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***Official President Joe Biden Thread*** BEST EVER! (2 Viewers)

But Wednesday wasn’t the first time Biden has appeared to tell some rendition of this same story.

In April, Biden chronicled the same memory with his mother, but said it was asthma he got as a result, not cancer.

“This is the God’s truth. When you get in the car and there's a little frost on the window, turn on the windshield wiper, there'd be an oil slick, not a joke. I have asthma and 80 percent of the people who in fact we grew up with have asthma. That's what you call a fence line community.”

Biden has also been caught telling different renditions of the same story in the past when he has chronicled stories of his purported arrest as a young boy while defending civil rights. After that gaffe, Kessler gave Biden four “Pinocchios,” pointing out the president had told numerous versions of the same story in the past.

READ MORE: “Biden's claim about getting arrested given 4 ‘Pinocchios’ by fact-checker”

On Wednesday, besides the cancer gaffe, the president also called a male member of Congress a “she” and said Glasgow, Scotland is located England.
A return to normalcy :mellow:

Instead, it’s all about what he meant when he referenced his skin cancer.
But . . that explanation makes even less sense than the original confusing statement he made.

Are you saying the first frost and getting the oil slick off the window gave him skin cancer? Does Delaware have the highest skin cancer rate in the nation?

But . . that explanation makes even less sense than the original confusing statement he made.

Are you saying the first frost and getting the oil slick off the window gave him skin cancer? Does Delaware have the highest skin cancer rate in the nation?
I’m saying that compared to his executive order on climate change this should be a non topic. 

But . . that explanation makes even less sense than the original confusing statement he made.

Are you saying the first frost and getting the oil slick off the window gave him skin cancer? Does Delaware have the highest skin cancer rate in the nation?
this guy is out there.   greatest since FDR

I’m saying that compared to his executive order on climate change this should be a non topic. 
Yes yes the planet's on fire, the world is going to end, we're all doomed, I know I know.

But seriously, the President just said he has cancer. Do you even know WHO the Vice President is?

The last couple of pages demonstrate the utter nonsense in this thread I was referring to earlier. Not one mention of Biden’s executive orders on climate change: 


Instead, it’s all about what he meant when he referenced his skin cancer. So tiresome. 

to be fair, Joe says senile/dementia things and does Alzheimer moves just about everyday 

but the EO 


11 times Biden references well-paying union jobs ........ isn't that something ! odd ... its almost like he's paying someone back for votes

anyway hey, I'm all for clean and I'm all for as little pollution as possible .... but the gross spending and impacts and the rush rush knee jerk way its going IMO looks like an utter disaster in the making 

Against all odds they continue to screw this up. Or the plan was to just fly one plane for TV then quietly abandon mothers, which is what they have seemed to do.  Note that this is the most liberal rep in the country saying this.

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “At This Hour,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) said that “we still don’t have baby formula on our shelves.” And that, Operation Fly Formula, the Biden administration initiative that was launched in response to the formula shortage “has only produced one week of baby formula.” 

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Are the people ignoring Biden the same people that were hanging on every word of Trump?
This group of people was - and is - part of the problem. As are those that ignored Trump and are hanging on every word of Biden.

My message to both groups of people - stop being part of the problem.

This group of people was - and is - part of the problem. As are those that ignored Trump and are hanging on every word of Biden.

My message to both groups of people - stop being part of the problem.

Agreed...just be consistent...too much of politics has turned into professional sports where my team is good, and your team is bad no matter what...and the intellectual dishonesty used by many to justify their "team's" position has become cultish.

What's ridiculous ya'll constantly on every little thing he says/ doesn't say/ shakes hands with / doesn't shake hands with... take a break already-- like he would just blurt out he currently has cancer  :rolleyes:
But . . . he did just blurt out that he currently has cancer.  He probably just misspoke (I hope), but he did actually do the thing that you're eye-rolling as if it would never happen.

Biggest deal in the world?  No, of course not.  All of us mis-speak from time to time, and it's especially common among old people.  But it is kind of big deal that the president of the United States is declining before our eyes and has another 2 1/2 years to go on his term.

I unfriended 3 people on Facebook when Trump got covid because they openly wished he died from it.

Lets see how many wish the same of Biden.

At his age and mental/physical condition this has me a bit concerned, really hoping he manages this well. Very glad it’s not the initial variants. 

Yeah. Right.

Abandoning Bagram Air Base in the middle of the night...leaving only one constricted air route out of the country...leaving behind no electricity...3.5 million items of materiel...without telling the Afghans...and leaving the Afghani army completely demoralized.

Awesome plan.
You guys are better than this, and I include @Sand in this.  Afghanistan was a no-win situation the minute we invaded.  Once we invaded, there was no good way to exit.  Others have tried before…..the minute any planning occurred, any steps to leave, the Taliban and others would up the violence and create chaos.  So if you plan ahead and signal an exit — chaos and death.

Flip side, if you exit abruptly without planning or signaling, you leave people behind to get attacked.  So once again — chaos and death.

There was never a path to withdrawal that would avoid chaos, death, destruction, etc.  Never.  Wasn’t possible.  Which is why every President has tried to find a way to exit — including Trump — and nobody could make it happen.  It was always going to be a bloodbath, a visible failure, a source of massive criticism.

Never should have been there in the first place.  It all flows from that moment.

But . . . he did just blurt out that he currently has cancer.  He probably just misspoke (I hope), but he did actually do the thing that you're eye-rolling as if it would never happen.

