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***OFFICIAL 'The Walking Dead' TV Series Thread*** (2 Viewers)

If he did cut the pipe instead of his hand, then he'd still have to fight off a hoard of zombies while handcuffed. I think I'd like my chances with 1 hand more than handcuffed.

Not to gross anyone out, but I've cut through human bone before with a hacksaw (as part of my grad school work). I've also cut through metal pipes. Bone is easier.But what you guys are missing is that to cut your hand off you don't really have to cut through any bone. SO QUIT TALKING ABOUT IT.
So you'd rather cut off your hand rather than a pipe?
If I felt the time difference would be the difference between life and death, absolutely.
This thread sure circled the toilet fast.

I'm still enjoying the show. Rather than a bunch of exposition and flashbacks giving us our "character development," I'm glad that Darabont is letting us learn about the characters by how they act.

Not to take away from all the hand cutting debate and actually discuss the show, but I think the show is going to be at a crossroads in the future and I feel the directors are almost in a no-win situation.

I haven't read the comics, but I will be picking them up here soon. To me, it is clear you are going to have the book lovers who are really going to have a problem when the source material is not followed.

You are going to have the zombie fans that are going to be :cry: with all the talking and lack of action.

You are going to have the drama fans disappointed because the characters are not developed enough and the acting is sub-par.

And then you are going to have the nitpickers who wonder about the handcuffs.

I really think the format constricts this show. It wants to do so much, but seems like it doesn't do anything great due to the 48 minutes it has to do it. I have enjoyed the first 3 episodes and will watch the remaining, but in season 2 it will need to find its niche or it could end up dying.

Guess we will find out next week.
This is my feeling as well. Because it happened off camera, it is not at all clear what exactly took place.

*** SPOILER ALERT! Click this link to display the potential spoiler text in this box. ***
I think it's obviously time to start thinking of the show and the graphic novels as two separate entities with few simularities. And that's fine with me because as much as I enjoyed the graphic novels they were not without some faults. To address your point-
UOFI_316 said:
For you zombie experts out there, how come there are no zombie animals??
Because then there'd be no story about human survivors. If animals could be zombies we'd be totally screwed.
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So it seems that the camp is likely to be overrun soon. Which is good, IMO. I think it's more interesting when everyone's moving around.

Dude was coked up and in a panic. He didn't know the zombies couldn't get through the door; he didn't even know it was chained closed. The zombies had opened the door and saw him so he most likely thought they'd be on him in minutes (if not less). Which would be quickest to cut with a rusty hacksaw: steel handcuffs, steel pipe, or wrist bone?
Anxiously awaiting 3 pages of "how do you know he was coked up?" debate to follow.
Rick threw his cocaine off the roof in episode 2. Thought it was pretty clear with the way the redneck was acting. :rolleyes:
That was pretty terrible. Why don't they go back to the city and steal more cars and build a barricade? And why on earth did he cut his hand off? The hacksaw can cut through bone but not through thin metal?

That episode was terrible. More mindless zombies, less mindless people.
Dude was coked up and in a panic. He didn't know the zombies couldn't get through the door; he didn't even know it was chained closed. The zombies had opened the door and saw him so he most likely thought they'd be on him in minutes (if not less). Which would be quickest to cut with a rusty hacksaw: steel handcuffs, steel pipe, or wrist bone?
Considering the zombies didn't burst in right away should've been a clue that they couldn't get through the door.
Thankfully door hinges don't wear out after constant pressure is applied. Door was clearly made of adamantium, which is obviously easier to cut through than bone.
He had time. Given a choice between cutting my hand off and getting turned into a zombie, I'm taking zombie every time.
He didn't know he had time. That's my point.
UOFI_316 said:
For you zombie experts out there, how come there are no zombie animals??
Because then there'd be no story about human survivors. If animals could be zombies we'd be totally screwed.
Read Brian Keene's books. Zombie animals, birds and fish = we're screwed.
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:deadhorse: Is there ever a time you don't?
Saying you don't want to cut your hand off is FISHING now?
You'd rather be eaten to death then?
Nice false dichotomy you've set up here. NOW who's fishing?
You said the choice between getting the hand cutoff or turning into a zombie. You skipped the part of what actually entails being turned which is having multiple ravenous zombies "eat" you. There's no guarantee you'd even be a zombie. You may just be dead. See the woman in the hospital in the first episode. That was just bones and remains. Being aware while being eaten alive or cutting off my hand and getting away seems to be a very simple choice.
This thread SHOW sure circled the toilet fast.

I'm still enjoying the show. Rather than a bunch of exposition and flashbacks giving us our "character development," I'm glad that Darabont is letting us learn about the characters by how they act.
Fixed. It's one season long. Why bother with loads of character development? I want to see explosions, fighting, and hoards of zombies devouring helpless humans.

