Hmm, this is interesting
Marcelo Claure
Soccer is my greatest passion, so I’m thrilled to announce that I am returning to MLS, a league that I’ve always believed in. First with founding InterMiami and now as Co-Vice Chairman & Co-Owner of NYCFC- I look forward to working with Don Garber on shaping the future of US soccer!
This is the dad from my kids school I mentioned!
Any word on what % of the team he bought? With the new stadium deal, the teams value has to be through the roof now.
Haven't seen the guy since the spring- his daughter and my son have done some plays together. Guy has stake in lots of teams in lots of countries.
I spoke with him for a long while the previous year at a parent wrap party, first time I met him. the conversation was hilraious between him and another dad I'm friends with (and me)... so- what do you do? the look on my friend's face as marcello described his jobs... basically running these "little" companies (like ****ing Sprint!
)... you do... WHAT? the guy couldn't have been more nonchalant about all of it. very low key, humble dude- family oriented (even if his version of that meant a much different scale than anything I could even imagine). he was about to head to the Qatar WC with his family on their jet. we talked a ton about soccer, but only at the end of the night... haven't really had a chance to talk much more than that.