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***Official 2024 Golf Thread, pick up the pace, HCP be a changing *** (1 Viewer)

Zero chance I'd play with him. I have one guy I have just cancelled out of tee times lol

One guy I work with plays on occasion and my coworker buddy makes all the times, he will ask ok if I invite X this round......lol

Oh, that goes without saying. If I see him with me on the tee sheet, I'm moving.

But if we both show up after work (which seems to be a pattern) I'll have to start coming up with excuses.

There are only 2 guys at our club that are generally avoided. They make the same 10:40 tee time pretty much every day and without fail....the other 2 spots in that 4 some are ALWAYS the last 2 to fill up. Both are super annoying, slow, etc, but at least their antics are kinda funny. (they're 2 older jewish guys who just bicker back and forth) This aint that.
Can you play him for money and/or sleep with his wife?

I personally like taking this type of guy's money but, yeah, if you're just playing to relax and this guy bothers you then your time playing isn't worth it and you're better offer adjusting your schedule or just hitting balls and practicing during that time to avoid him.

if we played for money, I'd probably get annoyed, play poorly and lose.
Man - every club has these guys. We have a few. One guy is a nails on a chalkboard type. Not only talks incessantly, he’s a close talker. I mean walking down the fairway right in your face. Then when you go to hit he stops a foot away and stays there. Doesn’t go to his ball. Another is the type that the first time you meet him after the first tee shot will say “Smails, want me to tell you what you’re doing wrong in your swing?” Nah - I’m good. Especially since I can beat you 10 out of 10 times. There are others. The habitually slow guys. We played yesterday as a threesome in 3:25. That’s what we want. I avoid these players at all cost and if they book in my foursome I move elsewhere.

Oh, for sure. There are other guys at our club that break little etiquette rules occasionally, talk too much, comment on your swing, etc. Nobody's perfect (myself included). But this dude is just CONSTANTLY doing stuff/saying stuff that drives me absolutely nuts. It honestly comes across as deliberate because I honestly can't believe that someone who has been playing golf his whole life (dude grew up at one of the top 100 courses in the country) could have so little golf courtesy.
Now I'm trying to recall what possibly stupid/annoying whisky-sparked comments I made during our round... :lmao:

I do know that I can be a bit chatty and that I talk to other people's balls (usually with nothing but positivity) but I know that annoys some. Again, that's probably the whisky talking.
My mild irritant is the guy who self analyzes every shot he plays:

Whack, ball flies about 220 down the middle
I say "Nice Drive" to which he replies "A little off the toe, I just can't figure out why I'm doing that. There's just no hip turn. Come on Paul - you're better than this. What is wrong with you?"

Dude, you're 65 years old and a 10 handicap. Say "Thanks" or "That'll work" and shut it.
lol... I'm slightly guilty of this :bag: but it's more like ..... "Thanks, caught it off the toe but I won't complain" - only with people I play with regularly.

Stranger - might just say Thanks with didnt get all of it but it'll work
Right, I'd do the same if I'm with a regular playing partner. Strangers I try to keep it to just a "thanks" because I presume saying something like, "I completely mishit that and it wound up 30 yards shorter than normal" sounds pretty douchy.
Man - every club has these guys. We have a few. One guy is a nails on a chalkboard type. Not only talks incessantly, he’s a close talker. I mean walking down the fairway right in your face. Then when you go to hit he stops a foot away and stays there. Doesn’t go to his ball. Another is the type that the first time you meet him after the first tee shot will say “Smails, want me to tell you what you’re doing wrong in your swing?” Nah - I’m good. Especially since I can beat you 10 out of 10 times. There are others. The habitually slow guys. We played yesterday as a threesome in 3:25. That’s what we want. I avoid these players at all cost and if they book in my foursome I move elsewhere.

Oh, for sure. There are other guys at our club that break little etiquette rules occasionally, talk too much, comment on your swing, etc. Nobody's perfect (myself included). But this dude is just CONSTANTLY doing stuff/saying stuff that drives me absolutely nuts. It honestly comes across as deliberate because I honestly can't believe that someone who has been playing golf his whole life (dude grew up at one of the top 100 courses in the country) could have so little golf courtesy.
Now I'm trying to recall what possibly stupid/annoying whisky-sparked comments I made during our round... :lmao:

I do know that I can be a bit chatty and that I talk to other people's balls (usually with nothing but positivity) but I know that annoys some. Again, that's probably the whisky talking.

