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Peterson charged with reckless or negligent injury to a child? (1 Viewer)

ITT people who can't tell the difference between a spank and a beating....

If AD left marks on the kid that showed up after days, he went too far. We need more details though.

All bets off if it isn't his kid, though. That's off limits right there. Only kid I'd spank that wasn't mine would be a grandchild.

depending on the injuries and if its his son (which you gotta hope it is) this could be nothing more than an angry mother getting back at her babies daddy.

ITT people who can't tell the difference between a spank and a beating....

If AD left marks on the kid that showed up after days, he went too far. We need more details though.
I agree, but a switch will do that.

Long term, this may be really bad for Peterson.

Short term, I'd be shocked if Peterson's lawyer couldn't arrange for Peterson to surrender himself next week (and then be out on bail immediately thereafter).


[Texas Statutes]

Abuse does not include reasonable discipline by a parent/guardian/managing or possessory conservator if child not exposed to substantial risk of harm. Family Code § 261.001. [Civil Code]

Parent/stepparent/person standing in loco parentis to child is justified to use non-deadly force against a child under 18 when and to degree the actor reasonably believes necessary to discipline, or safeguard or promote child's welfare. Penal § 9.61. [Criminal Code]
ITT people who can't tell the difference between a spank and a beating....

If AD left marks on the kid that showed up after days, he went too far. We need more details though.
I agree, but a switch will do that.
I pretty sure some of you have gotten a good one from the old man that took a couple of days to go away.
When I was in 6th grade my friends and I vandalized a car and the beating I took from that lasting at least a week.

You don't whip a child, he's not a slave. I wouldn't whip an animal, much less my child or another human being. I hate cruelty.
I'm with you but much of the country finds it perfectly acceptable - spare the road, spoil the child and that.

He'll get a lot of :hifive: from the religious community.
Listen I'm a fan of discipline and not afraid to paddle when appropriate... Appropriate does NOT mean in a fit of anger but instead I choose to wait until emotions are gone from the situation...

None of us at this point know details beyond the fact that a switch was used so I will be interested to hear where this goes... Switches are like whips from what I've seen or heard so that seems a bit odd and over the line maybe but again I'm gonna hold off till we know more... This sucks though... I hate seeing someone like ADP be involved in anything like this

Long term, this may be really bad for Peterson.

Short term, I'd be shocked if Peterson's lawyer couldn't arrange for Peterson to surrender himself next week (and then be out on bail immediately thereafter).
maybe, but with AD, I'm inclined to believe things will be okay for him. Could be wrong of course.

I probably would never do this, but I can't say I think switching is wrong. Just the way we were raised, and I'm AP's age.
The way I see it, those parents who don't have the intellect to use words to communicate properly, resort to this type of punishment.

Instilling fear is an epic fail, in my opinion.
i'll bet you have no kids, just casting judgments from your soapbox
I have an 11 year old girl. I get frustrated for sure, but non-violent communication works much better than physical force, based on my experience.

21st century and we're still disciplining children with belts and switches...
Seems a great deal of successful and well adjusted people were disciplined this way, not to mention these are the same people who built this country up from nothing. Not a coincidence the recent crackdown on discipline in homes and schools has caused many of the problems we have these days with education and behavior in general.

Now, there is defitely a difference between child abuse and appropriate discipline so i am certainly not saying its ok to beat your kids. No clue which side of this peterson will fall on to.

Its also impossible to know what GODell will do.

ITT people who can't tell the difference between a spank and a beating....

If AD left marks on the kid that showed up after days, he went too far. We need more details though.
Agree with this. A spanking is one thing, beating someone quite another. But not enough facts at this point.

Some people clearly never lived in the south. I'm not particularly old, so I remember going to the Principal's office in Jr High for breaking rules, bending over his desk, and getting my 3 licks from the paddle. This was in Texas in the 90's. As someone stated above, corporal punishment is still a thing in a large part of this country. Whether you feel it should be or not is irrelevant unless you are a voter in a state/district that allows it.

As for Peterson...the timing is horrible. Without the Ray Rice stuff, this may have just been left to be deal with at the state level. Considering it's a generally accepted practice in that particular state, since it's still on the books as a disciplinary measure, some people may have raised a stink, but it likely would have faded assuming it was a standard disciplinary thing many from that area are used to.