By biggest beef with this show is the fact they've said a couple times to be careful about not getting any blood on you yet their actions COMPLETELY go against that.

And the whole women doing laundry with the trailer trash husband made me :thumbup:

If that were the first time I saw the show I wouldn't bother tuning back in. It seems each episode has been worse than the one prior.

This thread SHOW sure circled the toilet fast.

I'm still enjoying the show. Rather than a bunch of exposition and flashbacks giving us our "character development," I'm glad that Darabont is letting us learn about the characters by how they act.
Fixed. It's one season long. Why bother with loads of character development? I want to see explosions, fighting, and hoards of zombies devouring helpless humans.

By biggest beef with this show is the fact they've said a couple times to be careful about not getting any blood on you yet their actions COMPLETELY go against that.

And the whole women doing laundry with the trailer trash husband made me :thumbup:

If that were the first time I saw the show I wouldn't bother tuning back in. It seems each episode has been worse than the one prior.
You should probably watch Dawn of the Dead instead. I don't think you're going to get that all the imte.

Dr. Awesome said:
It's one season long. Why bother with loads of character development?
A little bit of character development is great. But isn't this only going to be a season long thing? Perhaps I've confused things and this is only a test run to see if they'll pick up another season. Otherwise it's not like they'll have seasons like LOST.There's only what, 6 episodes total this year? How many new characters can they throw at us?
Dr. Awesome said:
It's one season long. Why bother with loads of character development?
A little bit of character development is great. But isn't this only going to be a season long thing? Perhaps I've confused things and this is only a test run to see if they'll pick up another season. Otherwise it's not like they'll have seasons like LOST.There's only what, 6 episodes total this year? How many new characters can they throw at us?
Maybe you should find another thread, you know, where you have a some sort of an idea about what's happening around you.
:shrug: Probably. I really thought this was only a one season kind of deal. :pickle:
:pickle: no, everyone made a pretty big deal about it getting picked up for season 2, which will thankfully be 13 episodes I believe, surprised you missed it, unless you're still fishing, then consider me hooked.You are right though, it is tough to do much with just 6 episodes, which is why people probably feel this season is lacking in character development, they have 6 episodes to squeeze in a decent plot, conflict, resolution whatever, hard to make much time for significant character development.I watch it because zombies are badass and this is the first tv show I've seen with it, I'm not expecting an Emmy award winning show, although I'm sure it will get some nominations.
What made me scratch my head was the pipe, when he freaked and started kicking it. If you watch, the pipe starts to crinkle or bend. Pretty sure if I had 3-4 hungry zombies eying up for lunch I'd go ape#### on that pipe until it broke before I'd do what he did. Either bad props or silly story telling.

Also agree that I would have sawed through the rusting bolt the handcuffs where attached to. That was all very silly.
:shrug: And if your belt wasn't long enough to reach the saw or gun or whatever you were trying to reach with it tie your socks to it...use your bootlaces...whatever. Hell, Mike Brady knew this.

I can't stand watching shows where characters make not just stupid mistakes but unrealistic ones.
I saw it a different way. The guy was clearly delirious. He was reminicising in one moment and then panicing the next. A person's mind is not right in that state. Think about how you act when really tired trying to accomplish something. Now times that by 100 and add in zombies trying to bust through a door to eat you. The guy paniced and couldn't think straight. He then decided the quickest way out was to cut off his hand. So its easy to say in hindsight "I'd do this" but I don't think we could. We're thinking with a clear mind and trying to judge what a person in an altered state should do.

This is the way my GF and I saw it too.
Harry Manback said:
KnowledgeReignsSupreme said:
goonsquad said:
Dr. Awesome said:
That was pretty terrible. Why don't they go back to the city and steal more cars and build a barricade? And why on earth did he cut his hand off? The hacksaw can cut through bone but not through thin metal?

