I think he's spot on and the average FF fan is thinking with their hearts. As an owner I would love nothing more than for Mixon to see no repercussions in his NFL career. That's just not likely. You are drastically underestimating the power SJW have today. This will be all over all of the social media sites. Sponsors are going to get involved. He's totally toxic and there are going to be a LOT of teams that want no part in it.
I respectfully disagree. If there was such a backlash with him, why haven't we seen much of it since the video was released? Sure there was some significant fall out from that, but at the end of the day he wasn't found to be criminally at fault in a court of law, thus there is more to this than people realize and details of that would come out with whatever social media or SJW have on the issue (don't get me started on that).
Steelers makes a great point... Tyreek Hill pushed his pregnant girlfriend down the stairs and I didn't hear that once when he was playing like a freak last season.
Here's what will likely happen when he's drafted: The local paper for the team that drafts him will make a comment on how he has a history. They will run a story. Possibly 2. He may even end up making a statement in a press conference about it. He likely will apologize and say that was years ago and he's grown up a lot since then.
By August no one will either care or remember because this was all back in April/May.
A year from now we will be discussing the upcoming draft class and how some knucklehead is bound to drop significantly in the NFL draft and someone on here will say that he's not worth the risk in dynasty and we will say, hey Joe Mixon is a great example of someone who was worth the bargain.
Sure, I could be wrong and there could be massive protests in the streets and people burning effigies demanding that the team cuts him or whatever. But I seriously doubt that. It's old news. If it happened a week ago that's one thing. He could also get into trouble and prove to be not worth the risk. Entirely possible. IMO, a talented player with a history such as Mixon is worth the risk. I do not feel his history is that significant for him professionally a variety of reasons outlined in that particular thread. Not worth debating here. Obviously you feel otherwise and I can respect that. We won't know for a while I suppose.
My question would be, what would the PR fall out be? What should teams be worried about? By September if that player is performing well, history shows that fans will cheer for them. I guess I don't understand why teams would be so worried about social media and whatever. People find more important things to get their panties in a bundle. They'll get bored fast and move onto the next thing. I don't see this harming a franchise significantly except if it happens again, or if he gets in trouble. And if that happens you cut him and move on and you've only spent a 3-4th round pick on him.