriverTim BrownStreetsMortonTERieresmaT. JohnsonK.ChristieM. AndersenDEFChiefsSaintsTheory:I looked at hot spots in the schedules that would allow players to maximize their values playing bad teams and/or bad defenses. I looked for players that would help me in four game streches and tried to overlap as much as possible to maximize value.QB:Warner has a WHOPPING 9 GAMES against piss poor talent. Green whole season is ok, but finishes the season (when it counts) against some real cupcakes. Holcomb doesn't really have any hot spots but at 2 bucks, who cares!!RB:Garner's "injury" worries me a little bit but the Raiders play 7 realtively easy games in the middle of the season. O. Smith has 4 games at the end of the season that are pretty easy. By that time he should be the unquestioned starter. Staley was a cheap 5 bucks and his receiving stats will help pad the numbers until O. Smith comes around. No real easy schedule for Staley. I originally has Barlow instead of Hearst until I heard about the Hearst starting. He was 9 bucks cheaper than Barlow and will probably get equal numbers plus he has 6 games against easy defenses W3 to W6 and again W14 and W15 when it will count.WR:Same theories here. Burress plays a strech of games from W9 to W12 where he plays some pretty bad defenses. Booker may be the most undervalued player in this game. Whoever didn't put him on their team lost out. he has an easy schedule from W6 to W8. Driver will carry me through the first 6 weeks where GB has an cupcake schedule. Had Bruce here instead of Driver, but took him out at the last minute. For Morton (see T. Green above). For Tim Brown (see Garner above). For Streets (see Hearst above).TE:Rierisma may be the steal at TE. He didn't fit well in the Bills O last year and goes to the pass happy Steelers. I look for him to get me good value of around 50 to 60 catches and a good amount of short yardage TD's. Teyo was cheap and took him because of the Raiders schedule and also his upside.K:Went cheapest I could but went with kickers on relatively good offenses.DEF:Since yardage and points against didn't matter, I went for the two best kick returners in the league: Dante Hall and Michael Lewis. All DEF will get INT, SACKS and FUMBLE RECOVERIES, but not every team can bring one back like these two teams.Overall, I really like my chances. Even if the players are not in a HOT ZONE, they can still put up points for me.

No real strategy here , I put together the team during the extended deadline yesterday after forgetting about the contest.Main goal was to spread the bye weeks around and try to find value with low price guys.Total-$200QB-12Brady-5Maddox-5Holcomb-2RB-109- I wanted to stay away from premier backs with their cap #'sLewis-46S.Davis-35Zereoue-25Duckett-3WR-57-Two studs & hoping Branch goes offToomer-24Driver-22Streets-5Branch-2Finneran-2S.Smith-2TE-5Pollard-3Graham-2K-8M.Gramatica-4Carney-4D-9Balt-5NE-4

Why is everyone smoking CRACK???IMO, you would want to get a lot of your BYE weeks out of the way early while there is still a large amount of teams in the mix. Having a BYE late will cost you your a** against someone who already was through them early. Man, this may be easier than I thought.... :P

I tried to get guys with different bye weeks, and if possible, later in the season.QB: Brady, Maddox, HolcombeI was shocked to get these three for a combined $10. Thinking I can load up on RBs or WRs with this savings.........RB: T.Henry, J.Lewis, G. Hearst, O.SmithUpgraded to Henry and Lewis after the roster was done and I had spent only 120 pts or so. Hearst at $6 is a bargain, and Smith might pan out. With Henry and Lewis, I feel very confident.WR: Wayne, Driver, Streets, Borigter, Rogers, HilliardHoping for Driver to improve on last year, and one of the other 5 should be good for at least a decent performance weekly.TE: Crumpler, PollardCrumpler and Pollard were great values. thought about upgrading here rather than at RB, but the gain in Pollard--> was less than Bettis-->Jamal Lewis, IMO.K: Akers, GramaticaKickers........ :brush: D: Balt, IndyTheir schedules match up very well together, especially in the early season.
I'm reading through your thread thinking at first, oh well, he sacrificed at QB to get great running backs. Then I look at your RBs and think, oh, okay, he must have great WRs. I get to WR, and think, wow this must be the only guy to spend half of his salary on TEs, Ks, and Ds. Then I get all the way through and wonder how much money must be left on the table.I realize the answer is next to none.I guess we just have different tastes, but I'm not impressed. Nothing personal.Feel free to find my team earlier in this thread and rip it apart (and yes, we do have some of the same players, but not the critical ones).
It's funny because it's TRUE!!!! :excited:
Why is everyone smoking CRACK???IMO, you would want to get a lot of your BYE weeks out of the way early while there is still a large amount of teams in the mix. Having a BYE late will cost you your a** against someone who already was through them early. Man, this may be easier than I thought.... :P
UNLESS guys like Portis, Priest, Henry, George, and Deuce go off for the first 8-9 weeks, and by the time they get to their bye weeks, most of the remaining owners have one or more of them on their rosters.With that many studs going out early, the Faulk owners may just mop everyone up... if Faulk (week 5 bye) has a good week against Baltimore (week 10), and survive whichever weeks Faulk is inevitably hurt. Or maybe the Alexander (week 4) owners will make it the furthest - he looks really good, and he was cheaper than the rest of the tier 1 backs. Of course, he could really hurt you the first few weeks if their line is bad. And of course there's his alleged inconsistency. I agree you don't want to load up on week 9 and 10 byes, but the winning strategy may be drafting to make it to week 9, not to win it. We'll see!
I also was very late in signing up, so I just picked guys I liked that fit in the $ with no regard for bye weeks or serious thought. Therefore, combined with being a chick, I think I have the best chance to win just to tick all of you boys off :P K Collins, K Warner, J PlummerM Faulk, S Davis, W Dunn, M AlstottI Hilliard, K Johnson, T Streets, J Reed, J Galloway, K McCardellJ Riemersma, D JolleyJ Nedney, J HallBuff D and Ten DP.S. How did you all get those cool pics above your names??

