I'm somewhat concerned about the quality of the website this season. Specifically, allowing articles and info to slip a bit. Lately, some information and results have been continually moved back for one or two or three days. Based on the quality of my service last year, I'm not as satisfied this year.I'm sure I don't realize the amount of work that is put into this website. It promises a great deal every week. That said, to see things pushed back so often makes me think they are attempting too much. If articles cannot be completed when promised due to overwork or fatigue or health reasons, isn't it better to not offer so much? In my own career, I cannot allow my personal life to enter into my profession. If I have a health challenge, I must arrange for someone to cover for me. If I am fatigued, I need to examine my priorities and eliminate something in my life which is taking away from my job performance.FBGs has a great site and quality material. I would hate to see them lose business and influence for lack of professionalism.