You were just fine my friend.

I could have done without your boy taking multiple mid-round Facetime calls from his girlfriend(that relationship still going?) ....but it was a good time. I made an eagle and 2 birdies on a course I didnt know...so even with some blowup holes....hard to be negative about that round.
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Man - every club has these guys. We have a few. One guy is a nails on a chalkboard type. Not only talks incessantly, he’s a close talker. I mean walking down the fairway right in your face. Then when you go to hit he stops a foot away and stays there. Doesn’t go to his ball. Another is the type that the first time you meet him after the first tee shot will say “Smails, want me to tell you what you’re doing wrong in your swing?” Nah - I’m good. Especially since I can beat you 10 out of 10 times. There are others. The habitually slow guys. We played yesterday as a threesome in 3:25. That’s what we want. I avoid these players at all cost and if they book in my foursome I move elsewhere.

Oh, for sure. There are other guys at our club that break little etiquette rules occasionally, talk too much, comment on your swing, etc. Nobody's perfect (myself included). But this dude is just CONSTANTLY doing stuff/saying stuff that drives me absolutely nuts. It honestly comes across as deliberate because I honestly can't believe that someone who has been playing golf his whole life (dude grew up at one of the top 100 courses in the country) could have so little golf courtesy.
Now I'm trying to recall what possibly stupid/annoying whisky-sparked comments I made during our round... :lmao:

I do know that I can be a bit chatty and that I talk to other people's balls (usually with nothing but positivity) but I know that annoys some. Again, that's probably the whisky talking.

You were just fine my friend.

I could have done without your boy taking multiple mid-round Facetime calls from his girlfriend(that relationship still going?) ....but it was a good time. I made an eagle and 2 birdies on a course I didnt know...so even with some blowup holes....hard to be negative about that round.

That's a looooong story and more of a Friday thread in of itself, but yes.
Let's see wake up at 440ish. Get dressed, hour ride to course, stop at Wawa for a coffee. Supposed to tee off at 6:30 only 2 of us. 2 groups in front of us were kind enough to let us go off first. Tee off at 6:15.:; lipped 3 makable birdie putts. Hit 2 bad shots all day. Fire a 76. 4 bogies. Really could have went low today except my irons weren't checking up on the greens is normal. They kind of released more than normal. Greens a little wet.

Hour ride home. Stopped for a quick sit down breakfast at chick fila to rehash how awesome we are.

On couch at 10:15.

That's a win
Man some of the self swing critique stuff...y'all are a lot better but that must be different.

My normal group, there's a couple of us really trying to learn and be better and we like take a video for the other sometimes, talk about what happened a lot, try to reason through things, compare it to the last lesson, share what we are working on and stuff.

Obviously different but I'd have a hard time not muttering some stuff to myself at this point.
Man some of the self swing critique stuff...y'all are a lot better but that must be different.

My normal group, there's a couple of us really trying to learn and be better and we like take a video for the other sometimes, talk about what happened a lot, try to reason through things, compare it to the last lesson, share what we are working on and stuff.

Obviously different but I'd have a hard time not muttering some stuff to myself at this point.
That's fine. My advice do it after the round.

Play with what you got that day then analyze.

You will get in your head trying to fix swing by swing

My .02
And to add I can shave 5 shots off your round easily. For newer players

Go chip and putt 2-3 times a week for 30-60 minutes.

And I mean really practice. Pick a hole and setup balls in a circle 3 feet around the hole. Make every one like 6-8 spots

Then move to 4 or 5 feet.

Then move to like 10ft

Then work on lags.

Then chip from various lies and try to get the ball in a 3ft circle.

Then to end the practice. From a variety of spots. Chip then putt out. Another spot chip and putt out.

Keep track of how many up and downs (2 shots) you make.

Instant shot shaver
I just had a good 9 holes that could have been a lot better. 145 yards out on par 4 1st hole and hit nice approach 6 feet from hole but barely missed birdie. Wound up 5 over with 5 pars, 1 birdie, 3 double bogey. All double bogeys were result of an errant drive. 1st round I can remember with no bogeys.
Was excited to log off early and get 18 in.

