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Ran a 10k - Official Thread (4 Viewers)

@gianmarco congrats on such a gutsy race, you completely exceeded what I thought you were capable today. I’ll be honest I was worried about you heading into this one.

Monster performance and a great race report. Enjoy the post race activities you bmf.
Thanks so much. You weren't the only one worried. I really thought today could be a disaster.  I'm still not sure how it happened other than the course definitely played a big part. 

I think he’s relatively in control with that coming down along with pace a bit. Wondering how the downhill this far in is going as far as a pro / con.  Gotta help the perceived effort and HR side but the legs can be getting a new thrashing. 
This is exactly what happened. Absolutely helped overall but did a number on the legs at the end. I meant to quote this earlier but it was spot on.

Great job, @gianmarco. Super proud of you. 👍🏻
I still can't wait to hear about yours. As @gruecdcan attest, I was a mess after this race. We couldn't join them to go eat yet. Finally feeling better now.  I feel badly about just sitting down and not asking about anyone else. It even took me a few to ask about the Mrs.

But, that time given current circumstances is ridiculous. And not surprised at all. Dude runs that race on a bum wheel. 


Great job, @gianmarco. Super proud of you. 👍🏻

I still can't wait to hear about yours. As @gruecdcan attest, I was a mess after this race. We couldn't join them to go eat yet. Finally feeling better now.  I feel badly about just sitting down and not asking about anyone else. It even took me a few to ask about the Mrs.

But, that time given current circumstances is ridiculous. And not surprised at all. Dude runs that race on a bum wheel. 

Time for beers you pansies. Up and at em.

I still can't wait to hear about yours. As @gruecdcan attest, I was a mess after this race. We couldn't join them to go eat yet. Finally feeling better now.  I feel badly about just sitting down and not asking about anyone else. It even took me a few to ask about the Mrs.

But, that time given current circumstances is ridiculous. And not surprised at all. Dude runs that race on a bum wheel. 

Nothing better and worse than the feeling after completing a marathon. I can’t function for a few days after. 

How are you feeling this morning @gianmarco?
Feeling good. Legs still pretty sore, especially the quads. Around mile 21, my right calf also really tightened up but somehow got through it without it getting worse. Right after the race, I couldn't move that calf and I actually thought I had strained/partially tore my Achilles because it was exquisitely painful. But it was just the calf and that's really the only thing I'm still feeling this morning that "hurts". Just got up and stretched it out a bit and it's better. 

Me, I otherwise feel fine. Needed a couple hours yesterday but, aside from the legs, feel great. No stomach issues. Energy wise feel fine. I was tired and went to sleep by 7:30 but feel rested now.

Overall, pretty good.

Thinking about yesterday, when that HR and effort really jumped suddenly at mile 10, I contemplated throwing in the towel for the next 3 miles. Not to quit the race, but to just drop down to 10+ minute miles and just enjoy the rest of the course without trying to race.

But as each mile ticked off, I just kept thinking just do one more and see where you are. When I got to 17ish and saw 180s, I thought I was done and might as well just keep going as long as I can. When the legs went shortly afterward, then it was just a matter of pushing the legs as fast as they'd go for as long as I could. Just get to mile 21 and you'll have gotten father than the first one. At that point, it was the mind#### of being able to get under 4 but stuck with it.

I will say, though, I never once thought of quitting the race. And I honestly never once thought of just walking. Slowing down? A lot. For about 16 ####### miles.  And that torture chamber @gruecdput me through almost two years ago was something that helped keep me going because I knew I could suffer through it if I just did it. 

Thought of many of you here during that time, tough times or injuries when I should consider myself lucky to even be out here to gutty performances ( hi @SayWhat?) and just overall this thread and it just became a non-option to slow down.

Strava of my friend's race

:lmao:  @ her HR. So nice of her to take a stroll with me during her first marathon. Not unexpectedly, lack of volume was what did her in with the leg cramps toward the end. I was so happy to keep not seeing her as the race went. I was shocked I caught up to her in the middle of mile 25. But apparently, she got that shoulder tap and pushed to the end, finishing shortly behind me. Awesome debut for someone that never ran more than 30 miles in a week prior to this May.

Week 3 report

65.3 miles, 7:14 average pace.  Happy with the mileage.  I still don't see myself increasing this much as the weeks go by.  Pace was slower due to a slow long run yesterday but that's OK.

Two runs of note.  A fast 5-miler on Tuesday and yesterday's long run.

The 5-miler was a success.  I've run several of these this year using the exact same route making them easy to compare.  This was my fastest one averaging 5:38.  Strava credits me with a 17:17 5K which, by a small margin, is my fastest 5K ever.  I'd like to start stretching these run out to 6, 7 or maybe 8 miles at around the same pace but I'm not ready for that yet.

