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*** Official Barack Obama FBG campaign headquarters *** (1 Viewer)

#### Cali.... :lmao: :rant: :rant:
It's all about the delegate counts at this point. It would have been great for him to win the popular vote, but he can still do really well in the # of delegates.I'm psyched about the Mizzou turnaround. :lmao:
:thumbup: Which is it? Missouri will basically break even on delegates. Either it's a big win and California is a disappointment or the net delegate count won't be that bad for Obama when factoring in California and Missouri.
Because of the unique mechanics of this, it can be both. Obama is going to be trailing in delegates. He's going to need to tell a story. The story to tell is that he won 12 or however many primaries. At the same time, that story wouldn't have mattered if this had been a winner take all event and he had lost Mass, NY, NJ, and California. By the same token, if Barack had lost every primary by only 2 or 3 percentage points, then maybe he would be still competitive on delegates. But Clinton could tell a very compelling story about momentum. That she won 22 primaries.Despite what was being reported after Iowa, Obama has to win this thing in the fourth quarter if he's going to do it. It looks like he'll at least be in the game.
If someone had predicted two months ago that Clinton wouldn't win 10 states on Super Tuesday, I would have said they're nuts! Clinton has inertia, but Obama is accelerating hard.
Obama gets Alaska now, too. Getting the votes where the people aren't.
And winning a lot of Republican states (Utah, Alabama, Georgia, Alaska, Kansas)
Agaisnt Hilary Clinton. I'm not sure how compelling this argument is. Barack Obama will do better in Utah! We'll only lose by seven points. Missouri matters. Maybe Kansas could be in play. But I'm not sure I care which Dem is most competive in Alaska or Utah.
Obama gets Alaska now, too. Getting the votes where the people aren't.
That's been a strategy that's won the republicans the past couple presidential races. Maybe he gets it?
Maybe the nomination. If Obama does win, I'll lay even money he doesn't win a single state out of Alaska, Kansas, Utah, Alabama, and Georgia come November. He's got to improve in the more Democratic leaning states. That said, McCain must improve in the Republican leaning states. The fact the majority of his wins are coming in states that will vote Democratic has to be troubling to Republicans.
Obama gets Alaska now, too. Getting the votes where the people aren't.
That's been a strategy that's won the republicans the past couple presidential races. Maybe he gets it?
Maybe the nomination. If Obama does win, I'll lay even money he doesn't win a single state out of Alaska, Kansas, Utah, Alabama, and Georgia come November. He's got to improve in the more Democratic leaning states.
I don't see why. You aren't really suggesting that those states will go red if Hillary isn't nominated are you?
CNN reporting that the more that people here Obama and become familiar with him, the more he wins over votes...(polls are proving it)

I just wish people would watch the f'ing debates...the choice is painfully obvious.

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With 60% of the precincts reporting -- Obama dominates in Alaska with 176 votes to Clinton's 66.

That's funny.

Latest count I just saw was:

Clinton 624

Obama 518

That's the highest count for either candidate I've seen out there. I don't know how accurate that is.

Big night for Obama - a tie for the night in delegates, big money coming in, and favorable states on the near term calendar.

Louisiana and Washington on Saturday

Virginia and Maryland next week

He takes at least three out of 4 or all 4 and that will be good momentum until the March elections, he is going to raise a ton of cash for February, much more than Hillary and it will set the narrative for Texas and Ohio. He really needs to find someone to help him carry Texas and that someone has to be in with Hispanic voters.

Big night for Obama. :D

Better numbers in Mass and Cali would have been nice but overall tonight was exactly what Barack needed to win the nomination.

If it ends up that close, then we're going to be hearing alot about those Florida and Michigan delegates in the coming weeks.

If it ends up that close, then we're going to be hearing alot about those Florida and Michigan delegates in the coming weeks.
Already starting.
Well, maybe those Obama supporters who supported Gore's post election efforts will now begin to see why changing the rules after the fact is not a good thing.
Please let's not confuse legitimate questions about vote counts with voters that were told they wouldn't count if they moved up their primary. Voters need to take it out on the state party.
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No doubt Barack still has an issue with a deficit in superdelegates and a problem with seating of Michigan and Florida at the convention. However he has closed to gap ever so slightly with women and Latino voters against Hillary. Also, he should have an advantage moving forward raising money (even w/ $0 from lobbyists) and the way the primaries remaining line up he could yet pull this off. Wow.

We have a tie moving forward...but momentum is once again with Barack Obama.

If Obama fails to win the nomination it will because he failed to get the Hispanic vote.
I think after today though, the only place it will matter is in Texas. AZ, NM, CA, and CO are all water under the bridge...I don't see much more harm coming from the Latino bloc.

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