Too bad I couldn't hit anything but high spinny "fades" (not quite slices....but they just kinda started middle-right and kept drifting....and drifting....and drifting.....)off the tee and lost 4 balls OB on the front 9 (and as a result, the only 9 I played)

Golf sucks.
Was excited to log off early and get 18 in.

Too bad I couldn't hit anything but high spinny "fades" (not quite slices....but they just kinda started middle-right and kept drifting....and drifting....and drifting.....)off the tee and lost 4 balls OB on the front 9 (and as a result, the only 9 I played)

Golf sucks.

So I got invited to a cash game yesterday as a last minute add. I knew the game played for significant stakes but I didn't know just how much. As we are on the tee I'm told the buy in and it's an amount that is way more than I've ever played and an amount that would give my wife a heart attack if I lost it all. Had some nervous three putts the first few holes but I settled and focused in and shot one of the most consistent rounds I've played with only 6 bogeys and 12 pars (and parred the last 8 holes played). Lost the team game (though not my fault) but won enough gross and net skins hat I went home up $29 dollars. :lmao:

Great primer for my member member tournament - my favorite tournament of the year - which starts today. My partner (who is probably the best player in the club) and I won this thing two years ago and nearly repeated last year. My family is gone this weekend so it's three more days of a bunch of competitive golf and all days spent at the course. Woke up today at 5:00 AM because I'm so excited.
Last edited:
Was excited to log off early and get 18 in.

Too bad I couldn't hit anything but high spinny "fades" (not quite slices....but they just kinda started middle-right and kept drifting....and drifting....and drifting.....)off the tee and lost 4 balls OB on the front 9 (and as a result, the only 9 I played)

Golf sucks.

You only bring 4 balls? :shock:
Was excited to log off early and get 18 in.

Too bad I couldn't hit anything but high spinny "fades" (not quite slices....but they just kinda started middle-right and kept drifting....and drifting....and drifting.....)off the tee and lost 4 balls OB on the front 9 (and as a result, the only 9 I played)

Golf sucks.

You only bring 4 balls? :shock:
Haha. Nah, I generally bring 6 (and have more in the car if needed). But losing 4 on the front is kind of a sign to go home
One of my annoyances on the course:

Good friend of mine is probably the best golfer in our group of regulars. He's always trying to be positive and supportive of everyone. That in itself is a little annoying. But the big thing is that he's freaking blind as a bat and won't get glasses or contacts.

He's constantly saying "good shot" to people's bad shots because he's not actually seeing where it goes. And then he's trying to tell people where their ball is and it's just NOT EVEN CLOSE! I ***** at him all the time about it and he just won't stop. Probably on purpose at this point because he knows it pisses me off.
i had a guy yesterday on his phone non stop for the first 4 holes and he wouldn’t put his phone on ****ing silent. I kind of prefer the people that can put their phones away and just play golf.

I got another friend who never watches any tee shots so he is 0 help finding offline balls, god forbid he not watch 10,000 instagram reels while playing:
i had a guy yesterday on his phone non stop for the first 4 holes and he wouldn’t put his phone on ****ing silent. I kind of prefer the people that can put their phones away and just play golf.

I got another friend who never watches any tee shots so he is 0 help finding offline balls, god forbid he not watch 10,000 instagram reels while playing:

Do you know that they're goofing off and not dealing with something that legitimately needs their attention?

I am self conscious about this myself. Running my own business is great for golf because I can golf at 10am on a Wednesday, but not so great because at any time I can get a call/text/email that needs immediate attention. If something comes up that requires multiple texts/emails I try to make a joke/comment mentioning work so they know I'm not just scrolling the yoga pants thread or something.
i had a guy yesterday on his phone non stop for the first 4 holes and he wouldn’t put his phone on ****ing silent. I kind of prefer the people that can put their phones away and just play golf.

I got another friend who never watches any tee shots so he is 0 help finding offline balls, god forbid he not watch 10,000 instagram reels while playing:
You can play with me. My phone is usually in my bag. Will put in cart sometimes to use the ghin gps
Back to back 78’s. Played in our Founder’s Cup yesterday. Better ball, handicapped. 52 teams. 16 make match play. Birdied 2 of the first 4. Then stuck a 7 iron to 2 feet. Think only way I miss this is if I peak. Didn’t peak. Pulled it and lipped out. Ughh. Regrouped. Had another birdie. We finish at -5. Cut was -6 for a long time which made that putt really hurt. But it went to -7 so didn’t feel as bad.