That episode was terrible. More mindless zombies, less mindless people.
Dude was coked up and in a panic. He didn't know the zombies couldn't get through the door; he didn't even know it was chained closed. The zombies had opened the door and saw him so he most likely thought they'd be on him in minutes (if not less). Which would be quickest to cut with a rusty hacksaw: steel handcuffs, steel pipe, or wrist bone?
Considering the zombies didn't burst in right away should've been a clue that they couldn't get through the door.
Thankfully door hinges don't wear out after constant pressure is applied. Door was clearly made of adamantium, which is obviously easier to cut through than bone.
Courtjester said:
Not to take away from all the hand cutting debate and actually discuss the show, but I think the show is going to be at a crossroads in the future and I feel the directors are almost in a no-win situation.I haven't read the comics, but I will be picking them up here soon. To me, it is clear you are going to have the book lovers who are really going to have a problem when the source material is not followed.You are going to have the zombie fans that are going to be :lol: with all the talking and lack of action.You are going to have the drama fans disappointed because the characters are not developed enough and the acting is sub-par.And then you are going to have the nitpickers who wonder about the handcuffs.I really think the format constricts this show. It wants to do so much, but seems like it doesn't do anything great due to the 48 minutes it has to do it. I have enjoyed the first 3 episodes and will watch the remaining, but in season 2 it will need to find its niche or it could end up dying.
Action should take a backseat to drama and character development in a TV series. There's obvious a place for it but a show like this should be about how people are able to survive and deal with the apocalypse. There was a British show a couple years ago called Survivors that dealt with people who lived after a virus killed most of the human population. There was very little action and almost no guns, yet it was interesting to watch. I was hoping this show would be somewhere in the middle, but I'm having a difficult time caring about most of the characters on the show (Rick, his son and the guy and kid from ep1 excluded).My expectation for the rest of this season are low - I'm looking at it as a drawn out pilot - and am hoping that the writers can pull it together in season 2.
Why are the zombies always hungry?

Why do they only want to eat the living? or why not eat each other?

Maybe not eat other zombies, for taste... but they don't have a problem eating dead things, i.e. the horse was a corpse and dozens of zombies feasted on its innards. Ditto the dead rat. Why not eat all those dead bodies outside the hospital on the ground if they are that hungry?

Why are the zombies always hungry?Why do they only want to eat the living? or why not eat each other? Maybe not eat other zombies, for taste... but they don't have a problem eating dead things, i.e. the horse was a corpse and dozens of zombies feasted on its innards. Ditto the dead rat. Why not eat all those dead bodies outside the hospital on the ground if they are that hungry?
Eating eases the pain of being dead. Everyone knows this.
Courtjester said:
Not to take away from all the hand cutting debate and actually discuss the show, but I think the show is going to be at a crossroads in the future and I feel the directors are almost in a no-win situation.I haven't read the comics, but I will be picking them up here soon. To me, it is clear you are going to have the book lovers who are really going to have a problem when the source material is not followed.You are going to have the zombie fans that are going to be :lol: with all the talking and lack of action.You are going to have the drama fans disappointed because the characters are not developed enough and the acting is sub-par.And then you are going to have the nitpickers who wonder about the handcuffs.I really think the format constricts this show. It wants to do so much, but seems like it doesn't do anything great due to the 48 minutes it has to do it. I have enjoyed the first 3 episodes and will watch the remaining, but in season 2 it will need to find its niche or it could end up dying.
You have some good points, but I think it will be okay going forward, espeically with the fans of the comic. The same argument could be made with all of the superhero movies, but Kirkman (the guy who writes the comic) mentioned it everytime he could that the show would deviate from the comic. I for one am glad they do because it is nice to be surprised with what is going on. I think the one above that will impact it are the zombie fans that will be bored if there is not enough zombie action. I can see that happening, but my guess is they may have an episode that is a lot of character development, and will likely make up for it the next week with a lot of action (kind of like this week's episode and what looks to occur next week). I have no idea which direction they will take season 2, but I am pretty sure they will introduce some new characters if they are not introduced this season. There is a female character in particular that could be brought in. it will be interesting to see how that character translates into the show if they try it.
beer 30 said:
goonsquad said:
Dude was coked up and in a panic. He didn't know the zombies couldn't get through the door; he didn't even know it was chained closed. The zombies had opened the door and saw him so he most likely thought they'd be on him in minutes (if not less). Which would be quickest to cut with a rusty hacksaw: steel handcuffs, steel pipe, or wrist bone?
Anxiously awaiting 3 pages of "how do you know he was coked up?" debate to follow.
Actually he wouldn't have been coked up since Rick threw it away and the high would've been gone in 15 minutes. I would argue that coming down hard of the high might have impaired his judgement more than actually being high and that's why he decided to cut off his hand instead of the cuffs.
beer 30 said:
goonsquad said:
Dude was coked up and in a panic. He didn't know the zombies couldn't get through the door; he didn't even know it was chained closed. The zombies had opened the door and saw him so he most likely thought they'd be on him in minutes (if not less). Which would be quickest to cut with a rusty hacksaw: steel handcuffs, steel pipe, or wrist bone?
Anxiously awaiting 3 pages of "how do you know he was coked up?" debate to follow.
Actually he wouldn't have been coked up since Rick threw it away and the high would've been gone in 15 minutes. I would argue that coming down hard of the high might have impaired his judgement more than actually being high and that's why he decided to cut off his hand instead of the cuffs.
You need some better stuff IMO.
:unsure: Probably. I really thought this was only a one season kind of deal. :lmao:
:lmao: no, everyone made a pretty big deal about it getting picked up for season 2, which will thankfully be 13 episodes I believe, surprised you missed it, unless you're still fishing, then consider me hooked.You are right though, it is tough to do much with just 6 episodes, which is why people probably feel this season is lacking in character development, they have 6 episodes to squeeze in a decent plot, conflict, resolution whatever, hard to make much time for significant character development.I watch it because zombies are badass and this is the first tv show I've seen with it, I'm not expecting an Emmy award winning show, although I'm sure it will get some nominations.
No fishing. I just somehow missed that news. Not sure how I managed to let my life interfere with important zombie related news.I have no issue with character development...but there's only so much they can do in such a short time. They should pick a couple characters and build them up this season while saying screw the rest. Instead I feel like they're trying to slowly build everyone up at the same time. But with only 6 episodes there's not enough time if you still squeeze in zombie action (and yes, I want zombie action...I didn't tune into this show for any reason other than the promise of the living dead). I feel like they're assuming I'll be back for season two and they're taking their sweet time. And honestly, if the show continues its quick spiral downard I'll have lost interest by the end of the first season. I care about the father/son tandem (from the first episode). I don't give a damn about everyone else. Not even Rick. I don't even hate the handless racist. I just don't care about any of them. I feel like they're trying to get me to love/hate/understand everyone, and in the process I care about no one. ;)I'm rooting for the zombies.
winwithike said:
If he did cut the pipe instead of his hand, then he'd still have to fight off a hoard of zombies while handcuffed. I think I'd like my chances with 1 hand more than handcuffed.
I dont think the zombies reached the roof, they wouldnt have left that delicious hand just sitting there.
Tom Servo said:
Socrates11 said:
UOFI_316 said:
For you zombie experts out there, how come there are no zombie animals??
Because then there'd be no story about human survivors. If animals could be zombies we'd be totally screwed.
Read Brian Keene's books. Zombie animals, birds and fish = we're screwed.
Considering how slow zombies move, I don't believe that zombie birds would be able to generate the speed in their wings to fly. They would prove to be quite harmless.
Tom Servo said:
Socrates11 said:
UOFI_316 said:
For you zombie experts out there, how come there are no zombie animals??
Because then there'd be no story about human survivors. If animals could be zombies we'd be totally screwed.
Read Brian Keene's books. Zombie animals, birds and fish = we're screwed.
Considering how slow zombies move, I don't believe that zombie birds would be able to generate the speed in their wings to fly. They would prove to be quite harmless.
Guess you better read the book and find out. :lmao:
winwithike said:
If he did cut the pipe instead of his hand, then he'd still have to fight off a hoard of zombies while handcuffed. I think I'd like my chances with 1 hand more than handcuffed.
I dont think the zombies reached the roof, they wouldnt have left that delicious hand just sitting there.
True, but the redneck didn't know that. And besides, with no food or items on the roof he was going to have to fight his way down sometime anyways.
KnowledgeReignsSupreme said:
winwithike said:
If he did cut the pipe instead of his hand, then he'd still have to fight off a hoard of zombies while handcuffed. I think I'd like my chances with 1 hand more than handcuffed.
This is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.
:pickle: meh, forgot he wasn't handcuffed together.
Courtjester said:
Not to take away from all the hand cutting debate and actually discuss the show, but I think the show is going to be at a crossroads in the future and I feel the directors are almost in a no-win situation.