Yesterday's 19-miler was my slowest long run in quite some time at 7:39 pace.  I didn't sleep well Friday night.  Watch says only 5 hours.  The lack of sleep had me up early so one benefit was getting started at 5:13 a.m. on a hot, humid morning.  With the weather and lack of sleep I really just wanted to get miles in and was comfortable slowing down.  I wanted to run at least 17 but stretched it to 19.  I felt fine, no bonk.  Stopped at four water fountains.  Nothing to eat.  Hamstrings and glutes (which sometimes give my trouble on long runs) weren't bad at that pace.

I'm already nervous about this next week.  I've decided to do 800s at the track.  Maybe on Tuesday.  I don't think I'm done 800s in at least 5 years.  I also want to do next week's long run mostly at marathon pace so I'll have to prepare myself for that.

I didn't sleep well Friday night.
Same here, had family in town and had more beers than hours slept. Got up for my 16 mile long run and wasn’t feeling it so took it easy for the first 12 miles, woke up my sister, ran with her for her planned 4. 

Got in my planned 70 for the week, next week’s schedule doesn’t have any planned workouts. I guess the focus of the week will be the 20 miler.

Same here, had family in town and had more beers than hours slept. Got up for my 16 mile long run and wasn’t feeling it so took it easy for the first 12 miles, woke up my sister, ran with her for her planned 4. 

Got in my planned 70 for the week, next week’s schedule doesn’t have any planned workouts. I guess the focus of the week will be the 20 miler.
70! I just looked at your Strava profile. You have been absolutely killing it lately. Way to go!

Crap, I need stop laying out back with coffee and finish my week so I can do me one of these. 
Week 1 and some preamble

Glad to be on plan, going with a 16 week Hanson approach. I moved things up a day to get SoS on Monday & weds and long on Saturday to work better with other stuff. I think it might help my relationships with Mondays as I generally feel good at work after workouts. We are more social on Sat day/night too so another plus. 

First 2 weeks are 1 SoS and then things escalate in week 3 with 2 plus the increasingly long long runs and will be a lot of quality to manage - I think I’ve put a base in place to take on if I stick to the plan.  Sleep and food are going to have to improve.

45 miles on just under 7 hours this week. Only workout was 4 miles at goalish pace which is 7:47/mile = 3:25 or so marathon time.  Not sure how I feel about it yet, the workouts seem reasonable at paces built around that goal but the long runs seem like they will take a lot of effort (duh). HR has been pretty solid so I’m interested to see where things shake out with more quality.  I need my legs to come around a good bit as they are lagging. All together, I’ve got a bit of confidence going so I’m gonna ride it as smartly as I can. 

Booked a flight to Indy the other day - surprisingly reasonable from Baltimore and late day return Sunday so I can lay around napping everywhere.  

I forget what week I am on, but this one sucked. 

I wrote a few weeks ago that my plan for July was aggressive. If I navigated it successfully I could step back vacation week and not worry about training, but knew that would be a challenge. And my body said no mas this week. All sun makes a desert though. Expecting every week amidst a training plan to go well is a fool's errand.

Achilles tendinitis derailed the SoS workout then a myriad of other factors took care of the rest. Some were within my control (diet, social committments) and others weren't (work stress, mother nature), but regardless I decided to punish myself today. 2+ hours in a 150+ suck when my body clearly wasn't happy about any of it. Oh well - suck it up, buttercup. It was a miserable time on feet workout, but the bad wheel is fine and suffering through it without blowing up will pay off eventually.

Only 42 miles for the week. Hoping mother nature breaks enough for a longer pace run before we head to the lake. Gonna apply glue between now and then with a goal of finishing the month in the 220-230 range. 

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week 3... things are kind of bad.

My back is really pretty angry right now. I ended up taking a few more days off here after running Tuesday and Wednesday this week to try to heal. I'm doing a lot of stretching and core strength stuff and it is a lot better now than it was but I need it to get "more better" soon and not be a lingering issue that I keep dealing with. A truly long run isn't in the cards right now. 

Tokyo Olympic Men’s Tri on USA Network presently, tri guys.

Running guys, they are still on bikes, run leg to come.

Swimming guys, sorry. 
Hmm, this is a bottle of wine on the back deck sorta night. But I'm tempted to fire up the projector for this as the sun sets. Not turning off the jams though. 

Oh, this a sprint tri? Never mind, gonna keep my ### parked right here and jam.

Time cast a spell on you

But you wont forget me 

I know i could have loved you

But you wouldnt let me 

Week 6 of London Training complete.  It’s also been 6 straight weeks of 70+ miles.

I’m definitely grinding but I feel like my fitness is making some nice leaps.  

I continue to manage a balky glute. Stretching happens after every run. I’m also trying to strengthen it a couple days a week (but only on hard running days). 