Biggest deal in the world?  No, of course not.  All of us mis-speak from time to time, and it's especially common among old people.  But it is kind of big deal that the president of the United States is declining before our eyes and has another 2 1/2 years to go on his term.
I watched it and knew exactly what he meant at the time-- but whatever

At the time that is what we thought we knew about the vaccines.


no, actually many people knew better .... it was just Biden/Govt/covid lying 

i actually don't think Biden has covid - I think he's having a mental episode and needs a few weeks break, this will give him that ... he's made horrible speaking mistakes last few days, handlers are giving him time to rest 

Sorry that you don’t like reality.  That viruses change.  That science changes.  It must be nice in your static world.

c'mon, many people here said all along viruses variate and any shot for a strain would soon go out of effectiveness and many of us questioned an effectiveness at stopping the virus all along - remember the polls on have you been shotted and still got covid ?

even Fauci said recently the shots didn't help stop people getting the virus

c'mon, many people here said all along viruses variate and any shot for a strain would soon go out of effectiveness and many of us questioned an effectiveness at stopping the virus all along - remember the polls on have you been shotted and still got covid ?

even Fauci said recently the shots didn't help stop people getting the virus
Dude.  Math is your friend.  The stats are overwhelming - vaccines have massively reduced Covid death rates.

I’ve yet to test positive for Covid despite traveling non-stop the past year, through multiple waves of variants.  Three doses of vax, zero regrets.

That said, unlike many people, I don’t care at all whether you got vax’d or not.  Do it.  Don’t do it.  Really don’t care.

I do care, however, when people perpetuate mathematical and statistical illiteracy.

“And so, what I say to people who are worried about a new pandemic is: Get vaccinated.  If you’re vaccinated, even if you do catch the “virus,” quote, unquote — like people talk about it in normal terms — you’re in overwhelm- — not many people do.  If you do, you’re not likely to get sick.  You’re probably going to be symptomless.  You’re not going to be in a position where you — where your life is in danger.”

Mostly still true, despite emergence of new variants.  Very few vaccinated people are dying from Covid, certainly relative to those who chose to stick with their natural immune response.

“And so, what I say to people who are worried about a new pandemic is: Get vaccinated.  If you’re vaccinated, even if you do catch the “virus,” quote, unquote — like people talk about it in normal terms — you’re in overwhelm- — not many people do.  If you do, you’re not likely to get sick.  You’re probably going to be symptomless.  You’re not going to be in a position where you — where your life is in danger.”

Mostly still true, despite emergence of new variants.  Very few vaccinated people are dying from Covid, certainly relative to those who chose to stick with their natural immune response.
You got a little squis in you

“But again, one last thing.  I — we don’t talk enough to you about this, I don’t think.  One last thing that’s really important is: We’re not in a position where we think that any virus — including the Delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more deadly in terms of non — unvaccinated people — the vi- — the various shots that people are getting now cover that.  They’re — you’re okay.  You’re not going to — you’re “

not going to get COVID

 if you have these vaccinations. 

You got a little squis in you

“But again, one last thing.  I — we don’t talk enough to you about this, I don’t think.  One last thing that’s really important is: We’re not in a position where we think that any virus — including the Delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more deadly in terms of non — unvaccinated people — the vi- — the various shots that people are getting now cover that.  They’re — you’re okay.  You’re not going to — you’re “

not going to get COVID

 if you have these vaccinations. 
Again - viruses mutate.  That’s how science works.  I’m sorry if reality is frustrating to you.

Dude.  Math is your friend.  The stats are overwhelming - vaccines have massively reduced Covid death rates.

I’ve yet to test positive for Covid despite traveling non-stop the past year, through multiple waves of variants.  Three doses of vax, zero regrets.

That said, unlike many people, I don’t care at all whether you got vax’d or not.  Do it.  Don’t do it.  Really don’t care.

I do care, however, when people perpetuate mathematical and statistical illiteracy.

you're changing goal posts - now you're saying deaths vs infections

you're not tested positive - but I bet you've had covid

but Biden and this administration and liberals told us for months and months get the shot and you won't get covid

can we all admit that was lies and move on?

Three doses of vax, zero regrets.
I sincerely hope this stay the case.
I mentioned this a while ago in the FFA thread, but I know someone that got the vax and three days after his second dose, developed a rash over his entire body, except his face. It has still not gone away now a year later. He has been to multiple doctors and most recently has seen an oncologist. Some say there is no connection to the vax but others say it is definitely related. 

This was an outgoing, fun guy who now will not leave the house unless absolutely necessary. They have a house on the Jersey Shore and his wife is retiring in 2 weeks and he will only sit on the balcony. Refuses to go anywhere near people. He lives in fear of getting covid but also now won't get a booster. It's a really sad story.

I mentioned this a while ago in the FFA thread, but I know someone that got the vax and three days after his second dose, developed a rash over his entire body, except his face. It has still not gone away now a year later. He has been to multiple doctors and most recently has seen an oncologist. Some say there is no connection to the vax but others say it is definitely related. 

This was an outgoing, fun guy who now will not leave the house unless absolutely necessary. They have a house on the Jersey Shore and his wife is retiring in 2 weeks and he will only sit on the balcony. Refuses to go anywhere near people. He lives in fear of getting covid but also now won't get a booster. It's a really sad story.
Its 100% due to taking that useless toxic garbage.

Yesterday he said he has cancer , 3 months ago he told the same ridiculous story about oil on the windshield  saying  he had asthma from it.

Circle the wagons , man the walls

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