But I am pissed as everyone isn’t playing by same rules. Can see groups not putting out. Group behind us were hacking all day and they finished -7. Yeah right. Par 3 island green both guys dunk in the water. One guy dunked another one. Other guy got to drop on the other side, chipped and missed the putt. Double bogey. Saw bunch of bad shots. -7. Sure dudes. They need to not let friends all play together in qualifying.

No worries. Off to our 33rd annual 24 guy golf trip in Palm Springs. Leave Tuesday. Through Saturday. Can’t wait
Starting to feel like I'm adjusting to wherever the swing is any given day. Had a weird round today in that only 12 holes played (4 of the final 6 were closed after the terrible storms in OK/TX last night and I wasn't gonna try to go around to the final two). 60 through 12, which was exactly bogey golf. And that's after a triple-double to open the round. Just playing good golf right now (for me) in that I'm treating everything like a bogey is a par, my recent lesson on some actual chipping technique made me really inconsistent for a bit, but working at it, it's becoming more consistent and consistently better than pre-lesson, and the putting is excellent. Finally got a long one to drop today, but overall have just been leaving putt after putt inside of 3 feet and feels like I'm sinking a ton in the 7 ft range and in.
Golf-etiquette survey results: Sounding off on slow play, cheating, dress codes

some of these are probably more relevant if you belong to a private club, but spot on in general...

Your biggest golf etiquette pet peeve is:​

Slow play: 65.1%

Poor course maintenance (unraked bunkers, un-repaired ball marks, etc.): 17.5%

Music on the course: 7.9%

Club throwing: 6.4%

Untucked shirts and other dress-code violations: 1.3%

Other: 1.5%

No peeves!: 0.3%

Which best describes your feelings about music on the course?​

Fine with it if kept at low volume: 60%

No place for it: 30%

Love it. Let it rip: 9.7%

You’ve been appointed golf czar for the day. Which dress code would you ban first?​

No denim: 14.1%

No t-shirts: 9.7%

No backward caps: 7.6%

No cargo shorts: 4%

All of them: 38.7%
None of them: 25.8%

When playing as a guest at a private club, you should always:​

Offer to cover all costs, including lunch: 30.2%

Offer to cover only your host’s caddie fee and your guest fee: 28%

Offer to cover only your host’s caddie fee: 12%

Enjoy the day as a guest without worrying about fees: 29.4%

A reasonable pace for a foursome playing 18 holes is:​

3:30-4 hours: 55.1%

4-4:30 hours: 37.6%

3-3:30 hours: 5.2%

4:30-5 hours: 1.5%

Whatever time it takes: 0.6%

You consider yourself a:​

Fast player: 63.1%
Slow player: 0.7%
Somewhere in between: 36.1%

If you think your opponent just cheated, the best response is to:​

Ask them if they are aware that they have just violated the rules: 58.4%

Ignore it: 29.9%

Call them out immediately: 11.6%

Storm off the course and vow never to play with them again: 0.1%

What is your own approach to the rules?​

Take small liberties (first-tee mulligan, roll ball over in bad lies, etc.): 57.8%

Follow the rules to a tee: 34.7%

Anything goes. I’m just playing for fun: 7.5%

If a player from another group hits into yours, your response is to:​

Raise your hands in frustration: 52.2%

Ignore it: 35.3%

Tee the ball up to send a message: 6.2%

Step on the ball: 4.25%
Hit the ball back to them: 2.1%

How often do you throw clubs in frustration?​

Never: 73.4%

Once in my life. I was so embarrassed, I never did it again: 20.6%

Once per round: 5.9%

Multiple times per round: 0.2%

Which best describes your feeling about phone usage on the course?​

Emails and calls are fine. Just be discreet: 51.9%

Leave it in your bag. Golf is supposed to be an escape: 41%

C’mon, it’s 2024. You should be able to use your phone how and when you please: 7.1%

What’s the worst etiquette breach you’ve ever witnessed?