I’m less optimistic about London allowing international runners.  Therefore, I’ll likely race Boston.  This will necessitate some hill work which could really aggravate the glute. I may have to also have a renewed focus on quad strengthening for the Boston downhills. 

Training is hard.  But I feel like everything is going according to plan. 

I’ll be honest, watching people ( @SayWhat?, @gianmarco, @gruecd among others) do well in races is so motivational for me.  

Keep pushing those summer training runs.  It will pay off this fall!

Alright, guys. Need some feedback for the wife.

She officially got in under the BQ cutoff of 3:50 for her AG. But she obviously missed her goal of 3:40. 

Things went well for 22 miles and then her legs (quads) gave out and didn't let her finish. Up until that point, she was close to on pace. Fitness wise, she was great. HR in 150s and low 160s. She never felt fatigued or that the pace was too much. This was all legs.

Her training was solid. Consistently 40-45 mpw. But slightly less volume than last year when she followed Hanson's very closely. This time was more about 70% due to work/weather/life. 

She took gels ever 4 miles, drank at every aid station. This was on point. So really, everything went well until the last 4 miles. Story of the marathon. But, now the question is how to unlock that final piece since she should be capable of hitting that goal time.

Part of it, at least IMO, was the course. Yeah, it's a "gentle" downhill, but it's cumulative and I know right now my quads hurt more than they've ever hurt before. Hopefully @gruecdcan weigh in a little as well based on his experience over so many marathons. Someone we know that ran a 3:39 on it said her quads were hurting by mile 5.

So, Monumental is next up for her. It's flat. What does she likely need to do to get that final 26.2 at her goal pace?

-- More volume?

-- Leg strengthening training

-- Specific workouts?

-- Not much, it was the course and it'll come soon?

-- Something else?

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Was the Mrs doing much hill or strength work? I know she's busy, so if separate strength workouts aren't possible, I think regular hills and/or adding squats to runs will help. I used to do out and backs with a set of squats at the return point, weighting the legs as the run went on.

I think you're right about the downhill course being her undoing, but to maximize her chances of qualifying I'd prioritize volume. Everything else she's been doing is clearly working. So, add mileage. Maybe shoot for 215 in Aug, 230-240 in Sep, then hold that mpw line til the taper.

If she makes it in monumental THEN shift the focus to leg strengthening, which she'll need as the Boston course is substantially different than Indy.

Alright, guys. Need some feedback for the wife.

She officially got in under the BQ cutoff of 3:50 for her AG. But she obviously missed her goal of 3:40. 

Things went well for 22 miles and then her legs (quads) gave out and didn't let her finish. Up until that point, she was close to on pace. Fitness wise, she was great. HR in 150s and low 160s. She never felt fatigued or that the pace was too much. This was all legs.

Her training was solid. Consistently 40-45 mpw. But slightly less volume than last year when she followed Hanson's very closely. This time was more about 70% due to work/weather/life. 

She took gels ever 4 miles, drank at every aid station. This was on point. So really, everything went well until the last 4 miles. Story of the marathon. But, now the question is how to unlock that final piece since she should be capable of hitting that goal time.

Part of it, at least IMO, was the course. Yeah, it's a "gentle" downhill, but it's cumulative and I know right now my quads hurt me than they've ever hurt before. Hopefully @gruecdcan weigh in a little as well based on his experience over so many marathons. Someone we know that ran a 3:39 on it said her quads were hurting by mile 5.

So, Monumental is next up for her. It's flat. What does she likely need to do to get that final 26.2 at her goal pace?

-- More volume?

-- Leg strengthening training

-- Specific workouts?

-- Not much, it was the course and it'll come soon?

-- Something else?
First, recovery from the race and feel good for reasons described in #2  

Second, the multiplier effect touted here that the subsequent cycles bear the fruit.  For more experience reasons as well as more base and training accumulation reasons.  

As to the J&J cycle, how’d the tempo/goal pace runs go and did she hit them all in that 70%? Was it easy runs dropped. The tempos really tell the tale and if it’s the book plan, the 3 swings at each distance give a lot of time at target pace. Stretching out the long runs longer is also a move some apply.  Since you put a # out there of 70%, that’s 20-30 missed runs over 18 weeks so that has ample volume upside. 

So, Monumental is next up for her. It's flat. What does she likely need to do to get that final 26.2 at her goal pace?

-- More volume?

-- Leg strengthening training

-- Specific workouts?

-- Not much, it was the course and it'll come soon?

-- Something else?
Like everything it depends, there are different paths to getting better and they generally include more work and time. My immediate concern with your wife is the idea of racing two marathons in just over three months. I would have a tough time with that, after my first two marathons I needed a break.

That being said 40-45 mpw is a little light, and I needed more than that for my first BQ.  


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