David Yudkin
Should anyone care, Wilfork will not be suspended for his hit on Jay Cutler. He met with Goodell and speculation had him being suspended for a game, but the league has opted not to suspend him.
IIRC, he's been fined 4 times in the last calendar year. I'm guessing this was his last warning.Didn't he also stick his fingers inside someones facemask again?He might be one of the biggest dirtbags in the league right now trying to get every cheapshot he can. Goodell doing nothing is going to let him think he can continue to get away with the way he plays.
IIRC, he's been fined 4 times in the last calendar year. I'm guessing this was his last warning.Didn't he also stick his fingers inside someones facemask again?He might be one of the biggest dirtbags in the league right now trying to get every cheapshot he can. Goodell doing nothing is going to let him think he can continue to get away with the way he plays.
Think what you will about Wilfork, but the situation I believe you are referring to was not a dirty play at all.He stuck his finger right in the face of the lineman and was challenging him in full view of everyone. If Wilfork dove at the guys knees or threw some cheapshots in the bottom of a pile, that would be dirty.Didn't he also stick his fingers inside someones facemask again?He might be one of the biggest dirtbags in the league right now trying to get every cheapshot he can. Goodell doing nothing is going to let him think he can continue to get away with the way he plays.
I don't care if the big bad bully was calling him out in front of his "boys", you don't stick your fingers inside someone's facemask like that. He did it to Jacobs last year too I believe. He plays to hurt people and that cannot be tolerated.Think what you will about Wilfork, but the situation I believe you are referring to was not a dirty play at all.He stuck his finger right in the face of the lineman and was challenging him in full view of everyone. If Wilfork dove at the guys knees or threw some cheapshots in the bottom of a pile, that would be dirty.Didn't he also stick his fingers inside someones facemask again?He might be one of the biggest dirtbags in the league right now trying to get every cheapshot he can. Goodell doing nothing is going to let him think he can continue to get away with the way he plays.
You missed last NFL season, didn't you?GroveDiesel said:Gee, I'm shocked. Goodell's manlove for the Patriots continues.
Double Secret Probation?IIRC, he's been fined 4 times in the last calendar year. I'm guessing this was his last warning.Didn't he also stick his fingers inside someones facemask again?He might be one of the biggest dirtbags in the league right now trying to get every cheapshot he can. Goodell doing nothing is going to let him think he can continue to get away with the way he plays.
You mean the slap on the wrist for winning a Super Bowl because you cheated?You missed last NFL season, didn't you?GroveDiesel said:Gee, I'm shocked. Goodell's manlove for the Patriots continues.
If you aren't aware of the facts (and your post makes clear you are not) you should probably refrain from posting.If you can factually back up what you posted be my guest; if (which for those who are up-to-date on the issue means 'when') you cannot do so, though, I expect you to man up and acknowledge that you simply misstated what occurred and were wrong.This, like many discussions, is where we can separate people who read the news from people who casually listen a headline once and then forget to follow the issue as it develops. You appear to be in the latter group.You mean the slap on the wrist for winning a Super Bowl because you cheated?You missed last NFL season, didn't you?GroveDiesel said:Gee, I'm shocked. Goodell's manlove for the Patriots continues.
Apparently there are different levels of punishment for dirty play and criminal behaviorSo Pacman gets in a fight at a private party where no charges were filed and he gets 4-games to life. Wilfork cheapshots on the field repeatedly and he gets tea and scones with the commish. F"N BS
Didn't he also stick his fingers inside someones facemask again?He might be one of the biggest dirtbags in the league right now trying to get every cheapshot he can. Goodell doing nothing is going to let him think he can continue to get away with the way he plays.
Yes. Pacman isn't a good example. But he clearly deserved at least a game. Guy is one of the most overtly dirty players in the league. As Warren Sapp said Sunday - CHEAP. Not surprising he didn't get any penalty but he clearly deserved at least a game. JApparently there are different levels of punishment for dirty play and criminal behaviorSo Pacman gets in a fight at a private party where no charges were filed and he gets 4-games to life. Wilfork cheapshots on the field repeatedly and he gets tea and scones with the commish. F"N BS
He already did that last year when he sidelined JP Losman 4 games. How many more chances are they going to give this guy?Think what you will about Wilfork, but the situation I believe you are referring to was not a dirty play at all.He stuck his finger right in the face of the lineman and was challenging him in full view of everyone. If Wilfork dove at the guys knees or threw some cheapshots in the bottom of a pile, that would be dirty.Didn't he also stick his fingers inside someones facemask again?
He might be one of the biggest dirtbags in the league right now trying to get every cheapshot he can. Goodell doing nothing is going to let him think he can continue to get away with the way he plays.
Yeah, lame stuff like getting arrested for drugs or hitting a women. Can't believe guys get suspended just for that.Just a fine? Lame. Stuff like this really makes you question Goodell. Other guys (not talking about just Pacman Jones, specifically) get suspended for off-the-field stuff, while Wilfork continuously attempts to injure opposing players with cheap shots and gets a slap on the wrist. Goodell's inconsistency is almost laughable at this point.