I saw a guy throw his putter after missing a putt and nearly hitting a playing partner. That really strained the relationship, and he never played with us again.
Spitting sunflower seeds on the greens around the hole.
A player ahead took 5-6 practice swings, taking a divot after each one, and didn’t replace any of them, nor did he replace the divot when he hit the shot. Couldn’t let that go without calling him on it.
Raking in 3-footers as gimmes.
Six players in six separate carts.
A guy driving a golf cart on the green. Like, he did not know you couldn’t do it. Lots of money and time goes into green maintenance, and I can only imagine if the super had witnessed it. Dude got an earful from us after.
Waiting for green to clear 300 yards out.
Cigar ashes on green.
Group in front of us playing really slow. When we approached par-3 9th hole tee box next to clubhouse, one player sat on tee box to “hold” their place while the other three went into clubhouse to get hot dogs.
Member filling her bag with range balls.
Golf-etiquette survey results: Sounding off on slow play, cheating, dress codes

some of these are probably more relevant if you belong to a private club, but spot on in general...

Your biggest golf etiquette pet peeve is:​

Slow play: 65.1%

Poor course maintenance (unraked bunkers, un-repaired ball marks, etc.): 17.5%

Music on the course: 7.9%

Club throwing: 6.4%

Untucked shirts and other dress-code violations: 1.3%

Other: 1.5%

No peeves!: 0.3%

Which best describes your feelings about music on the course?​

Fine with it if kept at low volume: 60%

No place for it: 30%

Love it. Let it rip: 9.7%

You’ve been appointed golf czar for the day. Which dress code would you ban first?​

No denim: 14.1%

No t-shirts: 9.7%

No backward caps: 7.6%

No cargo shorts: 4%

All of them: 38.7%
None of them: 25.8%

When playing as a guest at a private club, you should always:​

Offer to cover all costs, including lunch: 30.2%

Offer to cover only your host’s caddie fee and your guest fee: 28%

Offer to cover only your host’s caddie fee: 12%

Enjoy the day as a guest without worrying about fees: 29.4%

A reasonable pace for a foursome playing 18 holes is:​

3:30-4 hours: 55.1%

4-4:30 hours: 37.6%

3-3:30 hours: 5.2%

4:30-5 hours: 1.5%

Whatever time it takes: 0.6%

You consider yourself a:​

Fast player: 63.1%
Slow player: 0.7%
Somewhere in between: 36.1%

If you think your opponent just cheated, the best response is to:​

Ask them if they are aware that they have just violated the rules: 58.4%

Ignore it: 29.9%

Call them out immediately: 11.6%

Storm off the course and vow never to play with them again: 0.1%

What is your own approach to the rules?​

Take small liberties (first-tee mulligan, roll ball over in bad lies, etc.): 57.8%

Follow the rules to a tee: 34.7%

Anything goes. I’m just playing for fun: 7.5%

If a player from another group hits into yours, your response is to:​

Raise your hands in frustration: 52.2%

Ignore it: 35.3%

Tee the ball up to send a message: 6.2%

Step on the ball: 4.25%
Hit the ball back to them: 2.1%

How often do you throw clubs in frustration?​

Never: 73.4%

Once in my life. I was so embarrassed, I never did it again: 20.6%

Once per round: 5.9%

Multiple times per round: 0.2%

Which best describes your feeling about phone usage on the course?​

Emails and calls are fine. Just be discreet: 51.9%

Leave it in your bag. Golf is supposed to be an escape: 41%

C’mon, it’s 2024. You should be able to use your phone how and when you please: 7.1%

What’s the worst etiquette breach you’ve ever witnessed?

I saw a guy throw his putter after missing a putt and nearly hitting a playing partner. That really strained the relationship, and he never played with us again.
Spitting sunflower seeds on the greens around the hole.
A player ahead took 5-6 practice swings, taking a divot after each one, and didn’t replace any of them, nor did he replace the divot when he hit the shot. Couldn’t let that go without calling him on it.
Raking in 3-footers as gimmes.
Six players in six separate carts.
A guy driving a golf cart on the green. Like, he did not know you couldn’t do it. Lots of money and time goes into green maintenance, and I can only imagine if the super had witnessed it. Dude got an earful from us after.
Waiting for green to clear 300 yards out.
Cigar ashes on green.
Group in front of us playing really slow. When we approached par-3 9th hole tee box next to clubhouse, one player sat on tee box to “hold” their place while the other three went into clubhouse to get hot dogs.
Member filling her bag with range balls.
Sat on teebox waiting for group :lmao:

I never understood the not letting people play through.....you afraid I'm going to hold you up? Lmao

*Obviously packed course is different
i had a guy yesterday on his phone non stop for the first 4 holes and he wouldn’t put his phone on ****ing silent. I kind of prefer the people that can put their phones away and just play golf.

