This is just like Shockey and Coughlin. It's a big deal and we all talk about it mainly because we don't have a lot to talk about but as soon as he shows up in great shape, it's over.
Joe -Your position here at FBG is comparable to that of Bill Parcells; being open-minded and toleratent of a variety of people who contribute to the whole. I think you are very tolerant of some trolls around here (I fear I walk this line on occasion myself), but you have certainly encountered some FBGers who genuinely just want to create problems for others (or specifically you); and (I assume) you have supported IP Bans of some of these individuals (who most likely deserved it).
But I am genuinely interested in what you think of individuals who genuinely feel being difficult and disruptive is not subject to review when deciding what is and is not for the betterment of the team (or message board) or the whole?
Hi Blue,I guess it's a matter of degree. In my opinion, TO working out at home is about like what I would equate the best poster on the board here having a sig that is too long but was really passionate about letting folks know whatever it was in the sig. Just not a really big deal.
But then I guess purpose figures into it. I don't think TO is trying to purposefully be disrpuptive with the workouts. The goal is to get in shape and he feels he can get in the best shape by working out with his own people.
Purposefully being disruptive would be a different thing in my opinion.