After Ricegate...this could get ugly.

ITT people who can't tell the difference between a spank and a beating....

If AD left marks on the kid that showed up after days, he went too far. We need more details though.
Agree with this. A spanking is one thing, beating someone quite another. But not enough facts at this point.
what were you all spanked with pillows or some ####? a hand, belt, flyswatter, switch all left marks

21st century and we're still disciplining children with belts and switches...
Seems a great deal of successful and well adjusted people were disciplined this way, not to mention these are the same people who built this country up from nothing. Not a coincidence the recent crackdown on discipline in homes and schools has caused many of the problems we have these days with education and behavior in general.

Now, there is defitely a difference between child abuse and appropriate discipline so i am certainly not saying its ok to beat your kids. No clue which side of this peterson will fall on to.

Its also impossible to know what GODell will do.
I think that is a coincidence...

You don't whip a child, he's not a slave. I wouldn't whip an animal, much less my child or another human being. I hate cruelty.
I'm with you but much of the country finds it perfectly acceptable - spare the road, spoil the child and that.

He'll get a lot of :hifive: from the religious community.
Listen I'm a fan of discipline and not afraid to paddle when appropriate... Appropriate does NOT mean in a fit of anger but instead I choose to wait until emotions are gone from the situation...

None of us at this point know details beyond the fact that a switch was used so I will be interested to hear where this goes... Switches are like whips from what I've seen or heard so that seems a bit odd and over the line maybe but again I'm gonna hold off till we know more... This sucks though... I hate seeing someone like ADP be involved in anything like this
I hate it too, but it's not a surprise from a guy who grew up in Texas, is a devout Christian and is against gay marriage.

I probably would never do this, but I can't say I think switching is wrong. Just the way we were raised, and I'm AP's age.
The way I see it, those parents who don't have the intellect to use words to communicate properly, resort to this type of punishment.

Instilling fear is an epic fail, in my opinion.
i'll bet you have no kids, just casting judgments from your soapbox
I have an 11 year old girl. I get frustrated for sure, but non-violent communication works much better than physical force, based on my experience.
try whacking her around with a tree stick then get back to us with which works better.

ITT people who can't tell the difference between a spank and a beating....

If AD left marks on the kid that showed up after days, he went too far. We need more details though.
Agree with this. A spanking is one thing, beating someone quite another. But not enough facts at this point.
what were you all spanked with pillows or some ####? a hand, belt, flyswatter, switch all left marks
No, NO........ Not the cushy pillow !!!!!

I probably would never do this, but I can't say I think switching is wrong. Just the way we were raised, and I'm AP's age.
The way I see it, those parents who don't have the intellect to use words to communicate properly, resort to this type of punishment.

Instilling fear is an epic fail, in my opinion.
i'll bet you have no kids, just casting judgments from your soapbox
I have an 11 year old girl. I get frustrated for sure, but non-violent communication works much better than physical force, based on my experience.
There's a huge difference between an 11 yo girl and a boy. Discipline according to what works.

BUT if this is true, AD ####ed

More from TMZ: "Sources connected to Peterson tell us (that) the alleged victim is a male child from Minnesota who was visiting (Peterson) back in May at the running back's Texas home. We're told the child returned home to his mother in Minnesota who noticed injuries and took the child to a doctor. A short time later, the doctor contacted authorities in Texas to report Peterson."
I'm bout to press chargers on my mom!! All the ### whippings I got with anything she could fine belt switch extension cord lol I'm calling her right now tell get her stuff together she going to jail

wife works for CPS. Switches are fine, leaving marks that last for days is not
that's a fine line. you're free to smack your child with a stick, but if you accidentally break the skin, you're going to jail? seems like it shouldn't be allowed in the first place.

that's like saying you're welcome to use a knife and stab at your child in discipline, but if it pierces the skin, you're getting locked up.