I got another friend who never watches any tee shots so he is 0 help finding offline balls, god forbid he not watch 10,000 instagram reels while playing:

Do you know that they're goofing off and not dealing with something that legitimately needs their attention?

I am self conscious about this myself. Running my own business is great for golf because I can golf at 10am on a Wednesday, but not so great because at any time I can get a call/text/email that needs immediate attention. If something comes up that requires multiple texts/emails I try to make a joke/comment mentioning work so they know I'm not just scrolling the yoga pants thread or something.
The first guy was not goofing off and had something that was a bit of an emergency but there was no need for his phone to not be on silent. We gave him a ton of **** about it once it died down.

Second guy is 10000% goofing off but he's the one that usually books the tee times so he sort of gets a pass.
i had a guy yesterday on his phone non stop for the first 4 holes and he wouldn’t put his phone on ****ing silent. I kind of prefer the people that can put their phones away and just play golf.

I got another friend who never watches any tee shots so he is 0 help finding offline balls, god forbid he not watch 10,000 instagram reels while playing:
You can play with me. My phone is usually in my bag. Will put in cart sometimes to use the ghin gps
I use the grint app and have my phone magnetized to the cart but I also throw the phone on focus mode and only periodically check it for texts/phone calls.
As to that survey above, I guess my only surprise was the etiquette for what guests pay for. Speaking personally as a private member, I've always done it where if I make the invite then the guest covers his green fees but I usually cover the food and drinks. If my guest is the one who asked me to play, then I expect him to cover all of his costs but none of mine.

Note: we don't have caddies (so no caddy fees to worry about) and I'm excluding the relatively rare situation where the guest and I are bringing each other on to each other's courses respectively. I'm also not addressing the somewhat rare time where I bring a family member (I pay) or a client (I pay as well).
Speaking personally as a private member, I've always done it where if I make the invite then the guest covers his green fees but I usually cover the food and drinks.
there's only one friend in my circle who is a private club member and he does this as well. I started to insist on paying for the drinks because I feel bad and I appreciate the invitation very much and I want to be invited back. I tell him so every time. Really cool to have friends like you.
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When I bring my dad to my place, I'll pay for the guest fee (or my brother and I split it if he's there with both of us) and he usually buys drinks or lunch afterwards.

When we go to his place, he never lets us pay for anything (my grandpa was the same way)

If i bring a guest to my place, I generally just pay unless they ask what it is (which they usually do). If they pick up their fee, I'll buy the post round food/drinks. None of my friends are members at private clubs other than mine. :kicksrock:

Been playing horrible lately. Had some good afterwork 9's but cant put 18 together (and still havent) But just played the 2nd best 9 of my life. Played our back 9 (which is generally like 3-4 shots harder) and was even par in the 18th fairway with an 80 yard wedge shot. Nuked it off the back to a horrible spot but hit a GREAT chip to leave myself a tough 6 footer. Missed it half a cup on the left :wall:

My other bogey was a 6 foot edge burner and had 3 other putts break across the hole at the last minute. SO close to an all-timer (but still tied for my best back 9 ever)
Qualified to play on my club's official(tm) tournament team yesterday with a no stress 76. Putter is finally starting to get hot.
This like a 12 or 16 man team against other clubs? Have a match tomorrow in MN from that format
8 man but yes.
Nice. We have 16 and 12 so we go a bit deeper. Unfortunately means we go against scratch players sometimes and get hammered
Just got back from our 24 guy marathon in Palm Springs. Great week and if any of you are every considering a phenomenal guys trip I can give you the lay of the land there to do it up right. Phenomenal resort - we take over all 24 rooms. Staff loves us. Food is top notch - for the Champions dinner they did paella and a pig roast. Excellent week for me - went 3-0 in my Ryder Cup format matches, our team won, I took down Low Gross and won more than my share of skins and CTPs. Would have been a complete home run but a guy slow played Aces and trapped me with my Kings to knock me out of the poker tournament. Only part that was iffy was I had a 4 stroke lead after the first day of Gross/Net play and I was protecting the lead today vs being loose. Lagged putts vs being aggressive, didn't make anything, didn't go at pins and was just too tight overall. Ball striking suffered. But hey, ended up winning by 6 and that's all I'll remember.
Just got back from our 24 guy marathon in Palm Springs. Great week and if any of you are every considering a phenomenal guys trip I can give you the lay of the land there to do it up right. Phenomenal resort - we take over all 24 rooms. Staff loves us. Food is top notch - for the Champions dinner they did paella and a pig roast. Excellent week for me - went 3-0 in my Ryder Cup format matches, our team won, I took down Low Gross and won more than my share of skins and CTPs. Would have been a complete home run but a guy slow played Aces and trapped me with my Kings to knock me out of the poker tournament. Only part that was iffy was I had a 4 stroke lead after the first day of Gross/Net play and I was protecting the lead today vs being loose. Lagged putts vs being aggressive, didn't make anything, didn't go at pins and was just too tight overall. Ball striking suffered. But hey, ended up winning by 6 and that's all I'll remember.
Sounds awesome! What’s that set you back in the back account?
Qualified to play on my club's official(tm) tournament team yesterday with a no stress 76. Putter is finally starting to get hot.
This like a 12 or 16 man team against other clubs? Have a match tomorrow in MN from that format
8 man but yes.
Nice. We have 16 and 12 so we go a bit deeper. Unfortunately means we go against scratch players sometimes and get hammered
And……yesterday paired against a current and 5 time club champ who is a +1. Tough sledding…..
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Just got back from our 24 guy marathon in Palm Springs. Great week and if any of you are every considering a phenomenal guys trip I can give you the lay of the land there to do it up right. Phenomenal resort - we take over all 24 rooms. Staff loves us. Food is top notch - for the Champions dinner they did paella and a pig roast. Excellent week for me - went 3-0 in my Ryder Cup format matches, our team won, I took down Low Gross and won more than my share of skins and CTPs. Would have been a complete home run but a guy slow played Aces and trapped me with my Kings to knock me out of the poker tournament. Only part that was iffy was I had a 4 stroke lead after the first day of Gross/Net play and I was protecting the lead today vs being loose. Lagged putts vs being aggressive, didn't make anything, didn't go at pins and was just too tight overall. Ball striking suffered. But hey, ended up winning by 6 and that's all I'll remember.
Sounds to me you basically did what you should have with a 4 shot lead. I love Palm Springs, great golf destination and on the short list for eventual retirement…..
Lost by one gross today against our new law clerk who was a D1 golfer. He might have intentionally missed a 6 footer on 18 to halve the bets but I was right there with him. He may be the best player in our club at a plus something (carries no handicap fresh off div 1 golf).

Ready for my interclub match tomorrow. Never been more confident in my game.
Lost by one gross today against our new law clerk who was a D1 golfer. He might have intentionally missed a 6 footer on 18 to halve the bets but I was right there with him. He may be the best player in our club at a plus something (carries no handicap fresh off div 1 golf).

Ready for my interclub match tomorrow. Never been more confident in my game.
What does that mean? Do scores in sponsored tournaments and stuff not count for handicaps?
Lost by one gross today against our new law clerk who was a D1 golfer. He might have intentionally missed a 6 footer on 18 to halve the bets but I was right there with him. He may be the best player in our club at a plus something (carries no handicap fresh off div 1 golf).

Ready for my interclub match tomorrow. Never been more confident in my game.
What does that mean? Do scores in sponsored tournaments and stuff not count for handicaps?
I guess in theory college golfers could post their scores but it's not the norm as college golf there is no use of hcp
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Im afraid when this hot streak will end - hit maybe 3 bad shots today. Got lucky with one.

Had one awful pitch, had to go over corner of bunker and just hit it too firm.

Couldn't buy a putt. Almost had an ACE - to shoot another 76.

My last 6 rounds 5 in the 70s and the 6th was an 84 - but we played 6700 yards 72.7/137 and thats a distance I really can't play great much anymore. But that round still had a chance but I blew up late.

Dropped to a 6.5 my lowest ever..... I might have to start practicing again. Definitely lost yardage on my driver but im an old fat ****.

Remember in 2022 when I was averaging 85 per round and I quit 6 times..... fun times lol
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