I haven't read the comics, but I will be picking them up here soon. To me, it is clear you are going to have the book lovers who are really going to have a problem when the source material is not followed.

You are going to have the zombie fans that are going to be :pickle: with all the talking and lack of action.

You are going to have the drama fans disappointed because the characters are not developed enough and the acting is sub-par.

And then you are going to have the nitpickers who wonder about the handcuffs.

I really think the format constricts this show. It wants to do so much, but seems like it doesn't do anything great due to the 48 minutes it has to do it. I have enjoyed the first 3 episodes and will watch the remaining, but in season 2 it will need to find its niche or it could end up dying.
Action should take a backseat to drama and character development in a TV series. There's obvious a place for it but a show like this should be about how people are able to survive and deal with the apocalypse. There was a British show a couple years ago called Survivors that dealt with people who lived after a virus killed most of the human population. There was very little action and almost no guns, yet it was interesting to watch. I was hoping this show would be somewhere in the middle, but I'm having a difficult time caring about most of the characters on the show (Rick, his son and the guy and kid from ep1 excluded).

My expectation for the rest of this season are low - I'm looking at it as a drawn out pilot - and am hoping that the writers can pull it together in season 2.
That's the big problem. It's not the character development or lack of, it's not the lack of action, etc... For me it's mostly that there are no interesting characters on the show or any interesting situations.

They started with concepts I thought were good - having pity on the 1/2 zombie, the wife returning to the house, etc.. Then it just turned into a normal horror movie cliche with a bunch of dumb characters doing dumb things.


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