I have to be the dissenting opinion here. This show is just hilariously bad to me. I gave it a chance because it could be just a good show, because I knew they weren't following the lore even a little bit. So went in hoping we would get an entertaining show with Tolkien's world and barest bit of lore grafted on it. Oh man I was not ready for this show's dialogue to be just comically bad and the sheer number of nonsensical actions by characters just takes me out of the show. Just a bunch of writers trying to sound highbrow with no idea how to do it. Like the beginning 5 minutes of the show. Galadriel is narrating and says something to the effect of "We thought our days of Joy would go on forever" despite the fact that Elvish Childern in Valinor, the Elvish Heaven on Earth, will bully each other pretty viciously and this will lead to a physical fight. Girl Galadriel had a balled-up fist holding the other kid down and getting ready to pound him but is only stopped by her older brother. And the brother Finrod implies this is a situation that happens alot, at least to Galadriel? Ok so bullying is just a part of Heaven I guess, bliss for days on end. Then the whole rocks don't float because they look down to the darkness, but boats float because they look to the light speech by Finrod. What in holy nonsense is this Batman? I thought we had stumbled into a lost scene of some Monty Python movie. Then we get to the Altar with Sauron's sigil on it. The altar causes snowflakes to turn into steam on contact, but you pour water on the altar and the water freezes. OK, but even better the sigil is a sign to Orcs on where to gather for Sauron, so it's a map? A symbol of some known place? But it is also a symbol Orcs brand on their dead enemies so the Orcs have known what the symbol was for a long time, long before they were in exile and would need a symbol to find Sauron? Finrod was killed by the Orcs when they were following Morgoth not Sauron, yet they still branded Finrod with Sauron's sigil? So I am confused as to what that is all about. Then the Elven party deserts Galadriel, or just refuse to take her orders anymore despite her being the Commander of the Northern Army? Ok no real chain of command here in the Elvish army because all these deserters get a trip back to Valinor for directly disobeying their commander. And they desert after they find hard evidence of the existence of Sauron, the guy they have been searching for for CENTURIES! Nah, we met one snow troll we gone Galadriel. They form a circle around her and symbolically lay down their swords and walk away from her. Did they just leave their swords there? While in an evil fortress? What if there is another snow troll? After the dramatic scene do they later slink back and pick up their swords? I mean there could be another snow troll in that fortress you plan on staying in overnight. Of course Galadriel is the only one in the party capable of fighting so maybe they figure better to climb down the mountain without having to carry a sword. And it just keeps going scene after scene into episode two. At one point one Elf says to another Elf "you smell like rotting leaves" and the Elf's retort is basically DO NOT! And one of these Elves is carrying a bow without a string and no quiver with arrows. And these are supposed to be Tolkien Elves? Really? Tonally it is just weird. And then the Harfoots, oh boy. At one point one of them, I think it is Nori's father, is walking around with just a stick in his hair. Not leaves, not flowers, just a plain old stick. Do they just never bathe, comb their hair, or clean their clothes? I get flowers and leaves in their hair if they are like nature people, but just a plain old stick? It was just so jarring even in with the fauna all the rest of them had in their hair. Again, I thought these character designs could be straight out of a Monty Python movie. And the Harfoot astronomer guy has mutton chops that make him look like a Civil War general glued onto his face. The Harfoots are some kind of intersection of a gypsy tribe, hippy commune, and faerie troop. Just such a strange vibe for a show supposedly based on Tolkien's books.
And then we get to the lore. Basically what we get from Tolkien is a Map, character names, and the broadest outline of a plot. That being Morgoth is defeated but Sauron, his first servant, takes up his fight and eventually forges some rings of power that sets up the Lord of the Rings events. Amazon only has rights to the appendices of the Lord of the Rings books and cannot draw from the Silmarillion, The Hobbit, or the Lord of the Rings books. So they basically paid to get the naming rights so they could draw people based on the reputation of the Lord of the Rings books and movies, because what they paid for doesn't give them access to a lot of the lore in the time period the show is set in. The Lord of the Rings movies chopped a lot of plot, traded lines between characters, and what not to make it all fit into a movie format. Understandable, but the spirit of characters was kept, and it captured the feel of the world really well. Rings of Power just mangles everything. For instance, Galadriel never picks up a sword and never leads an army in the original work. She is naturally a highly magical being and this is further enhanced by being taught magic by the most powerful sorceress of time period in which the Rings of Power is taking place. She wants a land of her own to rule. At this point in time in the books she cannot return to Valinor because she and all the Noldor Elves are banned from returning to Valinor for a long list of reasons. So having Gil Galad sending Elves back to Valinor as a reward ignores all the lore of the world because at this point in time Gil Galad himself could not return to Valinor, let alone grant other elves passage. The events surrounding the banning of the Noldor and the consequences of that help explain why Sauron is such a threat to Middle Earth. But no we aren't going near even the spirit of the books.