QB's-Culpepper,Brady,Holcomb RB's-M.Faulk,J.Lewis,G.Hearst,D,Staley WR's-A.Lelie,J.Galloway,Kv.Johnson,D.Northcutt,D.Patton TE's-B.Miller,Dz.Clark PK-J.Elam,J.Hanson DEF-Baltimore,Dallas :boxing:

Alright, I posted my team earlier, but I will post again and add some commentary.First things first, I think it is necessary to gamble on a few picks ("reach", if you will) to win this contest. Put another way, the surest way to lose is to play it safe. I also think bye week strategy is important. I tried to get my byes out of the way early. Can anyone more experienced elaborate on the soundness of that strategy?I also like the idea of differentiating myself from the rest of the field. For the Portis owners, Portis's production is great, but you know hundreds more, if not thousands, will reap that same benefit; but if Edgerrin James produces, I will belong to a select group of players (eventually). I may get burned for taking Edge, but that is a gamble I want to take.Stephen Davis was the biggest no-brainer in this draft (which proves I have no brain?), but $35 for a second stud was too hard to pass up. Others could make the same argument for Eddie George, but I'm leery of him because he seems to be aging quickly, relative to other veteran RBs.Onterrio Smith was an easy choice too. If he wins the starting job (to include goal line attempts), I have 3 solid, dare I say "stud", backs. Maurice Morris was an outright shot in the dark. I don't wish any harm on Shaun Alexander, but if he goes down with injury, I'm suddenly a favorite to win $15K. Again, you can't play it safe and win this game. Anyone here who was disappointed that Toefield was not on the list knows what I am talking about.As for my receivers, I drafted solely on upside. I think Rogers, Warrick and Galloway represent extreme value. Reggie Wayne is a bit of a reach. Ashley Lelie I like very much at $14. As for Chrebet, he was a little expensive, but I see him as Vinnie's "path of least resistance" for passing yardage. Chrebet represents Vinnie's "happy place".QBs - Most folks took the low road here, with the assumption that 1 out of 3 will produce each week. I say the odds are better than most expect, that 3 cheap QBs can all lay an egg in the same week. Bye weeks have to scare the hell out of bargain hunters. I think I did a good job of picking up "studs" on the cheap. I probably should have found another buck somewhere to upgrade Warner to Manning, but I already have too many damn Colts on my roster. [i'm not a Colt fan, BTW]TEs - Too much value in Miller to pass up. Dallas Clark? Just another "risk" I am willing to take.PK - Vanderjagt and Mare are rcok solid. "Nuf said.DEF - Baltimore and Dallas are very good choices. Anyone disagree?My picks:QBs$16 - Kurt Warner$8 - Matt Hassllback$6 - Patrick RamseyRBs$64 - Edgerrin James$35 - Stephen Davis$6 - Onterrio Smith$2 - Maurice MorrisWRs$14 - Ashley Lelie$9 - Wayne Chrebet$7 - Reggie Wayne$6 - Charles Rogers$4 - Joey Galloway$3 - Peter WarrickTEs$3 - Billy Miller$2 - Dallas ClarkK$4 - Mike Vanderjagt$3 - Olindo MareDEF$5 - Baltimore$3 - Dallas


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