I'm bout to press chargers on my mom!! All the ### whippings I got with anything she could fine belt switch extension cord lol I'm calling her right now tell get her stuff together she going to jail
My mom used to use a steel spatula. That left some interesting marks :)

Just don't believe he'll be suspended for this. Not downplaying how serious child abuse but think people are reaching here....and I only own AP in 1 of 15 dynasty leagues so I'm not bias. If he sits so be it.

I'm bout to press chargers on my mom!! All the ### whippings I got with anything she could fine belt switch extension cord lol I'm calling her right now tell get her stuff together she going to jail
My mom used to use a steel spatula. That left some interesting marks :)
Wooden spoon, belt, slipper, my parents liked to rotate. You need to mix it up every now and then to make life more interesting.

For starters, “Injury to a Child” is defined by Texas Penal Code 22.04 which says,

(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence, by act or intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly by omission, causes to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual:

(1) serious bodily injury;

(2) serious mental deficiency, impairment, or injury; or

(3) bodily injury.

There are affirmative defenses under this statute, however:

Penal Code 9.61 governs the parent-child relationship and says, “(a) The use of force, but not deadly force, against a child younger than 18 years is justified:

“(1) if the actor is the child’s parent or stepparent or is acting in loco parentis to the child; and

“(2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is necessary to discipline the child or to safeguard or promote his welfare.

“(b) For purposes of this section, “in loco parentis” includes grandparent and guardian, any person acting by, through, or under the direction of a court with jurisdiction over the child, and anyone who has express or implied consent of the parent or parents.

Teachers are also provided an affirmative defense in some situations under Section 9.62:

“The use of force, but not deadly force, against a person is justified:

“(1) if the actor is entrusted with the care, supervision, or administration of the person for a special purpose; and

“(2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is necessary to further the special purpose or to maintain discipline in a group.

Again, law surrounding injury to a child is extremely complicated and the stakes are very high. By handling things on your own or simply trusting investigators that have contacted you — you are taking a huge gamble with your future!
Just don't believe he'll be suspended for this. Not downplaying how serious child abuse but think people are reaching here....and I only own AP in 1 of 15 dynasty leagues so I'm not bias. If he sits so be it.
Dude he will absolutely be suspended.

and 15 dynasty leagues? WTH man?

For starters, “Injury to a Child” is defined by Texas Penal Code 22.04 which says,

(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence, by act or intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly by omission, causes to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual:

(1) serious bodily injury;

(2) serious mental deficiency, impairment, or injury; or

(3) bodily injury.

There are affirmative defenses under this statute, however:

Penal Code 9.61 governs the parent-child relationship and says, “(a) The use of force, but not deadly force, against a child younger than 18 years is justified:

“(1) if the actor is the child’s parent or stepparent or is acting in loco parentis to the child; and

“(2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is necessary to discipline the child or to safeguard or promote his welfare.

“(b) For purposes of this section, “in loco parentis” includes grandparent and guardian, any person acting by, through, or under the direction of a court with jurisdiction over the child, and anyone who has express or implied consent of the parent or parents.

Teachers are also provided an affirmative defense in some situations under Section 9.62:

“The use of force, but not deadly force, against a person is justified:

“(1) if the actor is entrusted with the care, supervision, or administration of the person for a special purpose; and

“(2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is necessary to further the special purpose or to maintain discipline in a group.

Again, law surrounding injury to a child is extremely complicated and the stakes are very high. By handling things on your own or simply trusting investigators that have contacted you — you are taking a huge gamble with your future!
I'm shocked you didn't add your anti-Christian bias to this post, too.

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Wow, I really hope Tom in Toppshelf's league doesn't also have AP. It would be a really bad week for him if so.

If you think corporal punishment is barbaric and you're a Texas resident, feel free to write your Representative to get laws changed. Otherwise, take it up with the Founding Fathers who made State's Rights a central facet of our government at the very beginning.

Of course, everyone is free to voice a personal opinion. Texas residents are the only ones whose opinions practically matter, though.

depending on the injuries and if its his son (which you gotta hope it is) this could be nothing more than an angry mother getting back at her babies daddy.
Not saying it is or isn't, but I agree it has to be one possibility. 11 year old boys get bruises from 100 different things. But I'm sure CPS investigates tons of stuff based on accusations. I guess they concluded it was Peterson? And police agree? Is that how this works?

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